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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1982, p. 39

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MAGNUM. P. A private investigator with amnesia is really in trouble, as Magnum discovers after a near-fatal accident with the Fer­ rari leaves him in that condition, on "Magnum, P.I.," THURSDAY. JANUARY 28 on CBS-TV. Having been hired to locate a miss­ ing girl, Magnum (Tom Sefleck) reports to Wendy and Dave Gilbert that he is close to finding her. Then, he suffers a complete memory blackout after an accident that leaves him and the Fer­ rari at the bottom of an abutment overlooking the beach. The missing girl is found--dead--and by her side is Magnum's baseball cap, making him the prime suspect In the eyes of Police Lieutenant Tanaka. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME. COMMM.OG SfMVtCfS. INC. THURSDAY. JANUARY 2t Siakel and Roger Ebert review the newest movies in town, including scenes from: 'On Golden Pond' starring Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda; 'Whose Life la It Anyway?* with Richard Dreyfuas; and 'Four Friends,' a drama about coming of age in the ig60'a. 0 ® Africa's Weeping ® 0 Bowling Game 0 94 Movie -frme Unan­ nounced) (lOSmins.) 0 Botanic Man: Latitude Zero §0 Ayudal • Wlnterworld Series ig76 Winter OlympicaHighlighta featuring Franz Klammer's Downhill Run 9® Chicago Uv^wlf^ 0 NBA Baaketball New York Spicks va Waahlngton Bullets 0 Jimmy Houston Outdoors 7:05 0 Movie -(Comedy) •• % "War Between Men And Women" 1972 Jack Lammon, BarbaraHarria. A cartoonist, for his comic strip which depicts the 'war between men and women', geta hla material from hie own marriage and it geta him in trouble i Beet Of The West Marahal Sam Beet triea to guard a captured outlew, end preparea to defend the town egainat an attack by the bandit'a brothers. S'̂ 'you Aaked For It (3) 0 U.S. Chronicle 0 Thia Old Houee Host Bob Vila aaaeaaea the efficiency of the heating plant, then demonatratea the removal of old wallpaper. Sloaed-Ceptioned; U.S.A.) I Movie-(Drama)** "Jest Singer" 1980 Neil Diamond, Laurence Olivier. A young man in the fifth generation of Jewiah cantora decidea hie real love ie to aing hia own aonga. He haa a chance to go to Loa Angelea with hia group and hia father ref uaea to accept thia deeertion. (117 «•.) Mo vie-(Drama) ** "Splder'a Stratagem" 1870 Qiulio Brogi, Alida Valli. Bernardo Bertolucci directs thia film adapted from a short story by Jorge Luis Borges about a young man uncovering the mythofhiamurdered'hero'father. (2hra.) IB CSPN'a SporteForum- Thureday Edition 9 Connie Martin eon Talks 7:BB 8:00 0 0 0 ® Knota Dlff rent Strokee Mr. Drummond goea away on a buaineaa trip and Arnold, left elone, haa nightmerea that he will be orphaned again. (Cloaed-Captioned) S09 Barney MiNer 0 ® Movie -(Horror) •• H "Lady In A Cage" 1964 Olivia de HavUland.JameaCaan.Hoodluma terrorize an invalid lady caught in her private elevetor during a rawer blackout. (115 mina.) 93) ® Sneak Prevlewe Critica Gene Siakel and Roger Ebert review the neweat moviea in town, including aceneafrom: 'On Golden Pond' atarring Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda;' Whoae Life la It Anyway?' with Richard Dreyfuea; and 'Four Frienda,' a drama about fling of age in the igBO'e. Odyasey Movie -(Biographical) *** "Coal Mlner'e Daughter" 1980 Siaay Spacek, Tommy Lee Jonea. The up a, downa and reeolution of the remarVablemarrlage between superstar singer Loretta Lynn and her huaband Mooney. (Rated PG) 30 mina.) Movie -(Weatern)**% Lett Handed Gun" 1988 Paul Newman, Lita Milan. Billy the Kid, teenege deaperado, avengea the murder of hia employer and eacapaa to Madero where he ia given eanctuary by a gunsmith and hia beautiful wife. (2 hra.) ® 21) Caiabromae 0 NBA Baaketball (Joined In Pr6greea)HouatonRocketava ailadelphia 76era > Top Rank Boxing From Laa VMM.NV 9 ® GuldeHnea For Family ttA%.T.S.EngliehMuaicReborn Hoated by Philip Anglim. 1) Hallelujah Chorua. 2) Enigma Variationa. 3) All The Superie- tlvea. 4) 'Sea Symphony'. 0 TeleFrance-U.S.A. Cordon Bleu Cooking: 'Panache de Poieaona Ajano' 2) TeleStoriee- TeleSeriea: Lea Grande Detec- tivea: 'Secret Miaeion'.3) Cine-Club. 'Le Pore Tranquille" • 8:30 0001 Qimme A Break In e vulnerable moment, Nell eccepta a date arranged by her employer, but the man, a cop, tvrna out to be leaa than acceptable. 8:48 0 IB •HfS Taxi Father Dear Father e^h Us To Pray Programming Nurse HM Street Bhiee 20-20 Hugh Downs hoata thia weekly magazine profiling noteworthy event a in newa, acienceandenterteinment. tnina.) 1 Chicago I 9 inda I Newa 0 ^"4*fTod independent Network Today in 9:0801TBS Evening Newa 9:30 0 Movie -(Comedy) •• H "Cheech And Chong'a Next Mpvla" 1980 Cheech Merin, Tommy Chong. Chicano Marin dona a long, blonde wig In an attempt to capture the 'California Look,' and joina Chong in an impromptuconcertinalocalmueic store. (Rated R) (88 mine.) 0® Omni 0 Signature 0 NH1 NBA BaeketbaN Loa Angelea Lakers va Phoenix Suna 09 Voice Of Faith 0 Newark And Reality 9:00 0 ® Movie -(Title Unan- nounced) (2 hra., IS mina.) 9:88 0® Newacene PAMIt ||B« 99 VMeoweV Hspoft I 09 Entertainment Took 99 SaturdayMgM S Jtotwilc Mm: LitNudf Ztro 09 Informecion26 99 700Club 9*aau yM Hnny fnw pnuw | 10:30 0 Cfl lira: ANInTheFomNy I The Tonight Show Gueat Hoet: David Brenner. Gueat a: Joan Embery, Susan Saint Jamee. (60 »•> Entertainment Ti ABC r_ 9 teturdayMghfl 0® Benny HM Show 90 Milwaukee 00| Anchored by Ted Koppei. 0® AMI - " - oiiljlit FBghtSne AN In The FamNy "Pete'a 9 MJLSJ 9 Stareky And Hutch 0 Movie n(Fantaey)***' Dragon" 1977 Shelley Wintera, Helen Reddy. Story of a boy who haa an animated dragon friend. (Rated G) (2 hra., 30 mina.) 0 9 Movie -(Comedy)•• * "Who Done It?" 1942 Bud Abbott, Lou Coatelto. Two zaniea aolvea murder at a radioatation. (2 IK.' I Movie -(Drama) ** "Splder'a Stratagem" 1870 Glulio Brogi, Alida Valli. Bernardo Bertolucci directa thia film adapted from a ahort atory by Jorge Lwia Oorgaa about a young man uncovering the mythofhiamurdered'hero'father w _ LaCoiorina , 0 SportaCenter 0 Racing From Yonkera Raceway 10:38 0Movie -(Adventure) *• H "Johnny Guitar" 1983 Joan Crawford, Sterling Heyden. A tough female gambling houee owner diecovera love won't buy her everything. (2 hra., 16 mine.) 11:00 9TheTonlgM Show Gueat Ho at: David BrennerGueeta: Joan Embery, 8uaan 8aint Jamea. (60 «a.) Jefferaona VegaSBinzer and hia gjrifriend are marked for death by a killer who thinka the couple aew Mm at theeceneof amurder. (Repeet; 70 CBS Late Movie Outncy: 'Holding Pettern' Terroriata holding a hijacked plene releeae the body of one of the hoatage paaaengera who had died during the aiege. (Repeat) The 8alnt: 'The Ex-Kiag of Diamonde' The Saint'a reputation aa a gambler gaina him entree to a leaa than honeat international baccarat ADAM'S RAMAYM fliVKI 4AMATQR REFAflt WUfTO NEATH t •AOTItTBCXM KFMSTEIKMI CMMTWMfi soma •TIOMBSTATS ft HOSES •SYSTEMS AND •WATEI PUMPS ii:;l0mitw

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