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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1982, p. 35

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HEARING AID REPAIR SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES!! LOW PRICES--GUARANTEED WORK *MALL0RY*RAY-0-VAC*EVEREADY BATTERIES 40% DISCOUNT HEARING AID SALE! DISCOUNT PRICES - NATIONAL BRANDS McHENRY HEARING AID 3937 MAIN McHENRY CENIER 385-7661 WED S 10 TO 5 • EVENINGS BY APPT. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 "Resurrection" 1080 Ellen Buratyn, Eva Le Gallienne. A woman dies and comes back to IK*. Now no one she touches will ever both* same. (RatedPG)( 103 lnde|>endent Network S<5§ i • NM ' Quiereme Siempre _ NHL Hookey New York latandera va Now York Rangers 0 ESPN's Super Bowl Sport- sTalk From Detroit, Ml. 0 89 TIM Kino la Coming 0 Nine On New Jersey 0:30 95) 0 Bolero Thalia Mara choreographs Maurice Ravel's 'Bolero.' Also fsatured are the paa do deux 'Spring Waters' by Rachmaninoff and "Albinoni Adagio' danced by Kathy Thibodeaux and Douglas Hevenor. Q8 Portrait Of A Legend | Signature • Faith 21 Faith 20 _ _ kotball Los Angeles kerava New Jersey Nets I 0 TBS Evening News i lki fm C fwnum nwwo Xiisrimaa f nay Miller M.A.SX. VUMWMt 4 I Movie •(Mualcal) •• "The Apple" 1080 Catherine Mary Stewart. George Gllmour. Story about a young swinging couple whoseemtobethelsstbslisdeere in the world of 1994.(RstedPGJ(2 00 Entertainment Tonight ®® Saturd ay Night 0 Stlye: Manalons, Tele- Bhonoa, Saratoga V ® Inform r»clon 28 0 SoortaCenter 0 34 700 Club 10:28 0 « Movie -(Tttte Unan­ nounced) (110 mine.) 10:30 ® CBSLi«ta Movie WKRP In Cincinnati: 'Bad Risk" Herb ropes a dapraaaed l-es Nessman into buying enough insursnce coverage for iiix men. (Repeat) 'Hooch' 1078 Stars: Gil Gerard. Ertka Fox, Melody Rogers. Three inapt NYC hoods arrive in North Carolina wltfi plana to organize local moonahiding operations for The Family.' (Repeat) 0 Mtudi X 0 The Tonight Show 'The Boat Ot Csrso i' Guests: McLean 8tovenson, Natalie Cole, Tom Seeeen. (Repeat; 80 mine.) \ Entertainment Tonight I ABC Nowa Nlghtllne fed by Ted Koppel AH In The Family sturtfay HlgM * Bonny Hill Show I Sneak Previews *1 Was'a Teenage MovlO Hollywood 198),, Critics Gene slekel endRotf** Ebert focus on the ressons why the teenage audience la now determining Hollywood's biggist hits. (D Nightly Business Report Im hash ® Starsky And Hutch © ®) Movie -(Advanturo-Waatarn) **H "Sliver River" 1048 ErrolFlynn, Ann Sheridan. Story ofagambler's rise to weslth and of his fall. (2 fjrs.) One Of A Kind: Hopper's 0:35 €0 i La CokKlna 10:35 W All In Tho Family 10:45 (E> Movie -(Comedy) ** "Incredible Shrinking Woman" 1081 Lily Tomlin. Charles Grodin Aerosol sprsy t< and preservatives are making a housewife shrink, snd worse, her husband doean't seem to care (Rated PG) (89 mine;) 11:00 0 The Tonight ShOW^The Best Of Carson' Guests: McLean Stevenson, Natalie Coif, Tom Dreesen. (Repeat: 80 mins.) Q Jefferson* 0 Love Boat An iniarfd tennis star falls for s tough s^ortswriter who was once Her severest critic; s stagestruck Mexican stowaway creates havoc until she can perform for the psssengers; snda practical iokei pulls one joke too many."CRepeai; 70 mine.) O (ZD CBS Late Movie WKRP In Cincinnati: 'Baby, M You've Ever Wondered' For the first time in seven years, the rstings hsve goneupsndev ery one is celebrat­ ing except for Andy (Repeat) "Ttje Swiss Conspiracy' l978Stare: David Jansson. Ray Milland. A former Depa 'tment of 3ustice investigator i s hired by a Swiss bank when f(v«i of their aepositor- ssre threatened with, piackmaii. All In Tho Family Life On Earth 'Building Bodies' The ses is the, site of the earlieat forms of life on earth, and descendsntii of the tjiese life forms csn be found toddy. This episode looks st three groups of marine invertebrates that have idured the eijea. (80 mins.) I MacNeiHehrer Report I Odd Coup le ) CD Movlo -(Comedy) *** "Caprice" 1087 OorieDay, Richard Harris. Woman in the cosmetics buniness becomes an industrisl spy whiieacteally searohing outa narcotlca ring that had her lather killed. (80 mins.) © College Basketball Connecticut vi» Georgetown (R) 69 Video Highlights 11:05 ©Movie-(Drama)*** "Oho Step To Hell" 1088 Ty Hardin, floaiano Braz.zi. A group of escaped killers' lead Tne men vqoWDPedlo ttieiriWMKon a thousand mi echase through Africa, (2hrs.) 11:30 0 0 Tomorrow Coaat- To-Coaat Guests: The Pointer Sisters, TomBroksw.(Repeat;90 mins.) • Bob Newtart Show 0 Movlo -(Comedy) •• "Lord Love A Duck" 1088 Tuesday Weld. Roddy McDowell. A sophisticated 'older'senior play a Svengali to a transferred high school senior, and ahowa her how to get what she wants. (2 hrs , 30 Comedy Classics Tan Who Dared 0 ABC Nowa Nlghtllne Anchored by Ted Koppel 0 Eugene Ormandy And The Philadelphia Orchestra A« O® JlmBakker 0 Jeff Conrnd Show 12:00 B Tomorrow Coaat- To-Coaat Guests: The Pointer Sisters, Tom Brokaw. (Repeat; 90 mina.) B Movie-(Weetern)*** "Cattle Quoon Of Montana" 1054 Barbara Stanwyck, Ronald Reagan. Daughter of a man killed for his land fights to hold property and accepta Indian's friendehip. (100m ins.) 0® NiteOwl B Lovo Bout'Parents Know Best,' 'A Selfless Love,' and 'The Nubile Nurse.' (Repeat; 70 ana.) I Lovo Boat An injured tennis star falls for a tough sportswrtter who was once her aavoreat critic; a stagestruck Mexican stowaway craatea havoc until ahe can perform for tho pasaengers; and a practical joker pulle one joke too any. (Repeat; 70 mins.) Movlo -(Weetern) ••• "Rio Bravo" 1050 John Wayns, Dean Martin. A sheriff, sided by his friends, outsmarts a powsrful rancher who wants to get his killer brother released from prison. (2 hrs., 30 mins.) B College Baaketball Kansas vs Missouri 0 Outer Umlts B Atlantic Cfty Tonight 12:10 B Movie -(Drama) ** H "History la Made At Night" 1037 Charlee Boyer, Jean Arthur. An Ineanely jealous husband drives his wife to Paria for a divorce. (2 hrs., 7mina.) 12:15 B Movie-(Biographical) ••* "Coal Miner's Oeughter" 1000 Sissy Spacek. Tommy Lee Jones.Theups. downs and resolution of the remarkable merriage between superstar singer Loretta Lynn and her huaband Mooney. (Rated PG) (2 4mins.) <& Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) (75 mins.) 12:20 0 Dick Cavett Show 12:30 Q$B News ^ i Rosa Bagley Show 0 All Night At The Movies 'Grandpa's Diary' Vincent Price. 2) 'Hell Rider' Ben Corbett. 3) 'Gangs, Inc.' Alan Ladd. 4) 'Pinto Bandit'The Texas Rangers. (5 hrs .30 mins.)\ 12:50 0 ABC Captioned News 1:00 0 Entertainment Tonight 0 Style: Manalone, Tele-rnes, Sara toga Super Bowl XII Highllghta «7 8-Denver vs Dsllss (R) I Joe Franklin Show 1:08 0 Movie -(Drama) "Sum­ mer and Smoke" 1081 Laurence Harvey, Geraldine Paige A neurotic apinnter gropes for the love of s hsnds ome young doctor, who tskee up with a gambler's deughter. Later..young man reforme. but feeling rejected, apinater takee first step toward a lite of shame (2 hrs , 25 mins ) 1:10 IB Green Acres 1:15 0 Newe 1:30 O WBBM Editorial ((thuraday)) JAN. 21,1082 . AFTERNOON 5:00 0 Movie-(Comedy)*** "O To 5" 1080 Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin. Dolly Part on. Three .women, working In the same office, face different problems aa they work towards being sccepted in the buainess world. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.) 8:30 0 Call Me Betty Carter EVENING 8:00 l a I Barney Miller Iff l lS Happy Days Again D0 Program Unannounced ) MacNeil-Lehrer Report IS Entertainment Tonight )0 All In The Family ) ® Movie (Continuea From Daytime) 039 Roaa Do Lejoe (Continuea a>m Daytime) Super Bowl XIII Highllghta i79-Pittsburgh vs Dallas 10 John Ankerberg Show I The Tomorrow People I You Asked For It Hoat: Rich Little. Country nhatwalkson wood; s winter wildlife escape; the globe of death; Tommy McCauliffe, who issn srmless flfolfer. 0 Picture Of Health 6:05 0 Carol Bumett And 19 Family Feud IskedForlt D M.A.S.H. Lavemo And Shirley And »y MacNelW-ehrer Report WHd Wild World Of Animate PM Magazine I Inside The NFL 1(3)0 Muppet Show gnature Inform aclon 28 I SportsCenter 10 Best Of Encounter Black Beauty Entertainment Tonight Hosts: Dixls Whatley. Ron Hendren. 'Entertainment Tonight' vieita Hervo Villechaize of 'Fantasy Island.' 0 Traveller's World 8:38 0 NBA flaeketball Atlanta Hawks vs New York Knicka 6:58 0 WBBM Editorial Walt Olaney World's 10th Anniversary Special marking the 10th snniverssry of Florlda'a Walt Disnsy World- Guests include Desn Jones, EileenBrannan, Larry Gatlin, Michele Lee. Dana Plato and Rioky Schroder. (80 i Feme Leroy discovers a gun that his brother, e released prisoner, haaleft in his spartment, and triea to get rid of it, but his sctions come to the sttention of the Board of Education. (60 06^0 Mork AndMlndy 0 Movie -(No Information available) "Secret Affair" (No Other Information Available) (2. [S, PM Magazine Wisconsin Magazine 8neak Pravlewa 'I Waa a Teenage Movie: Hollywood 1981" Critice Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert focua on the reasons why the teenage audience la now determining Hollywood'a biggiat ©Movle-(Drama)**** "Melvln And Howard" 1081 PaulLeMat, Jason Robards. Story of the ges attendant who onc?e rescued millionaire Hcward Hughes from the desert and ifrrplurn was later willed mill ions (R.Ued R) (2 hrs )

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