J vrv A Growing Toys Are A Child's Tools , Play is a child's work. Toys are child's tools. And having the right toy is like having the right tool: it makes the job a lot easier and much more satisfying. The Growing Child con- , cept is that every child needs certain specific develop mental experiences early in life in order to develop the skills and abilities needed to be succesful in school and later life. But good developmental experiences do not just happen. Parents can do things, and fairly simple things, to make sure their child has the right ex periences at the right time. Some of these things are playing simple games, loving and cuddling, per sonal interaction Another is providing good, age-appropriate develop- mentally challenging learning tools. In the first year of life, a child's physical develop ment starts at the head and gradually moves outward and downward. Good toy selection can strengthen and deepen this normal development process. For instance, in the first few months, a baby is emerging from nearly continuous sleep. If there are enough interesting things to look at and stimulating things to listen to, the baby will remain alert more and use his eyes and ears. The more he looks and listens, the more skillfully he will use his developing senses. Growing Child recommends unbreakable mirrors, rat tles, bright pictures and mobiles for this age child. Then at four to six months old, a baby is able to par ticipate more actively in the world. Her head, neck, and shoulder muscles have become strong enough that she can now sit up (with support) and see things from a different perspective. For her, Growing Child recommends toys to touch, squeeze, grasp, pull, push and handle in many different ways. From the seventh to the ninth month, babies go through a tremendous spurt in motor activities. This is the best time for playing with safe household items, and Growing Child recommends these and other items that can be easily improvised. Good toys for this age do two things: they invite hand explorations and tempt the baby to move along the floor. The development pattern is clear. The first few months the eyes and ears were developing. Then the neck and arms, then the trunk and hands. As the child approaches the first birthday, the major areas of development move out to the legs and fingers. So Growing Child recommends toys for the one-year-old that encourage finger control - and suggest clearing the floor for that momentous milestone of walking. Growing Child has a rigorous testing procedure for all playthings before they go into the catalog. ...Toys must first of all be safe and durable. Playthings being tested get twisted, banged, picked apart, tasted, stepped on and generally treated as roughly as a child treats a favorite toy. If the toys break, chip, crack, peel, or taste bad, they don't pass muster. ...The toy must actively involve the child. Children learn by doing, not by watching. So Growing Child's toys do nothing in themselves: it takes a child's imagination, action, and involvement to bring them to life. ...Each toy must serve a purpose. Each plaything con tributes something to one or more kinds of development: physical competence, finger control, visual perception and other necessary pre school skills. ...The toy must be simple and versatile. This encourages children to use their imaginations. ...The toy must be at tractive to look at. Gaudy, cheaply-made and badly-designed toys have no place in a child's life. An appreciation of beauty begins in the crib. ...And, finally, a toy must be fun. Because a child certainly doesn't get any benefit from a toy he doesn't play with. Growing Child, the original child development newsletter, has been DARtlNE STNtU COOLS. ACSW CSW COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Individual, Couple, Family And Group Therapy (815)723-1039 DAYS, EVENINGS AND SATURDAY HOURS BY APPT iBB" liW CHRISTMAS EVE: _ SPECIAL HOLIDAY BUFFET 7 (Children 10 And Under $4.95) CHRISTMAS DAY: Roast Turkey & Regular- Menu Serving 12 to 9 NEW YEAR'S EVE: Special Menu, Favors Music and Dancing By "Rise" Serving 4 til ? NEW YEAR'S DAY: Regular Menu Serving 12 to 9 in Holiday Gift Suggestion Dinner & Dinner Theater Gift Certificates Now Available 1932 DINNER THEATER SCHEDULE Running Weekends Beginning Jan. 8, 15 & 22 "SEVEN YEAR ITCH" Running Weekends Beginning Feb. 12 "ROOMIES" Running Weekends Beginning March 12 "PRISONER OF 2ND AVENUE" Ticket Prices: Fridays & Sundays $13 p«rp«r»on Saturdays: $16 p*rp«rton Season Tickets now Available at special rates Group rates available for 25 persons or more Mrmt Thittir Tims Fri. & Sat. • Dinner 6:30 p.m. Showtime 8:30 p.m. Sundays - Dinner 1:30 p.m. Show 3:30 p.m. n unm M€$*P1 "Tinas*! published for 10 years. The newsletter is a support and learning system for parents that is received in monthly installments. The newsletter format follows a child's development month by month - each issue mat ching the exact age of the child. As the child develops, the Growing Child newsletters provide insight and reassurance for parents about the normal physical and cognitive growth pat terns of children. And in every third issue, a select few toys especially chosen for that age are presented along with explanations of how the item will aid in the development of the child. For a free catalog of Growing Child toys, write Growing Child, P.O. Box 620N, Lafayette, lnd., 47902. Self Defense? Neal sez: If my room mate keeps talking in his sleep I'm going to send him home to mutter. -Call, San Diego. City Recycling Drive WHO KNOWS? Customer: When I bought this cat, you told me he was good for mice. He doesn't even go near them. Pet Shop Owner: Isn't that good for mice? The regular recycling drive for McHenry area residents will be held Saturday, Dec. 5, in the McHenry Market Place parking lot from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Resource recovery, another name for recycling, enriches mankind in several ways, according to the McHenry County Defenders. Valuable natural resources, such as iron, aluminum, petroleum, and trees are saved, energy is conserved, and the need for open space areas for landfills is reduced. Persons wishing to con tribute to this scheme to give Mother Earth a boost in her efforts to support mankind should bring their recyclables to the drive: newspapers securely tied (no magazines, cardboard or junk mail included); glass containers rinsed and all metal removed; steel ("tin") cans washed and flattened; used motor oil in plastic or metal containers; and aluminum scrap of all kinds. In addition, there will also be an immediate payback plan for all- aluminum cans brought to the drive. Jointly sponsoring this drive and sharing in the benefits will be Boy Scout Troop 162 under the leadership of John Boehm. These boys and their leaders will be on hand to help unload cars and dispense twine for the next paper drive. For further information, call the McHenry representative at 385-8512. resentf Thaw First Defrost frozen foods before you cook them. It takes more energy to cook frozen foods that have not been thawed. Cowhand: Aren't you putting that saddle on backwards, sir? Dude: How can you say that! You don't even know which way I'm going. 1. When does the season of Advent begin? 2. When was prohibition repealed? 3. November 22 is the an niversary of what tragedy? 4. When was Mark Twain born? 5. How are metamorphic rocks formed? 6. From what substance is marble formed? 7. From what is chocolate made? 8. When were Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip married? 9. Who wrote the words to Sweet and Low? 10. How do the states pass in reviSV at the presi dential inaugural parade? Answer* To Who Knows 1. Sunday, November 29. 2. December 5, 1933. PAGE • - PLAINDEALER 3. The assassination of President Kennedy. 4. November 30, 1835. 5. By heat and pressure within the earth's crust. 6. Limestone. 7. The seeds of the cacao or chocolate tree. 8. November 20, 1947. 9. Alfred Lord Tennyson. 10.In order of their admis sion to the Union. * * * * T h i n k i n g u s u a l l y means less talking. • * • • Mental vacations are m o r e n e c e s s a r y t h a n physical rest. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4,1981 BIBLE VERSE "This is the confi dence that we have in him; that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us." 1. Of whom is the writer speaking? 2. Who is the author of the above statement? 3. By what term was he known? 4. Where may this state ment be found? Answer to Bible Verse 1. Of Jesus Christ. 2. John the Apostle. 3. The "disciple whom Jesus loved." 4. I John 5:14. •A LAWYER S ROLE IS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS •LET ME SOLVE YOURS c^Coti . JMotc Suite B ^ 4306 B Crystal Lake Rd McHenry ATTORNEY AT LAW Whisper ina Po in t Center i 344-1630 ) Don't Let Santa Forget Your Pet! UNIQUE ™20% OFF LATEX DOC ft CAT TOYS DECEMBER 4th thru 9th PINE TREE PET SHOP * 2102 W. Rte. 120 110 E.Jackson McHenry Woodstock 385-6220 338-6696 rm Row! AS REAL AS THE REAL THING! % u • PDRK PANFI ? - - wmivniiitLd ] ONE PACKAGE CONTAINS U 8 SQ. FT. BOLD, DEEP WALL TEXTURES Ruff It • 2 GALLONS IN n PLASTIC PAIL CREATE A DRAMATIC DECOR FOR ANY Q O- ROOM. ADD STYLE AND GLAMOR TO YOUR mZ HOME OR OFFICE. ABSORBS NOISES, fcj PROVIDES IDEAL INSULATION. 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