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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1982, p. 38

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PAoatt s * First In Quality * First in S«l*ction * First in Savings * First in Sarvica First in Home Entertainment Including Zenith TV's Sony Radio's Complete Home Entertainment Centers 4400 W. Rto. 120 McHanry Rte. 47 ft Country Club Rd. Woodstock WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 27 B Movie-(Drema) "Breaker Morent" 1960Edward Woodward. Jack Thompaon. AHacting atory of a aoldier- gentleman wrongfully triad and axacutad for acta ha and hla troopa committed during the Boer War(Rated PQ) (107 mine.) (It m Movie -(Weatern) •• * "Stagecoech" 1066 Ann-Margret. Bing Groaby. The ralationahipaofvarioua stagecoach paaaengera, during «Indian attack. (2 hra.) Sports Probe College Basketball St. John's va Army from the Meadowlanda I. I Mo vie-(Drama)*** "Back To Bataan" 1945 John Wayne. Anthony Quinn. A Colonel forms a guerilla army on Luzon, and leads a raid on the Japaneae In order to help Americana landing on Leyte. (2hra.) (0 VldeoMghtlghta 11:30 B B Tomorrow Coaet- To-CoastQueata: Donna Summer. Father Andrew Greeley, Jack Valenti. (Repeat; 90 mine.) V Bpto Newhart Show B® Comedy Claeaics 0 B ABC Newa Nlghtllne Anchored by Ted Koppel. B Movie -(Comedy-Romance) ** "Sack Roads" 1981 Sally Field.Tommy Lee Jonea. Acouple team up for a croaa country iaunt landing them in one comical acrape after another and finally into each other'a arma. (Rated R) (2hra.) B Cabaret Times Three B College BeaketbeH (Replay) ivsWake Foreet Jim Bakker I Corned Show 11:SO B DlckCevett 12:00 B Tomorrow Coaat- To-CoastGueata: Donna WKRP IN CINCINNATI Venus (Tim Reid) and - Herb undergo separate identity crisis and change their images to reflect their new personalities, on "WKRP in Cincinnati/' WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 27 on CBS-TV. Venus fears the color of his skin wiU cause him to be exploited by a writer from Black Life magazine, and; for his interview, assumes a patois to match his outlandish out­ fit. Meanwhile, Herb is led to believe he can boost radio sales by changing his style of dress to mirror a more sophisticated per­ sonality. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME. TV COMPUI.OC MRVtCta INC Summer, Father Andrew Greeley, Jack Valenti. (Repeet; 90 mine.) B Movie-(Drama) "Last Voyage" 1960 Robert Stsck, Dorothy Malone. An ocean liner ripped by an exploaion and the efforta of the paaaengera and crew to abandon ahip. (10S r. Movie -(Adventure-Drama) •••H "Thomaa Crown Affair" 1966 Stave McQueen, Faya Dunaway.Multi-millionaire executea a daring daylight robbery of a bank and geta away with two million dollara in caah. (2 hra.^30 mine.) CD ® NHeOwt B Love Boat An injured tennis atar falls for a tough aportawriter who was once her aevereat critic; a atageatruck Mexican atowaway createa havoc until aha can perform for the paaaengera; and a practical joker pulla ona joke too »ny. (Repeat; 70 mina.) Love Boat Two newlyweds are diatracted by the appearance of the bride'a ex-husband; a pair of thirteen-year olda experience firat love; and, Julie'a romance with a young man ia threatened by a touring group of aenior cltizena. aepeat; 70 mina.) I Atlantic City Tonight 12:10 B Movie -(Comedy-Adventure) ** "You Can't Win'Em All" 1970 Tony Curtia, Charles Bronson. Two American adventurera, in Turkey during political upheavala, join forcea in an uneaay alliance aa they aearch for gold. (2 hra., 7 mine.) „ 12: IS B ® Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) (75 mina.) 12:20 B ABC Captioned Newa 12:30B Signature B3S Roee Begiey Show B All Night At The Mo vlea' Igor' s Computer Date' Vincent Price. 2) 'Glory Trail' Tom Keene. 3) 'Her Lucky Day' Walter Neai. 4) Hell Fire Auatln' Ken Maynard. (5 hra., 30 mina.) 12:40 B Movie -(Drama) ** "Alcatraz Expreea" 1060 Robert Stack, Neville Brand. Thia atory tella of Al Capone'a ride to the Atlanta Penitentiary and of Elliott Neaa, making aura he geta there1(2 hra.) 12:45 B Newa 12:50 B Movie -(Comedy-Romance) ** "Back Roade" 1681 Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jonea. A couple team up for a croaa country jaunt landing them in one comical acrape after another and finally into each other'a arma. (Rated R) (95 mina.) B WBBM Edit oriel Entertainment Tonight Style: Jewelry, Leather, New iS°Winterworid Series t980 Winter Olymplca Highlights featuring Eric Hekien and the USA Gold Medal Hockey Team (R) B Joe FrankNn Show 1:06 B Movie -(Drome) *** "Erie" 1676 John Savage, Patricia Neal. The true atory of a cancer-atrlcken young man who Uvea hia last yeara to the fulleat deapjte hia affliction. (2 hra.) 1:10 B Green Acrea 1:30 B Health Field Charlie Roee Show l Movie-(Drome) ** "Cerny" 1980 Jodie Foater, Gary Buaey. All the dazzle and excitement of the carnival contraat the tawdry deaolation behind the acenea. SaledR) (2 hra.) I <4$ Movie -(Title Unan­ nounced) (2hra., 10 mins.) B Napoleon Conquers I Bi America Bcolle Colon B Si College Beeketbell (Replay) ado va Kanaaa SoortsCenter ((tehuradayj) JAN.28,1682 AFTERNOON 5.-00 B Movie-(Comedy) ••• "6 To 5" 1980 Jens Fonde. Lily Tomiin, Dolly Psrton. Three women, working in the ssme office, face different problema aa they work towarda being accepted in the buaineaa world. (RatedPG) (2 hra.) 5:30 B Cell Me Betty Certer EVENING IB ® Heppy Deya Again )B Program Unannounced MecNeM-Lehrer Report Sneek Preview: February Anna Meara and Jerry Stiller apotlight the upcoming moviea, sports and apecialaon HBO in February. BMovie-(Intrigue)** "Sphinx" 1981 Lesley-Anne Down, Frank Langella. A beautiful woman journeye to Egypt in aearch of a long-forgotten tomb only togetina tangled web of danger, romance Irigue. (RatedPG) (2 hra.) Entertainment Tonight AN In The Family Movie (Contlnuea From Daytime) Title Unannounced m <29 Rose Do Lejos(Conttnuea From Daytime) B This Week In The NHL B ® John Ankerberg Show B The Tomorrow People B You A eked For It Host: Rich Little. Tonight'eahowfeaturea Japan'a apectaculer city of ice; the world beyond the naked eye; akl acrobatic firata; and 'the Dioeonman.' B Picture Of Heelth 6:05 B Carol Burnett And IB Femlly Feud I YpuAaked For It IBB M.A.S.H. And Shirley And MecNoMLohror Report WHd WHd World Of Anlmeis I Magazine tide The NFI (NFL MuppetShow Signeture 8 Informedon 26 SportaCenter 8 Best Of Encounter Black Beeuty Entertainment Tonight Hoata: Dixie Whatlay and Ron Hendren . Teen idol WUUeAameeof 'Eight la Enough'defendahialiring of hia manager, who eleohappena to be hia mother, and admlta that no one in hia family ia talking to him. B TravoHer'e World 6:35 B Sanford And Son B WBBI 6:1 WBBM Editorial private inveatigator with amneaia ia really in trouble, aa Magnum diacovera after a near-fatal accident with the Ferrari leavea fliinjfltjtft condition. (60 mina.) BBB Fame Aa chairman of a atudent benefit, Montgomery Ie under preaaure to decide who will and will not perform; and. Bruno atrugglea to overcome hia ahyneaa ao he cen perform in front of hia claaematea for a mid-term am. (60 mina.) BB Mork AndMlndy Avon Tennie Tournament @ PM Magazine B Wisconsin Magazine Sneak Prevlewe Critics Gene

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