/ Heard 'round the universe Two or more can play. Without reading the story, one player asks the others) to write the requested words, in order, on a separate sheet of paper. For a good laugh, plug in the answers and read the story back. Bongo clut£ha<^the jar of Three -X- type of people No answer. Without. pi. noun werg chasing him. He behind him and ran 'ing' verb adverb _ for help. 'past' verb he dropped the jar .̂9 V.3-S ̂ MOON SCAN 1. Bones 2. Spine 3. Vertebrae 4. Kneecap 5. Patela 6 Breast 7. Sternum 8 Hip 9. Pelvis 1 10 Cottar 11. Clavicle 12. Skul S G N H I Q R N V C 0 Y B M K 0 L G U F N E 0 V W N K P H U S R U L I K N L L N C L F U S 0 E R Science Fact X N I V T V Q K 0 W Z N K D G There are exactly 206 bones in your body. More than half of them are in your hands and feet. One cubic inch of bone can withstand two tons of force. TV COMMAOC MtmCII