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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1982, p. 36

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PAG* U TUESDAY, JANUARY 2* 'Seguin' Written and directed by Jeeae Salvador Trevino, thia drama ia baaed on the Nfeof one of Texee" early unsung heroes, Juan Nepomuceno 8eguln, who rataad an army to fight tha Maxlcan forces at tha Alamo. (00 mine.) 0 Movla -(Comedy) ••• "9 To S" 1000 Jane Fonda, LllyTomlin, Dolly Parton. Thraa woman, working in tha aama offica, faca dif farant problama aa thay work towarda being accaptad in tha buainaaa world. (Rated PQ) (110 jjne£ is l Independent Natwork »Qutereme Siempre EngNah Channel iffAmerican Catholic OMf TBSEvenlng Nawa 0:30 0 0 Program Unannounced 0 (S It'a Your Buainaaa 310 NBA Baakatbali Loa Angalaa Lakara va Milwaukaa ^cks Bignatura ESPN's SportaForum- Edttton Tuesday Edit pss Ijtci _ M.A.S.H. 0 Movla -(Horror) •• "Salam'e Lot" 1070 David Soul, Jamaa Maaon. A chilling horror atory ot vampiriam running rampant In modam-day Naw England. (2 Entertainment Tonight # Quiz Klda 0 0 Informeclon 26 0 Profaaalonal Boxing From Us Vegas 0 SportaCantar |u 700 Club 10rf»0 A# In Tha Family 10*0 0 CBS Lata Movla s ra Tha Tonight Show Quaat Hoat: Joan Rivara. Guests: Mika Connor*, Rip Taylor. (60 mina.) 0 Entertainment Tonight 0 ABC Nawa MghtNne red by Ted Koppal. AN In Tha Family f nay MiHar Banny Hill 8how U.S. Chronic la Nightly Buainaaa Raport M.A.8.H. Stareky And Hutch 0Movle-(Comady) **to "Profaaaor Bawara" 1038 Harold Lloyd, Phyllia Waich. An agyptologiat profaaaor baliavaa that ha himaalf, ia tha reincarna­ tion of ona of tha ancianta. (2 ffl Movla -(Title Unen- nouncad) (00 mina.) 0 Danca And Dancara: Dsvtdsbundlertanzs # ® LaColorlna 10:360 Movla -(Comady) •* to "Romanoff and Juliat" 1061 Patar Uatinov, Sandra Daa. Tha praaidant of a amall, obacure country wanta to kaap it that way. figuring that if it waa better known it would either be abaorbed by tha Red Block or forced to accept aid from the U.N: (2Bra., 26 mina.) 10:66 0 Onc6AhdFor AI1...The Laat Awarda Show Hilarioua •pool of awarda ahowa that highlight tha people and events of the paat year. 11:00 0Tha Tonight Bho w Quaat Hoat: Joan Rivara. Quaata: Mika Connors, Rip Taylor. (60 mina.) flfe Jiffftftoni 0 Fantaay laland An amnaaia victim, dua to inharlt 620 million cornea to Mr. Roarke to have her deairea fulfilled. (Repeat; 70 ttli. I CSS Late Movie Alice;'the Odd Couple' When Flo'a mobile home ia atoten.ahamovaelnwith Alice, and their radically different Ufa atylaa collide. (Repeal) McCloud: 'Lady on the Ran' McCloudieeenttoMexicotobring back a murder autpect, but faNa In i with her inataad. (Repeat) I Saturday Night 10 AN In The Family |0 World At War yiciifm ĥrtf H#port I Couple Boat Of Tha NFL 1070 NFL Hjflhlighte 0 Racing From Yonkara Raceway MMweat Video Showcaea 11:30 0,0 Tomorrow Coaat- To-Coaat Quaata: former Iranian Praaidant Bani-Sadr, Pierre Salinger, Xaviara Hollander, Omar Sharif. (Repeat; 00 mina.) 0 Bob Newhert Shew 00 Comedy Claeeica 0 Tan Who Dared 00 ABC Nawa Nlghtllne Anchored by Ted Koppel. 0 A Play For Love: Acroea A Crowded Room 0 FIB World Cup Skiing Women'eQiant Slalom from QriiMfewaid, Switzerland (R) 00 JlmBakker 0 Movie -(Adventure-Weetem) "Oklahoma Kid" 1B3B Humphrey Bogart, Jamaa Cagney. The bandit-hero of tha Southweat def end* new pioneera in tha territory of 1802, from gang of lawleaa gamblera. (00 mina.) 0 Real Eatate Action Line 11:66 0 Movie -(Drama) •••* "Beckat" 1064 Richard Burton, Pater O'Toole. The atory of tha friendahip between Becket and the King of England, hia appoint­ ment to Archbiahop and tha claah between the church and tha throne. (2 hra., 32 mine.) 12:00 0 Tomorrow Coaet- To-Coaat Quaata; former Iranian Praaidant Bani-Sadr, Pierre Salinger, Xaviara Hollander, »ar Sharif. (Repeat; 00 mina.) Movie-ftorror) *to "Abbott And CoateNo Meet Franken- atein" 1048 Abbott and Coatello, Bala Lugoei. Draculaand Frankanatein'amonatarkidnap »zsny duo. (06 mina.) Movla -(Romance) **to "Forever Amber" 1047 Linda Darnell, Cornel Wilde. A seventeenth century Engliah girl forfeita love for aucceaa in tha court of Chartea II. (2 hra., 30 minaj 0® NlteOwl 0 Fantaay laland A bungling proceaaaerverdreama of becoming a Sam Spade-like detective; and a timid man yeama to earn tha reapect of hia family. aepeat; 70 mina.) I Fantaay laland An amneaia victim, due to inherit 820 million, cornea to Mr. Roarke to have her deairea fulfilled. (Repeat; 70 mina.) 0 Movla -(Drama) ** "Urban Cowboy" 1070 John Travolta. Dabora Winger. Story of a modern-day Texa* youth who worka by day in a refinery and apends hia nights draaaad like a cowboy at a weatern bar. (Ratad RH2J>ra., 30 mina.) 3$0 Saturday Night 0 ® Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) (00 mina.) 0 Sunklat Indoor Track And Field Meat (Replay) 0 Atlantic City Tonight 12:10 0Movte -(Adventure) •* * "Horaamen" 1071 Omar 8harH, Leigh Taylor-Young. Tha Afghaniatan elite horaamen engage in tha deadly aport of Buzkaahi. (2 hra., 26 mina.) 12:20 0 Dick Cavett Show 12:30 10 Signature •flu Love Soaclal All Night At Tha Movlea 'Qrizelda Trlea a Barbecue' Vincent Price. 2) 'Llon'a Den' Tim McCoy. 3) 'Lady in the Death Houee' Jean Parker. 4) 'Harvest Melody' Roeemary Lane. (6 hra., 30 mina.) 12:800 ABC Captioned Nawa 1:00 0 Entertainment Tonight 0 Quiz Klda 0 TMa Week In The NBA (R) 0Movte-(Drama)** "ThalKInd of Woman" 1060 Sophia Loren, Tab Hunter. On their way to New York, paratroopara meet two girts with 'peats.' (2 hra.) 0 Joe FrankNn Show 1:10 0 Qreen Acree 1:26 0 Nawa 1:30 0 Health Field 0 Charlie Roee Show 0 Dance And Dancere: Davldebundtertanze 0 SoortaCenter ((Wednesday)) JAN. 27,1802 AFTERNOON 8:00 0 Movie -(Drama) ** "Street Qenga Of Hong Kong" 1072 Wang Chung, Lily LI. Young man takae on the etreet ganga of Hong Kong in revenge ol hia father'a untimely death. (Rated R) (2 hraJ 6:30 0 Chander 0 A Play For Love: The EVENING Happy Daya Again Program Unannounced | MacNeH Lehrer Report IB Entertainment Tonight [)0 AN In The Family IS Movie(Contlnuea From a) Title Unannounced )RoeaDeLe)oe(ContJnuee From Daytime) 0 College •• BaeketbeNSt. John'a i Army from tha Meedowland* 9 ® Dave Breeae Report* I 0 The Tomorrow People 0 You Aeked For It Hoat; Rich Little.Tontght'aeegmentsareona daredevil tramp; hand fad killer aharka; and turning a tree into music. 0 Picture Of Health 8:06 0 Carol Burnett And Family Feud [puAaked It • 00 M.A.S.H. Laverne And Shirley And QpmMfiy ffl 01MecNeH-Lehrer Report 0 Wild Wild World Of Animala 0 PM Magazine 0 8hopamlth 0 Decoya: Police Under Cover A New York City undercover crime unitwalkatheatreetadiaguieedas helpleea victim* uaing thia intriguing method of criminal BjjO I Mm Wmature Inform* Metrovl MuppetShow RInform ac ion 26 Metroview tck Beauty itertalnmant Tonight Hoata: Dixie Whatley and Ron Hendren. Still not recovered from her paychological acara of her kidnapping and beating of two yeara ago, country einger Tammy Wynette atill wow* them in Laa Vegae. 0 Florida Outdoore 6:36 0 Sanford And Son 6:88 0 WBBMEdltorlel ivm CBS Nawa Special Raport 'In Converaation With The Preeident' Dan Rather interviewa Preeident Reagan concerning hia State Of The Union Addreaaandhiaflratyearinoffice. fAftmlnel 000 Real People Female prize fightera in Iowa; a han­ dicapped park ringer in Yoeemlte National Park; a violiniat in California; a faatival in Colorado thathonoraafamoua 10th century madam; and, an Atlanta woman who ia the voice of tha telephone company'a time and weather recordinga acroaa tha country. (ReoeaL60 mine.) 000 The Qreateet Amer­ ican Hd'ro A top ranking Thai generalgathersadivereegroupof men together to trigger a brainwaahed response Implanted in each of them yeara ago in •m. (60 mina.) PM Magazine I Kennedy Center Tonight 'Qraat Vibeal Lionel Hampton and Friend a' A tribute to Lionel Hampton kicka off the naw aeaaon of tha Kennedy Center Tonight aeriaa, with performancee at tha White Houaa and the center. Stephanie Milla, Zoot Sima, Louie Bellaon and many other iazz greata salute Hampton at thia auepicioua celebration. (60 mina.) Famity Speciale: Trouble V&i I Movie-(Drama)* to "Wild Herveat" 1047 AlanLadd, Dorothy Lamour. Tha head of a harvesting crew who reapa wheat forfarmerarunaintoaiamwhenhia line breaka down. (2 hra.) Bowling Qame ~ Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) (106 mina.) 0 Style: Jewelry, Leather, New __ Aprandlendo A Amar 00 Chicago 0 Lh 0 Nl NBA Baakatbali Naw York Knicka va Boaton Celtica (Delayed Broadcaat) 0 Jeff Conrad Show 7:08 0 NBA Baakatbali Atlanta Hawksvs Detroit Piatona 7:30 0 College Baaketbell DePaul va St. Louia Blllikina 00 You Aakad For It 0Movie-<Drema)** "PapiHon" 1073 Steve McQueen, Duetin Hoffman. A atory baaed on Henri 'Papillon' Charrlere'areal-life eacapa from tha horror and brutality of tha inf amoua French penal colony of Devil'a laland. (2 ».,34mine.) Movla-(Drama) ** "8tay Hungry" 1076 Jeff Bridgee, Sally Field. Footlooee rich kid meeta Joe Senta, a bodybuilder with a heart of gold who ehowe him truth among the bar bail*. (R) (2 hra.) 0 Napoleon Conquera America (Highlight* 7:80 092 Newacene 8:00 0000 CBS Wednes­ day Night Movie 'Tom Horn' 1980 Stare; Steve McQueen, Linda Evana. Story baaed onTomHom'a autobiography about a 40 year-old cowboy who la invited by a group of Wyoming ranchera to atop the raah of cattle ruatling. either by fair maana or foul. (2 ark The Facta Of Life Fearful that Mra. Garrett will never remarry, tha girle arrange for her firat date in 16 yeara and Blair and her boyfriend go along to chaperone. 0 00 The Fall Guy An accident occurs on a movie atunt, and the stuntman, a friend of Colt'e, geta injured leaving Colt to take over the atunt and diacovar how tha accident occurred. (80 1&, (Movie-(Comedy) •• to "A Man Could Qat Killed" 1068 Jamee Qarner, Meline Mercouri. An American banker on a confidential miaaion la thought to b9aapy(li6mins.)

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