\ urch Women Will ar Guest Speaker V American Legion Auxiliary News PfcMtrfM above left to right are Ardys Roepke, kitchen in. Mid Ann O'Donnell, president of the ALCW making jr the kitchen shower to be held at the ALCW's fall I meeting at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. ^ Jims Lutheran Church mm win hold their fall gmgll meeting, Sunday, 0S«HM>eginning at 2 p.m. in tB£39furch fellowship hall, 404 Green street, topic, "How our Emotions Affect (^ Relationships." Officers [for the coming year will also be installed by Pastor Roger Schneider. Items purchased from money donated to the "Kitchen Shower" will be displayed and refreshments will be served. An in formative afternoon of good fellowship is planned. Guests are most welcome. McHenry. tfbe program will feature a guest speaker, Jackie Manschalt, from the Family Service and Community Mental Health center. She has chosen an interesting Hospital Anniversary Dance Plan Celebration After the advancement of the fktgs, the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner", the reciting of the "Pledge of Allegiance", and the in vocation given by Chaplain Doris Henken, the Sep tember meeting of the McHenry unit, American Legion Auxiliary, was called to order by newly elected President Mrs. Glen (Dorothy) Messer. Ceil Violett took her oath of office of recording secretary, as she was not present at the installation. Budget and finance chairman, Evelyn Osmon, read the anticipated budget for 1961-82 and it was ap proved by the membership. Legislative chairman, Colleen Barry, requested a subscription to the legislative bulletin, to keep the members informed on legislation pending on veterans affairs in Congress. Past presidents parley chairman, Grace Latimer, announced that a unit past president's dinner would be held at a restaurant in McHenry, and that the annual past commanders' and past presidents' dinner would be held on Sunday, Oct. 4, at the McHenry Legion post home. The McHenry county past presidents' dinner will be held on Thursday, Oct. 15, and be hosted by the Marengo unit. All past presidents are asked to make reservations with Mrs. Latimer. Dorothy Messer and Dorothy Bennett gave reports on the department convention. It was an nounced that the llth District caravan and con vention will be held Oct IS, at Joliet Unit 1080. Delegates attending are Preaident Dorothy Messer, Pearl Cooper, Betty Smith, Margaret Datz and Ruth Mrachek. Ways and means chair man, Ceil Violett, announced that the semi-annual chicken dinner sponsored by the auxiliary will be held Sun day, Oqt. 11, serving from noon to 4 p.m. and will be open to the public. Tickets are being sent in the mail to the members and can also be obtained from Mrs. Violett, or her co-chairman, Pearl Cooper, <»• can be purchased at the door. Much help from the membership will be needed. Donations were made to Chapel of Four Chaplains, Salvation Army, Cystic Fibrosis and Muscular Dystrophy. Anniversary greetings were extended to Marge Hartung. Ceil Violett and Sandy Schultz were winners of the veterans craft prizes. Adele Butler was not present to receive the attendance prize. Delegates to the county meetings are Dorothy Messer and Margaret Datz, and alternates are Evelyn Osmon and Ceil Violett. Twenty-three members attended the meeting with refreshments served by the immediate past officers with Grace Latimer as chairman. The next unit meeting will be held Monday, Oct. 19 with Betty Lingenfelter as chairman. Set Choral Club Theme The McHenry Choral club extends an invitation to adult singers of the area to membership in the 40-year- old musical organization Rehearsals are in progress for the Dec. 5-6 program, which will focus on two themes. The lighter side of Christmas will be portrayed in "Holiday Storybook Ball", and there will also be a section of the program devoted to sacred music. The Human Christmas Tree, traditional with the club, will open the program. Rehearsals are held Monday evenings from 8 to 10 p.m. in the East campus music room, third floor. C of C Dinner Dance Is Scheduled Oct. 10 The auxiliary to McHenry hospital finalize plans for the twenty-fifth anniversary dinner dance. Mrs. Ralph Smith, chairman of the event, is shown conferring with Mrs. Ray Templeman, who is in charge of the reservations and seating. Hostesses for the evening will be Melinda Gallent, Julie Jessup, Ka thy Lundquist, Char Mowery, Janet Skopec, Gloria Sprague and Irma Templeman, these auxiliary members served on the planning committee for the dinner dance. The event not only is the celebration of twenty-five years for McHenry hospital, but also will benefit the hospital's education programs which serve the McHenry county area. Sorority Meetings Xi Kappa Iota chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met at the homes of Sue Amerson and Dee Boeka for the Sep tember meetings. Plans were discussed for the paper drive Sept. 19 and tag day for ALS in October. The chapter planned a hayrack ride and weiner roast on Sept. 24. The meeting at Dee's celebrated the chapter's second anniversary. Each member was presented a collage made by another member. Grab bag gifts were distributed and games played. An anniversary cake was decorated Jachino. by Linda •i lud f-.im win; The McHepry | Area Chamber of. Commerce annual dinner-dance will be held Saturday, Oct. 10, at the American Legion hall on Ringwood road. This year's theme is, "Chamber For All Seasons". The cocktail hour is slated for 5:30 p.m., followed by a 6:30 dinner, 8 p.m. business meeting and dancing from 9 p.m. until midnight. General chairman of the dance is Susan Low, and Keith Leathers is publicity chairman. They are being assisted by a committee of Neida Rechisky, Don Howard, C.J. Ludford, Fran Olsen and Barb Gilpin. OPEN SUNDAYS spurgeons McHENRY MARKET PLACE NEW! Playtex® Support can be Beautifulbras Are you paying too much for auto insurance? Find out-free. Call and compare! We're driving down the cost of insurance. * TONY CHUCK FICK LEWANDOWSKI 1388 N. PARK CALL US FOR DETAILS 385-2304 American Farmty Mutual Insurance Co Madiaon. i. Wis tasr The Unexpected Underwires Underwires with beauty you never expected in a support bra. One takes a pretty plunge, the other comes up lavish and lacy. Playtex works magic* for that fantastic, fabulous, fashionable look. . Money Back Guarantee1 from Playtex*' (See package flap for details Offer ends December 12, 1981.) , CHECKERBOARD SQUARES MEET ,tW>e Checkerboard Squares square dance dub wukbe starting their 1961-62 sevon of dancing with their annual "Octoberfest" Sunday, Sept. 27 at Carestoel Professional center. Dancing wUl be from 2-5 and all square dancers are welcome. Refreshments will beaerved. PAGE 3 • PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25,1961 emergency vehicles carrying the sick and injured at the most critical times of their lives won't be operating with bad brakes, bald tires - and sloppy steering. Safety Hints HOSPITAL NOTES McHENRY HOSPITAL Admissions: Mary Nugent, James Vickery, Roberta Hoffman, McHenry; Phyllis Trychta, Barrington and Danny Carlson, Richmond. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL . WOODSTOCK Richard Mays, Charlene Nylander and Rose Ilick were patients in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. |V • • • • Adults who fail to take care of their children are the ones who complain later that the young peo ple have little respect for their elders. McHENRY HOSPITAL Bruce and Debra Hen- derlong, 1911 N. Flower street, McHenry, are parents of a son, Devin Kirk, Sept. 16, weighing 7 lbs., IS ox. He has a three-year old brother, Duane. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brunow, McHenry, the paternal grandmother is Mrs. Carole Henderlong, McHenry. . A boy, John Earl, 6 lbs., 12% oz., was born Sept. l at Lutheran General hospital, Park Ridge, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Wilhelm, 1400 Woodland lane, McHenry. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Wiora, Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Mrs. Ruth Wilhelm, Rolling Meadows. The Veterans Ad ministration is reminding all college-bound veterans to register early this fall and to avoid dropping classes after registration. Also, Hie for your GI Bill benefits early to avbid any possible check delay. by Secretary of State Jim Edgar Tougher registration and operation standards for ambulance and medical transport vehicles should improve traffic safety in Illinois, thanks to legislation signed into law recently by Governor Thompson. Senate Bill 401 was drafted after an investigation by the Chicago Tribune revealed that safety regulations in ambulances were being violated on a widespread scale. The new law: 1--Gives the Secretary of State the power to refuse registration of ambulance and medical transport vehicles if proof of $100,000 in liability insurance cannot be shown. 2--Requires safety in spections and safety cer tificates for ambulances every six months. As I said when this legislation was first proposed, it makes no sense to require pickup trucks carrying hogs to market to pass two safety inspections a year while ambulances and other emergency vehicles are ignored. This law will ensure that ambulances and other No vehicle should be operating on our streets and highways in poor mechanical condition, but it is especially important that ambulances, medi-care and other similar vehicles that run hot," regularly " safe. run Plaid or solid skirts with blending blouses and sweaters are the makings for several mix-match outfits when worn with a blazer. Reservations should be made at the Chamber office, 385-4300. • • • • Never get the idea that your section is the only worthwhile area in the United States. . * * * * Work may be a great blessing to man, but there are times when we have doubts. • • • • Making new friends is one of the pleasant experi ences that make this life brighter. MAGIC OF WL PAINTING DEMONSTRATION WITH... BILL ALEXANDER OF CHANNEL 11 IN PERSON October 14TH 2PM - 5PM at AMERICAN LECION HALL 35Q&N• Ringwood Drive i^fKfcHenry, Illinois TICKETS *15.00 AVAILABLE AT FOX RIVER VALLEY ARTS AND PAINTS 1310 Riverside Drive - McHenry 60050 (815)385-0454 We're getting closer to you than ever This brand new Farmers Insurance office is an exam ple of what can happen when folks are really con cerned about you and your family. I've opened up in a con venient new location to better learn your needs and to better fill them. If you already know me, stop in and say hello. If not, come in for a sample of Farmers fast, fair, friend ly service on your present insurance problems. PHIL SIIIDAK 1303 Richmond Rd. Across From McHonry Stat* Bank 344-0170 McHenry Drapery Er Carpet Co. brings you today's fashion in window decor. INTRODUCING... \ *' "ir m <m --^ w | |i I LouverDrcp the un fabrii drapery11 j i i JVM- 'if CuAtom Ttape/iy SALE DATES: SEPT. 26TH THRU OCT. 10TH 2 WEEKS ONLY ^ Lou rrrDntpc Window Shades and Woven Wood Shades " ->JT "C-- «f r~ 1 2 5 3 N . G r e e n S t . M c H e n r y . I l l i n o i s 20%