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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1981, p. 16

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Legal Notice Sealed bids will be received by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, at the City Hall (Municipal Building), nil North Green Street, until 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 13, 1981, for underground fuel tanks and pumps to be i rubhc Works installed at the Maintenance Building, 105 North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, 60050. ifi< Specifications may be secured in the office of the City Clerk. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids or to waive any in­ formality in any bid and to accept any considered ad­ vantage to the City. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Barbara E.Gilpin, City Clerk (Pub. April 3 & 8,1981) No. 810177 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF JULIA HEPPNER Deceased, File No. 81-P-122 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of JULIA HEPPNER, of Ringwood, Illinois. Letters of office were issued on March 24, 1981 to ERNEST G. WINTERS, 5003 Monroe St., Ringwood, IL., 60072 whose attorney is LEROY J WELTER. 1303 N. Richmond Rd., McHenry, IL., 60050 Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, 60098, or with the representative, or both , within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the represen­ tative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Vernon W Kays, Jr , Clerk of the Court (Pub. April 3. 8 & 10.1981) No 810175 Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY * ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK ILLINOIS-CHANCERY DTVTSfON CHARLESOFENLOCK, as Successor Trustee ) to RICHARD D. ) NEWLAND, Trustee, ) Deceased, BANK OF ) WAUKEGAN, and ) FIRST STATE BANK ) OF HARVARD, ) Plaintiffs ) vs. ) HOWARD F ) KATZENBERG, a-k-a ) H.F KATENBERG, ) Individually and d-b-a ) HUNTERCOUNTRY ) CLUB and KALO ) ENTERPRISES, ) INC., JOHN LOPEMAN, ) a-k-a JOHN C. ) LOPEMAN, Individually ) and d-b-a ) HUNTERCOUNTRY ) CLUB and KALO ) ENTERPRISES, INC., ) KALO ENTERPRISES, ) INC., an Illinois ) Corporation, ROBERT ) BUCHERT, a-k-a ) ROBERTJ BUCHERT. ) JOSEPH L CRABB, ) as Trustee, PEOPLE ) OF THE STATE ) OF ILLINOIS, FIRST ) STATE BANK OF ) HARVARD, FRANK ) ZARNSTARFF, VIRGINE t ZARNSTARFF, THE ) UNITED STATES OF ) AMERICA, SCHAEFER ) PACKING COMPANY. ) an Illinois Corporation, ) ANN L KATZENBERG, ) MARJORIE V. ) LOPEMAN, MRS ) ROBERT J. ) BUCHERT, and ) UNKNOWN OWNERS, ) Defendants ) The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given vou, ROBERT BUCHERT, a-k-a ROBERT J. BUCHERT, MRS ROBERT J. BUCHERT and UNKNOWN OWNERS defendants in the above- entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Chancery Division, by the said plaintiff against you descriDed as follows to wit: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 46 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois; ALSO Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 9. Township 46 North. Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence West along the North line thereof, 64 rods to the Northeast Corner of a piece of land conveyed by Francis Forrest and wife, to wife, by Warranty Deed dated April 21, 1849 and recorded in the Recor­ der's Office in Book 8 of Deeds, page 239, thence South along the East line of said piece of land conveyed to George M. Leach and wife, aforesaid, 50 rods to the Southeast . Corner thereof; thence East parallel with the North line of the said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 64 rods to the East line of the said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence North along the said East line, 50 rods to the place of beginning, (excepting therefrom that part thereof con­ tained within the Plat of Robert Hunter's Sub­ division, as recorded in the said Recorder's Office in Book 102 of Deeds, page 123; also excepting tnerefrom the North 190 feet of the West 207 feet thereof which lies adjacent to and immediately East of said Robert Hunter's Sub­ division), in McHenry County, Illinois; ALSO Lots 1 and 2 (excepting therefrom the North 19 rods and 9 feet thereof) of the Plat of Robert Hunter's Subdivision, said Subdivision being a Sirt of the Northwest uarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 46 North. Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Book 102 of Deeds, page 123, in McHenry County, Illinois; ALSO Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 9. Township 46 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as folows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of the said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and running thence North along the Last line of the said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. 12.03 chains to the Southeast Corner of a piece of land conveyed by Susan McConnell ana others to Mary May Parsons by Quit Claim Deed, dated March 22, 1909 and recorded in the Recor­ der's Office in Book 133 of Deeds, page 85; thence West along tne South line of said piece of land conveyed to Mary May Parsons, aforesaid, 13.72 chains to the East line of East Street; thence South along the said Last line of East Street to the South line of said Section 9; thence East along the said South line, 14.28 chains to the place of beginning (excepting therefrom that part thereof described as follows: Commencing at a point 250 feet North of the Southeast Corner of the said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and running thence West parallel with the South fine of said Section 9, 240 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of the said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 170 08 feet; thence East parallel with the South line of said Section 9, 240 feet to the East line of the said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence South along said East line, 170 feet to the place of beginning), in McHenry County. Illinois, commonly known as Hunter Country Club located at 5419 Kenosha Street, Richmond. Illinois. 632804 and 635923, respec­ tively And for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law. and that the said suit is now pending Now, therefore, unless you, the said above named defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Chancery Division, in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 6th day of May, 1981, default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint Dated March 23. 1981 Vernon W Kays. Jr, Clerk of the Circuit Court PIERCE & BASHAW Attorneys for Plaintiff 116 South Michigan Avenue Suite 1500 Chicago. Illinois 60603 (312 ) 346-9088 (Pub. April 1,8/15.1981) No. 810170 Legal Notice Commonly known as: Hunter Country Club. 5419 Kenosha Street, Richmond, Illinois 60071 And which said mortgage was made by KALO ENTERPRISES. INC., an Illinois corporation, Howard F Katzenberg a-k-a H.F Katenberg, John Lopeman a-k-a John C. Lopeman, and Robert Buchert a-k-a Robert J. Buchert to Richard D. Newland, as Trustee, as mortgagee and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, Illinois as document No. Professional Residential Carpet Cleaning Two Step Process 2Steamex • Rinsing 1 Rotary Machine • Scrubbing CALL PAUL 385-3252 MORENZ MAINTENANCE Fox Valley meats SHOP AND COMPARE! SreCTACULAH U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF SIDE c WIN A 17C IIm. KMTN3NLBS. BEEF I #3 IKJb. PURCHASE OR MORE 75 IbS. Chdnn Frywi 20 ft)S. Vegetables 30 lbs. Port 50 lbs. Weber Kettle ENTER NOW! Enter Every Time You Stop ... Drawing Held June 1st - CAN BE SEEN AT OUR STORE •400°° VALUE I Extra Bonus! Electric OVENette® Baker and Grill BIG WEST BEND /inn | nn USD A CHOICr ZUU LDO. SPECIAL (XAMPtf lOlNb ROUND 140taBHt IMBPfRlB PIUS 60 IB BONUS NO CMARGt TOTAI *162.40 The Complete Appliance tor prepannQ everyday meals, convenience foods and snacks' F R E E ! PLUS. . . R e g u l a r bonus for open­ ing your charge account with 300 lb. beef purchase or more. ALL MEAT SOLD HANGING WEIGHT According to Weights Available FREE! Coffee and Donuts| While You Watch Your Meat Cut U.S.D.A PRIME PRE-TRIMMED BEEF SIDES 350 LBS. AND UP '2.39 U.S.D.A PRIME For Thoaa Who Want the Very Boat! Steak and Roast Section Buy with confidence from a state inspected and approved establishment! FM mm trn m US0A On w4 *•» G*l •mf" m4 piM frt* taMp* «•*(. OMImk pi i • i| ImOb m mat 1*1 * bw< a **+ mmjt 1m atari im mem X m mm an a* ml mmrnt • ym mm+jmm ym Mil mu immnctmn » m VM mm m frnwmm tm mt tm «* to >*m* -- 11 li^i'P«Ilotwii^ Am rnmm n|M>ie <+m* mm* am* mm (to town mtatitrtBfi•<»•»••*!»•*»mtm^i taa**1 ̂ tm toaaa m pm » ranp mm Ma ato tM • m to* aa*ta aaaa • oak Na mm to tmm «•»"»"' <m0* Jtoaton L HI ml ill £ kn » (aatow Ma Wa an caw* mm* » tai mn • tog Yfto* m tatoto mrnm+m tona»n rn <ai to mm • <--• "•» * «"*"• &*••! -- toaa*l» • • to ww win Staatoiaa* CHARGE IT! 3 MONTHS SAME AS CASH Fox Valley Meats CALL FOR APPOINTMENT... 697-2616 920 Villa (Bus. Rt. 20) TOOMVTWNJRNOAV tt»7 Elgin, III. STATE OF ILLINOIS >SS StMfc Sfflon r«p Ground Bctf U S D A CHOICE VARIETY 300 LBS. TOP PRICEI MAMPIF 10IN RIB b ROUND 77b BW II U PfR LB PIUS 80 I B BONUS NO CHARGE TOTAL... *254.25 • •7r 1 DO USD A CHOICE 4/J LDO. SPECIAL IXAWPtf 100 lb SIDE BIH 99C Pffl IB PIUS 17S IB BONUS NO CMARGt TOTAL . . . *297.OC COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS IN RE THE MATTER ) OF THE PETITION ) OF LENORA ) ROBERT McLEOD ) andJOHN CHARLES ) McLEOD ) To adopt ) BRANDI LYNN GARD. ) a minor ) and ) TABOR CARD. Defendant ) General No 81 F 35 PUBLICATION NOTICE You are hereby given Notice that on April 28. 1981 at 1:00 P.M.. or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard. the Plaintiffs- Petitioners will appear before the Honorable Judge Hutchinson. Judge of the Circuit Court in Courtroom 310. Courthouse Building. Woodstock. Illinois, and shall then and there move the Court to terminate all rights rtr claims you may have to the child born Oc­ tober 27. 1973. known now to the Court as BRANDI LYNN GARD If you fail to appear before the court on that date, the Court will enter an Order terminating any rights or claims which vou mav have to said child By NEWELL & GRANT Attorney for Petitioners Newell & Grant P.O. Box 526 - 64 E Grand Fox Lake. Illinois 60020 1 Pub April 1.8. 15. 1981) No 810169 Legal Notice NOTIC'K Public Notice is hereby given that on March 24. A D PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALER 1981. a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office ad­ dresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as MORTON GARAGE DOOR COM PA NY. located at 2001 West Oakleaf. McHenry, IL 60050 Dated this 24th day of March. A D 1981 Rosemary Azzaro. County rierk -< Pub April 1. 8 & 15. 1981) - '4 No 810172) •WEDNESDAY, APRIL8. 1981 WHAT'S NEW -&) \y EASY TO INSTALL The Endura Faucet installs from the top with long flex lines reaching to the supply valves under the sink. A pinch-flo system eliminates repair parts. At hardware stores or Progressive Hard­ ware 5880 Salacot Ct. San Diego, Ca. 92124. INCOME TAX Paul A. Schwegel & Co. ACCOUNTANTS • TAX CONSULTANTS 4410 W. Rte. 120 - McHenry (815)385-4410 Year Round Accounting & Tax Office < For Over 25 Years McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. (Across from the Fox Hole) McHENRY, ILLINOIS 385-9240 GLASSES MADE WHILE YOU WAIT! (Single Vision Only) Over 3,000 First Quolity FRRMES Metal or Plastic 9< _ ALL KIDS FRRMES Metal $ or Plastic 12 VISIT OUR BOUTIQUE DESIGNER SECTION SENIOR CITIZENS FREE FRRMES W>TH OFFENSES EMERGENY REPAIRS & ERAME REPLACEMENT (815) DAILY 8 3U 5 30 SAT 8 30 4 WED 8 30 l ^ I 'A STEAK HOUSE WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING EASTER RESERVATIONS SPECIAL MENU NOON TIL 9 PM ANDRE'S IS OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH MON. thru FRI. 11 AM to 2 PM FISH FRY-Every Friday Evening BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE 25 TO 750 GUESTS For All Ocrc*' "i RETIREMENTS • REUNIONS • FASHION SHOWS DANCES • PROMS • SHOWERS • WEDDINGS 'AMU NORTH Of RTt. 173 ON US 12< fOR RESERVATIONS OR INFORMATION. CALL: HM7t-tt7] SATURDAY MM PATIO FURNITURE SALE Early Bird Specials! THESE LOW PRICES AT VOLO ONLY & 100 GHOUP (PlCTl RF SI* I.AHI - < y"/ PATIO SWINGS 2 passenger 3 passenger 1 *129.00 $179.00 (Adjustable canopy tops, aluminum frames, padded vinyl seats & backs.) *6.99 *16.99 Folding Web Chair Folding 5 position Web Chaise t Folding Podded Chaise f •3151 6 PC. PATIO SETS *149.00 No TOO *179.00 No 200 DELUXE 42" Table 90" Umbrella 4 Aluminum chairs with removable pads (Tilt feature in both No. 100 and No. 200. Crank in No. 200 only. Base and matching table clothes available.) CLOSED EASTER - HAPPY HOLIDAYS 1700 COMBINATION STORM & SCREEN WINDOWS Over 25 sizes! ALL ALUMINUM. DOUBLE & TRIPLE TRACK. Bring measurements. ONLY *12.00 EACH. VALUES TO *49.99 FABULOUS FOAM SALE! Do-lt-Your-Selfers! Foam rubber block variety of sizes. Ideal for pillows vans improvement projects. ONLY *3.99 TO *25.99 s in a good , and home A Ill COMPRESSOR TANKS Special purchase! 12 to 80 gallon tanks. mi *39.00 TO '199.00 SAVE 20 TO 40%! OPEN 7 DAYS WEEKNITES TO 8 VtU'i Mky . Guaranteed quality Nam* Brands Personal Service Financing 9-8 MON.-FRI. 9-5 SAT.-SUN. ACRES OF FREE PARKING COUNTRY SALES COMPLEX FACTORY MERCHANDISE OUTLET 815-395-3994 ERIE 90 DAY INTEREST FREE FINANCE PLAN On Rout* 120 % Mil* W*«t of 12 B*tw**n Fox Lok* ft McH*nry In Volo

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