PAGF 20 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8,1981 Lakeland Park & Lakeland Shores Carol Cominsky 385-7246 Reschedule interested persons at the meeting last week. For a • nn^ *** .. quorum 42 people were LPPOA Meeting needed Once again a lack of in terest from the membership of the Lakeland Park Property owners association called for an adjournment of * the annual general meeting. The 427 family membership organization produced 27 Instead, more money must be spent to send eyh and e v e r y m e m b e r s h i p household notice of a meeting to be held Apr. 14 at 7:30 p.m at the community house (1717 N. Sunset). Speculation has it that even give your lawn a booster shot of green... 5 I a * PRICES GOOD THRU APRIL 11 ONLY! FARMTOWN LAWNFOOD 21-5-9 Slow release nitrogen mixture that feeds your lawn with iron and other plant nutrients for extra greening 19 lb bag, cover ing 5000 sg/ft Reg. 6.10 $C10 fewer people will attend the second meeting. This is the only scheduled meeting of the property owners association and still folks do not come out to express an interest in their community. The Board of Directors is always willing to meet and help out anyone who is a member. Why is it that so many folks will say, "what is the association and what do they do? but when it comes to supporting this volunteer group, no one comes. /e have four positions to QfTon the board this year id are fortunate to have five interested citizens running for the positions. Nominations are always taken from the floor and of course you can write in a candidate Absentee ballots will be available at the home of the clerk, Anne Moore (1920 Park lane) Saturday, Apr 11, from noon until 5 p.m. If you are members of the association, please attend. If you would like more in formation on becoming a member, you are more than welcome. Just come and get involved in your community. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION John and Blanche Blaney celebrated their fortieth anniversary recently and were delighted that their daughter Anne Moore and her husband Steve surprised them by inviting the whole family out to our town for a celebration New York City was the setting for their wedding so many happy years ago, so what better place to celebrate than the quiet'town of McHenry. Kevin. Brian and Suzanne Moore spent most of Saturday making paper streamers that hung on the front of the house and also lined the way to the family room. Anne's sister Pat and her husband Ron Castiglione and their children, Christie, Michael and Jean, were here as was her younger sister Mary with her husband Chris Cairns and their son John-Paul. Steve's mom was also able to join in for the celebration and was delighted to see the streamers hung in honor of her birthday. It was a very festive and happy day for the Moore family. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Suzanne Moore turned 8 years old Mar. 10 and had a gathering of family mem bers to help her celebrate her day. Of course, brothers Kevin and Brian sang "Happy Birthday" as did grandparents John and ev a floor Uncle Ron and Aunt Pat Castiglione and their children Christie, Michael and Jean were here from Carpentersville, and aunt Mary and uncle Chris and John-Paul made the trip out from Chicago for the day Suzie was especially happy that her godparents Bob and Pam Schneider and their son Scott joined her for her special day It's been a busy but fun month at the Moore house. COOPERATION Looks like I hit the jackpot this week. I heard from two families on the streets I requested last week. I would like to hear from someone on Meadow, Willow and Clearview with news for the next column. FIRST TOOTH A very proud great-aunt Blanche Blanev and grand mother Ann Moore. called to let us know that 4V month old Bobby Schmitt cut his first tooth Mar. 31. We had to put this in print because little Bobby lives on Hunter drive, and we felt this was definitely newsworthy. NOJOKE When Debbie Crago told her husband Edward she totalled her new car on Apr. 1 it was no 'April Fool' joke. Debbie and Judy Gordon of Park street were in Crystal Lake coming home from a college class when her Pinto came in too close contact with a Nova. After spending three hours in the emergency room they found no one had suffered any serious injury. The sad note was that Debbie had only driven her new car for two days. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Beth Jenkins and David Gende on Apr. 8. Apr. 9 is the special day for Joe Creasey, Tammie LaRocco, William Mueller, Scott Belohlavy and Rhonda Koczor. Paul Schwegal Sr., adds another year on the 10th. Billy Etheridge becomes a teenager Apr. 11, and he shares his day with Delores Belohlavy, Lynn Cygan and Craig Condon. A big birthday wish to Ronnie Steinsdoerfer who turns 9 years old Apr. 13. Scotty Austin, Bill Dralle, Valerie Bergdorf and Jan Sullivan also celebrate that day. THE Ml ARK I [SKIT *N V | 5s FARMTOWN LAWN & GARDEN A 12-12-12 nutrient grower to add the necessary vigor to your lawn Especially good for gardens next Spring 50 lb bag. covering 5000 sg/ft Reg. 6.50 $550 FARMTOWN WEED & FEED Feeds your lawn while it controls dandelions'and other broad- leaves that crept in over the summer 20 lb bag. covering 5000 sg/ft Reg. 8.20 $»720 AAcHENRY FS Marengo McHenry Elkhorn Woodstock Zenda Huntley Chemung A4I> 17 95 •Bell Bottoms 'Boot Joans • Straight Logs Akizon SUN Women's BENDOVER LEVIS SLACKS 519" -/Arizona AUTHENTIC WESTERN WEAR f INDIAN JEWELRY 3321 W. ELM ST (RTE 120) McHtNRrStS-lMS DAILY '0 to 5:30, FRI. 10-9 - JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOF OUTLET STORE MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE CENTER | A DIVISION OF JEWEw 2T * 0 J! DIRECT MARKETING V "»««.. Fri. 301 W. Virginia St. m 9p CRYSTAL LAKE S«t torn. • 5 p. Sun 10 a m. • 3 p. /piing r/ciuing/ Sale Days Wed., April 8 thru Tues., April 14 --While Quantitios Last-- F( ir Lose Water Bloat with 0DR1NIL--Nature's Way BEDDING-BATH BONANZA Spring Is here at last! It's time to spruce up that Bedroom and Bath with fantastic savings for one week only! Save an unbelievable 6 0 % O F F o u r r e g u l a r s t o r e p r i c e s . D o n ' t m i s s i t ! "ii! Ravco't Low. Everyday Discount Prlc« 60 TABLETS *2.79 >Otl mill .ill * ,,UREVCO;:;;;*, w OUR REGULAR PRICE McCullom Lake Dawn Miller 385-4901 BEST BUY Ground beef must contain a minimum of 70 percent lean meat per pound. There are regulations cover ing beef that is ground and packaged in a Federal or State inspected plant. A product labeled "ground beef' cannot have extra fat, water, extenders or binders added to the meat. Seasonings may be added, however, as long as they are identified on the label. A product labeled "ham burger" is made of ground beef that does have seasonings and pieces of beef fat added as the meat is being ground. Again, no water, extenders or binders may be added. One exception. Qeef that is ground and labeled the super market, may not have to con form to these or any other defi nitions. However, since consumer satisfaction is important to a supermarket, their products | usually conform pretty closely 1 to federal and state standards. Local Youth ' Wins Honors Wendy Turner, a sixth grade student at Montinl Middle school, won the spelling bee for the entire school in celebration of Montini's tenth anniversary. Two children from each class of each grade par ticipated in the contest. Wendy won first prize of $10. Also, at the band award dinner at Marian Central, Wendy received a first place medal for clarinet solo at contest and a second place medal for trio at contest. Congratulations Wendy on all your awards. 1 CONDOLENCES Pete Nichols, a long time resident of the village, passed away recently. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to his family and close friends. We would also like to express our sympathy to family and friends on the recent death of Katarina Stastny. She passed away Monday, March 30. We will all miss our old friends and neighbors of long standing. GET WELL WISHES We would like to express get well wishes to Ben Gates. Ben just underwent surgery last week, and we hope he is feeling much better by now. We hope for a speedy recovery and that he will be back home shortly. Also, we would like to express get well wishes to Donna Gates' mother, Mrs. Houtchens She lives in Kentucky, but is a guest here many times. We hope she is feeling better soon. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, March 31, at 7:30 p.m., at the beach house, an informal meeting was held by the Planning commission. The subject that was discussed was the 16.01 acres of land between Flanders road and McCullom Lake. Lydia's Orphanage owns the land and is requesting an nexation to the village, as they would like to sell the land in half-acre parcels to build homes on. An engineer from Norman Skolls did quite a bit of ex plaining about drainage and roads. This was just a preliminary hearing, but the next meeting will be formal. That will give the engineers time to acquire further in formation and present the facts to the next hearing. BIRTHDAY PARTIES Andrew Hancock turned seven March 26, and celebrated it Friday, March 27, with a party for his friends. He had thirteen guests, neighborhood friends and school chums including his brother, David. The children played many games and enjoyed a Mickey Mouse cake. On Saturday, March 28, a combined birthday, family dinner and going awav Dartv was had at the Hancock's. Andy's uncle and aunt, Rad and Sandy Keith and cousins, Donna and Kelly will be moving to Fort Smith, Ark. We will all miss the Keiths. They have been good neigh bors A big magnum of champagne was on hand to toast them We all wish you well in your new home in your new state. Roger Gates recently celebrated his tenth bir thday. His guests included, Brian Lincoln, Sean Christmann, Marcus Seifert and brothers Glenn and Brian. The boys enjoyed a baseball glove and ball cake and ice cream. Mom then treated the boys to roller skating, since Roger received his favorite bir thday present, a pair of roller skates. Hope you have many happy more, Roger. Shawn Miller just celebrated his eleventh birthday. His guest list of school friends included, Chris Schmitt, Darrell Suchor, Chris Aim, Billy Lewan, and of course his brother Ryan After the boys enjoyed a teddy bear cake and clown ice cream cones, mom treated the boys to the show. The boys had a good time and Shawn had a great day. BEACH GALS MEETING The Beach Gals held their monthly meeting Wed nesday, April 1, 7:30 p.m. at the beach house. The main topic of discussion was the upcoming Easter carnival. It will take place Saturday, April 11, starting at 10 a m promptly with the egg hunt. If anyone would care to donate eggs, please bring them to Donna Gates - 2722 No Orchard drive or to April Stewart - 5110 W Parkview no later than Friday the tenth. Immediately following the egg hunt, the carnival will begin inside. There will be games, refreshments and the cake walk. At 11 a.m. the Little Miss McCullom Lake contest will start. The judges will have a hard time judging these four through eight-year-old cuties. Of course, through all this, that tall fuzzy rabbit will be on hand. It will be a fun day, as no doubt, the kids have told you year after year. CONSERVATION CLUB The McCullom Lake Conservation club's meetings have been changed to the third Tuesday of the month. Also, elections were held recently, and there are four new officers. They are president, Peter Kasper Sr., vice-president, Harvey May; second vice- president, Brook Elliot; secretary, Sharon Gacek; treasurer, Audis Bowlin. The club's purpose is to oreserve McCullom Lake, your lake. Come to the meetings, all are welcome. BIRTHDAYS Birthday wishes this week go to Billy Lorch on April 9. Bill is in the service, and we hope his birthday is a happy one. ANNIVERSARIES ' We would like to send anniversary wishes to Monty and Nancy Yates, and Tim and April Stewart on April 11, and to James and Carol Weiland on April 13. May you all have happy days. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Ladies of the Lake - Thursday? April 9, 8 p.m. -- Beach house White Elephant all ladies welcome. Easter Carnival Saturday. April 11, 10 a.m. -- Beach house, - all village children welcome Village Board - Tuesday, April 14, 8 p.m. -- Beach house - Everyone welcome. Wendy Turner Wins Montini Spelling Bee Wendy Turner, a sixth grader, won Montini Middle school's annual spelling bee at an assembly of students and parents March 31 Elizabeth Beck, an eighth grader, and Julie Bowman, a fifth grader, finished second and third, respectively. Twenty-seven contestants began the contest and some 200 words were spelled before the winner was determined. The contestants were Julie Bowman, Amy Vacula, Julie Stumpf, Laura Yegge, Susan Vacula and Danial Wiles, fifth graders; Barry Seavey, Janet Sena. Jeff Kotiw, Paula Wray, Michael Freund and Wendy Turner, sixth graders; Craig I^agowski. Robert Williams. David Widhalm, David Gilbert. Michele Schwanke, and Jenny Tonyan. seventh graders, Elizabeth Beck, Angie Nierman. Shelly Appleby, Brian Diedrich, Tom Snow. Mark Wray. Carmel Doherty, Robin Irwin and Craig Kunz, eighth graders. The program was organized and directed by the language arts depart ment of Mrs. Davis, Sister Alcuin, Mrs Blum and Miss Riley Elect CHPA-HSA Board Members At April Meet The CHPA will hold its regular board of directors meeting Thursday, April 9, beginning at 7:30 p. m., at the McHenry county courthouse, basement traffic court room. Rt. 147, Woodstock. The evening's agenda will in clude the election of HSA Safe Includes: •BLANKETS •BEDSPREADS •SHEETS •PILLOWCASES •DRAPES •CURTAINS •TIE BACKS •PILLOW SHAMS •TOWELS •ROOM SIZE RUGS •TANK SETS *THROW RUGS •TABLE CLOTHES *PILLOWS •FURNITURE THROWS OUST RUFFLES % :• Sj $ 1 ELECTRONICS SALE mm (W "RADIOS •STEREOS #1 EE /O phonos ft OFF *TAPE PLAYERS I [ *CL0CK RADIOS \ LLOYDS AM/FM 8-TRACK PLAYER Battery /electric. MCC REG. $53.99 OUR REGULAR STORE PRICE Sale $32 39 EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE PRICED $5.00 OR LESS 50 ******J .IIIOKV . LNCLUD .T -TOY Hou«,war OlK"0? Clo»h|0.9 & ^°r wy* OUR REGULAR OFF STORE PRICE as COME JOIN OUR 1st ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! F R I D A Y . S A T U R D A Y . A P R I L 1 0 - 1 1 • Refreshments • Prizes • • Sales on many items * -15% OFF HUNTER CEILING FANS! ANNIVHISARY SAll ONLY (This offer won't bo repeated this yoarl) board members and CHPA board members All CHPA meetings are open to the public, which is encouraged to attend and participate. For further information on CHPA activities, contact the office of the Health Systems Agency for Kane, Lake and McHenry Counties, Inc., 188 South Northwest Highway, Cary, <312 ) 639-0061. Faith in one's self is the foundation of success. Subscribe Plaindealer Bring in this ad for a FREE Kite I TH€€MGRGY COTCGRM I • • • 5 120 EAST CALHOUN ST. WOODSTOCK fit5-038-6650 TUES. WED. THURS.11-6,FRI.11-6, SAT. 9-6 The McHenry Plaindealer • 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, II. 60050 3 Years - $40.00 • 2 Years - $28.50 • 1 Year-.$15.50 •4 Months - $8.50 • Payment Enclosed Nome. Address. City Prices good in McHenry County. ;CWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET ?T0RE • IEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORF