Pmi&nt June 'ynww'" verity Dear »1J ^cHenry five ye recog^ uggisb Chicago , s . too th costs. ,d jmmunity that Henry State thing Henry n sotne icaliy ,r ^eeVs loans VJatch .r- actual ;ill roa^e ^cHenri axttnent n havine r several jobs, l car deal' , car fttribute( support !Venue t o cHenry ser- dr as- more ^ ^ better r you ne of June* yourse truly TFB/baro Wonder Lake Anne Sowers 653-9549 SHOP EARLY! SOME STYLES COMPLETE! DAILY 9 to 5:30 FRI 9 to 8:30 CLOSED SUNDAY SALE PRICE APPLIES TO IN STOCK MERCHANDISE NO SPECIAL ORDERS ALL SALES F INAL Seek Area Contestants Applications are ready and waiting for Wonder Lake girls between 16 and 20 years, who have resided in Wonder Lake for at least six months. Entrants must be single, never been married, and may not have done professional modeling. The contest is being sponsored by the Wonder Lake Jaycees and will be held Saturday. July 4, at the old firehouse building. The Jaycees and the Business and Professional Woman's club are organizing a great celebration for the Fourth of July and the Miss Wonder Lake contest is going to be one of the highlights. If you are interested, contact Pat Letizia at 728-0404 for an application. SWIMMING LESSONS If the registration date slipped by without you remembering, there are still some openings in the classes. The lessons are taught by qualified Red Cross Water Safety in structors to those five years old and up. All classes from Beginner to Senior Life Saving will be offered. Lessons will be held at the Wonder Center beach. Wonder Woods beach, and Highland Shores beach. Be ginner to Swimmer classes are held from Monday to Friday, for two weeks, each lasting 30 minutes. Junior and Senior Life Saving takes place at Wonder Woods beach from 1 to 3 p.m. for the two weeks. The classes will be held July 13-24. If you still need to register, call Mary McCarty at 728-0608. • . o If you have your WSI certificate, one more teacher is still needed. ANNIVERSARY • SURPRISE When Bud and Jackie Schau left their home for a quiet dinner with friends, they never dreamed what fun they were in for! Their children, Susan, Steve, Sandi, and Sharon had gathered eighty friends and relatives at the Moose hall in Woodstock to greet them when they arrived for aquick drink. This was all done to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Jackie told me this was a fabulous evening which will leave lasting memories for a long time to come. WOUNDED HEROES As you walk down to the ball fields at Christ the King, you can't help noticing a few dejected looking faces of boys who have to sit on the sidelines wishing they could run out on the field too. Rich Sullivan of the Tigers had a battle with some monkey bars and ended up the loser with six stitches in I , lis#: ' his chin. As soon as the stitches are removed, he will be back in action Tony Brisinti, also of the Tigers, is battling an in fection in the glands around his throat. He was given orders by the doctor not to play ball until the infection has been struck out. Dave Jackson of the In dians will be out for the whole season. He had a bike- car accident and now is walking around with an extremely black eye and a broken arm. Not only will he not be playing, which is a fatal blow to any ball player, but he also received a new mitt at opening ceremony because he%as one of the top sellers for the league in their fund raising project. A brand new mitt and he can't use it! We are all happy, though, that the accident wasn't more serious, and for Dave, there is always next year. BIRTHDAY PARTY Catherine Omerzo, who has recently moved to Woodstock, was honored by some of her Wonder Lake friends on her birthday. She was beaming with delight as she told me of the wonderful time she had because of her friends. She said she couldn't thank them enough for the terrific birthday they gave her. Catherine will always remain a part of Wonder I>ake even though she is now in Woodstock. 4 FIREWORKS COLLECTION Beginning June 2, members of the American Legion will be going door to door seeking donations for the fireworks display that will be put on Friday night, July 3. This is an expensive project and any financial help they receive will be appreciated. If you are not home when the workers come around. I'm sure a donation mailed to the American Legion would be most welcome. HARRISON TOPS IN HISTORICAL CONTEST On April 11, Harrison school hosted the Northeast Regional Illinois Historical contest At that time. Harrison took many of the awards which helped them advance to the state finals held in Springfield At the state level. Harrison placed first out of all the schools from an 11 county area, including Cook county. Twenty Harrison students received awards in Springfield. In the research paper division. Mike I^ermer received a superior rating; Bill Howard, an excellent rating: Richard Zabrowski. an excellent rating; Linda Gallo and Cheryl Hummel, good ratings; and Lisa Miller. John Ruzicka, and Margaret Oleszczuk received honorable men tions In the project division, excellent awards were given to Laurie Mroz, Brian Etten, Mike Meyer. Alan Gin. Dave Dolby, and Charles Bec- card. good ratings to J.R Wright. Mike Gallagher, John Ruzicka. and Dave Dolby : honorable mention to Mike Lermer and Scott Kimble. An awards ceremony was held in the Sangamon State university for all the students, after which they attended a reception at the governor's mansion. This is a very big honor for Harrison school and for Fred Reed, who is the faculty sponsor for this event. Congratulations to all those who participated. OPEN HOUSE WELL ATTENDED A large crowd was on hand to take part in the open house and dedication ceremony of the new Co. 1 firehouse Coffee, soft drinks and cake was served to those visiting. The Co. 1 Auxiliary is grateful to the wholp com munity for all the support they received with their recent activities, such as the bake sale and the great attendance at the open house. COMMUNITY CALENDAR June 3 - Young At Hearts meeting June 4 - Woman^s club board meeting June 6 -- House Walk from 12-4 p.m. June 10 -- Business and Professional Woman's club meeting June 11 --Jaycees meeting Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. WOODSTOCK ILLINOIS McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, an Illinois Corporation, Plaintiff, RONALDC LADA; et. al ; Defendants. NO 81 CH 163 NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given v o u . N O N R E C O R D C L A I M A N T S A N D UNKNOWN OWNERS. RONALD C. LADA and MARY LOU LADA. Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit. McHenrv Countv. Illinois, by the aforesaid Plaintiff against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage made by RONALD C LADA and MARY LOU LADA. to McHenry Savings and Loan Association. Mortj conveying the following described premises to wit: Ixit 1005 and the South Half of Lot 1006 in First Addition to Fox River Valley Gardens, a Subdivision in the Southeast Quarter of Section 32. Township 44 North. Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, and in the Northeast Quarter of Section 5. Township 43 North. Range 9 East of ihe Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded March 11. 1930 as Document No 91918 in Book 8 of Fiats, page 8, in M c H e n r y • C o u n t y , . Illinois Said property is commonly known as 226 North East wood Ave.,, Rarrington, Illinois: that the aforesaid mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds. McHenry County. Illinois as Document Number 645911, on Sep tember 15. 1975; that sum mons was duly issued out of the court against you as provided by law. and said suit is still pending NOW. THEREFORE, unless vou. the said above named Defendants, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County. County Ruilding, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Wood stock, Illinois, on or before the 6th day of July. A.D 1981. default may be entered against you at any time thereafter and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint DATED: Woodstock. Illinois. May 26. 1981, Vernon W. Kays, Jr. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FREDERICK C CAPPETTA Attorney for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 (312) 726-9600 • Pub June 3,10 & 17.1981) No 810262 Energy-Savers To operate household equip ment economically, use «ma|| appliances rather than the range for small-portion cooking. McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. (Across from the Fqx Hole) McHENRY, ILLINOIS CLASSES MADE WHILE YOi WAIT! (Single Vision Only Ov«r 3.000 First Quality I FRAMES Metal or Plastic ALL KIDS Matal or Plastic VISIT OUR BOUTIQUE DESIGNER SECTION 1 SENIOR bm* EBBUEfl . WITH PURCHASE ÎTIZEN^^^^n i _ ^ O F L E N S f c S