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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 May 1981, p. 19

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Remembering When. | SERVICE NEWS Two Recruits Complete Great Lakes Training PAGE 19 PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MAY 8. 1981 Looking east on Main street, West McHenry, in the horse and buggy days. A corner of the Wilbur Lumber Co. building can be seen at the left, with the Theodore Schiessle building next. Not too different than at the present time is the Northwestern hotel. Confusing even to some old timers is the building at the far left with double decker porch. It has been identified as the Gage House, a fancy hotel in its day. Set Johnsburg Honor Roll Johnsburg high school has released the honor roll for the third quarter of the 1980- 81 school year. Inclusion on the honor roll means the student maintained a grade point average of 3 5 or better on a 4 0 scale SENIORS 4.0--Brent Birkhoff, Deanna Davis. Inge Dschida, Connie Johnson. Kurt Schroeder and Mike Stefka 3.5-Karen Alvord. John Armon. Sue Chyllo. Jolanda denDulk, William Dowell. Cathy Easterling, Warren Hannula. Gail Huebner. Phil Kalsch. Laura Kaupilla. Scott Kennebeck. Kathie Kling. David Kuzwara, Greg McKinney. Susan Moulis, Beth Oeffling, Eric Piatek, Deb. Poteracki, Rich Preston. Barb Schmitt. Sue Sroka, Sherry Stermer and Randy Wakitsch. JUNIORS 4.0-Kelly Beitz. Sue Dehn. Kristie Price, Kathy Szumlas. Pamela Ullrich and Laura Wharton 3.5--Clay Ames. Jodi Beutel, Debbie Caifano, Diane Chyllo. Larry Dix. Norma Garrett, Cheri Kofler. Mark Leslie. Doug I^ozynski. Linda Lyons. Joe Meyers. Lydia Oakley. Gina Pecucci. Tom Popovich. Janice Schmitt. Paul Smith and Debbie Sobirsk. SOPHOMORES 4.0-Matthew Anderson. Lisa Boyer. Diane Heard. Paul Metzger. John Nett. Terri Olenick and Ruth Pflug 3 5-Randy Beck. Sherri Bruce. Linda Davidson. Dan Gallagher. Ernest Johnson. Jeffrey Jurik, Steve Kalsch. Lorraine Nichols, Toni Rendo. Gina Rittorno. Carol Schmidt. Debbie Swinford and Patty Ullrich FRESHMEN 40--Kathy Butler, Laura Carlson. Terri Cluff, Richard Michels. Norman . Rokosz. Rick Schaller. Ken Schoenig and Scott Tvaroh 3.5-Jason Anderson. Julie Anderson, Michele Arnolde, Kelly Hart. Joe Majercik. Michelle Patterson. Kim Pieper. Brian Siudak, Jane Smid. Lars Swanson and Lisa ThorenV Spring Bird Count May 9 The Illinois Audubon society is preparing for its annual statewide Spring Bird count Volunteers from most of the 102 counties in Illinois will be out on Saturday, May 9, keeping tallies of all sighted birds For the ninth y£ar, the McHenry County Audubon society will be covering McHenry county from the pre-dawn hours to dusk The spring count is always <»ne of the most exciting and rewarding census to par­ ticipate in. Bird migration is at its peak and many species are only seen here in Illinois at this one time of the year The purpose of the statewide count is the compilation of permanent records tracking the in­ crease or decrease of specific bird species This data is important to naturalists and anyone in­ terested in the wildlife of Illinois A comparison of some of the previous year's count totals for McHenry county is very interesting In 1980. 124 different species of birds were sighted with a total of 9.487 individual birds counted In 1979. 135 species were identified and 13,960 birds counted. And in 1978. 109 species totally 11.165 individual birds were sighted Last year, some of the ( more unusual birds sighted were. Virginia Rail. Greater Yellow Legs. Ring necked duck. Yellow-hi lied Cuckoo and 'he Yellow throated Vireo An interesting note is that no Kestrels were sighted in McHenry county last year. This year's early spring weather promises to make the 1981 count even more successful than last year's The Audubon society urges. "Keep an eye out for slow moving vehicles with binoculars poking out of the windows or groups of 'bir­ ders' scouring McHenry county on May 9. Stop and say hello or just wave as you go by'" Bible Church Names Leaders Members of the Wonder Lake Bible church recently held their annual meeting, at which time they heard the annual reports of the committees and elected their leaders for the fiscal year 1981-82 The following men were elected: Otto Menolasino. chairman; Rick Wright, board secretary; Curtis Messamore. treasurer; Phil Bell Sunday school superintendent Deacons are AI DeBhur. Phil Bell. Gene Bach and George Brabenec Trustees are Tim Batdorff, Russell Wright. Dave Miller. Len Loukota, and Lloyd Repke These men of the church jM>ard will be dedicated in prayer by Pastor Riehard N. Wright Sunday during the morning worship sevice. Dr. Henry J Heijermans. general director of WEF Ministries, Inc., will deliver the morning message There will also be special recognition of mothers Friday evening. May 8. at 7 p.m. will be the final meeting of the AWANA clubs for this school year This will be an awards presentation night All of the Sparks. Pals. Pioneers, Chums. Guards and Shipmates who have worked for the various pins and trophies will receive them during a special program. Parents and friends are invited to attend. This program will be held at First Baptist church in McHenry at 509 Front street. Rt. 31, where the AWANA activities have been con­ ducted all year, made possible by the members of First Baptist church and their pastor. Dr. Marshall E. Werry. Coming up in May will be the couples' Bible study on the sixteenth, Valley Hi visitation Sunday, May 17, the Ladies Bible class on the eighteenth and Fellowship Plus on the twenty-third. The Wonder Lake Bible church is an independent, non-denominational church serving the community of Wonder Lake and the surrounding areas Visitors are always welcome. The church is located at the north end of Wonder Lake at 7501 Howe road Sunday school for all ages begins at 9:30 a m worship service is at 10:50 a m . evening Bible fellowship hour is at 6 p m. midweek prayer and praise hour is Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Nursery care is provided during Sunday services. For further information, call the church office at 728-0422 So It Seems Many motorists ap-. pear willing to meet the other cars more than half way. •Constitution, Atlanta. Street Survival Techniques rficers faeHenry t\vo tl Street S On May 11 from 10 to 11:30 a.m.. Head Start will be having the monthly parent meeting, which will be once again open to the public. The speaker for this month will be Tom Hubbard. Hubbard obtained his MSW at New York university, his post graduate work at U.C., Berkley. Calif. He currently works for Family Services and Community Mental Health as the child- adolescent-coordinator. Hubbard will speak on "How to Cope With Your Child During the Summer." This is an informal discussiop. Headquarters are located at the First United Methodist church in McHenry at 3717 W Main street Lunch and babysitting will be provided. Any questions concerning this should be directed to call Lyle Johnson, director, or JoAnn Koth, social service worker, at 1-338-8790. Hal pops? NOT A SINGING GROUP - BUT THOSE NASTY LITTLE THINGS THAT PROFESSIONAL DRYWALLERS TRY TO KEEP FROM HAPPENING WITH EVERY JOB THEY DO! HIRE A PRO! Look in Your Local Yellow Pages under Painting NORTHERN ILLINOIS PAINTING A 0RYWALL INSTITUTE - cad 312-742-4144 Navy Seamen Recruits James B Clark, son of Ronald and Dale E. Clark of 1807 S. Orchard lane. McHenry. and Timothy J Connelly, son of James R and Berdine V Connelly, 4102 West wood drive. Wonder Lake, have com­ pleted recruit training at tht Naval Training center. Great Lakes. During the. eight-week training cycle, trainees studied general military subjects designed to prepare them for further academic and on-the-job training in one of the Navy's 85 basic occupational fields, Included in their studies were seamanship, close _order drill. Naval history and first aid Personnel who complete this course of in­ struction are eligible for three hours of college credit in Physical Education and Hygiene A 1978 graduate of McHenry Community high school, Clark joined .the Navy in July, 1980 Connelly joined in January. 1981 Air Force Sergeant In Specialist Course Air Force Set Ralph W Rounds. II. son of Janet C. Foat of Route 1, Oxford, Wis . and Ralph W. Rounds I of 801 Peter street. McHenry. has graduated from the US Air Force aircraft maintenance specialist course at Chanute Air Force base. Ill Graduates of the course Reports For Duty At Ft. Orel, Calif. Army Pfc Roy H Rreede, son of Harold Breede. of 1040 Kenilworth. Wheeling. III., has arrived for duty at Fort Ord. Calif Breede. a military police specialist, was previously assigned at Fort McClellan. Ala He is a 1975 graduate of Wheeling high school. The private's mother Geraldine Kuck. residps at 2505 W Country. McHenry. were trained in aircraft engine maintenance, repair and service, and earned credits toward an associate degree in applied science through the Community College of the Air Force Rounds will now serve at Ellsworth Air Force base. S I) IN WEST GERMANY Pvt 2 Kenneth Hensel. son of Wayne L Hensel of 313 W Burr. McHenry. and Patricia A Hensel of route 1, Antioch. has arrived at Friedberg. West Germany, for duty with the 3rd Ar­ mored division Hensel. an artillery repairman, was previously assigned at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Md Timely Reminder A person is getting along in years if he can recall when an infant was considered an addition rather than a deduction -Muzzle. Yakima. Wash Police officers from throughout itoeHenry county tended rwo training sessifJmkon Street Survival Techniques-test week at McHenry County college The sessions, designed to help the officers prepare for armed, encounters, were , conducted by Xwo special agents from the Naval In­ vestigative service of U S Naval Intelligence The training session Was part of a series for local police sponsored jointly by the McHenry Police Chiefs' association and the college The topic for the training sessions involved the sur vival of the police officer who suddenly finds himself or herself the target of a person with a gun "If a policeman is put out of action, the innocent bystanders are left at the mercy of the criminal." explained Special ^Cgent Vaughn Bradley who taught the training session along with Special Agent Greg Redfern The 65 police officers who attended the sessions saw a film. "Survival Shooting Techniques ". and heard the two special agents sum niarize "Si reef Survival" which the agents said is the definitive book on the sub­ ject They learned about having a plan to cope with unex­ pected gunfire and about practicing the plan "Preparation, not paranoia, is the key." Bradley said, quoting a California police chief who lived to tell about his experience with being shot in the chest The local police asked questions about getting the training they need to cope with the individual and professional liability that police officers have been forced to live with in the last four or five years. Bradley said "They came here on their own time to get the training they thought they needed Their main concern is trying to serve the public and they know that if they get injured or killed because they lack training they won't be able to serve the public that way/' he explained Redfern said the two special have presented the film and training session to more than 500 police officers in the Lake county area They provide the program as a public service outgrowth of their work training Naval Intellence Service agents in unarmed self defense, firearms instruction and apprehension techniques Redfern added the agents feel that if their training sessions • "help to save one guy from getting hurt in a situation it is worth it " May Crowning Held At St. Mary Church May is the month devoted fo Mary by the Catholic church, when Catholics pay special devotion to Mar> not only because she wa* Jesus' mother, but also is their mother On May 1, the special love that Catholics have for Mary- is manifested by crowniijg her queen The church feels it is only fitting that the title queen" IK* applied to the Mother of God since she was closely associated with the redemptive work of her Son and is Mediatrix of all garces Pope Pius XII.'s encyclical letter of Oct 11. t954. in stituted the feast of the Queenship of Mary which is celebrated Aug 22 Parishioners at t he < 'hurch of St Mary of the Assump­ tion shared in the crowning of Mary Friday. May 1 at the Mam Mass. celebrated by the pastor the Rev James G Gavnor This service began with a procession of students from the Montini Middle school These students were chosen by their classmates Crown bearers were Sandi Schmitt and Scott Freund The court consisted of Barbara Schoen. Amy Vacula. Giovanna Tonvan. Kathleen Mauer Kathleen Miller Ann Hoover. Helen Kennedy. Denise Lauten Dave Zabielski and Bob Sch- weder This was the first time since the consolidation of St Patrick and St Mary schools that the boys had the honor of participating in the crowning Best Of Press Inherited Some people seem to have opinions that have been in their families for generations. -W O W Magazine. THEATRE • W A ALL SEATS OUTDOOR FREE $100 TUESDAY ALL SHOWS $1 305-0144 " INDOOR & OUTDOOR THEATRES BEST BARGAIN 00 R|<G» FRI THRU THUR 1:304 6:309:15 WE WILL BE OPEN1! FOR fa M ifc R,~ FRI & SAT 2:304:30-7 9-10:30 SUN THRU THUR 2:304:30-79 AT 7:45 SCARED TO DEATH AT 9:31 TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE it} nam SADDLES FROM 12:30 -8:30 P.M.. SERVING A SPECIAL MENU PLUS w, A CHILDRENS MENU :•% RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED! '.ff SHOWPLACE 1-2-3-4 RTES 14 I 31 CRYSTAL LAKE 455-1005 223-8155 m _ TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE $• 9:35 I SHOWPLACE 5 DOWNTOWN CRYSTAL LAKE 455-2000 MIOO^ST--OI Head Start Meeting Features Tom Hubbard § LONG HORN STEAK OSS' 4- Rout* 120-2% Mil* East of McHenry 185-9869 WOODSTOCK THEATRE mniN STREET - Just Off the Square LOCRLLY OWNED & OPERATED A l l C C A T C O cn $1.00 SAT. & SUN. ALL SEATS $1.50 MATINEES UNTIL 5 P.M AT THE PRINCESS: From Ralph Bakshi. the creator of "Fritz the Cat," "Heavy Traffic" and "The lA>rd of the Rings," conies... FRIDAY 7:30, 9:30 SATURDAY ft SUNDAY 1:30, 3:30; 5:30, 7:30-9:30 MONDAY-THURSDAY 7:30 No WIVS coupons Frl., Sot., Sun. STARTS MAY 15. "ORDINARY PEOPLE" R AT THE CM* TECHNICOLOR® iPOi<B • L» W*I OAN»V Pfoducicns. t»BUENAV«STA OSTHBJTCN CO NC FRIDAY 7:1S, 9:15 SATURDAY ft SUNDAY 1:15, 3:19, 5:1ft, 7:15, 9:15 MONDAY-THURSDAY 7:IS No WIVS Coupons Frl.. Sot., Sun. STARTS MAY 15: "CAVEMAN" PG BLAZING SADDLES S Sift TIM TIM 2:1H1M4S445 THE HOWLING m- Fill SAT247UtS SM TMi TIM 2-4-71 LION OF THE DESERT FRIDAY THE 13th PUT N l*" FltlUT2JM-JMJM*1t1S WTTMTM2JMJUJHJI LADY *» t* TRAMP ALSO KIM IK Fit ft SAT 244*41*11 Sift THW TIM 244JM15 PG, SAT ft SUN 2 54.30 MOD THRU THUR 7 UNITS T TDM UMLTS (12 IS) T CMLKO (111 Gifts of Love for Mother WALT DISNEY PftOOUCTIONS Discover the perfect gift for Mothers, o Crystal Point Moll Gift Certificate. Good at any of our 50 stores and restaurants ©Crystal Point Hlal Route 14 and Main Street Crysol Lahe

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