SECTION A -PAGE A6 BEN FRANKLIN Parade of Values Sale! SNAQCBAKS 3 MUSKETEE in«rniTi SNICKERS. each each Snack-Size Candy Bars. 10-oz. bag of your favorite treats. 74 Deluxe Spout Pail. 12-qt. size. Made of durable plastic. Colors. 28 Laundry Basket. 1 Vfe-bu. cap. Sturdy plastic, many colors. 28 each Round Wastebasket. 28-qt. size. Plastic. Decorator colors. 28 each Fesco Wastebaskets. 9-11 -qt Assorted styles and colors. 27 Tinware Cake Pans. 8x8x2-in. square or 8x1 Vfe-in. round pan. 26 * M Tirrw^reBisquit She^Tfx? or 1 Pan or Cookie 151/4Xl01/4-in. 26 each Tinware Loaf, Roast Pans. 13x9x2-in. or 8Vfex4Vfex2Vfe-in. 26 1.74 pkg. Non-Adhesive Shelf Liner. Heavy poly. 12-in. wide. 10-ft. long. Colors. 24 Bathtub Appliques. Set of 14 appliques with adhesive backing. 21 each Rectangular Dish Pan. Twin sink bowl shape, 11x13x5-in. 22 each Twin Sink Dish Drainer. With silverware cup. 14x12Vfex4Vfe-in. 23