HELPING PAWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205*Crystal Lake. Illinois 60014 (815)459-2641 PAGE S - PLAINDE ALER - FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4.1*81 At Lutheran Convention Winter Preparedness Week (3 by H. Robbins Helping Paws feels vetfg lucky to have the children m Mrs. Purdy's fifth grade at South school interested in our cause. Their concern in helping our little animal friends was most gratifying to a Helping Paws member, when she recently visited the class. The children had made a beautiful mural and it was used for the tables at a recent bazaar. The class, eager to be of assistance, is planning several projects directed toward Helping Paws, and we feel most fortunate to have their help, interest and concern. All pet adoptions must be validated by the signing of a contract along with the adoption fee which includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of HP's choice, or a deduction from the cost of the surgery if done by a vet of your choice. When adopting a pet through Helping Paws please, for your future reference, keep name, address and phone number of the person from whom you adopted pet. DOGS FOR ADOPTION German Shepherd, 8- month male, 338-0132 or 455-4999. Pekingese 3-year male, white, shots, housebroken, 338-0132, 455-4999. Irish Setter-Golden Retriever 2-year male, housebroken, neutered, good with pets, 312-639-2898, 459- 6395. German Shepherd mix, 10- month male, black and tan, short hair, small size, good with children and pets, 338- 5199. CATS FOR ADOPTION Male 11-week, grey-black stripe with patch of orange, medium long hair, shots, good with children and pets, 312-639-5142. Black-white female, 16- week kitten, shots, good with children and Dets. 459-1348. Grey with white feet, thick hair. 3-month-old kitten, 459- 5597 after 4:30 p.m. Black and white short hair, 10-month male, shots, neutered, good with pets and children, 312-639-6603. "'Red Tabby short hair young adult male, shots, neutered. 459-3946. Grey stripe short hair, 6- month male, one-half Siamese, shots, good with pets and children, 459-7682. Grey-white young adult male, shots, neutered, good with children, prefer no other cats, 312-639-6603. Grey 14-week, medium long hair male black < 5^- month short hair female, shots, good with children and pets, 312-658-4457. Silver Tabby, 10-month, short hair, male, large, shots, neutered, good with children and pets, 459-0635. Calico Tiger, 5-month, short hair female, shots, 338- 0132 . 455-4999. Orange Tabby, one-half Siamese, 1-year female, short hair, small size; plus two 14-week kittens, Calico female, orange and white male, 459-7682. Underwear that's fun to wear! LUKE SKYWALKERt UNDEROOS"5 underwear adds color and fun to children's quality underwear. T-shirt and brief sets made of polyester and cotton for comfort and fit. Machine washable and colorfast like ordinary underwear. But they sure don't make a kid feel ordinary. $B79 spurgeons TM: ©LUCASFILM. LTD. (LFL) 1981 tdmoot" !• ttw r«g. TM ot Union Underwear Co. tor Orange and white short hair Calico female, 1-year- old, 459-7682. Grey and white short hair, 8-week male, shots, good with children and pets, 459- 0635. Calico long hair, 4-months, shots, good with children and pets, 459-5597. Blue-grey, 5-week, short hair, female, shots, 312-526- C1SQQ Young adult, white with grey patches and tail, 815- 678-4461. Four 13-week kittens: two gold-white male; gold-white female; black with touch of gold female, 815-728-0815. Three 8-week kittens: two black-white, one Calico, medium long hair, 312-639- 6457 after 6 p.m. Grey 7-week short hair female, 344-3368. LOST DOG Red Setter, 2-year male, McHenry, 344-4777. FOUND DOG Black Labrador, 1-year female, flea and choke collar, McHenry, Chapel Hill Road, 385-1233. Please call Animal Control when you find or lose a pet. They will not pick up pet unless you wish. They also have pets for adoption. Call 815-338-7040. For information on Helping Paws lost and found and adoption, call 459- 2641. • • e • Remember the time when everyone rushed out of doors to see a lone airplane flying overhead? "^American Viewpoints Pictured are tome Luther Leaguen from Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church who attended a recent youth convention. In the front row, left to right, are Charles Halman, Greg Boyd, and William M olid or; second row, left to right, Nine Tullch, Kim Molidor, Stephanie Hanldhs, and Maureen O'Donnell. Twenty-three members of the Luther league or Senior High Youth group at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry, attended the Illinois district Luther League convention of the American Lutheran church held at the Sheraton West hotel, Indianapolis, Ind., last weekend. Kathryn Koob, former Iranian hostage, was one of the guest speakers at the event held for over 1,000 high school students. Pastor David Wold from the youth department of the church also spoke to the convention along with Bishop Ehme Osterbur, bishop of the Illinois district. The students were challenged in discussion groups during the three-day convention, through discussions on various life issues that were pertinent to their daily living. Various music groups provided entertainment for the convention. Those attending from Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church include the following: Beverly Fink- beiner, Gene Weincouff, Kim Molidor, Nine Tulich, Bill Molidor, Mark Hartwick, Mark Haack, Stephanie Hankins, Shannon Tiffany, Maureen O'Donnell, Wendy Hanson, Greg Boyd, David Haack, Bea Gemmell, Val Gemmell, Angle Martorano, Gina Martorano, Chris Keevil, Tammy Sproull, and sponsors, Denise Boyd, Chuck Haiman, Chuck Haack and Rosemary Schneider. (Dec. 6 through Dec. 12 has been proclaimed as Winter Preparedness week in McHenry county). Be prepared for isolation at home during winter storms. Keep an adequate supply of heating fuel on hand and use it sparingly as regular supplies may be curtailed by storm con ditions. If necessary, con serve fuel by keeping the house cooler than usual, or by "closing off' some rooms temporarily. Stock an emergency supply of food and water. Your supplies should include food that requires no cooking or refrigeration and emergency cooking facilities in case of power failure. Well-balanced nutritional meals allow the body to produce its own heat ef ficiently, especially quick- energy foods like raisins and other dried fruit. Beware of possible fire hazards due to overheated coal or oil burning stoves, fireplacees, heaters or furnaces. Keep simple tools and equipment needed to fight a fire on hand as fire department help may not be available. Severe winter storms can knock out power lines. Have a flashlight, extra batteries or candles and matches and a battery-powered radio with extra batteries. The radio will allow you to follow the storm's progress and keep you posted on any emergency information broadcasts by local authorities. Downed power lines can affect not only lights but heating equipment as well. If your furnace is controlled by a thermostat and your electricity is cut off by a storm, the furnace probably would not operate, and you would need emergency heat. Some type of emergency heating equipment and fuel would allow you to keep at least one room of the house warm enough to be livable. This could be a camp stove with fuel, or a supply of wood or coal if you have a fireplace. However, be careful using emergency heating equipment-proper ventilation is essential and extra caution must be taken to prevent fire. To learn how to handle alternative heat sources, safely, talk to a local dealer- he'll be listed in the yellow pages of your telephone directory under "heating". If your home should lose heat, keep water pipes from feezing by wrapping them in insulation made for water pipes, or in layers of old newspaper, lapping the ends and tying them around the pipes. Cover the newspapers with plastic to keep out the moisture. If extremely cold and there is a danger of freezing, let the faucets drip a little. Know where the valve for shutting off the water coming into the house or apartment is located. As a last resort, you may have to shut off the main valve and drain all the pipes to keep them from feezing and bursting. If, despite your efforts the pipes do freeze, open faucets wide to allow for expansion of the frozen water. Remove any newspaper that may be around the pipe. Wrap pipes with rags and pour hot water over the rags, with the faucets still open Doggone Right Veterinarians had a gut feel ing for years that the relat ion ship between pet and pet owner was beneficial . A professor of veterinary public health says there is new evidence to prove that people are better off ment ally and physically because of their furry and feathered friends. (Raymond's) Johnsburg Inn 3312 N. Chapel Hill Rd. u 5EMBB3CSBE Knowledge comes, wisdom lingers. ; Looking For Interested Individuals Needing A Secure Investment, A Tax Write-Off, And A 20-28% Return On Their Annual Investment. Local Limited Partnership In Real Estate. Call: •i The McHenry Plaindealer Mil WmI Clm Street (uses us-MO) titeMlahed 1S7S McHenry. Hllnelt tOMO Fhene I1S-MS-0170 Published Every Wednetdey • Friday et McHenry. MllnoW Second Clet* Pottefe PAID AT McHenry. Illlnolt By McMNKY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTd Send eddreu chenfe* to McHenry Ptelndeeler. Mil W. Elm St.. McHenry. Illinois 40036 Subscriber, ere requested to provide Immediate notice el chenfe ot eddress to The McHenry Pielndeeler. Mil W. Elm St.. McHenry. HI. MOM. A deduction of one month trom the explretien of e subscription will be mede where e chenfe of eddress I* provided throufh the Post Office deportment. Thomas C. MilUr-Publlthcr MIMIER NEWSPAPfR Adolo Froohllch-Edltor ..Mft NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $15.50 1 Year ..$24.00 In McHenry Outside McHenry County County e#4cM HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS' MOST THINGS IN STORE O TO *f V /O0FF TIL DECEMBER 24th! •Handbags •Boots •Dress & Casual Shoes For Men & Women Calvin Coohdge JZXIXIJUIJUIJI •WHIRLPOOL MICROWAVE OVENS®®* % Carry Coupons at Cooks by Time or %roper*&wre MEAL SENSOR* temperature probe turns oven iorms selected temperature setting Model RJM7500 A great combination of microwave oven features.. quality, perform ance and price. Digital MEAL TIMER* control provides up to 60 minutes of continuous cooking or defrosting time. Also includes: Balanced Wave Cooking System Variable COOK POWER control Sealed-in ceramic shelf • Con venient defrost guide and much, much more. See It today! -Tmk SHOP TODAY! 00 8 Br?iTragnrggji chwsmas lAWjH" NOWMMLAMP LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. FRONT ST.(S.RTE.31), McHENRY, IL. • ••WHIRLPOOL MICROWAVE OVENS FRIDAY 2 Pieces of Perch, Cole Slaw, Potato Pancake, Applesauce $295 SATURDAY B-B-Q Ribs .Choice of Potato, Soup or Salad or Tomato Juice, Roll & Butter $475 Lunch-N Bowl Specials Every Men. ft lues. A10% Discount For Senior Citizens 385-1475 I (>K Ml \ * UOMI \ 3902 W. Main Street, McHenry (Located behind Christopher's) 344-5310 htTiffK Christmas Hours Saturday 9 to 5*Sunday 10 to 4*Weekdays 9 to 1 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE I "HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS" Look for the "S" Button and find Sansabelt? Tho "S" button it the mork of the world's most comfor toble slock. 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