^FREEZE NOW, NOT THIS WINTER! W U.S.D.A. PRIME BEEF SIDES 98* •***' 8 ou^JoHOS S3ifl5jJis 200 U.S.D.A. SPECIAL EXAMPLE Loin and Round - •1.09 PER Plua « lb. Ronua - No Cha>«a Total I1S2.M •IMktMa • Mnx .GmMM •ItavftM v >MMi «TtaMi li 5SS5* !S ̂ *ta *^41^ "J o»*5Jff ufcvv * f&ei »•» c notr*^ Wa pladga to do avarythlng posslbla | to MO that your ordor It procaaaad tho wayf7^ rFox valtey* _ Meats # §20 Villa, Eigin, you want It undor tho moat aanltary tkrna. Coma by and moat ua, tiava a cup of I coffoa on ua and aaa our marts at. You'll bal glad! 11 •i •Zjjf .m-™ cxo*& Call for an iMM L%5«, 697-2616 '.+•