From The Desk Of Illinois State Council On Nutrition by Virginia Hill A SUGAR BY ANY OTHER NAME IS STIIJ, A SUGAR Gertrude Stein is always remembered for her saying, "A rose is a rose is a rose." I'd like to paraphrase that somewhat and say, "A sugar is a sugar is a sugar." Sugar is getting a great deal of attention these days because it is found in so many of our processed foods. While sucrose, which is table sugar, is the most common and abundant sweetener, there are many, many substances that are sweet and which chemically can be described as sugars. Because they are the most efficient source of energy, carbohydrates are im portant to the body and should be included in the diet. Carbohydrates are classified into two groups, sugars and starches. In the last 10 years, there has been an increasing amount of sugar in the American diet, almost to the extent that the more complex car bohydrates, or starches, have been neglected. Some of the sugars that I am going to define may help you when you are reading labels because often some of the terms that are used are not defined as "sugar" but are ingredients in many foods. Another name for simple sugars are monosaccarides. These include glucose, galactose and fructose. Glucose, a simple sugar, is also known as dextrose, grape sugar, and-or corn syrup. It is found in most fruit and is the chief source of energy in the body. Glucose is also commonly referred to as blood sugar, since it is the only car bohydrate found in general circulation in the body. Galactose, another simple sugar, is not found in nature except as part of another complex sugar. For this reason, you probably will not see the term used on product labels. , Another simple sugar is fructose. It is the sweetest of all sugars, one of the reasons so many are promoting the use of fructose as an alternative sugar. However, it is sugar! Fructose is also known as fruit sugar because it occurs in so many fruits and berries. It is also used to sweeten many soft drinks. Pure fructose, which is sold commercially as a sugar alternative, is actually produced from refined sugar and not from fruit or honey as one would suppose. To obtain pure fructose from such sources as honey and fruit would be prohibitively expensive. A spot check on the price of fructose done recently by the Food and Drug Ad ministration indicated that the granular, powdered or packaged forms of fructose were selling from $3.50 to $9.43 per pound. Disaccarides, or double sugars, are chemical combinations of two simple sugars. These include maltose, sucrose (table sugar) and lactose. Maltose, or malt sugar, is made up of two glucose. It is not found per se in nature, but is produced by the natural digestive breakdown of starch provided by sprouting grains, malted cereals and malted milks. Sucrose, also a double sugar, is a combination of fructose and glucose. Also known as table sugar, it is the most abundant type of sugar and is found in cane or beet sugar, brown sugar, sorghum, molasses and maple sugar. Fruits and vegetables contain small amounts of sucrose. Lactose, or milk sugar, is another double sugar and is made up of galactose and glucose. It is the natural carbohydrate found in cow's milk and mother's milk. Commercially, it is made from whey and skim milk and is only one sixth as sweet as sucrose. Other terms you might see on product labels that are sugars include brown sugar, turbinado sugar, invert sugar, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, honey, maple syrup, molasses, sorbitol and xylitol. These are all sweet and sugars of some sort and will be defined in a future article. When you read a label and the first thing listed on the label is one of the sugars mentioned in this article, you know there is a higher percentage of sugar in the product than anything else. Although sugars will give you energy, it would be better for you if your energy came from more con centrated sources of car bohydrates such as grains and cereals rather than the simple sugars. Stop Stored Food Spoilage a <»u*j » -« - « Aiuift A , rttUVdl u, i#Oi bill. If the dollar comes out easily when pulled, the gasket needs to be replaced. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Galler of Crystal Lake are the parents of their second child and second daughter. Courtney Leigh, who was born at McHenry hospital Aug. 18, is being welcomed home by 2Vfe-year-old Shannon as well as her parents. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Galler of McHenry. A girl, Kristina Marie, was born Aug. 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dubovik, 1720 Oakleaf drive, McHenry. The infant arrived at Lutheran General hospital, Park Ridge, 111., weighing 6 lbs., 10 oz. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ren Pira of Ingleside, 111. and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dubovik of Chicago. Among recent births recorded at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock was the Aug. 17 birth of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schmitt of McHenry. Comfort Range The lower limit of the air temperature comfort range for man is 64 to 73 degrees Fahren heit. The upper limit is 79 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. To enjoy a safe summer, one should take a tour of the kitchen and ask the folowing questions: Are the cabinets under the sink used only for non-food items? - Food should not be stored in cabinets that contain water pipes, drain pipes or heating pipes. Insects and rodents can enter through openings in the cabinet and dripping pipes can contaminate food. Are foods stored away from heat sources? - Food stored near heat sources can become overheated and bacteria, which would pose no problem under cool storage, will grow. Are foods stored away from chemicals? Chemicals and food are often kept in look-alike containers, and should never be stored in the same place. Is any food sitting out? - Meat should not be thawed at room temperature as this will cause bacteria to grow. Meat should be thawed in the refrigerator. To thaw meat in a hurry, one may put it in a water-tight plastic bag and submerge it in cold water. Is bread stored in the refrigerator during humid weather? - Uially, bread keeps fresher at room temperature, but in the summer, refrigerated bread is better protected against mold. Are foods stored away from the range? - Even dry mixes do not keep well when they are stored in cabinets above the range. Do the cans appear nor mal? - If cans are leaking, bulging or look damaged in any other way, the food may be spoiled. The cans should be returned to the store and a letter written to the manufacturer. This food should not be tasted. Is the refrigerator cleaned frequently? - Food that either appears questionable or is not planned to be used should be thrown out. Is there a thermometer in the refrigerator and freezer? - To store food safely for three to four days, the refrigerator should be kept at 40 degrees F.; to keep longer it should be 36 degrees F. Frozen foods should be kept at zero degrees. Is frost buildup in the freezer less than V4 inch? Frost buildup of V« inch or more keeps foods from freezing well. Are Milk, meats and most leftovers kept in the coldest part of the refrigerator? - The coldest part of the refrigerator is the area nearest the freezing com partment. Are canned food con tainers clean? - Cans should be wiped off before opening or, when opening, dust on the top of the can will be pressed into the food. Are the motor and refrigerating units of the refrigerator free of lint and dirt? - Dirt cuts off the air supply, overworks the refrigerator and reduces efficiency. Is the rubber gasket around the refrigerator door flexible? - If the gasket is stiff, craoked and damaged, air will seep into the refrigerator. An easy test is to close the door on a dollar HEART ATTACK VICTIM The death of Roy E. Enger, 89, of Whispering Oaks, was reported in Wednesday's Plalndealer as "believed to have succumbed to a heart attack while bailing water in the basement of his home Friday evening". In fact, Mr. Enger's death was due to a heart attack but he was not bailing water. HOSPITAL NOTES WOOD8TOCK Admissions: Mrs. Theresa Bujak, Norbert Schulkers and Mrs. GaU Violett, aU of McHenry; and James Connelly and John Vrett, both of Wonder Lake. HARVARD A d m i s s i o n : F r a n k Bradley of McHenry. Editor's Quote Book Active natures are rarely melancholy. Activity and sadness are incompatible. --Christian Bovee • Zingy guacamole la the ideal starter for any Mexican fiesta. In small bowl, mash small ripe avocado, peeled and seeded. Mix in V* cup Chunky Taco Sauce; add Seasoned Salt and Seasoned Pepper to taste. Serve with warm tostaditas or tortilla chips. Makes about 1 cup. BACK TO SCHOOL ALL PERMANENT WAVES 25%OFF with this ad •Vires Sept. 12 MISTER'S COIFFURES "Featuring Men's & Women's Hairstyling" 3701 W. ELM ST.. McHENRY (ACROSS FROM A • P) 3t5-7550 We've Remodeled! COME IN FOR YOUR EARLY MORNING DONUTS THE COFFEE'S ON IISI AUG 25-29 OPEN 4 A.M. DAILY CLOSED MON. CAKE DECORATING SPECIAL ORDERS GET 6 DONUT HOLES WITH ANY PURCHASE AUG 26 A 27 Riverside Bake Shop 1309 Rivertid* Drivo 385-0044 McHenry, Illinois 18% INTEREST NOW! TAX-FREE INTEREST BEGINNING OCTOBER 1ST! Beginning October 1, 1981 McHenry Savings & Loan can pay you tax-free interest on in sured savings. And you can get a jump on it now, while earning record high interest rates! McHENRY S A V I N G S A ISAM ASIICIATION tflhtfpticp/ef MfMtf* FSU C Pedml SevMp ft lean kwurai nee Corp McHenry Savings 1209 North Green Str*«t. McHenry 815/385-3000 10520 Main Street, Richmond. 815/678-2061 10402 North Vine Street (Huntley Center on Route 47) Huntley. 312/669-3333 MVfM HOUtt: *:00 em »• t:Nf m Monday Tuaiday end Thursday *:00 a.m. •• l:Mpm Friday; V:M •.m. •• 14* p.m. Saturday. McHenry Office Drive-in windewi apan Wedneidey »:00 a m la }:M p.m. Cleted Wad- netd«y in Richmond and Huntley Deposit* injured $'00 000 by the Federol Sovings ft loon Inturonce Corp Sign up now (or any time before October 1st) with a minimum of $1,000 and your money will be automatically transferred into a one year tax-free savings certificate on October 1st. Between your sign up date and that time your money will earn a guaran teed 18% interest in a repurchase agreement (REPO*). While a REPO is not a savings account or deposit and is not insured by the FSLIC, it is backed by the general assets of McHenry Savings and Loan and is collateralized by U.S. Government and Federal Agency Securities. Then, on October 1st, McHenry Savings will automatically transfer your money plus in terest into our new one year tax-free savings certificate. This all-savers certificate is fully insured. Couples filing jointly can earn up to $2,000 of tax-free interest ($1,000 on individual returns). See what this means to you in your tax bracket. Your Tax Bracket The interest rate you'd have to receive to net 11.62% after Federal Income Tax. 54% 25.26% 49% 22.78% 43% 20.39% 37% 18.44% Figures above are approximate and based equal to 70% of average investment yield recent auction date. on 1981 tax tables. Interest rate of 11.62% is on one year U.S. Treasury Bills as of the most Don't wait until October. . .Sign up now and start earning 18% interest today! Up to $2,000 tax-free interest on insured savings starting October 1st. *18% REPO offer is available only to persons agreeing to transfer these funds on October 1, 1981 to a tax-free certificate.