FRIDAY. MAYS •ion) No Other Information Avail able J2hrs) 12:30jl Friday Night " IndependentNewe ffi Atlanta Bravaa BaaabaH Ra- play Atlanta Bravaa va Chicago Cubs 12:45 0 Rock Concart Quaata: Blue Oyster Cult, Black Sabbath, Pal Benatar, Billy Burnatta, Loia Bromljeld mtjel 0 O Honeymoonera 1 ABC Captioned Nawa I® RoaaBagley Show ) Joe Franklin Show 0 Odd Couple 1:10 O Movie -(Horror) **•* "Houae of Uaher" 1960 Vincent Price. Mark Damon. When a beau tiful young girl'a suitor arrives to aakherhandinmarrage.thedoora of the houae of Uaher fling open and terror begins (90 mine.) 1:15 O Nlghtbeat ffl Marvin Qaya Llval 1:30 0 Topper 0 Top Rank Fights Of The 70'a Gaiindez va Johnson 0 Talatona News Q Six Million Dollar Man O SportaCenter 08 Movie -(Suapenae) ***** "Night of the Hunter" 19S5 Robert Mitchum. Shelley Winters A psychopathic killer poaing aa a preacher terrorizes a widow and her two children, trying to find a cache ot stolen money. (2 hrs.) 1:45 0 Mike Douglas 2: iff. Health Field Movie-(Weatern) ** "Return of the Badmen" 1948 Randolph Scott. Anne Jeffreys Man plana to stake claim in Oklahoma during the land rush and marry a widow of spoiiceofficer (100 mins.) O Movie -(Comedy) •• "North Dallas Forty" 1979 NickNolte. qqp DALLAS Mary Crosby stars as Kristin Shepard in a two-hour episode of "Dallas" to be rebroadcast FRI DAY, MAY 8 on CBS-TV; Kristin becomes one of many suspects after J.R. Ewing is shot and the police wait for him to iden tify his assailant. J.R. can't help the detectives in their search for his would-be murderer and undergoes surgery which may enable him to walk again. In the meantime, Sue Ellen wonders if she could have shot him in a drunken stupor; and in J.R.'s absence, Bobby takes over Ewing Oil with Jock's blessing. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME tv coawuioo uavicft. mc Mac Da via. They can tackle any oncoming player but they can't kick the habit of auper atardom. adoring groupiea and the faat- paced, pill-popping hazarda that come with the game. (Rated R) (2 ».) Profeaaional Rodeo From Requite, Texaa Movia -(Adventure) Operation C.I.A." 196S Burt Reynolda, John Hoyt. In Saigon, a federal agent recovers a mis placed aecret meaaaga meant for the alliea. (t 18 mi • MAY 31 Wmnmrnmd wFfixiu makes mimklsI LA HIV •iM IFMT STH 385-0*0? ONE STOP :*$*} Iah. AIR UN! md AMTRAK TICKETS WMeVe* Watt travel service PlO'">wtg O (Q'>bb*0ry (!«.»»' Ao.ploiu'Op* M«s.(0 Howo ' ' Y<H/ iOT> lompo't »h#m qM un.k> O• oo' Of . otf.i Amtrako Chain-O-Lakts TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 W. Elm St. WtHsttry, Illinois 60050 • • «o- <n>h.p g.iiin«t v ffovav xq ,u«p«n*t •h«oi«y'-out th# wc >4 PapaadafcU Travel state mi MS-JSM Ar»o Cod* SIS TV IjQ. 1. Who was the iead character in "Mr. District Attorney" based on? 2. In "Mr. Roberts." what was the name of the cargo ship? 3. Name the series starring Robert Cum- mings as Robert S. Bean blossom. 4. Name the series starring Patrick McGoohan as a character caNed Number 6. 5. What mnazine did Shirley Mac Lai ne work for in "Shirley's WOrld"? 6. What were Paul Michael Glaser and David Soul's fun names in "Starsky and Hutch"? 7. What series centered around a character named Don Diego de la Vega? 8. What was the series that was set in "the town too tough to die"? 9. What was Jimmy's profession in "The Jim my Stewart Show"? 10. What was the name of the organization Karen Valentine worked for in "Karen"? eouauiy uedo 01 jossejoid ASotodojiNuy 6 ..Xjowjjei euojequioi,, g 2.. L uosuiipyiH ue)l '̂ -"IS &A*a 9 pajeijsn/// pfJOM S ..ieuosjid em,, > AM.. "£ juepn/ag S*SY1 Z XaMdQ 3 setuoqj. I