strapless bra or brief. 3*L Reg. *6 bra. Polyester seamless cups, fill; nylon/apandex. A3.C. D cap bia, ra|> ST .4.97 Rag. 5.75 turiel. Nylon/Lycra* spandex; slimming panel S-XL. terry scuffs for misses. 066 In cotton/nylon with comfy ioned insole and niwn Choose from fashion chine waahable; sizes HoMty I fiu 84-11 • Sport socks. 59i Res. 1.19 MONTOO/WERY iWtf N »J 33% off. Dreamy satin sleep fashions in misses' and women's sizes. 697-1397 Reg. $10-$ 18 Beautifully priced. In nylon sat in tricot with delicate shirred lace bodice and tie neck. Button- front coats feature side pockets. Misses' SJMX; women's XL .XXL. JL Pajama: 415 misses' sizes (shown) 9.97 *17 women's sizes . 12.97 H Waltz coat: . *14 misses' sizes (shown) 9.97 £ Waltz gown: *10 misses' sizes (shown) 6.97 ]L Long coat: 416 misses' sizes 10.97 *18 women's sizes (shown) .. 13.97 X Long gown: S11 misses' sizes 7.97 *14 women's sizes (shown).... 9.97 Matching scuff: sizes S.M.L. Low reg. price 5.50 Lingerie Department NOW CHARGE IT 3 WAYS--CHARG-ALL. MASTERCARD . VISA*