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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1982, p. 37

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 0 9 Mo via •(Drama) *** "Poeaeaaod" 1947 Joan Crawford, Van Heflin. The story of a woman whoee subtle mental I ruin her life. (2 hra.) owHng Game Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) (105 mins.) • Botanic Man: Potential • wumiii v Drpblfmsn IV: fcyudaJ ) NFL Story: Line By Une 138 Chicago MISL Soccer New York Cbamoa va Tulsa Roughnecks 0 Jjmr Jjgn^Hoyton Outdoors Best Of The You Asked For It U.S. Chronicle I This Old Houee Host Bob Vila p.oure the footings for the greanhouae and a high-tech energy audit ia conducted. (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) 0 Movie -(Drama) •• "My Bodyguard" 1980 Chris Makepeace, Ruth Gordon. A 15 'year old Chicago high school sophomore who attended private achooi for 9 yoara decides to try public school (Rated PG) (95 mine.) 9 Movie-(Drama)*** "Lea VtotonaDuBal" 1974 Jean-Louis Trintingnant, Marie-Josee Nat. Actually a film within a film, the atory movea between past and preaent in cnpturing a young Jewiahboy'aexperiencesinPsris during the Gen nan occupation. (2 #.) Top Rank Boxing From Totowa, N.J. 0 Connie Martinaon Talks sslvi 'IT'S* Knots ^gtdlni WWl Discover The World Of Dlff'rwnt Strokes Willis p'aya the conoequences for not paying enough attention to his otelfriend. (Closed-Captioned) 000 Barney Miller O® Movlo-(Drama) **% "Dark City" i960 Charlton Heaton, Lizabeth Scott. A aocial misfit, after a bad experience in love, turna to gambling and finds himself an aeaaaain'atarget.015 Sneak Previews 'I Waa a Teenage Movie: Hollywood 1981' Critica Gene Slakel and Roger Ebert focua on the reaaona why the teenage audience ia now determining Hollywood's biggist |a, hlta. ) Movie -(Drama) •*% "St. Valentine's Day Meeaacre" 1967 Jaaon Robards, George Segal. Chicago underworld boaa. AlCapone.pietatokiHBugaMoran and the famoua St. Valentine'a Day Maaaacr«, in which aeven of Moran'a men tire gunned down in a ouae. (2 hra.) Calabromaa NBA Baakatball (Joined In Progreaa) Son Antonio Spura va UtahJazz O 58 Guldetinee For FamHy Uylng 0 A.R.T.S. Their World. Our World Hoated by David Birney. 1) 'The Sorcerer'a Apprentice'. 2) Great Paintinoa: Gaugin's 'Day of theGod'.3)SpiritofAaia: Vietnam. 4) Claes Odenburg. 5) Grest Paintinoa: El Greco'a 'View ofToledo'. O TeieFrance-U.S.A. 8:30 00 Gimme A Break Taxi Father1 Dear Fattier Teach Ue To Pray 8:45 • ® Programming Unannounced 8:50 0 TBSEvenlngNewa 9:00 iOOa Nurae 009 Hill Street Bluea To protect himaelf in a grand Jury inveatigation of police corruption, Capt. Furillo reluctantly hirea an expenaive lawyer to help him; Hill and Renko are delighted to be aaaigned to be waitera at a popularreataurantaapartof apian to expoee venal policemen and citv officials. (80 mins.) 8 09 0 20-20 Hugh Downs anchora thla weekly magazine profiling noteworthy eventa in newe, science end entertainment. Imina.) iwa Eacape From Iran: The inside Story, (D John Calloway Interviews (D Movie-(Drama)*** "Harrad Experiment:" 1973 Jamea Whit more, TippiHedren. An experimental coed college puahea the policy of aexual fiee^sm. (Ratod R) (2 hra.) Independent Network •me Slempre Today In iV- Prophecy • Meet The Mayora 9:16 0 StandingRoomOnly'An Evening At The Moulin Rouge' George Hamilton hoatathia naughty, bawdy Gay 90'a cabaret ahow 08 Omni Signature NBA Baakatba l l Detroit Piatona va San Diego Clippera fflSI voice Of Faith • Aopte Poliahers 9:90 0 ® Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) '12 hra., 16 mine.) .SiHlffiSSUM 2$ Newa 0 Barney Miller 032 M.A.S.H. 90)0 Vldeoweet •nui 1i O ft 0 Mac1 ii e ® 0 8 • * jNeH-L ehrer Report Entert ainment Tonight Saturday Night Botanic Man: Potential 0 <39 Inform aoton 26 0 SporteCenter 700 Club 0 Banny Hill Show 10:060 A* in The FamHy 10:30 0 CBS l-ata Movie Qulncy, M.E.: 'Crib Job' A juvenile la aocuaed of slaying «r ady man andaiuvenllii aen illlien'a project la laopardliad by reperouasiona of the oaae. (Repeal) The Saint: 'Portrait of Brenda' The Saint's Inveatigation ofamurderednrllatpulehlmonthe trail of a pop alnger and her mlpulatlve (iuru. (Repeet) manipulate !r% The Tonight Show 'The Beet Of Cara<>n' Gueata: Lucille Bell. Kelly MoHtaHh, Dick Enberg. 8epeet;60mina.) I EntartainmantTonight I Viewpoint Aa Preaident Reegen marlta hie firet year in office, thla edition will focue on controveraiaa about newa coverege of the preeidency and thedegreetowbichltheebeenfeir and accurate. ABC Newa Correapondant Ted Koppel anchora from tha Waahington |u of ABC News. (80 mins.) 1 AH m The FamHy I Saturday ------- I & Banny Hill Show E> 0 Milwaukee Profiles I Nightly Bualneee Report M.A.S.H. J Staraky And Hutch Movie-(Drama) ** "Blood Barrier" 19f»0 Telly Savalaa, Eddie Albert Tough border patrolman triee to expoae the greed end corruption of fat-cat landownere *'ho profit from the trefficof iHegel alienafromMexico to tha|United Stetea. (88 mine.) O ® Movie -(Comedy) "Abbott And Coatello Meet The Keyetone K«>P*" 1966 Fred Clerk.LynnBeil BudandLouinthe 1912 alapatick ere when vampa broke hearta. atuntmen broke necka and e*ary face wore a custard pie. (2 bra.) 0 Movie -(Drema)*** "Lee VIotonoDuBal" 1974Jean-Louia Trintingnant, Marie-JoaeeNat. Actually e film within e film, the atory movee between paat and preaerti in cMPturlng a young Jewieh boy'e e xperiencea In Parie during the Gen nan occupation. (2 tt® LaCok>rlna 0 Racing From Yonkere Raceway 10:36 0 Movie -(Comedy) **H "Love Happy" 1®»0 Marx Brothera. Marilyn Monroe. Atriool looniee get mixed up with jewel thievea. (110 rnlne.) PAGC1* 11:00 0 The Tonight Show The Beet Of Caraon' Gueata: Lucille BaH, Kelly Monteith, Dick Enberg. Repeat; 60 m ina.) iff arsons CBS LHta Movie AH In The Family lAmartconPtayhouee'King of America' Th ia original drama by B.J.Merholz tracee the exper- iencea of a yo ung, atrong-willed Greek aailor who jumpa ahip in New York Harbor In igi5with hopea of malting a new life for Iaelf in America. Ten Who Dared Odd Coup it Movie -(Comedy) •• "Firet Family" 1901 BobNewhert, Madeline Kahn. Chaoa end wecky comedy hit tha White Houee when Bob Newhart (leaumea the office of President with Madeline Kehn ea the Firet Liidy. (Rated PG) (2 Movie-(Drama)** "The Challenge" 1969 Jayne Manafield, Anthony Quayle. A beautiful, but ruthleaa woman planaa lerge acale bullion robbery which includaa a doublecross which leada to impriaonment, kidnapping, end attempted fder. (90 mini.) Thla WeeK In The NHL MO&* - (Myetery ) * * • "Murder My Sweat" 1944 Dick Powell. Claire Trevor. A hardboiled detective becomea involved in e complicated murder caae. (2 hra.) 0 Las Vaoaa Sportsview 11:30 0 • Tomorrow Coaet- To-Coaat Gueata: Former Senator George McGovern, Sister Sledge. Hayiey Milla, Willie Stargell. (Repeat; 90 mine.) 0 Bob Newhart Show 0 VegaS Dan Tannetriea to help e young brido find her huaband who haa mysteriously vaniahed after eccidentally getting himaelf involved with rogue government agenta dealing in biological warfare. (Repeat; 70 mine.) 0 Movie-(Drema) •••* "Pride Of The Marlnea" 1946 John Gerfield. Eleanor Parker. The true atory of W.W. II Marine Al Schmid who wea blinded by grenedea after killing many Japaneee re. (2 hra.. 30 mine.) Comedy Claaekse Viewpoint Aa Preaident Reagan marka hia firat year in office, thie edition will fooua on controveraiaa about newa coverege of the preeidency end thedegreetowhichtthaabeenfair and accurate. ABC Newe Correapondent Ted Koppel enchora from the Waahington bureeu of ABC Newa. (80mina.) 0 ESPN a SportaForum- Thoraday Edition 00,JlmBekker 11:600 Dick Cavett Show • ll«f Mil •oldjfft. 00 c 00 VI SAVE ON WALLPAPER OVER 400 PATTERNS PRICED FROM *1 .98 SINGLE ROLL •FLOCKS •VINYLS *F0ILS •GRASSCLOTH IN STOCK • TAKE IT WITH! Plywood Minnesota WOODSTOCK , " 1230 Dovi6 Rood (Bvpas6 Rt. U t 47) 815-338-1440 MondayJm Tkmtdn 9 i.m. S p.™ Friday 9 i.m. -1:30 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. »" vfltoesreca

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