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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1981, p. 5

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Legal Notice SS: STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF MCHENRY > IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF ) THE PETITION OF ) FLORENCE ANN ) McCLURE and ) DANIELLE LEE ) McCLURE, a minor, by ) her mother and next ) best friend, ) Florence Ann McClure, ) FOR CHANGE OF ) NAME , ) OF NAME Notice is hereby given in pursuance with Ch. 96 III. Rev. Stats, Sec. 3, that on the 10th day of April, 1981, FLORENCE ANN Mc­ CLURE and DANIELLE LEE McCLURE, d minor, will file a Petition in the Circuit Court of McHenry County requesting that they both be allowed to assume the name of VITALE as and for their legal names. FLORENCE ANN McCLURE DANIELLE LEE McCLURE, a minor, by Florence Ann McClure, her mother DATED at McHenry, Illinois this 12th day of January, 1961 MOHR & LEWIS Attorney for Petitioners 420 North Front Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 (815) 385-1313 (Pub March6,13,20,1981) No. 800065 Legal Notice v 1 NOTICE OF ^ PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance for the Road and Bridge Fund and Permanent Hard Road Fund of the Town of Nunda, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1981 and ending Marcn 31. 1982. will be on file and con­ veniently available to public inspection at the township office, 3510 Bay Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois, between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., any weekday nrior to the Public Hearing, from and after 8:30 A.M., on the 27th day of February, 1981 Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget and ap propriation ordinance will be nela at 7:30 P M on Tuesday, March 31st, 1981, at the Nunda Township Office, 3510 Bay Roacf, Crystal Lake, Illinois, in this Town and that final action on tms ordinance will be taken by the Board of Town Trustees at this meeting. Dated this 27th day of February, 1981. s Kathleen C Harper Town Clerk, Nunda Township (Pub March6,13& 20.1981) No 810018 Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Cemetery Fund of the Town of Nunda, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1981, and ending March 31, 1982, will be on file and conveniently available to public in­ spection at the Township Office, 3510 Bay Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois, between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., any weekday prior to the Public Hearing, from and after 8:30 A.M., the 27th day of February, 1981. Notice is further given hereby that a public hearing j>n said Budget and Ap­ propriation Ordinance will be held at 7:30 P.M., Wed­ nesday, April 8th, 1981, at the Nunda Township Office, 3510 Bay Road. Crystal Lake, Illinois, in this Town and that final action on this Or­ dinance will be taken by the Cemetery Trustees at this meeting. Dated this 27th day of February, 1981. s James D. Curran President s Leonard Hammerstone NUNDA TOWNSHIP CEMETERY FUND (Pub. March6,13& 20,1961 No. 810116 Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a tentative budget and ap­ propriation ordinance for the Town Fund. General Assistance Fund and Revenue Sharing Fund for the Town of Nunda, in the County of McHeni^, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1981 and ending March 31, 1982, will be on file and conveniently available to public in­ spection at the township office, 3510 Bay Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois, between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., any weekday prior to the Public Hearing, from and after 8:30 A.M., the 27th day of February, 1981. Notice is further given hereby that a public hear­ ing on said budget and appropriation ordinance will be held at 7:30 P.M., on Legal Notice MEETING NOTICE The Nunda Township Cemetery Trustees will hold their regular Board meeting on Monday, March 30th, 1981, at 7:00 P.M. at the Township Office, 3510 Bay Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois. s Anita Sherwood Executive Secretary Nunda Township Fund Dated: Fet (Pub. Cemetery 1 27th, 1981. en 6,13 & 1,1981) lay, Apr at the Nunda Townshij Office, 3510 Bay Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois, in this Town and that final action on this ordinance will be taken by the Board of Town Trustees at this meeting. Dated this 27th day of February, 1981. s Anita Sherwood Supervisor s Kathleen C. Harper Town Clerk Nunda Township i PUD. March 6, 20, 1981 No 810117 No 810120 Legal Notice NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Nunda Township Cemetery Board of Trustees is now inviting bids for the maintenance of grounds, including mowing, and trimming of grass areas, at the four township ^cemeteries: Prairie Grove, Ridgefield, Holcombville*. and McMillan. Bidders mav obtain specifications at the Nunda Township Office. 3510 Bay Road. Crystal Lake, Illinois, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Sealed bids, specifying the service and-or material to be furnished, will be due Monday, March 30th, 1981, at the township office, and the bids will be opened at 7:00 P.M. that same evening at the township office. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted. Anita Sherwood Executive Secretary NUNDA TOWNSHIP CEMETERY TRUSTEES DATED. February 27th. 1981 (Pub. March6,13& 20.1981) No. 810119 Legal Notice Notice of Public Sale The Special Education District of McHeni^ County is offering for public sale to the highest bidder, the following vehicles: 1970,54 passenger Superior school bus 1971, 48 passenger Superior school bus 1972, 66 passenger Superior scnool bus 1972, 36 passenger Ford- Carpenter school bus 1973, 36 passenger INT- Carpenter school bus. 19r76, 20 passenger Ford- Carpenter school bus with a wheelchair lift Sealed bids on a form provided by SEDOM must be received prior to 12:00 noon. Tuesday, April 7, 1981. Bid forms are available from the office of the SEDOM Superintendent, 1200 Dane Street, Woodstock, IL (Pub March 18& 20,1981) No 810147 Legal Notice Sealed bids will be received by the City Council of the City of McHenry, "ithT!™!?;--nf"" ••»«»- • Municipal Building), 1111 N. Green Street, until 10 A M on Monday, March 30, 1981. for underground fuel tanks and pumps to be in­ stalled at tne Public Works Maintenance Building, 105 N Green Street, McHenry, Illinois. 60050 V Specifications may be secured in the offifce of the City Clerk The right is reserved to reject any and all bids or to waive any in­ formality in any bid and to accept any considered ad­ vantage to the City. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Barbara E Gilpin, City Clerk (Pub Mar 20,25& 27. 1981) (No 810150) Legal Notice Sealed proposals will be received at the office of Parks and Recreation, McHenry City Hall (Municipal Building), 1111 Parks And Recreation Ford- Ford- Chev- Mi Education Is Important In The Hairstyling Profession. Fashion And Products Change Continually. Our Staff Is One That Keeps On TOP. Texturiztng Is Important For Today's Styles. During The Month Of March We Are Offering A \ SPECIAL $2 | 00 PERM Come In And Find Out What's New In Hair Fashion For You. .©jmuCl £«Jkr\jC 385-2966 810 N. Front, McHenry fipftlMff Friday & Saturday, March 21 & 22 , March 27 & 28 Wednetdgy Night Special All The Chicken You Can Eat (with Salad Bar) Friday Smorgasbord Fish Fry (witn Salad Bar) Saturday Steak ft C AC Seafood Smorgaibord Sunday Wine Brunch Call Now for Reservations 217 N. FRONT McHenry The City of McHenry Department of Parks and Recreation will sponsor a cooking class entitled Cuisines of China II The curriculum for Sandra Young's class covers a brilliant spectrum of temp­ ting recipes from every region of China From the north there are the noodles, lamb, elegant and mild s e a s o n i n g s F r e s h vegetables, seafood and flavorful dumplings from the southern or Cantonese '-••etHsiHev Sitamthai'beattUstH. cuisine with emphasis on such standards as red cooking and an abundance of N Green Street. McHenry. Illinois, until Monday, April 6. 1981. at 10 A M Bids will be publicly opened and read at this time Bids will be received for concession equipment items Specifications may be secured in the office of the City Clerk, 1111 N Green Street. McHenry, Illinois. 60050. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids or to waive any informality in any bid and to accept any con sidered advantage to the Citv BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Barbara E Gilpin, City Clerk i Pub Mar 20. 27 & Apr r, 1981) ' No 810151) vegetable dishes, and the spicy dishes of Szechwan, the western cuisine The four- week class begins Wednesday. March 25. Classes meet at Parkland Junior high school from 7 to 9:30 pm The fee for this class includes all supplies and recipe handouts Registration for this class is now being taken at McHenry city hall For further information on this class, call the Department of Parks and Recreation at -3A123QQ - PAGE 5 PLAINDEALER FRIDAY. MARCH 20. 1981 Sponsor tack-Show Identification Clinic Getting someone else to do your work is the recipe for success. The Greenwood Gremlins 4-H club would like to help 4- H'ers and friends throughout the county help prevent the loss of tack and show equipment by sponsoring a tack and show identification clinic Anyone who has tack and show equipment and wants to have, it per m a n e n t l y i d e n t i f i e d preferably with drivers' license number, should bring the equipment to the McHenry Count v F arm Bureau auditorium at McConnell road,, Woodstock, from 9 to 11 Saturday. March 21 The Greenwood Gremlins are receiving cooperation and assistance from the McHenry County Sheriff's department in promoting this safety activity A bake sale will also be available in KU ^M O , >; r,a-.c an important job and you don't agree with official policy, the next day you call in dead The McHenry Plaindealer 3S12 West | lm Street USPS 335 200 Establ ished I I7S McHenry l l l inpn 600S0 Phone I I V3tS 0170 Publ ished f very Wednetdoy f t fndoy of McHenry I l l inois Second Closs Postage Poid at McHenry I l l inois By McHlNiY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Send oddret i changes to McHenry Plomdeoler 3f t I 2 W i lm St McHenry I I I .no. i t 40050 Subscr iber* ore requested to provide immed>o*v oi chonge o* addrest to The McHenry Plomdeolec 3ft 1-2 W Elm S» Mi Henry II I 60050 A deduction oi one month f rom the eipirot .on ol a wi l l b« mode where o change ol address >s provided through the Post Of4.ce deportment Adele Froehllch Editor HURRY! The earlier you buy the more you SAVE. SAVE up to *300* this month on a Toro lawn tractor SAVE up to s150* on a Toro bagging system SAVE up to a total of TORO 450 Nobody engineers long life into lawn tractors like Toro. Compare the long life engineering features , the comfor t , the cut Then come in and buy any Toro lawn tractor this month and SAVE MORE' Plus get a bagging system lor 1 /2 pr ice. All f ront engine Toro Tractors carry a 2 year warranty Model .57360E wi th opt ional bagging svs tem Spring reb^'f r.pdu f- M a r • A f : M a v R e a r E n g i n e 5 . " ; « • > i 2 S S . U . 8 H P F r o n t E n y $ « . I X $ 1 7 5 i l j H P F r o n t Lr.g [ ' $ 2 7 5 ' %22t' Thomas C. Miller-Publisher MEMRf R J98°^ - NfWS'APtR j NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES $15 SO I In McHenry County Outside McHenry County SEE THE TORO MULCHER Mutityi 57360EM 8 HP 32" Mulcher No bagging no raking cuts and chops clippings tinf feeds them to your lawn All season accessories available Thev r* ' (jepeii'iat .v !:'!»' • Specially designed mui< ing . hamber L i l ts grass L« • AM>J GEO. P. FREUND, INC. 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry, II. 60050 Comparing manufacturer $ re- ; pr ice and promot ional sei i ing pr P l e a s e s e n d F R E E NAME P H O N F CITY TONES MUSIC I aiCTlON.CS SHOWN ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY EXCITING BUYS!!! ( ... MITEmST March 20 & 21st Friday & Saturday SAVE 30% 10 40%, EVEN 70% On Certain Select Items, Limited Quantities - FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED TRUNK LID MOUNT MOBILE ANTENNA MODEL 17610- $1495 $30.00 VALUE | Mm WHILE YOU'RE ASLEER SONY WORKS THE NIGHT SHIFT. LIST $69.95 SONY Fuzzbuster II Multi-Band Police Radar Detector Fuzzbustar II Multi-Band Radar Datactor. Datacts All Typat Of Polka Radar The oil new Fuzzbuster II receives all bands of traffic radar including X, K Y and the experimental bonds It alerts you up to 3 miles of radar's random reach with a short initial beep. It's warning light stays on until you're clear. Automatically reiects signals from non- radar sources. Equally effective in suburbs and on the highways Stock No. 2S5 0101 Retail Price $12* *5 WHILE THEY LAST I >79.95 POLICE RADIO SPECIALS! PANASONIC SE 5008 AM/FM W/PHONO LIST i3»9/?5 PANASONIC SE 5508 AM/FM CASSETTE W/PHONO CRAIG T633 CAR STEREO W/CASSETTE 5^7 PFANSTIEHL DIAMOND NEEDLES IN STOCK Ouf reqular ^0 95 Bung your o ld needle or model number and th is coupon ONE TO A CUSTOMER © S2459S 531495 s 1 2 4 " EPIPHONE GUITARS Prices Slashed on All Models SAVE ON ALL IN STOCK SONY TELEVISIONS Bearcat III-H $ 1 1 9 9 5 ON SALE L i s t en i n on al l the act ion o f l o ca l Po l ice F i re & Rescue cal ls More exci t ing than TV because what you hear is real l ive act ion happening in your town W 4 Crystals WE FEATURE FISHER ft PIONEER STEREO COMPONENTS USED BAND INSTRUMENTS REAL BARGAINS! CASSETTE CASES % PRICE TJTMS MUSIC J IlICTIOmCS Rte. 31 - 120 Across from Jewel 815-385-4646 i

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