SECTION 2 - PAGE 8 - PLA1NDEALER • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3,1W1 cHenry State Bank Serving the banking needs of the McHenry area Member FDlC Marengo Federal Savings m~w IIIHl Nlllll IÎ K'llllHIII*7 NaTiONaL eaiMK of iv^hcnry JOHNSBURG HIGH SCHOOL PICTURES CONTINUED * Douglas John Wlckman Laura L. Wllkerson Paul J. Wills CUtry! Louise Worzala Dart w. Zamastil Daniel V. Zaremba Valarl Zlmbrlck PICTURES NOT AVAILABLE FOR Cathy Easter ling Mary Kay Rorlg Chris Taylor MARIAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR CLASS Aim Brian Berlnger Joseph Bleiowa Carl Brown Angela Catanzaro Lawrence Coughlin Betsy Dledrlch Janet Died rich Kathy Dieter lie Doherty Michael Eisele Lite Franks Cynthia Gllmore Q Lynn Golbeck Nicholas Gray Darlene Grenier Geo. Hartmann ill Don Hankes James Hertrlck Christopher Hesch Marie Hlllebrand Robert B. Johnston Sandra (Casting Madonna Kennedy John Lang Joseph Liggett Andrew Mass Carol Mlkosz Joan Murray CoJeen McAndrews McAndrews Oenlet McOonough Mlehefle Nash Ted Christopher Nylander Margaret Oakford Thomas Pierce Gerald Ryan Kathy Sabatka Paul Sandall Jetterey Schaefer Thomas Sharp Key Schuler Joseph Sullivan Cynthia Tor van £ Daniel Tonyan Robert Tonyan Pamele Tonyan Karen Truckenbrod Steven Wenkel Robert Weber Daniel Wills Susan Wohnrade Suzanne Zelasko The McHenry Plaindealer Newspaper Available At Tho Following Locations: •WHITE HEN PANTRY • J ft L GAS •BELL LIQUORS •LAKEVIEW •McHENRY DRUG •SUNNYSIDE FOOD •BOLGERS DRUG STORE •JOHNSBURG FOOD MART •BEN FRANKLIN •ADAMS GROCERY •OSCO DRUGS •LITTLE STORE •JEWEL •FRED ft IRENE'S TAP •HORNSBY'S •HANDY PANTRY •HERMES* CO. •SUNRISE GROCERY •LIQUOR MART •STEINY TAP •VILLAGE MART •McCULLOM LAKE GROC. •J BR STORE •HILLTOP GROCERY •McHENRY HOSPITAL •FOOD MART •NORTHWEST TRAIN •BITS ft PIECES WAS YOUR PICTURE IN THE PAPER? Reprints of any photo which appeared . in the McHenry Plaindealer and taken by our staff are available at modest prices. All are black and white. 4 X 5 -- $ 2 . 0 0 5 X 7 - $2.75 8 X 10 - $4.00 Order Yours Today! ALLOW 7 DAYS FOR PROCESSING > McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 Evaluation Begins On Swimming Beaches The McHenry County Department of Health has started its evaluation program of swimming beaches within the county, the first samples were collected May 26 and May 27. The department will be collecting samples Monday and Tuesday of each week throughout the swimming season and will be collecting a sample from beaches in the county every other week. By collecting the samples Monday and Tuesday, the analysis can be completed by Wednesday afternoon so the citizens of McHenry county can be made aware of the condition of the waters of the beaches prior to the weekend. The criteria used by the McHenry County Depart ment of health to determine if the waters m a beach are satisfactory or un satisfactory for swimming are the criteria set up by the Illinois Depaertment of Public Health in their rules and regulations concerning recreational areas and recreational waters. Those standards are: 1000 total coliform organisms per 100 milliliters of water and-or 100 fecal coliform organisms in 100 milliliters of water. Any time a sample was more than 1000 coliform or 100 fecal coliform per 100 ml. of water that swimming area is considered unsatisfactory. However, the standards recognize the variability present in natural swimming areas and specify that before a beach is posted these standards must be exceeded by two consecutive samples. Also, the standards specify that any time two con secutive samples exceed 5000 total coliform per 100 ml. and-or 500 fecal coliform per 100 ml. the beach shall be physically closed to restrict persons from having access to those waters. In the future, the depart ment will issue information concerning the results of the sampling during the week, specifying those beaches which are found to be un satisfactory during that week and also specifying those beaches which have had two consecutive un s a t i s f a c t o r y s a m p l e s collected from them and which the department will be posting as unsafe for swimming. Those beaches at which the water was found to be unsatisfactory for swim ming included Deep Spring Woods No. 2 (north) and Indian Ridge No. 1, Wonder Lake. u Those beaches at which swimming waters were found to be satisfactory included Sunrise Ridge, White Oaks Bay No. 1, White Oaks Bay No. 2, Wonder Woods No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Hickory Falls No. 1 and 3, Lookout Point, Wildwood Beach, Indian Ridge No. 2, Wonder Center No. 1 and 2, Deep Spring Woods No. 1 (south), Shore Hills Country club. Wooded Shores and Wonder View. Wonder Lake. SCUB SCOUTS! PACK 142 On May 23, Pack 142 was in full attendance for its final pack meeting and field trip. Twin Oaks farm opened doors to the Scouts and allowed Pack 142 to see how a dairy farm operates. Costs are high, the work is hard and long - so why do they do it? Their feve for life and all that it involves. It was a fun day for all. This summer's events for Pack 142 are: Petersen park, l p.m. Summer Olympics, June 13-'81; Fiesta days parade, July 26 - '81; Cub Scout Pack 142 picnic, 11 a m Petersen park, special event, rockets to fly. Poor Pay Haiti's annual rural income averages only $60, and that fig ure includes the few wealthy landowners who make mawy times that amount, says Nation al Geographic.