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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1982, p. 5

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tt helping paws A A ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Bo* 205*Crystol Lake Illinois 60014 (815)459-2641 Hold Auditions For^Dance Season PAGE 5 - Pl-AINDFAf .ER - FRIDAY, JANUARY 15,1982 Lost and Found • in Honston??. by Ms. Flo Klemm The phone at the Hel( Paws office rang- woulc accept a collect call from Houston? - we did- a dog was found, wearing a Helping Paws tag. Our pet owners file was checked and we Could give the finder the name of the owner so that they could check it out in their area. We called the Crystal Lake phone number iisted under that tag number, but it had been disconnected. That afternoon, a Crystal Lake resident called to say her relatives in Houston lost their dog and it was wearing a Helping Paws tag -could we help? - we certainly did! Helping Paws was able to supply her with the finder's name, address, phone number in Houston. Small world, isn't it? All pet adoptions must be validated by the signing of a contract along with the adoption fee which includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of HP's choice, or a deduction from the cost of the surgery if done by a vet of your choice. When adopting a pet through Helping Paws please, for your future reference, keep name, address and phone number of the person from whom you adopted pet. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Springer Spaniel mix, 7- month, black-white female, housebroken, good with children and pets, 81&453- 9097. Golden Retriever-Irish Setter, 18-month male, shots, housebroken, neutered, good with children and pets, 385- 0273. Two Shelties, male, female, 3-years-old, sable and white, 312-223-7492. Setter-Labrador, 8- month, black female, par­ tially housebroken, good with children and pets, 455- 2457. CATS FOR ADOPTION Four available: young adult, long hair female, white with grey spots, declawed; 8-month short hair male, black, part Siamese; 8-month grey and beige short hair female; 6- month black and white short hair "female, 3384)132, 455- 4999. Grey and white yc adult male, shots, good! with children prefer no other cats, 312-6394603. Black-white short hair, 11- month male, shots, neutered, good with pets and children, 312-639-6603. Grey with white feet, thick hair, 6-month male, shots, good with pets and children, 459-5597 after 4:30 p.m. Calico short hair, 1-year female, good with children and pets, 459-7682. White, with grey-brown markings, 2-year male, shots, neutered, good with ats and children, 312-526- Grey-brown stripe, 6- month male, medium hair, shots, good with pets and children, 385-1322. Black-white, 6-month male, good with children and pets, 344-3674 after 6 p.m. Long hair black >oung adult, large size cat, 344- 2076. Black, 8-month female, brown eyes, medium long hair. 385-2451. Solid grey, short hair, 6- month female, good with children and pets, 338-4234. Himalayan young adult, female, apricot-beige, long hair, four black paws, blue eyes, good with children and pets, 459-3162. Young adult, black, short hair male, 455-0329. LOST DOGS Sheltie, 10-month, sable and white, female, Crystal Lake Estates, 455-2655, (reward). German «shorthair, 6-year male, brown- head, brown and white^body, choke collar, Wonder Lake, 815-653- 9396. FOUND DOG Young adult Poodle, broken leash, chain collar. Lake Killarney, 312-639-3617. LOST CAT Orange and white Tiger, 1- year male, medium hair, declawed, neutered, Waters Edge, McHenry,*, 344-0920. Please call Animal Control when you find or lose a pet. They will not pick up pet unless you wish. They also have pets for adoption. Call 815-338-7040. For information on Helping Paws and lost and found and adoption, call 459-2641. Information Update On Trucking Industry McHenry County college will offer a seminar titled "Information Update for the Trucking Industry" Jan. 16 from 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Representatives from the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Illinois Commerce Commission will speak on: the motor carrier deregulation act of 1980; leasing regulations; sur­ charge processes to go through to obtain operating authority; intra-state regulations; the new entry law; and other current legislative changed. After a coffee and snack break, the Small Business Administration represen­ tative will speak on record keeping, and Joy Fitzgerald, a licensing consultant to the American trucking industry, will give "Survival Tips for Truckers: Surviving the Economy." Each speaker will allow time to answer questions from the par­ ticipants. Pre-registration. is ired. To register call (815^^455-3700, extension 251. The seminar on Tax Saving Ideas for the Small Businessman, designed for truckers, which was scheduled for Dec. 19, has been re-scheduled for Jan. 30. This presentation will include an explanation of the Economic Recovery Tax act and the feasibility of in­ corporation for small businesses to achieve tax savings. This seminar will be conducted from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the college. Please call to pre-register. WEST" BEND whcra craftsman still cor* automatic humidifier "l WiMveii stick •ost Repair Puis Including: •MSMMUBS •flUOKlTS •wiranunnT •ucmiKAwm •warms.t Lee & ftoy Electric 100* N: Front St. m+m i NOTICE of ANNUAL MEETING if MEMBERS of McHENRY SAVINGS art LOAN ASSOCIATION Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the member* of the McHenry Savings and Loan Association will be held at number 1209 North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, on Monday. January 25, 1982 at the hpur of seven-thirty o'clock in die evening for the purpose of election of direc­ tors, considering the report of officers, directors and committees and the transac­ tion of all other business required or permitted by the Statutes of the State of Illinois and the by-law of said Association. McHEIKY SAVINGS ui LOAN ASSOCIATION By. Chas. M. Adahis, Attest: Virginia Aalto, Secretary. (PubJanA ft Jan.15,1982) No. UQOMr"*"*"- were respectably lighted and costumed^ The company will be giving a major spfing concert in Crystal Lake in March, and a series of school performances in the nor­ thwest suburban area. There will be anothejp'weekend of concerts in Chicago next fall. Currently the company consists of 15 dancers and 12 apprentice ' company dan­ cers, all coming from the northern Illinois area. For further information on the audition or upcoming performances, call 815-455- 2055. DANCE THEATRE PERFORMERS The Judith Svalander Dance theatre, a not-for- profit, Crystal Lake based dance company, will hold open auditions for its 1982 concert dance season Saturday, Jan. 16, at 2:30 p.m. Site of the audition is Crystal Lake's Central grade school, 131 W. Pad­ dock, across from the public library. There are openings for both male and female professional dancers, as well as for advanced level or professional level students. Four males will be needed Comeback Labor-saving devices that bark are trained by a cattle pro­ duction expert. Cattle dogs are making a comeback because of inflation, production costs and dropping cattle prices. fqr walk-ons, and some stage experience is desirable for those persons. Dancers should come dressed to audition. Girls should wear a leotard and tights, and bring pointe shoes, as well as ballet shoes. The major highlight of the company's 1981 season was its successful weekend concert at the Athenaeum theatre in Chicago last October. Warren Conover, soloist with American Ballet theatre, was guest artist for those performances. In the company's spring season: Alexandre Proia of the Paris Opera ballet and the Boston ballet; was guest artist. Of th^ir Chicago per­ formances, Reader critic Dorothy Samichson said the company "...displayed a patina of professionalism rare for such an occasion, one that augurs well for the Judith Svalander Dance theatre's development as a professional troupe." Tribune critic Richard Christiansen said. "The young dancers of Svalan- der's school-company per­ formed with commendable discipline; and the dances The Veterans Ad­ ministration is carrying out a congressional mandate to insure that VA medical care for non-service connected problems is provided only to veterans clearly eligible for it under current law. A Veterans Ad­ ministration headstone or marker is available without charge to commemorate veterans whose remains have not been recovered or identified, were buried at sea or donated to science, or were cremated and the ashes scattered without burial. Winter Tips If trapped in vehicle during a blizzard: 1--Stay in your vehicle. Disorientation can come quickly in drifting snow and being lost can mean certain death. 2--Turn on the dome light to help highway or rescue crews find you. 3--Signal for help by honking the horn. Use three groups of three honks. 4 -- P r e v e n t c a r b o n monoxide poisoning by r u n n i n g t h e e n g i n e a n d heater sparingly. Be sure the exhaust system is clear of snow and keep at least one window open slightly. 5--Keep watch. Do not permit all occupants to sleep at once. 6--Exercise by clapping hands and moving arms vigorously. Do not remain in one position too long. Additional severe winter weather preparedness tips are available by calling or visiting the McHenry County E m e r g e n c y S e r v i c e s a n d Disaster agency. f Jl r r 1 1 I z>cott Cy~f. <c\ foic ATTORNEY AT LXW DARLENE STABLA COOLS, ACSW CSW COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY , Couple, Family Group Therapy (815)728-1039 DAYS, EVENINGS AND SATURDAY HOURS BY APPT ABLE TO HELP YOU WITH: WILLS & ESTATES PERSONAL INJURY*" REAL ESTATE BUSINESS ZONING WORKER S COMP. And Other Problems Vou May Have Sui te B Whisper ing 4306 Crysta l Lake Rd. Point Center , y McHenry (815) 344-1630 The McHenry Plaindealer Ml} W«t Elm Strict (USPS 535-200) Ef*oMI»h«d M7S McHanry. Illinois MOM fhon«(lSMS0170 FuMI«tl*d lv*ry W«d»»i<«y • Pridoy ot McH*nry. Illinois Socond Clots Postogo PAID AT McHonry Illinois •r MCHENRY FUBIISHING COMPANY POSTMASTEll Send oddross chongos to McHoory Piolndoolor. Ml J W. Elm St. McHonry. Illinois MOM Subscribers or* rsqusstsd to provldo immodiato notico of chango of addross to Tho McHonry Plolnd«olor, Ml2 W. Elm St.. McHonry. III. MOM. A deduction o« on* month from tho aspiration of a subscription will bo modo whoro a chango ot odd rots it provldod through tho Post Offico doportmont. Thomat C. Mlll«r-Publl»h«r Ad»l« Fro»hl ich-Edi tor ^ u ' newspaper ^ • NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Y»or $15.50 1 Y»or $24.00 In McHonry Outsldo McHonry County County i* I INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS A TAX SHELTER FOR EVERY WAGE EARNER YOU CAN OPEN AN IRA ACCOUNT WITH AN Y AMOUNT! COME IN & DISCUSS A PLAN TO SUIT VOU. IMPORTANT NEW TAX LAWS AFFECT EVERY WAGE EARNER As of January 1, 1982, every wage earner, even though they are active participants in an employer sponsored pension plan, can make tax-sheltered contributions to an Individual Retirement Account (I.R.A). Your I.R.A contributions will accumulate tax-deferred with compounded interest until retirement. The following are some of the important points concerning the new pension regulations. WHAT IS AN INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNT (I.R.A.)? An I.RA is a personal tax sheltered retirement savings plan. Millions of American workers are using I.R.A's to both reduce their taxes and bOild a more secure future for themselves and their families. WHO NEEDS AN I.R.A.? Just about everyone who wants to retire comfortably. To maintain your current life style it is estimated that you will need between 70% - 80% of your pre-retirement income when you retire. Since Social Security will contribute only about 30% and a pension plan approximately 30% more • an I.R.A can make the difference for a comfortable, independent retirement. ARE THERE DIFFERENT TYPES OF I.R.A.'s? Yes. Contributory I.R.A's are for wage earning individuals. Spousal I.R.A's are for married couples where only one spouse is employed. WHAT ARE THE MAXIMUM CONTRIBUTIONS? Maximum contribution for Contributory I.R.A is $2,000. Maximum contribution for Spousal I.R.A is $2,250. (100% of compensation, whichever is less) WHEN ARE TAXES PAID? No Federal income tax is paid on either savings or interest until distribution begins. At that time most individuals are in a lower tax bracket, with perhaps more exemptions available so that the tax savings can be considerable. WHEN ARC THE BENEFITS PAID? Anytime after 59*4, but payments must start before 70*4... or upon permanent disability or upon death (to named beneficiaries). You may elect to receive your retirement benefits in a lump sum or if you wish on a regular scheduled basis. HOW ARE BENEFITS TAXED? Benefits are taxed as ordinary income as they are received in a taxable year. If you choose to receive your benefits in a lump sum, you may be able to use the five year income averaging provisions available to all taxpayers. HOW IS AN I.R.A. STARTED? Opening an I.R.A is as easy as opening a Savings Account. Don't wait until the end of the year because you probably will have a difficult time saving up enough money in a short time • so start now. HOW DOES I.R.A. SAVE ME TAX DOLLARS? For Federal income tax purposes, contributions to your I.R.A are fully deductible from gross income, up to the maximum allowed by law. You may make this deduction even though you do not itemize other deductions. During the years the plan is in force, earned interest is also added to your I.R.A Thes; earnings are also tax^eferred. Compounding of the interest over the years generates more dollars to build a retirement fund significantly larger than would be possible with taxed doi lars. In addition, you realize further benefit because your I.R.A contribution puts you in a lower tax bracket. S ALWAYS SERVING YOU ALL WAYS! McHenry State Bank mc 1815-385-1040 3510 West Elm St. Crystal Lake Rd. at Lillian Street Richmond Rd. at Pearl St., McHenry

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