PAOtl* DRESS & CASUAL SHOES FOR MEN and WOMEN At The Spare Pa 53 BRINK STREET, DOWNTOWN CRYSTAL LAKE EVERYDAY "ONTHE-RACK" LOW, LOW PRICES A Savings Service From Heisler's Bootery I TUCSDAY, MAY 2* • ,y .m | -- • Baiail MvRVwvVn*vv •WpW'• MM WM World Of Animate Senford And Son Movie -(Adventure) **H "CntarTha Dragon" 1073 Bruc* Laa.John8axon.Tbraaaganta.aH martial-aria expert*. invade an in land fortraaapratanding to ba par- tieipanta in brutal martial-arta tourney, In ordartoinvaatigata tha activttiea of tha tourney aponaor PG)(2hra.) I Atlanta Brave* va Loo Angalaa Podgara W Face The Meek SjSS • WBBMtdltortel Ufa CharSa Brown The Peanut* clan'a eammor vacation at a wH- darnaaa camp In tha Weat turoe into an adventure they had not an ticipated when they ranintoaband ofbyWaa.(Repeat;90mina) • IBWW Letoo Sheriff Lobo and Birdieareaaaignedtoacoompany a convicted mobater to 8an Quen- tin on a Jumbo jet and K'a anything bat a amooth flight whan they dte- cover a time bomb, a hit man and a hijacker aboard. (Repeat; 60 Wm, > Happy Oaya In a roman tic maaical fantaay, 'Happy Daya' paya tuneful tribute to the Amer ican immigrant with a magical melting pot of aong and dance Movie'Hefto.Doity'PartI i960 Barbra Stralaand. Walter Matth- au The atory of Dotty Levi, a turn of-the-century matchmaker (2 »PM Magazine MKE At 7: At teewe tva 'A Touch of Sanaitivity' Our akinoontainafivemilliontouch cell* What are they for and how important are they to ue? From electrodeereadingourmeeaagea of individual touch calla to behavioral experimenta with peo ple, thia invaatigation axploraa our aenaa of touch. (Cloeed- Captioned; U.S.A.) (00 mina.) • It'a A Great Idea W Movie -(Comedy) ** "Little OarBnge" 1BS0 Tatum O'Neal. Kriaty McNIchol. Two teenage girte. after meeting a awingar who braga of her aexual activitiee. make a wager aa to who will aur- render her virginity flret. (Rated R) Be.) SCO,000 Pyramid Bowling Game AIRofoVWo Movie -(Adventure) ••• "River Of No Return" ISM Robert MM chum. Marilyn Monroe HILL STREET BLUES Despite an injury to his nose, Detec tive Washington (Taurean Biacque) continues his curious crusade with Detective Goldblume (Joe Spano) to exonerate a bigoted cop in the shooting of a black man, in "Jungle Madness," a special two-hour original segment of NBC-TVs recently re newed "Hill Street Blues" series, TUESDAY, MAY 26 To the amazement of his fellow cops, Washington doggedly unearths evidence that he hopes will clear Charlie Weeks," a brutal, bigoted nar cotics cop of the latest in a series of fatal shootings. Complicating matters is the intention of the police brass to placate the outraged black community t>y offering Weeks as a sacrificial lamb and letting him "fry." CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME rv coawuioe uavtcit >*c (Paid Subecrlption Television) A barroom entertainer and a widower with a 10 year old aon travel downriver on a raft, men aced by rapida. Indiana and a rky gambler (00mina.) NCAA OoN Division II Championship • Movie -(I •(Romance) •• 'Homecoming" 1848 Clark Gable. Lana Turner. Aaociety doc tor learna new valuea on the batt lefield when her aide kick nurae djaa (2 hra.) 7:30 MM Leveme And Shir ley Lavemeand Shirley prove that the ahow muat go on when they suddenly find thomacNoa playing all the parta in a play written by L Joker'e WHd Over Caay Guaata: Vocallata Jackie Cain and Roy Krai. Hoata; Hugh Downa and Frank Blair. (Cloaed-Captione&; U S A ) W Worn en'a Channel 0 Of Hollywood Squerea W 9 Aprendlando A Amar • What WM They Think Of Next? • Bewitched 7:S8 |( Newecene 8.-00 9tV HMStreetBluea Detective Waahington continue* hia cruaade to clear a bigoted nar- cotica officer under inveetigation for what may have been racially motivated ehootinga. and hia al coholic partner, LaRue. auffera an emotional breakdown in tha ata- tton^2hre) , MMTIireei I'aCompanyJack diaplaya hia fancieat footwork when, on hia Brat night aa buaboy at a pOah French reetaurant. the gang cornea to dinner axpacting him to be the heed chef. (Repeat) i Tic tac Dough I Nova'A Touch ol Sanaitivi ty' Our akin containa five million touch calla. What are they for and how Important are they to ue? From electrodeereading our ma«- aagea of individual touch calla to behavioral experiments with peo ple, thfa invaatigation explore* our aenaa of touch. (Closed Captioned; U.S.A.) (SOvine.) W Myateryl 'She Fell Among Thievea' Adapted from a Domlord Yatea novel, thia thriller atara Eileen Atkina aa tha leader of a 1020'a criminal gang whoae hideout la a caatla In tha French Pyraneea. (Cloaed-Captioned; UiS.A.)(00mina.) 0 TeleFrance-U.S.A. Mazarin 2) Troia Etoilaa 3) Belphegor Ou Le Fantoma Du Louvre 4) L'Opera iMovte^Drama) Mar ty" 18SS Emeet Borgnine, Betsy Blair A lonely Bronx butcher falla in love wtth a girl he met at a dance halU2 hra.) (S # Movie-(Drama) "An- Mo" 1888 Robert Mitchum, Peter Falk. A warcorrsspondent reports tothe general oftheAnzioinvaaion that the road to Rome is wide open but tha general prafera to dig in. giving the Nazia time to build their defenaee. (2 hra.) £• aOOMBMuiiee W Beet Of USA (Joined in NCAA Track And Field JO Championehip* Telethon Continues A.R.T.S.: Parle With Janet Lelfh Great Paintera. 2) Swan Lake' danced by the Ruaaian Bo! ahot Ballet Company. 3) Tit'" Unannounced • StteetoOf SanFrancteco S:Nlii8 National Co' lipiiti ChMrlMdlng pionahlpa John Davideon a? Victoria Principal will host th competition among tha nation' * aix top college cheerleadjno teama. Guaat atara: The Beach Boya, Barbi Benton. Debbie Boone. Marilyn Michaeia and JaUetPrpwae. (90 mine.) MM TooCtoaeFer Comfort A tormented Henry la faced with a midlife fling whan a at tinning lady friend of Muriel'a arrivee In town to celebrate her newfound freedom, and ha wagaa a battle againat fetation (Repeat) it To ToM The Truth HBO Sneak Preview: June Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara high light the upcoming moviea, aporta and apeciale on HBO in June. 1