PAOt II SUNDAY. AUGUST 23 live* of mora than alxmliTTon paopia in East Africa. Co-hoatad by Carol Lawronoo and World Vision pra aidant Stan Moonay- ham; featuring Dean Jonee, Oalo I and Efram Zimbaliat, Jr. W/ I Movia -{Drama) **H "And JuetleePorAR" 1979 AlPacino. John Foraytha. Humor la mlxad with tonaa drama aa a lawyar fight a corruption In tha courtroom. (Ratad R) (2 hra.) a Amerlea'eTop 10 (9 BobLewandowekl • ® Movie -(Comady) •• H "Simon" 1980 AlanArkin, Madallna Kahn. (Paid Sutoacrip Hon Talavlalon) A paychology profaaaor la bralnwaahad by a group of think-tank welrdoa to baliova ha haa coma from anothar Djanat. (106mifia.) m S Amartng Qraca SIMa Cteaa • Movia -(Drama) "Danny" Rabacca Paga, Qaorga Luca. A 12 yaar old girl Nghta to aava a baautlful, but ovar Khill pony. (Ratad Q) (2 hra.) Movia -(Drama) •••* "Miracla Worfcar" 1992 Anna Oaneroft, Patty Duka. Tha trua atory of Annia Sulllvan'a dadlcatad afforta to halp tha young Halan KeNer emerge from a jalghaaaa and aoundlaaa world. (2 S; ) I Movia -(Drama) **H "Olrl Hamad Tamfco" 199S Lauranca Harvay, Franca Nuyan. Whan an ambltioua Europaan photo- graphar in Tokyo courta an Amariean woman to win U.S. citlsanahip, ha doaan't rackon with hla deep (ova for a Japanaaa AUDREY ROSE John Beck and Marsha Mason play Bill and Janice Tempieton, the parents of a troubled young girl who seems to suffer from depression but may have two personalities in "Audrey Rose," a suspense drama on NBC-TVs 'The Sunday Big Event," SUNDAY, AU GUST 23. At the age of 5, a girl named Ivy dies in an automobile accident. Two min utes later, she is reborn as Audrey Rose, the daughter of the upwardly mobile Templetons, who reside in a plush New York apartment hotel. The Templetons are perplexed when 11-year-old Audrey Rose begins to have nightmares about a horrible ve hicular collision. As the date of her birthday approaches, Audrey's night mares become increasingly severe and she begins to behave like some one possessed. (Closed-captioned) CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME YV COMPUIOC SERVICES. INC ilUW Bob Nawhart Show Brady Bunch MKE At 7: WtaconfJn Magaitna a F Troop • Movia -(Comady) •* "grand Than Auto" 1977 Ron Howard. Nancy Morgan. Young man trieato alopa to Laa Vagaa with Ma girl in a RoNa-Royca Sltvar Cloud! Thay ara foHowad by a conv ay of patrol copta jLa, WEED & GRASS TRIMMER Weighs Less Than Some Electric Models, Yet It Has AJt The Durability And Portability Of Gas Power. •Um OME Ikmt IumIBI Futures: • Lightweight (lighter than some electric models) lor easy handling -- weighs l-aaf, than 10 lbs1 • Carefully balanced lor distributed weight and comfortable operation • High quality nylon trmvning head lor close, clea n professional cutting • Gas power for total portability -- no 'nore extension cord namlest • 12 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY* "THi HOUSE THAT SMVICC lUir FRitND, Im 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry gangatara and bueybodiee. (90 Sha Ha Ha Quoata: Tha assr;, 9raad For Jonaa Larry Jonaa hoata thia apacial that ahowa a plan to mova aurplua Amariean whaat to atarving araaa ofthaworld. S:3S • Htea Paopia KVCHMO 8:00 Hawa eorraapondanta Mlko Wallaoa, Morlay Safar, Dan Rathar and Harry Reaaonar ara tha on-alr aditora of thia woakly r>aw» maoazlna (SO mine.) • •• Olanay'a Wondarful World 'Sig Rad' A 14-year old orphan ia hirad by a prominant aportaman to oara for a prize winning Iriah aattar that ia batog tralnad for tha Waatmlaatar Kannal Club ahow. Stara: Walt ar Pldgeon, QMaa Payant. (Pt. I of a two-part aplaoda; SOmlna.) CCjoaad-Capttonad; U.8.A.) til Thoaa Amaiing Antmala A tralnor la attaokad by a 1,200 pound griszly boar, two quaan baaa fight to tha daath, Havada'a wild muatanga atruggla to aurviva doadly aaaaulta from angry cattle renohera.andalnging parrota parform a comical chorua. (Repeat; SO mina.) V InSeerchOf 11 Agalnet The Wind Praaantal 9 Vartatlona Prom Vienna Programming may ba interrupted ordalayad due to pladglng. • Mudk>l(Conttnuaa) • tfMah Pram U JLCXJL ® 0 loM OoM Hoat: Dlonna Warwick. Qold raoord wlnnara oartorm their hit aonga. IB 6 Angolo Uboratt Show 8*8VTN0M S:JP M WSd Kingdom ISFuture FaHh S ipoftiCiiilic • flOraiRobar B:4S V » Movia I Movia -(Adventure) "Challenge For Robin I" 1988 Barria lagham, Laon Qraana. (Paid 8ubacrlption Talavlalon) Robin and hla band atrika out agalnat Robin'a hatod couain who haaaaaumad a dlctatorahlp ovar tha aarfa aubiact tohla oaatla. (10S mina.) 7:00 •) «§ B fll Archla Bunkar'aPlaca Murray'a mantaga plana coma to an abrupt halt whan tha auddan daath of Ma mothar laavaa him dovaatatad with guMt for having la ft har'alona' Part ona of a two-part apiaoda) i Jon andPonch conaidar It a waata of thalr time to train tha California Highway Patrol'a firat famala motorcycla officora until thay fall in lova with thalr etudenta. (Pt. I of a two-part aotafidfeSOmina.) 981 Foul Play Tuckar ia aaalgnad aa a bodyguard to Captain Lombardl, the atar wltnaa> in a gangland murdartrial whoaa 'daath' la atagad for tha praaa to protaet him from aaaaaaina who want to kaap Mm from taatifying. (Rapaat; SO mina.) ir?0- WOOPfKW Wmy 0 Bvonlni _ Kvanlng AlPopa"Andy Wllliama' ioina conductor John Wllllama and tha Boaton Popa Orchoatra for an ovonlng of popular aong Including tha favorite, 'Moon Rtvar'. a Don Kannady'a 8potSght 0 Movia -(Suepenae) •• "Huntar" 1971 Fritz Waavar. John Varaon. An anamy brainwa ah aehoma ia uncovarad whan a raca-track craah. (2 hra.) a Movia -(Drama) ••• "High And Tha Mighty" 1984 John Wayna, Robert Stack. Twopaopla aboard a plana faca dangar and poaaibla daath aa tha plana ia about to craah. (2 hra.. 30 mina.) • 0 JmBakkar if IfaYoarBwainaaa aa HaSanlc Theatre a CFLFootbaMBritlah Columbia Upneva Montraal Aiouettee aa In Touch S Bpaclal DaSvary On Stagaat »Agora: Ian Hunter What's Happening ImrtoiT aSkMrta -(Drama) Baat YaaraOf OurUvaa" 1949 Dana Andrawa, Pradrto March. A atory of thrao votarana ratuming homa from war to tha aama town: ona a middla-agod aargaant, ona an air offloor, and ona a aaNor who haa loat both handa. (S hra.) 7KM aAtanttaCity ABve 7:80 aaaa Ona Day At A Tlma Sohnaldar bacomaa Involvad with a 22 yaar old who oouldpravatobamorathanhacan handla. (Part ono of a two part aolaoda) (Rapaat) ® a Ovar Baay Hoat: Hugh