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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1982, p. 33

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TUESDAY. JANUARY 19 00«ttovto-<Drama)**% "Hot 8pall" 19S8 Anthony Qulnn, Shirley Booth. A middle-aged housewife tries to conceal her misery about her husbend'e philandering, while seeking to solve her children's problems. mBrnins.) ® 0® Ufe On earth 'Building Bodiee' The sea ia the site of the eeriiee t forma of life on earth, and deaeendante of the theae life 1orme can be found today. Thia epiaode looks at three groups of merino Invertebrate# that have endured the agea. (60 mine.) 0 Sax to A Three Letter Word Michael Carrera, Professor Lorna Farrel MB Dr. Philljp Farrell answe r the questions most asked about sex'and eexuality. 0 Movie -(Orems) ** "Camy" 1080 Jodie Foater, Gary Buaey. All tha dazzle and excitement of 'the carnival contraat the tawdry deeolation behind the ecenee. (Rated R) (2 hra.) ® 0 Movie -(Drama) •• H "Crowdad Sky" 1980 Dana Andrewa, Rhonda Fleming. The pereonelproblemaofthe peesengersendorewofeNevyjet and a paaaenger plane flying in opposite directiona, heeded for diaaater aa they epproech eech ft (2 hra.) ft) 300 MUHones CoBaga Basketball (Joined In Prugrese) Viilanova va Notre '^Dsms • Collage Baakatball La Salle iPennaylvania _ A.R.T.S. Their World, Our ' World Hoeted by DevidBimey. 1) •Carmen'. • TeleFrancn-U.S.A. 8:30 000 TooCloaaFor Comfort Henry receivea a aeriee of my aterioue fan lettere from an 'admirer who eigne hie name'X. .0 Movla -(Suepeaee) "Bloodline" 1977 Audrey Hepb urn, Ben Qaazara. President of art international pharmaceu­ tical company ia murdered, end it 'aeenia there la a plot to kill hia heireaa daughter ae wall. Every one on theboardof directors ' hasareeson for murder. (RatedR) (ill Love Song To The 8:45 (9 & Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) (106 mine.) 8:80 « TBSE veningMaws oioo ilil Flamingo Road Cone tance uses her aHair with Julio to get oloser to Field; in grati tude for getting rid of the no-good Tony, Lute Mae goee along with Mike Tyrone'splans for "herd ub. (60 mine.) Paitt Hart To Hart The Harts Visit Jennifer's old home in Mary land where they dlecover ' that h«er father's paat in the OSS make a him and them tne terget of the e< m of e Nazi war criminal. (60 mina.;> (Cloaed-Captioned; LS.A.) U.S.A.) Ittrs American Playhouae 'King of America'Thle original drsmu by B.J.Merholz traces the experiences of a young, atron-3-willed Greek aailor who jumps ship in New York Harbor in 1 g 16 v*ith hopes of making e new life tor himself in America. if fit Independent Network ®8$ Quiereme Siempre 0 TIrne-Out Theater 0® AmertcenCathoHc • Qreateat Sporta Legende Hoat George Plimpton telke with Olympic decathlon champion Bill Toomoy- _ 8:30 0 0 Tonight jf**1 • Belt Better Homea And Qardana MaaNotebook • 8 Living Stonae • Newark And Reality 0 Barney Miller BIS M.A.S.H. 1 Movla -(Drama) • "Altered Statee" 1880 William Hurt. Blair Brown. Agroup of people aet of on a Journey to find the origin of the flrathuman thought. (2 hra.) 00 Entertainment Tonight 3$ 0 Saturday Night 0 OuixKlde 039 informacion 26 9 Youl-Faahion Megazlne For Women • SportaCen • 9700 CM iter 700Club . • Benny HM Show 10:06 0 All In The Family 10:30 0 CBS Lata Movie Alice: 'Mal'e Cup' Alice contributes an oid trophy cup of Mei'stos church rummage sale without realizing that it ia an irreplaceable memento- (Repeat) McCloud: 'Top of the World, Ma' The syndicste tries to frsme footbsll player Bubbe Smith for murder. il'l 00 TH i Tha Tonight Show 'The Beat Of Carson' Quests: Bob Hope, Rey Charles, Teri Gsrr. (Repeat; 60 mine.) • Entertainment Tonight • ABC News MgM •red by Ted Kopp«i. ~ . _J A» in The Family I Saturday Mght I© BennyHMShow i)S U.S. Chronicle 1 Nightly Bueineee Report t M.A.S.H I Starsky And Hutch lMovle-(Drama)***H "Elephant Man" 1878JohrtHurt, |ff|gg| ADAM'S B 1AMAVAB CCttHIti KMWIMtwK ill •KAOUTOff REPAIR -AlfTO HEATER I •AtfTO & TRUCK All KFRQSTEIREPA1 CMWTMMS SERVICE •TKM9STATS ft NOSES •SYSTEMS FLUSMEB •WATER PIMPS •&ASTA* REPAIRS IftftfS & SCKYKS ALL MAKES AM0 MODELS . . . . . . a u a m m Anthony HopKins. A msn, born deformed, is kept against hie will ae e carnival freak. (Rated R) (2 hra.Mmina.) 0 » Movin -(Comedy) ••• "Lady Eva" 1941 Barbara Stanwyck,Henry Fonda. The dlmwittedeonofeweelthytycoon, falle in the handa of a girt and her card abark father. (2 hra.) 0 ® Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) iSOmina.) 0 Dance And Dencers: Romeo AndJuHet S9 LaColorlna • English Channel 10:38 V Movie -(Adventure) •* "taddentAtPhentomHiM" 1966 Robert Fuller. Den Duryea. A million dollarslngoldwaitsfor two deeperate men and e blond wildcat through a thousand miiee of deeert heat. (116 mine.) 11:00 0 The Tonight Show'The Boat Of Careon' Gueete: Bob Hope, Ray Charlee. Teri Gerr. Sepeat; 60mina.) I Fanteey lelend A bungling proceae eerverdreama of becoming e Sem Spede-like detective; end e timid men yeerne to earn the reaped of hia family. $70 mine.) AN In The Family _ World At Wer MecNeM-Lehrer Report Odd Couple if Movie -(Oreme) **tt Along Cama A Spider" 1870 Suzenne Pleehette. Ed Neleon. Widow ofreaertrchscisntististorn between inetincts snd need for vengeence when shs bsfriends enother scientist working on the eeme project which ceused her huebend'e death. (90 mine.) 0 Boat Of The NFL 1978 NFL rlighte Racing From Yonkere 8t°MLkdwest Video Showceee 11:30 0 0 Tomorrow Coeat- To-Coaat Guests: Sterling Heyden, Bucky Dent, Aehford and Simpaon. (60 mine.) 0 Bob Newhart Show 0 Movie -(Hletorlcal) ••• "Alverez Kelly" 1866 Williem Holden, Richard Widmark. A renegede adventurer bringing a herd of2600cattle from Mexico to e Union army major ia kidnapped by e reckless Confederate guerille who forces him to deliver theherdtoeetarvingRichmond. (2 hrs.jSOmins.) 092 Comedy Classics 0 Tan Who Dared 00 ABC Nawe Nlghtllne Anchored by Ted Koppel. 0 FIB World Cup Skiing Men'e 90-meter Jumping from St. Nizier, France (R) • 8 Jim Bakker 0 Movie-(Western) •••• "Ox-Bow Incident" 1843 Henry Fonda. Dana Andrews. Mob fury in eeerch of a killer. trecks down end executee threa innocent men. (90 mine.) 0 Real Eetate Action Une 12:00 0 Tomorrow Coaet- To-Coast Guesta: Sterling Heyden, Bucky Dent. Aehford and Simpaon. (60 mina.) 0 Movie-(Drama)*** "Public Hero Number One" 1936 Lionel Berrymore, Jeen Arthur. The Depertment of Juetice mobillzee to end the gentieter reign of terror. (JOOmina.) |8 NKeOwl 0 Fantaey leland A recreation of a apecteculer emeeh-up; snd s beeutiful ledy of the evening wiehes to spend s weekend es just snother women. (Repeet; 70 mine.) 0 Fsntesy Island A bungling Sr o c e s s s e r v e r d r e a m s o f ecoming e -3am Spade tike detective; end e timid men yeerne to earn the rer-pect of hie femily PAGE IS aepest; 70 mlns.) I Movla -{Drama) ** "Parallax View" 1974 Warren Beatty, HumeCronyn. Areporteruncovere a conapiracy behind the deatha of aeveral witneaeea to a politicel . aeaaasinstion. (2 hrs.) 0 ® Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) (90 mine.) 0 Atlantic City Tonight 12:10 0 Movla -(Comedy) ••• "Bachelor Mother" 1939 David Niven, Ginger Rogera. A fired aaleagirl finds sn sbsndoned beby. The stors owner's son is jockeyed in es a 'father.' (103 mlna.L 12:20 0 Dick Cavett Show 12£0 (3)0 New a Signature teyvci m Diet. 2:30 910 * 0 Slgnatur 0 Sporta Probe ® 38 Lovi SN Love Spaclal I Movla -(We stem-Adventure) •*H "The ttavege" ig62 Charlton Heston, Susen Morrow Msn. rsised by the Sioux es e boy. ie torn between his loyslty for his rsce snd the love of his edopted abe. (2 hrs.) I All Night At The Movlee 'The Betty Librsrlsn' Vincent Price. 2) Ghost of Hidden Velley' Buster Crebbe. 3) 'Guerille Girl' Helmut Dentine. 4) 'Horsemen of the Plsins' Wslly Walee. (6 hra.. 30 mine.) 12:36 0 Movla -(Drama) ••• "From The LWe Of The Marion­ ettes" 198C Robert Atzorn, ChriatineBuohegger.lngmer Bergmen'e in-depth exeminetion of contemporery morale concema a mild mannered bualneeemen who euddenly murdera a proeti- tute heheeragulerly vieited. (RatedR) ( 103 mlns.) 12:50 0 News 1^01 ABC Captioned Nawe • t Entertainment Tonight OuizKlde Collage Bneketball (Replay) Villanova vs Notre Deme 0 Super Bowl XI Hlghllghte 1977-Oeklend vs Minnesots (R) 0 Joe Franklin Show 1:06 0 WBBM Editorial 1:10 0 Movla -(Drama) "Dark Victory" 1976 Elizabeth Montgomery, Anthony Hopkina. The love atorv of a terminelly ill woman whoae reletlonahip with her doctor eneblea her to cerry on. ahra., 6 mina.) I Green ACf91 ((Wednesday)) JAN. 20,1982 AFTERNOON 6:00 0 Movie -(Drama) ** "Street Gange Of Hong Kong" ig72 Weng Chung. Lily Li. Young men tekee on the atreet ganga of Hong Kong in revenge of hie fether'a untimely death. (RatedR) Piny For Love: Tha (2 hrr) 6:30 0 A Regazze EVENING 6:00 00000M08 >y Midler 1 Happy Days Again Program Unannounced I MacNeil-L ehre.- Report Meedowtark Lemon's Bucketeere 0 Movie -(Drama) •• "The lelend" 1980 Micheel Ceine. Devid Warnor. Piraoy ia tha irribean. (2 hra.) (3$ Entertainment Tonight 0 All In rtieFamNy ® Movie ("onHnuaa From Daytime) 000 RoaaDe Up]no From Dav"m» > Sc XII Highly 19/o-L ' 'las Osve f - s. sReperts IB Thm Tomo rrow Peoole . ste

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