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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1982, p. 35

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MONDAY. JANUARY 25 11:50 0 Dick Cavett Show 12:00 0 Tomorrow Coaat- To-Coast Guests: Barbara Waltara, Maat Loaf. Jacqueline asset. (Repeat; 90 mine.) lMovle-{Drama)**tt "ADOH'S Houaa" 1075 Jana Fonda. Edward Fox. A aubjugatad houaawlfabraakafraato establish haraatf aa an Individual, (iiornlne.) Nit a Owl 9 ABC Movlo 01 Tho Waak •Thieves' 1974 Stare: Mario Thomaa, Charlee Qrodin. Harb Gardner'a comedy of a frae- aplrltad coupla attampting to copa with modern urban marriage. (Repeat; 2 hra.. 13 mine.) 0 Cabaret: 8ingin' in 0 NHL Arm Wreattng From Las Vegaa, Nevada O Atlantic City Tonight 12:2O0|U>C Captioned News 12:25 0 ® Mom -(Title Unan­ nounced) <2 hra.. 15 mina.) 12 jo 0 Signature O NHL Hockay (Replay) Minnaaota North Stars va Toronto ©j| Rou Baglay Show • AN Night At The Mo viae Igor and Wolfman: The Frightened - •tone Duo' Vincent Prica. 2) 'Lone Rider and tha Bandit' George Houston. 3) 'King of the Speed­ way' Rex Laaae. 4) 'Lady Thief Felix Alymer. (6 hra.. 30 mine.) 12:35 0 Movlo -(Comedy) "The Court Jeater" 1066 Danny Kaye, Qlynia Johna. An ex-circua clown jolna band of outlawa attempting to ouet the tyrant king and replace him with the true king. (2 hra,. 5 mina.) 1:00 fll Entertainment Tonight 0 Movie-(Drama) ** "Tha laland" 10B0 Michael Caine, David Warner. Piracy in the Carribean. (2 hra.) if Nawa ft Mixed Bag: In aide, OutaMa 0 Joe Franklin Show 1:13 0 NFL Review And Prevtaw 1:15 0 Nawa 1:20 0 Movie -(Comady) ** "Improper Channala" 1081 Alan Arkin, Mariatte Hartley. The trouble and fun bagina whan a separated couple'a Daughter goea to the hospital for a bump on her head, and a noaey eocial worker Inaiata that the girl ia a victim of child abuae. (Rated PQ) _ WBBM Editorial Health Field Charlie Roaa Show _ Under Milk Wood 0 SoorteCenter 1:35 0 Movlo-(Comedy) "Spy With A Cold Nose" 1066 Laurence Harvey, Daliah Lavi. Britiah agenta plant an electronic (02 mine.) 1:30 0 Wl 0 Health 0 CharlU 0 Under 0 Soprti bug on a bulldog given toa Ruaaian ambaaaador. (1 ISmina.) JAN. 26,1062 I fiarnei 108 Happy DayaAgain 90 Program Unannounced MacNeU-Lehrer R oort _ Tha Year That Waa: 1061 Patrick O'Neal hoata video >ook of the year'a events. Entertainment Tonight AH InThaFamMy Movie (Continuea From Daytime) Title Unannounced 069 RoaaDeLe)oa(Contlniiaa From Daytime) 0 Thie Waak In The NBA 00 Pattama For Living 0 The Tomorrow People 0 You Aaked For It Hoat: Rich Little. Tonight'a featurea concern Japaneae pearla; a man-made miracle; a human sledgehammer; aoiraffe catching. 0 Mcture Of Health 6:06 0 Carol Burnett And 00 FamNy Feud 0 YouAeked For It 0000 M.A.S.H. Lav erne And Shirley And any ) MacNell-Lohrer Report i Wild Wild World Of Animate I PM Magazine I Literature Crueade I Muppet Show | Signature 10 Informaclon 26 I SoortaCentar I® Accent< l Accent On Living Special Delivery 'Kida* Piea II' Entertainment Tonight Hoata: Dixie Whatley and Ron Hendren. 'Taxi' atar Tony Danza axplaina that he haa given up hia ambitiona in the prizefight buaineaa, but feela that an Oacar or Emmy nomination would be aa good aa a world championahip. 0 TjtjceAWoman Sanford And Son WBBM Editorial iditorial Simon And Simon Father Murphy The 'financial future of the Qold Hill School and orphanage are in the tiny handa of a mentally alow orphan who convincea tha adulta aha ia the only one who can ride their foul-tempered horaein Jackson's annual race. (Repeat; ina.) Happy Daya Johnny Caeh Youth For Chrlet Special 0NBABaekatballChicagoBulla twice 111 m, 6:36 6^ JSCKSO If va Washington Bullets 0® PM Magazine Qfi)0 Milwaukee Profllea 0 America 0Movia-(Hletorlcal)**% "Zulu Dawn" 1060 Burt Lancaater, Peter O'Toole. Britiah army, deepite their ignorance of the terrain, fight gallantly againat the Zulu nation'a inappropriate fiohting tactica. (96 mina.) 00Movte-(Drama)** "Desire Ma" 1047 QreerGaraon, Robert Mitchum. A woman ia involved in a atrange love triangle aa ahe finda ahe'a involved with a new love and her old huaband, preaumably thought dead. (2 hra.) Bowling Game " Movlo -{Title Unan- I) (105 mine.) _Klde _ Aprandiendo A Amar NHL Hockey Pi.ttaburgh tguina va New York lalandera » Chicago Uvewlre Power Pinch Actor Ken Howard ia the hoat of this special about aexual haraaament on the job. The program willfeature interviewa with paychologiata, heada of corporationa and the victima of thia phenomenon, in an attempt to inform vlewera about what can be done about this situation. 0 Medicine Man 7:05 0 Movie-(Waatarn)** "War Wagon" 1067 John Wayne. Kirk Douglaa. The atory of the theft and recovery of a Brink's-like wagon hauling a half-million dollara in gold. (2 hra.) • 7:30 0iBiB Laverne And Shirley Carmine auditiona for a part in a muaical about the life of Rocky Qraziano. (Cloaed- iptipned; U.S.A.) You Asked For It _ Mlller'a Court Movie-(Weatern) ••• "Rio Bravo" 1050 John Wayne, Dean Martin. A aheriff, aided by hia frienda, outamarta a powerful rancher who wanta to get hia killer brother releaaed from priaon. (2 »..30mina.) Dance And Dancers: 8vtdebundl*rtanze Vldeof aahlon Monthly 7:50 Op® Newecene 8:00 0 0 State Of The Union State Of The Union Addreaa President Reagan will deliver the State of the Union addraea toa Joint aaaaion of Congreaa at tha Capitol (60 O State Of The Union Addreaa ABC Newa providea coverage of Preaident Reagan's Sate of the Union Address; network programming for thia evening will be delayed. (60 Movie-(Western) "H 'Apache Uprlelng" 1B66 Rory Calhoun, CorinneCalvet. A atagecoach carrying varioua character* arrivee at a relay atation where a gold theft plot ie thwarted and an Apache upriaing quelled before it becomea full acaje. (115 mina.) (9)00 Ufa On Earth'TheFirat Foreata' David Attenborough look a at how plantapaved the way forineacte.andhowthefiretplanta and early land creaturaa aolvad the problem of reproduction. (60 Movie •(Thriller) ••• "Night Strangler" 1072 Darren McQavin, Jo Ann Pflug, Simon Oakland. In Seattle, down on hia luck reporter Carl Kolchak invaatigatea a atrange aeriea of murdera which may be the work of • 120-year-old man. (90 mine.) 0(29 300Millionee 0<3§ Image Identity 0 A.R.T.S. Engliah MuaicReborn Hoated by Philip Anglim. 1) Songa of a Sourdough. 2) Naive Paintera of North Americe-Part II. 3) The New York City Ballot performing 'Duo Concertente'. 4) Great Poeta. Great Writere: 'Joaeph Conrad'. 0 Greatest Sporte Legende Hoat George Plimpton telke with car racing champion Jackie Stewart, who waathree-time World Champion Grand Prix driver and the winner of more Grand Prix racea than any other driver in history. O TeleFrance-U.S.A. Paaaport ToFrance: Inventory of theFrench Countryaide, Part IV: 'Seeaona and Their Holidaya' 2) Refraah Your French: 'En Francaia Level Two* Lesson II. 3) From The World Of Fiction: 'A Sentimental Education' Part II. 4) The Incurable Collector: Marcel Duchamp, artiat. 8:30 0 0 0 Too Close For ^mfort ^ ^ Crowded Room 0 (Si Love Song To Tha Meeeiah 0 NBA I _ NBA Baeketball New Jersey Nets va Utah Jazz 8:45 O ® Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) (106 mine) 0:00 00®NBCNewaReport: Democrats Response, Anatyeia NBC Newa providea a platform for theDemocratareaponaeto Preaident Reagan'a State of the Union addreaa, and a political analyaia of the addreaa and the remarkafollowing. (60 mina.) 000Hart To Hart Jennifer ia brainwaahed by her beauty ealon operator into atealing valuablea from her wealthy aociety frienda. (60 mina.) (Cloaed-Captioned; U.S.A.) H £ o m r C* *2 H 4> a n Si .« VI SAVE ON WALLPAPER OVER 400 PATTERNS PRICED FROM $1 *98 SINGLE ROLL •FLOCKS *VINYLS -FOILS •GRASSCLOTH IN STOCK - TAKE IT WITH! Plywood Minnesota WOODSTOCK , 5' 1230 Davis Road (Bypass Rt. 14 ft 47) 815-338-1440 Monday thru Thureday 9 a.m. f Friday 9 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Saturday 9 a m 5 »

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