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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Oct 1981, p. 2

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FAGh i PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21.1981 •M o±t[u -cSt i SANDY JVIILl.FR PLAN JUNE WEDDING -- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller of Mcllfnrv annouiic t ihe engagement of their daughter Sa.idy to Tim ><arvin, son of Mi .. Nancy Marvin ot McHenry and Senior Mas'er Sgt. Ed Marvin of Langley Air Force base, Virginia. The prospective bride graduated from McHenry high school in 1978. Her fiance is a 1978 graduate of Tabb high school in Virginia. A June 5 wedding is planned. OCLU Hartford's Open House To celebrate their sixtieth anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Handford, 1504 N. Green street, McHenry, will be guests of honor at an open house hosted by their children in the couple's home from 2 to 5 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 24. A Mass of Thanksgiving will be offered at 9 a.m. that day, in St. Patrick's Catholic church. All relatives and friends are cordially invited to join the celebrants on this happy occasion. DAR Chapter Meets Oct. 26 v s The regular meeting of the Kishwaukee Trail chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will be held Monday, Oct. 26, in the home of Mrs. Thomas Stock, 13611 Kishwaukee Valley road, Woodstock, with Mrs. George Stock as hostess and Mrs. Donald Williams as co- hostess. The program title is "Our Help in Ages Past". This will include a discussion of some antiques by Mrs. Thomas Stock. The next DAR roundtable will be held Friday, Nov. 13, at Carlisle restaurant, 135 Butterfield road, Lombard. Guests and interested ladies are always welcome at the regular meetings. The Monday, Nov. 23 meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Leonard Belmonte of Woodstock. The progam will be National Defense, given by Amy Brink. St. Clara Foresters Set Halloween Potluck St. Clara Court No. 659, National Catholic Society of Foresters will be having its Halloween potluck on Oct. 22, at 6 p.m., in the Mary hall of Montini Middle school. At a recent celebration of the group's 75 years, held at a local restaurant, the court honored past presidents. There have been only fourteen presidents since its founding. They are Kate Worts, 1928-1935; Celia ~l?ke, 1935-1938; Kate /lvite Single Worts, 1938-1&46; Helen Wegener, 1946-1949; Martha Freund, 1949-1952; Helen Williams, 1952-1959; Evelyn Blake, 1959-1963; Catherine Bauer, 1963-1966; Martha Freund, 1966-1975; Loretta Freund, 1975-1977; Viola Justen, 1977-1978; Shirley Koch, 1978-1979; Loretta Freund, ' 1979-1980; and Maureen Johnson, 1980-1981. Only two past presidents are deceased, Helen Wegener and Viola Justen. People To Attend Activities All single people, whether alone through divorce, separation, widowed or ne­ ver married, are invited to attend the monthly functions of C.A.R.E., Christian Ac­ tion Reaches Everyone, sponsored by Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church in McHenry. A variety of events are offered, as requested by the members. For October, plans are being made to dance to the big band sound at a dance hall in Elgin. Those at­ tending are requested to meet at the church parking lot at 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31, where carpools will be arranged. A theatre date has been set for Nov. 14, at the Woodstock Opera House, to see the play, "Gypsy". Reservations and ticket money must be in by Oct. 25, to Virginia Karls. Anyone interested in obtaining more information may call the church office. Ladies Hear Speaker On Thursday, Oct. 22, at 7:30 p.m., there will be a Ladies Fellowship at the Wonder Lake Bible church, 7501 Howe road. The speaker will be Pat Pr- zetazcnick of Woodstock and her topic is 'A Changed Life'. Mrs. Przetazcnick. her husband Tom and .daughters, Colleen and Sara, are members of the Crystal Lake Evangelical Free church. She is a full time homen.aker and has been active in various clubs and service groups in the community. Before coming to this area she lived in Park Ridge and was a customer service and traffic manager for a manufacturing com­ pany in Chicago. Also on the program will be Debby Molnar, who will present a demonstration of basic silk flower making and how to design an autumn corsage. All women in the area are welcome to attend the meeting Feature Lesson On MIL MRS. JEFFREY SIMPSON AN iiON'E> iUOON -- Newly niariiea Mr. and Mrs. '•»ffre\ Simpson »u staking their home at a049 Kingston 11\<. Uarrir.gton, ill i >liowing a honeymoon on the islav.d of Jamaica. The bride is the former Julie An;» Condon, daughter >f •> i»h and Donna < oudon, 4304 W. Ponca, McHenry. Mrs. A lite-. -np r-n is ihi lather of the bridegroom. The -zouple •>xchd:«!»e(! promises of marriage before Father James G. ayr<, a 2:30 p.m. ceremony held in ^he Church >t St. \Iai> • :>e Assumption, McHenry, Sepl. 26. Arriving «> the Johnsburg Community r»ub in a horse drawn carriage, complete with < .chman, the newylweds were toasted at a -»>i > ;>tion for 2:>ti irsts. The bride is a secretary at Xerox and the bridegroom is employed at Quaker Oats as a research technician. U \7 \ Alt H '• KI SALF AND LUNCHEON ( m Wednesday !\.»v » 'he First rongregr>' ona! church of tun -/ will iinld a bazaar nul h -v sal*, from 10:3'» a m to 2:30 p.m. and s«. • ve a salad luncheon continuously from 11:30a.m. to ! SO p.m. The luncheon wil.' ilfer a complete salad bar, plus a -.vide selection of sala't? Chapter Hosts Fashion Show The Beta Sigma Phi Executive Coordinating Committee (ECC) of McHenry county will be hosting a Brunch and Style Show for all chapters of Beta Sigma Phi, on Sunday, Nov. 8, at the Branded Steak House in Crystal Lake, at 11:30 a m ^ The style show will be coordinated by a department store in Crystal I,ake and niem'jers and their children from McHenry chapters, Xi Kappa Iota and Pi Alpha, will model clothes and ac­ cessories furnished by the store Guests will be invited and reservations are to be made by Oct 25. Invite All Homemakers The Happy Homemakers unit of Homemakers Ex­ tension association will be meeting Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 1 p.m., at the home of Yvonne Elgar, 8709 Memory trail, Wonder Lake. All women in the area who are interested in homemaking skills are welcome to attend. For further information, one mav call 053-6231. Recycling Clothing McHenry Savings & Loan's 1982 CHRISTMAS CLUB EARN 5Vj% INTEREST COMPOUNDED DAILY! (FULIY INSURED) A special lesson on recycling clothing is plannH for Oct 28 by the McHenry County Homemakers Fx tension association. ihe program will begin at 1 '(> Cm. at the Farm But l>uilding, Woodstock. Recycling clothing is a topic of particular im­ portance in this time of in flation Most people are affected by the high co<* M There is stiil a need fu»* a baby crib, for a new arrival expected soon; a youth bed; small desk, or adjustable table to use at a chair or over a bed; automatic or wringer type washing machine; clothes dryer; two dressers or chests of drawers; table and lamp; two living room chairs; two la winnowers powei or hand operated for Spring), a refrigerator; smaller size T V.; and an urgent need for two electric stoves, one 30 inches and one a larger size. Anyone having any of these articles, or others, in good usable condition, is urged to please call FISH at 385-0258 FISH has been en­ deavoring to secure drivers for each day in the month, to take folks to the doctor or dentist, in the McHenry area. Anyone able to assist with this service is asked io advise which day is most readily available. There are not as many demands at this time, but FISH would like to from more pwple about helping in this way. T h a n k s g i v i n g a n d Christmas baskets, which are prepared by FISH for distribution to needy folks of the area will soon be plan- living and are seeking ways to stretch their dollars. Extending the wear life of clothing is one positive approach to our national economic situation. Anyone with garments in the closet that are not being worn .should find this lesson very beneficial. As clothing prices continue to increase, recycling is one way to combat inflation. ned. All members of church groups, ladies clubs, scouts or other, organizations are requested to consider a collection of food at one of the regular meetings, as well as some gifts for senior citizens, to be used for this purpose. The one-time emergency pantry has been receiving many more requests, due to econom.c conditions. Checks, money orders or certificates fron* super­ markets. are also helpful. The money helps provide perishable item-. All food items can be used^ as well as washing, cleaning and paper products not covered by food stamps. A school classroom, scouts or other such groups, could bring a 'trick or treat' for Halloween, of food for FISH. FISH can be everyone's hands, but they cannot do it without help, which is truly appreciated. Drug-Resistant Bacteria Eyed Bacteria that once succumbed to antibiotic drugs have evolved into strains that resist such won­ der d'ugs as penicillin, primari­ ly oy indiscriminate >ise of the drugs over the years. A medical researcher is examining how drug-resistant genes move from one DNA molecule to another, creating more organisms that are unaffected by common anti­ biotics. Some members of the crafts committee of Johnsburg PTO's "Winter Wonderland Bazaar'1 scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 21, at Bash school, 2117 Church street, Johnsburg, are shown working on crafts. The group meets weekly in the home of Roseann Strvtecky to create items that will be offered for sale at the annual fund ruber. Anyone interested in joining, learning a new craft or donating thinp made at home, is urged to call 344-1528. A limited amount of booth space is still available. Salon No. 483--8 et 40 Schedules Silent Auction All members of the McHenry County Salon No. 483 of the 8 et 40 are requested to come to the October meeting in costume and bring wares for a Silent Auction. The home of Mrs. Agnes Wappler of Alden was the setting for the September meeting and Chapeau Florence Kennedy presided. Donations were made to Departmental Chapeau Special project, which is a bed dedication at National Jewish hospital, in honor of Verna Taylor, a Depart­ mental Chapeau Passe; also to National Chapeau's All Partner project, playground equipment for National Jewish hospital, American Legion Child Welfare fund, Cystic Fibrosis and Tuberculosis research. Two new partners were accepted into partnership, namely, Mrs. Marilyn Eck- man of Huntley and Mrs. Cecilia Yiolett of McHenry The schedule of meetings for the year was planned as follows: Oct. 26, Crystr! Lake; Nov. 23, McHenry Jan. 25, Woodstock; Feb. 2i Huntley, with Departmental Chapeau as guest; Mar. 22, Fox River Grove; Apr. 26 Alden; May 24, McHenry and August Installation at Huntley. Mrs. Wappler, Mrs. Ether Pierce and Mrs. Mary Earner served refresh ments. New Mom's Group Slates Meeting The New Mom's Discussion group will meet f& a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27. The group, which strives to help mothers deal with their new responsibilities, is open to all new moms. It offers mothers and their babies a time and a place to come together and share the positive and negative ex­ periences of parenting and to discuss the feelings that accompany motherhood during the baby's first year. One need not be a first time mother to attend. For more information about the group and the location of the meeting, those interested may contact Mrs. Carl M. (Debbie) Wright of Crystal Lake. The New Mom's Discussion group is a program offered by the Childbirth and Parenting association of McHenry county. C.P.A. is an organization whose goal is to make childbirth and parenting an enriched ex­ perience by offering programs which deal with the many aspects of birth and parenting. Other services offered by C.P.A. include discussion groups for moms of tots and w o r k i n g m o t h e r s , playgroups for preschoolers, children's parties, meetings which feature authorities speaking on subjects of concern and interest to parents and an informative bi-monthly newsletter. Anyone wishing mo?; information about the Childbirth and Parenting association may contact Mrs. Roger (Bobbie) Bechtold of Woodstock or Mrs. Kurt F. (Julie) Smith of McHenry. Membership is open to all interested parents. "CHRISTMAS *NTHE$OUNTRY" On Sunday, Nov. 15, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Women's club is holding its third annual "Christmas in the Country" bazaar, at the Crystal Lake South high school, 1200 S. McHenry avenue, Crystal Lake. There will be a baby-sitting service available, shopping corner for children, pictures with Santa on an antique sleigh, carolers and a TV corner for Dad to watch football. Delicious baked goods and candy will be plentiful and lunch can be purchased. • • • • Few friendships avoid at least one acid test. 'T'i'lYIYIYIVI'l'Tl'I'i'lYIVI' . 'r' . ' . • Freo Family Portra -com.ptimg.ntx of- LETIZIA FINANCIAL CORP. Ot'ondcx Jladc, (J[. Prepare For PTO Bazaar "Home For the Holidays", the annual Fall Fashion Show presented by the Mental Health Resource league for McHenry county will be held Monday, Oct. Zt, at Crescent Bay Landing in McHenry. Pictured from left are Sheila Aleck son, McHenry, chairman of the cookbook that will be presented to ticket holders; Cindy Rum, McHenry, chairman of the "Boutique", which features handcrafted items to be sold; and General Fashion Show Co-chairmen, Val Loth, Crystal Lake and Joyce Schwegel, Algonquin. On. *ZJinuL cHo[iday±! •=49$ h°m family to youxs. Ot's oux way of making new fxUncL and ilowing out aftfixsciaiion to /last fxUnds. and au.oaia.Ui.. (at sitting Oct. 25) Dot yout appointment mN 91 $-729*0405 fioxtxaLU £y: <SaxnwieH ZPItotogxafJty. One. of 600 dzxtifud tP!iotog\apJte.x± In tHe. Plan "Home For The Holidays" rIGN UP TODAY iffltHenry Savings C,t< > n Sheet Mri'enty « t Richmond 91 6/9-2061 I w *'• 4 North itroet . Huntlo i on tout* 47) <4unftoy 312 66* 9333 ' # •(, da* IKu'tdo* * 00 o«. «o I 00 pm f "dmv « 0 om »o I 00 pm S«*u« DtPOSirS my.jRED IO t'00 000 BY THt t DER-* .'•» VINC S AND tOAN INSURANCE CORP fallertnj hlop/e fUpcM Wm} 1

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