PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26,1981 Past 65 by Carl Riblet Jr. Q, "In your column about retirement locales you stated that your personal preference was in the nor thwest. However, you stated that because of what you do for a living, you probably will never go there to live. It sounds odd for a retired person to say 'What I do for a living.' It is very confusing." - Edith C. A - What I do for a living is work. I am not retired now, and I never expect not to work no matter how old I become, unless I am in capacitated. There are three kinds of people past 65: those who retire and love every minute of it after a long life of work, those who are unhappily forced out of their work by mandatoi^ retirement, and those whb don't retire and prefer it that way To some, retirement is paradise To some, retirement is purgatory. To others, retirement is death My pleasure in life is to pursue many projects. Besides writing this column and handling letters from readers with problems, I am rewriting and editing two other columns written by others for the syndicate that distributes mine, and I am writing my fifth book. I am happy to help my readers, and I am happy to write. I might retire from my present work if my book is a hit, but I would then at once take up something else, such as running a general store at a four-corners location near a wilderness, or teaching young people to write, or counting the money that pours in from the best seller. Not many authors make a living from books The few who do, those who make small fortunes, are rare exceptions. I'm not one of them. My books have each come out like an oil well that comes in and pumps only 25 barrels a day; not enough to The McHenry Plaindealer Newspaper Available At The Following Locations: •WHITE HEN PANTRY • j ft L GAS •BELL LIQUORS •McHENRY DRUG •BOLGERS DRUG STORE •BEN FRANKLIN •OSCO DRUGS •JEWEL •HORNSBY'S •HERMES ft CO. •LIQUOR MART •VILLAGE MART •J ft R STORE •McHENRY HOSPITAL •FOOD MART •LAKEVIEW ®SUNNYSIDE FOOD •JOHNSBURG FOOD MART & •ADAMS GROCERY •LITTLE STORE •FRED ft IRENE S TAP •HANDY PANTRY •SUNRISE GROCERY •STEINY TAP •McCULLOM LAKE GROC. •HILLTOP GROCERY •NORTHWEST TRAIN •BITS ft PIECES get rich, but too good to shut down. Man was made to work; not as a drudge, but in something interesting and productive; unless he knows what to do to be happy when he retires Q - "My first husband died 16 years ago and left me comfortably fixed and secure with the knowledge that I could draw on his Social Security account when I reached 65. But I got so lonely that I remarried three years ago. Now I find that my new husband has not paid into SS in a long time. He said he never planned on receiving SS because he didn't work enough to pay in enough for it. He plans on going on welfare. What are we going to do? "I am totally disabled with a bad heart, diabetes, and arthritis. I can't work. I worked all my life before this. I was raised on a farm. My new husband didn't file a tax return. He plans to leave me, but I cling to him out of fear for the future. For this man I sold my nice home and let him put all the money in two acres that can't support us. He cancelled my in surance. He takes care of all the finances and I feel like a prisoner. "My daughter believes I can draw total disability from SS. Is this true? What can I do?" - Esther W. . A - Esther can ask her daughter to take her to the Social Security office and inquire about the possibility of disability benefits. She can also contact the county office on aging in the county seat, where they may be able to advise her. Her daughter can take her to a lawyer who f can tell her what her rights are. If she lives in a com munity property state, she may have certain rights that she has been denied. She has a daughter. The daughter is there. The daughter can help. Q. -- "I enjoy reading your answers to the interesting questions you get from us readers. Your answer to the reader who has arthritis and who has trouble opening doors, is right up my alley. How about swinging doors? I remember as a girl we had a wonderful door from the kitchen to the dining room. It swung when we pushed it - with our hands or elbows and with our shoulders when our hands were carryingdishes. Right here in my home now we have half-sized swinging doors." - Mary F. A -- A sensible idea for arthritics. Swinging doors can be insalled in other areas also. They can be half doors or full-sized doors that can be fastened shut when Ok* SALTY FROG <•*, 344-3760 1406 N. Riverside Drive THANK YOU McHENRY! IN APPRECIATION OF YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE WE ARE SCHEDULING A... FIGHT INFLATION NITE! SAT., AUG. 29TH "FROG TIME 8PM-12 MIDNIGHT (EXCEPT BOTTLE BEER AND WINE) desired A carpenter can install a swinging door bet ween kitchen and dining room for a relatively small sum. Q - I am past 65 and have an only child over 30. Most of my savings are in joint accounts with her and certificates. My concern is with inheritance taxes for her when I die. Will my child have to pay taxes only on my half of the savings? How much can she expect as exemption on such taxes?' Does she have to pay taxes on inherited property? Is there any way to transfer funds and property and avoid payment - of inheritance taxes?" - Ruth V. V, . A - The limit that can be inherited with freedom from paying federal inheritance tax is $175,000. Ruth needs to consult a lawyer. The questions of estate taxes, joint accounts, and gifts and transfers of property are too complex to attempt to figure out herself. A good, reputable lawyer can set the whole thing straight. But she mustn't plan on letting the lawyer administer the estate. Her daughter could be her own executrix if a will is drawn up that will have her handle it. Q - "You misinterpreted my request for information on the medi-gap service. If you had been more receptive to my phone call and not been so abrupt I would have explained it to you in detail. My only reason for wanting the address was to discuss with them their basic operations of business and how they reach people in need of help in filing claims. I am endeavoring to offer similar services." - Jo C. A - I am sorry if Jo thought I was not receptive, but I dislike anything to do with the outfit she called me about. I am not certain that it is a good things I do not reveal identities and-or addresses except in rare cases where I am positive the information will help someone in great need of help, not for launching a new business. I do not like to receive phone calls that ask questions on insurance matters. A phone call puts me at a disadvantage because I am not certain who is calling me and I have not the time to listen to requests for help in something I may not credit as worthy, especially if the request is detailed. I answer all letters, either in this column or direct, if possible. I am not a very abrupt or unreceptive guy. I just can't be expected to be pleased to give out information on something I don't believe in. Sorry, Jo. Write to Carl Riblet Jr., at Box 40757, Ariz., 85717 with self-addressed, stamped envelope if you have a specific question on a problem of aging. All letters are answered, either ir this column or direct, if possible. No identities will be revealed. • * • • It's surprising how much work our friends think we can, and should do. Tenth Nurse Refresher Course At Hospital Monday, Sept. 14, marks the opening of the tenth nurse refresher program sponsored by McHenry hospital. Designed to bring back into practice nurses who have been away from nftrsing for a minimum of five years, the 11-week course will run through Nov. 25. , , • , The program offers nurses the opportunity to par ticipate in classroom and clincial activities, thus renewing the knowledge and skills necessary to continue in their profession. Im portant aspects of the course include rotations through the medical-surgical units, obstetrics, ICU, ER, recovery room, and surgery. Further experience is provided in the radiology, ^respiratory thepapy, treatment room, and physical therapy depart ments. There is no charge for the course, which has proven consistently successful in bringing nurses back to nursing. Interested persons may direct inquiries about the program to Cindy Amore, RN, BSN, McHenry hospital, 3526 West Waukegan road, or by calling 385-2200, extension 708. Your Week Ahead Horoscope Forecas t Per iod: 8 /30 - 9 /5 /81 ARIES Preserv ing some of the p lent i fu l produce Mar . 21-Apr . 19 pays of f handsomely in the winter months to come. I t ' s fun too . OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER TUESDAY THRU - SUNDAY. CHOOSE FROM OUR FINE REGULAR MENU OR ANY OF CHEF K.K.'s DAILY & LUNCHEON DINNER SPECIALS!! SUNDAY BRUNCH (10-2) FRIDAY FISH FRY LAKE PERCH. SMELT or SCROD SOUP & SALAD BAR ALL YOU CAN EAT! J CHAPEL HILL COUNTRY CLUB 2500 N. CHAPEL RD. McHENRY 385*0333 TAl'RUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 CANCER June 21-July 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRC.O AUK- 23-Sepl. 22 MBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 2j-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-f)ec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. I<) AQUARIUS Jan.20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 Sent imenta l fee l ings a re pa inful ly sweet as a summer romance comes to a c lose . I t ' s t ime fo i new exper iences . Keep your f ine ly tuned nervous sys tem under cont ro l . Domest ic t ranqui l i ty suf fers when you lose your cool . An older member of the fami ly needs t rans por ta t ion and vot l a re a l ike ly candidate for the job of chauff eur . Tend to f inancia l mat ters . Givesome thought to ways of br inging home addi t ional income. Don ' t be greedy. Abrupt ac t ions on your par t keep associa tes in a quandry as to what you expect of them. One who is exper iencing ' hardship ca l l s on you for guidance . Lend a hand but don ' t ge t in roo deep. An over ly cr i t ica l a t t i tude dur ing an organ iza t ional meet ing may get you r ight up f ront running th ings . Hard work and di l igence to duty enhance career oppor tuni ty and br ing a more secure foothold on the success ladder . Contac t wi th one f rom a dis tance resul t s in a s t rengthening of cul tura l and re l ig ious v iew poin ts . Legal mat ters come up for review. Get records in order--update your wi l l--clean out the f i les . Cont rac tua l mat ters a re emphas ized . You should have no problem convincing o thers of how r ight you are . WHSHIKO* IMcltBKKV'S ECONOMY WISE 7 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRAND 5 YR. WARRANTY BEDDING TWIN SIZE Mattress & Box Spring REG. $219.95 NOW $129" FULL SIZE Mattress & Box Spring REG. $289.95 NOW $17995 QUEEN SIZE Mattress & Box Spring REG. $329 95 NOW $20995 ALL BEDDING ON SALE 3 PC. BEDROOM SET WITH TWO MIRRORS REG. $1395.00 899 95 ROUND 7 PC. DINETTE SET Solid wood, maple pine table six chairs, two leaves VALUE $630 CONTEMPORARY SOFA & LOVESEAT VALUE $1195 795 YOU ALWAYS OET WHAT YOU PAY FOR! »** FINE QUALITY FURNITURE AT COMPETITIVE PRICES EARLY AMERICAN SOFA & LOVESEAT HtROUlON RETAIL $1295 $795 DINETTE SET Formica top • 7 piece Naugahyde Set Value $299.00 WATERBEDS ALL SOLID OAK DINING ROOM SET by AMERICAN DREW ONLY 2495 Suggested Price $3500 RECLINERS $ 2 1 9 9 5 « AND UP LARGE SELECTION TABLE LAMPS Buy One At Our REGULAR LOW PRICE RECEIVE 2nd QUEEN SIZE SLEEPER 544995 \ J VALUE' ^Jf $699.00 s NOW IN STOCK NEW LINE OF PICTURES! 3854200 4618W.RTE.t2B DAcHDRY, HINDIS KWMNS: Nil FILM fttt* tan rmmc IKSn WHL twnmm (ALL PICTURES SIMILAR) "The Store That Car** To Savo You Monoy" SEE OUR Decorator Pieces > UftSOUft LAYAWAYWAN Itoim / HWM« kmtintn TOTALHABOWABE ©oasttovroast on now Pick up house paint at a $10 savings! Dazzling one coat white in a large 2 gallon bucket Easy latex application nonfading finish for year in. year out beauty and protection A fantastic buy' (528 8022) Regularly $29 99 The "Pick" of the House Paints! ONE COAT "PERSONAL PRIDE" ...Pick from 32 One Coat Colors Finest quality' For people who take special pride in the appearance and care ot their property Rich, low lustre finish resists staining keeps its freshly painted look year after year (warranted 8 year durability1! For a paint |Ob you can be proud of apply Personal Pride' (532-6210) Regularly $1 5.99 • Save $4 gallon Acrylic Flat Latex House * 5ton Pwsi*>n» » '**** *** Better Quality Master Craft LATEX HOUSE PAINT Durable Flat White Reg. $13.99 Master Craft Colors -- $11.99 This handsome looKing flat finish is ideal tot a variety of exteriors wood, brick masonry, asphalt, shingles and asbestos siding Tough durable, weather resistant! Available in 100 s of decorator colors (531-6112. 531 6104 6138) Soft Touch Sale! ififtfoh Acrylic Late* flrt.e-vwi'** ... Coast to Coast Save $3.00 on our Best Decorator Finishes LATEX FLAT ENAMEL Soft and elegant looking, yet •crubs like enamel - ideal for entertaining rooms in an active family home Use it on both walls and woodwork (550-6001 6019) LATEX SEIi GLOSS A super tough, one coat decorator finish you can scrub and scrub -- recommended for kitchen, bath and other areas which require frequent cleaning Rag. 6013-6021) $15.99 S-tt. Aluminum STEPLADOEfl Lightweight, heavy duty1 Lightweight, heavy duty1 • U L approved Fiat steps tor «asy standing 1589 2062) Reg $14 99 3/< H. MASWNG TAPE o mask trim and window glass to smooth fast painting i^ei 1823) END$ AUG. 30 McHENRY MARKET PLACE 385-6655 Deaths JOSEPH HENNESSY Joseph D. Hennessy, 1716 N Sunset avenue, Lakeland Park, McHenry, died Monday, Aug. 24, at McHenry hospital He was 76 years old, born in Chicago Dec 6, 1904, the son of Daniel and Kutherine (Holleran) Hennessy. • Mr. Hennessy, a retired truck driver, lived in McHenry about eight years, having come from Chicago. He was preceded in death by his wife Clara (Brusso) on May 3, 1981. Several nieces and nephews survive. A funeral Mass will be conducted Thursday, 11 a.m., at the Church of St.* Mary of the Assumption, McHenry, with burial in the church cemetery. Visitation will be held Wednesday from 4 to 9 p.m. at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home. /NOW I 't CAREY APPUANC QUALITY BUILT FILTER-FLO L ARGF m water level selections Filter Flo traps lLnt WWAS600B Standard capacity and two wash cycles I Two cycles--regular and per manent press This single speed washer offers three water level selections to let you match water level to loail size. Three wash/rinse tem perature combinations with energy saving cold water selections. An activated soak cycle and Filter-Flo * system that helps trap lint and help you get the washing results you want. Famous OE quality? JJ21 $3W'5 ONLY WITH TRADE "SERVING THE McHENRY AREA FOR OVER 50 YEARS" CAREY APPLIANCE SALES ft SERVICE 3ft 5-5500 1241 N. Gr--n McHenry