J^GE^yPLAWWEALE|^J5[EWSJESDAY^WAY^3, H81 m $AU foil mi GOLF CLUBS & AC CESSORIES, 30 to 60 percent off list. 2 for 1 coupon book.815-728-0177. 5-13-5-29C HONDA MINI TRAIL Jr. 50 cc's like new, used in yard only. $325 815-385-8214. 5-13- 5-15C ONE UPRIGHT HOME FREEZER $50. Two green matching studio couches, $50. Phone 815-385-1352. 5-13- 5-15c LAWNMOWERS completely reconditioned, from $35 up. Several riding mower- s...cheap Will take your old mower in trade. Repairs and tune ups from $5 and up. Woodstock, 815-338-3217. 5- 13-5-15C GARAGE DOORS. 18 x7'4", 8'x7\ 12'x8'. 10'x8\ complete with hardware. 815-385-4010. 5-13-5-15C FIREPLACES, all brands, installation and or masonry available Call Quality Fireplaces. 815-385-7478. 5- ltfc WATER SOFTENER SALT SALE. Pellet type only, 1st Saturday of every month. Huemann Water Con ditioning. 3607 Chapel Hill Road, Johnsburg. 815-385- 3093 5-1 tfc INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality Water Sof tener for $3 00 a month for the first 3 months. Freee installation. Call collect 815- 338-3344 Quality Water Conditioning. 5-1 tfc HEARING AID BAT TERIES for sale, 50 percent discount. Wednesday 10 am to 5pm 3937 W Main Street, McHenry. 5-ltfc WASHERS, DRYERS. REFRIGERATORS Reconditioned and guaranteed 815-728-0569 . 5- ltfc NEW & USED R R TIES Quality bulk grass seed, Fertilizers, Cedar Rail Fencing and much more. Woodstock Farm & Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47. 815-338-4200 5-ltfc Chain saw LINE TRIMMER ATTACHMENT.* for trimming weeds, grass etc.) fits most models or any name brand of light weight chain saws. Brand new never used Sells for $89.00. will sell for best offer. Call 815-385-1969 after 5pm. 5-ltfc 10 SPEED PANASONIC Men's Sport Deluxe Bike, excellent condition. $100.00. 815-728-0220. after 5pm. 5-13- 5-15c LARGE OFFICE DESK. $25; Older model GE Refrigerator $35; Com: bination mortorized leaf sweeper and power rake $125; 8 HP Riding lawn mover. $225; Snow blower $50.815-385-9185 5-13-5-15C BRAND NEW Never used Pitching Horse shoes set, $15 00 cash 815-385-1969 after 5pm 5-l-5-15c CHROME FRAMED PIC TURE. 33x21beautiful clipper ship scene, colors of muted grays, blues and brown tones. New-won at raffel. sells for $50.00, will sell for $40.00 or best offer, cash only 815-385-1969 after 5pm 5-1-5-15c fOft RENT FOR RENT STORE SPACE; In the heart of Green St. McHenry, II. TWC/FLOORS: 1540 sq. ft., up per level and 2400 sq ft. lower level. EXCELLENT CON DITION. Equipped with burglar alarm system. Write Box No. MA 2 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St McHenry, II. 68050 5/8-5/22 5/14 5 21 ATTENTION HORSE FANCIERS 4 bedrooms, 3 bath hillside ranch home on one acre in Val Mar Country Estates, large family room with fireplace, all bedrooms newly decorated, all kitchen .appliances in cluded. Included is ac cess to 12 acre horse lot, barn and recreation house with pool $700 month. References and security deposit. 815-385-4472 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq.f- 1.Immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861. 5-ltfc HEARING AIDS For rent. McHenry Hearing Aid Center, 3937 W Main St., McHenry. Wednesday 10am to 5pm. 5-ltfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pnp s 5-ltfc RENT FOR FREE In May. Save $360.00 New 2 bedroom, garage, full kit chen, dishwasher, self cleaning oven, washer-dryer hookup Central air. 815-338- 0690 or 815-653-9395 5-11f c APARTMENTS FOR RENT, two bedrooms. Third and James Street, McHenry 312-381-2059. 5-ltfc ONE BEDROOM APART MENT IN McHenry Air conditioned with stove and refrigerator, $225. Call 815- 385-3490. 5-13-5-15c FURNISHED Kitchenette Apartment, lease, security deposit required. No pets $265.00 month includes utilities 815-385-5324 5-13-5- 15c LIVING ROOMS for mature, responsible, working people. Carpeting, linen service, cable TV terminals, kitchen privilages. weekly $40 and up McHenry Depot Hotel, call 385-6633, Mon, Tue, Thur. or Sat am. 5-13-5-22c 2 sleeping rooms for rent 815-344-5264. 5-13-5-15C McHENRY OFFICE, new carpet, air conditioned, includes all utilities $115.00 Call 815-385-3490 5-8tfc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. At tached garage Shore Oak Subdivision, Crystal Lake $400 references *815-455-6468 or 815-728-0131 5-8tfc IN TOWN. Studio apartment with Kitchenette. Utilities included $200 a month. Mature female tenant desired. 815-344-1196 5-8-5-13 WONDER LAKE. 3 bedroom ranch. 2 years old. $465 per month 312-537-7438 5-13-5- 15c 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, stove, refrigerator, air conditioner, no children, -no pets $295 per month. References, lease and deposit required 815-385- 7065 5-13tfc 2-3 BEDROOM HOME, with full finished basement, garage, refrigerator and central air. Completely redone, no pets. Security deposit Good tenant only $375.00 McHenry Realtv, 815-385-5922 ask for Ellie or 815-728-0626 5-13-5-15c ROOM MATE WANTED. Single individual looking for a room-mate to share ex penses. Must have stable work record. Two bedroom Condo. in McHenry Recently re-decorated Possession April 1st $225.00 per month, which includes heat.air. Call John at 815-728- 0404 during days, or 815-344- 4473 evenings 5-ltfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE. Available. Frit'zsche In dustrial Park, Inc.. 5,000 sq. ft to 15.000 sq. ft. 815-385- 1079 5-ltfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT. References- and security deposit required. 815-385-1079 V-ltfc 1 & 2 B E D R O O M A P A R T M E N T S Availably Now Close to shopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logan, Cooney Height* McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt. 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Coll between ':00 am 4 4:00 pm 815-385-5965 after 5:00 pm 115-3B-9DH McHENRY AREA. 1 & 2 bedrooms, ready now, fully carpeted, stove and refrigerator. 815-385-2181. 5- ltfc O N E A P A R T M E N T AVAILABLE. Ideal for retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city of McHenry. Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and 1'2 baths, $345.00. 815-344-1632 or 815- 385-6566 . 5-ltfc GARAGE FOR RENT, 815- 344-5264 5«6tfc dummy GRAVEL FILL AP PROXIMATELY 20 yards You haul and load it. 815-653- 9015 5-13-5-.15C KT COLUMN GIVE AWAY, Mixed breed puppies to be given awav. 815-338-8829 5-i3 FOUND, small black poodle with touches of gray, female, wearing brown collar 815- 344-5643 after 6:30pm. 5-13 PUPPIES WANTED: Small breeds for our 11 year old licensed kennel. Homes guaranteed 815-385-7897 5- Itfc KTS FOR SALE ENGLISH SETTER. MALE, brown and white, 6 years old. No papers, best offer 815- 385-7219 5-13-5-15c ALASKAN MAIAMUTE. 5 year old black and white male, AKC Registered 815- 344-1469 5-13-5-15C POODLES, AKC. white and beige. 8 weeks old. 4 males. 1 female 815-653-6611 5-13-5- 15c AKC COLLIE PUPS, I female, 3 males, 6 weeks old Call 815-385-8956 . 5-13-5-15c LOVABLE LAB, white shepherd mix, 6 weeks, white $35; black $25 815-728- 0014 5-13-5-15c DOBE PUPS. Champion bloodline, $175 For more information call 815-385-2826 5-13-5-15c DOBERMAN. 2 years old, named "Lady", needs a good home. 815-385-6346 5- 13-5-15C AKC COCKER Spaniel Pups. Champion blood lines. Buff and Golden, 6 weeks 815-568- 5265 5-8-5-13 HORSES 10x10 BOX STALLS PASTURE TURN OUT, V BESIKD BAJLY CRAM •URGE 0UTB00R RMNfi ARENA HEW a'UN'RMOR ARENA •LARfiE F0ALM6 STALL AVARiBLE •MOOR ARENA AVANilli BY TNE HOUR VISITORS WELCOME RAJA ACRES 8417 REGNO RD. HEBRON, IL. >15-44>-4044 s 6tf. APARTMENTS IN TOtfcfcJ 2 bedroom includes heat; 1 bedroom plus heat. Reasonable rent, security deposit required. No pets. 815-385-2352 or 815-344-1035. 5-ltfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT. In a country setting, overlooking a 110 acre corn field and the Nippersink creek. This large apartment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove and garbage disposal, and is within walking distance of a shopping and medical center. Mayline Apartments. Richmond. 815- 678-2861 5-ltfc Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUITCOflftT OF THE 19TH JUDKTAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS McHENRY SAVINGS ) AND LOAN -- ) ASSOCIATION, ) an Illinois ) Corporation., ) * ) Plaintiff, r~ * > BLACK GELDING, good with children $650.00 815- 385-8087 by appointment 5-8- 5-15c ROBERT J. MASSION; et. al.. Defendants. NO. 81 CH119 NOTICE The requisite affidavit for ftublication having been iled. notice is hereby given vou, NONRECORD C l a i m a n t s a n d UNKNOWN OWNERS, ROBERT J MASSION and LUCINDA K MASSION. Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Ninet eenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County. Illinois, bv the aforesaid Plaintiff against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage made by ROBERT J MASSION and LUCINDA K MASSION. to McHenry Savings and Ix>an Association, Mortgagee, conveying the following described premises to wit: I,ot 22 in Pine Ridge Subdivision, Unit No. 2. being a Subdivision of the North Half. Government Lot 2. Southwest Quarter of Section 31. (except that part described in Document No. 502101) in Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded November 29. 1976, as Document No 680752, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is vacant and unimproved land in Woodstock, Illinois; that the aforesaid mortgage was filed for record the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County, Illinois as Document Number 757170, on January 4. 1979; that summons was duly * issued out of the court against you as provided by law. and said suit is still pending. NOW. THEREFORE, unless vou, the said above named Defendants, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit. McHenry County. County Building. 2200 North Seminary Avenue. Wood stock. Illinois, on or before the 15th day of June. A.D 1981. default may be entered against you at any time thereafter and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. DATED: Woodstock, Illinois M<av 4. 1981 Vernon W Kavs. Jr. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COl'RT FREDERICK C CAPPETTA Attorney for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn Street Chicago. Illinois 60603 (3121 726-9600 i Pub May 13. 20 & 27. 1981) No 810233 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS Beekeepers Meet May 15 The May meeting of the N o r t h e r n I l l i n o i s Beekeeper's association will be held Friday. May 15. at 7:30 p.m. in the lower lounge area of McHenry County college, just west of Crystal Lake on Rt 14 This month's meeting will feature guest speaker. Dr. Erin H Erikson, head of apiary research at the University of Wisconsin, who will speak on new discoveries in bee research by the USDA at Madison. Wis Also featured will be Emmet Harp, also from the USDA. who will lecture on Queen Rearing and Artificial Insemination There will be a brief question and answer period after the meeting. Honey recipe baked goods will be served at the coffee hour Eveyone is welcome to at tend For further information, call NIBA President. Bruce Mohnen. 3707 W Young street. McHenry CLOSE MEET-E AT CENTER Effective May 8. the Wonder Lake Senior Citizen Meet and Eat center is closed. However, the home delivered meals will con tinue Document Number 756634, on December 27, 1978; that summons was duly issued out of the court against you as provided by law, and said suit is still pending. NOW. THEREFORE, unless you, the said above named Defendants, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, County Building, 2200 North Seminary Avenue. Wood stock. Illinois, on or before ;the 15th day of June, A.D. 1981, default may be entered against you at any time thereafter and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint DATED: Woodstock, Illinois. May 4, 1981. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FREDERICK C CAPPETTA Attorney for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 (312 ) 726-9600 (Pub May 13,20& 27,1981) No. 810231 Deaths Society, 921 W. Rockford. State street. McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, .an Illinois Corporation. Plaintiff. vs- -JEFFREY H KATZENBERG. el al . Defendants NO 81 CH 150 NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been tiled, notice is hereby given vou. NONRECORD C L A I M A N T S A N D UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants in the above entitled suit, thai said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Ninet ieth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County. Illinois, bv the aforesaid Plaintiff against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage made bv JEF FREY H KATZENBERG. to McHenry Savings and Loan Association, Mor tgagee. conveying the following described premises to wit: Lot 46 in Greenridge. being a Subdivision of a part of the' Southwest Quartet" of Section 13,. Township 46 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded Sep tember 15. 1978 as Document No 746325. in M c H e n r y C o u n t y ^ Illinois Said property is vacant and unimproved land in Spring Grove. Illinois, that the aforesaid mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds. McHenry County. Illinois as THELMA STETTER Thelma Lucille Stetter. 53, of McHenry, died Monday evening. May 11, at McHenry hospital. She was born Dec. 30, 1927, in Chicago, to Mr. and Mrs. McDonald She had been a McHenry area resident since 1964 and belonged to the Chain O'Lakes Evangelical Covenant church Survivors are four daughters. Mrs. Phillip (Marion) Terry. Milwaukee, Mrs Wayne (Nancy) Grossich, Grayslake, 111., Janice and Lori at home; two sons, Roy, Whitewater, Wis. and Robert, Pell Lake, Wis.; eight grandchildren; her mother. Jeanette Mc Donald and a sister, Irene Benner. both of Appleton, Wis She was preceded in death by her husband Roy, Jan. 20, 1975. Visitation will be at the church Thursday, from 9:30 to 11 a.m., with services by the Rev. Mitchell Considine, at noon Interment will be in St. Joseph's cemetery. River Grove. Memorials may be made to the McHenry County Cancer society. Arrangements were handled by the George R Just en & Son funeral home. JAMES YOUNG James Young, age three, of 712 Country Club drive, McHenry. died May 9, in Little Angels Nursing Home. Elgin. III. He was born Aug. 2. 1977. in Prestonburg. Kv.. to Ray and Chong Suk Kim Young The youngster had moved to McHenry with his mother in August. 1980. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his father, Raymond Young of Mid- dleton. Tex.; a maternal grandmother. Mrs. Suing Moing Kim. South Korea; and paternal grandparents. Mr and Mrs. Hershel Young. Van Lear, Ky. He was preceded in death by his maternal grand father. Visitation will be held Wednesday, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., at which time a blessing will be offered by Father James Gaynor at the George R Justen & Son funeral home. Interment will be in Hartland cemetery. Woodstock. WALTER FREUND Walter M Freund. 70, 2522 Clara drive. McHenry, died Friday. May 8, in I>ake Forest hospital. He was born Oct 28, 1910 in western Lake county, the son of Martin and Catherine (Weber) FYeund. A resident of McHenry for about 25 years, Mr. Freund belonged to St Patrtick's Catholic church and had been a laborer for Tonyan Construction Co. more than 20 years On Oct. 12, 1940, he married Annabel Meyers, who survives. Other survivors are two daughters. Mrs Wade (Judy) Clement. Crystal Lake and Debbie Freund, McHenry; three sons, William. McHenry. Jerry, Ringwood and Ron, Crystal Lake; nine granchildren; a brother Ben. and a sister, Mrs Anna Amann. both of Round Lake. He was preceded in death by two sisters and two brothers A funeral Mass was of fered at 9:30 a m Monday, in St John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg with burial in St. Joseph cemetery. Round I^ake. Visitation was Sunday, from 4 to 9 p.m.. in the George R Justen & Son funeral home Memorials are requested to Catholic Charities Social JOHN TROHA John Troha, 1112 N. River road, McHenry, died Thursday, May 7, at St. T h e r e s e h o s p i t a l , Waukegan. He ws 68 years old, born in Czechoslovakia June 23, 1912, the son of George and Teresa Troha. Mr. Troha lived in McHenry about seven years, having come from Fox Lake, 111 He was a retired maintenance man for American Steel Treating at Terra Cotta, 111. Survivors include his wife Marilyn, nee Birk; two sons, Richard of Villa Park and Dennis of Hoffman Estates; two daughters, Barbara Jean Troha of Woodstock and Sandra Troha of Joliet; eight grandchildren; a brother and three sisters. No visitation was scheduled. Graveside services will be held Wed nesday. 11 a.m., at McHenry County Memorial Park cemetery. Woodstock. The family would ap preciate memorial con tributions to the American Cancer society. Arrangements were ' handled by the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home LESLIE KRIEGER. SR. Leslie W Krieger, Sr., M.D . died Sunday. May 10, at Shriners hospital. Chicago He was born Jan 25, 1904. Dr. Krieger was a former McHenry area resident. He is survived by his wife „Jean. nee Mason, of Chicago; two sons. Dr. I^eslie W Krieger, Jr., of McHenry and Robert; and a daughter Sandra --< Memorials would be ap preciated in his name to the Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children. 211 N Oak Park avenue. Chicago. 60635 MARGARET SCHMIDT Margaret E. Schmidt. 70, 1214 N. Main street. Spring Grove, died Wednesday evening. May 6. in Highland Park hospital. Highland Park. Ill She was born in Chicago April 3. 1911. the daughter of Albert and Frieda Johnson Mrs. Schmidt had been a resident of the Spring Grove area since 1960. formerly of Northbrook She was the wife of the late William J Schmidt, who died Jan. 29. 1975. Survivors are a daughter. Mrs. Jim (Heidi) Olden find 'a son. Peter, both of Spfing Grove; two grandchildren; one brother, Harold Johnson of Pacific Grove. Cal. and one sister, Mildred Steij of Levittown, Pa. Visitation was held Friday from 5 to 9 p.m.. at the George R Justen & Son funeral home. Funeral services were Saturday, 3 p.m., at the funeral home, with the Rev Roger W. Schneider. Interment was private Memorials are requested to the American Cancer society and the McHenry- Kane county Lung association C you're > too , ( moisy/ | Twice Told Tales | Small Beginning Starlings were introduced into the United States in 1890 by an Englishman who set about 60 of the birds free in a New York City park. Now the noisy and destructive birds live in every state, according to National Geographic World magazine. FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 7, 1931). The Farmers Mill was broken into some time during Sunday night and a new radio, adding machine and a typewriter were stolen. The invaders left a cold chisel and emoty whisky bottle, which as far aas clues are concerned, are most unsatisfactory. Walter J. Freund an nounces that he has taken the agency for Reach sporting goods and will carry a stock at his-tire shop in West McHenry. He can supply anything in con nection with baseball, football, basketball, in fact everything in the sporting goods line. Stephen H. Freund, supervisor of McHenry township, was named on five committees for the year. He will serve on the finance, public buildings, claims of county poor, McHenry county home and resolutions committees. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 8, 1941). May 3 marked the twenty- fifth anniversary of the pastorate of the Rev. George L. Schark at St. Peter's church. Volo For a quarter of a century this faithful shepherd has watched over his little flock, guiding those souls along the path of virtue, ministering to them in their spiritual needs, protecting them from evil, nourishing them with wholesome doctrine and feeding them with the Bread of Life. On May 3. 1916, Father Schark began his ministery in Volo. The first coat of blacktop- ping on the Pistakee Bay road, which extends from the William Skidmore gate to Wm Mertes' is to be completed this week Miss Kathleen Justen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Justen. who is now completing her second year at St Franc|s School of Nursing in Evanston, was crowned the May queen at the annual May festival held in the spacious lounge at the school. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 3, 1956). A number of students at the University of Illinois who have been top scholars during the last year are to be honored at the annual Honors day convocation Among them are Thomas R Kent and Jack Wirtz, both graduates of the local high school Jack is among the 103 seniors who will be given special recognition for high scholarship. Their names will be cast in a permanent bronze tablet to be installed in the university library. Between 500 and 600 persons attended the annual concert of the McHenry Choral club The show was almost stolen by local youngsters, Kathy and Patty Conway and Mary and Linda Welter Mary displayed rhythm and a flare for the stage which should bring her to the attention of even larger audiences a few years hence TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 7, 1971). Richard A Swantz, 35, principal of West campus high school, was named as new superintendent of High School District 156. He will replace Dr. Carl Bergstrom, who has been serving both District 156 and 15. Announcement was made at West campus high school that Marge Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown. McHenry, had been chosen by a vote of the faculty to attend Girls State in Jacksonville, 111., in June. She is a junior student. Runner-up for the honor was Sally Larkin. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Larkin. The McHenry track team gave an excellent account of themselves in the sixth annual McHenry relays before bowing to first place Kirkland by a close 94 to 90 score. College Honors Thornton On Bethel Staff David Thornton, son of Robert and Nena Thornton, 6604 W. Mason Hill road, was one of 48 students chosen from over 150 applicants for the Welcome week staff at Bethel college in St. Paul netft fall. Welcome week is a tradition at Bethel specially designed to assist freshmen and transfer students in academic, spiritual, and emotional orientation The volunteer staff will help new students move in, will serve as leaders of small prayer groups, and will arrange activities for the students. Local Woman Named To NIU Honor Society Linda Koffend of 1511 S • Lily Lake road. McHenry. was elected recently to Phi Kappa Phi national honor society at Northern Illinois University (NIU). Ms Koffend is majoring in Special Education Phi Kappa Phi members represent the upper three percenSof university seniors and the top two percent of the junior class Membership in the 250- - chapter society is based solely on scholastic achievement and is open to undergraduates in all of Northern's colleges RUTH ANN MADSEN In recent Honors day ceremonies at Bryan college. Ruth Ann Madsen was awarded a Certificate of Merit for high academic achievement. A sophomore, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Madsen. 5300 N. Bridge street. McHenry. The McHenry Plaindealer Newspaper Available At Tho Following Locationg: •WHITE HEN PANTRY •BELL LIQUORS •REVCO DRUG •J i L CAS •LAKEVIEW •SUNNYSIDE FOOD •McHENRY PHARMACY •JOHNSBURG FOOD MART •BOLGERS DRUG STORE • ADAMS GROCERY •BEN FRANKLIN •LITTLE STORE •OSCO DRUGS *FRED t IRENE S TAP •JEWEL •HORNSBY'S •HERMES A CO. •LIQUOR MART •VILLAGE MART •J t R STORE •MCHENRY HOSPITAL •HANDY PANTRY •SUNRISE GROCERY •STEINY TAP •ISLAND FOODS •MCCULLOM LAKE GROC. •NORTHWEST TRAIN •FOOD MART •BITS! PIECES Subscribe Plaindealer The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W.'Elm Street McHenry, II. 60050 3 Years - $40.00 [ 2 Years • $28.50 • 1 Year • $15.50 • 6 Months • $8.50 • Payment Enclosed Name Address City Prices good in McHenry County.
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