Our recent record breaking cold weather left trees quaking in their roots, and may have left you wondering if you'll have any living plants left come springtime. Several factors will determine how severely this winter will affect your woody ornamentals. Plants rated as winter hardy for this region and for regions with harsher climates are more likely to survive than more tender species. However, drainage, natural protection, location, and maturity influence a tree's susceptibility to cold. Trees in poorly drained areas are more likely to suffer root damage - this is especially true of maple, elm, ash and pines. Plants with tender, late-season growth are also more vulnerable, which explains why trees shouldn't be fertilized after mid-July. Plants in unprotected locations are more prone to damage than those in sheltered sites. Trees growing under these con ditions are subject to ex tensive root and branch kill which isn't apparent until spring growth begins. Once a tree's damaged, you can do little but prune out the dead wood and hope the plant recovers. Prune moderately after new growth begins. For in structions on how to prune correctly, request a free copy of C-1033 "Pruning Evergreens and Deciduous Trees and Shrubs" from our office. Fluctuations in winter temperatures, rather than extreme cold, can also cause damage. Frostcracks, or lengthwise splits in the bark, occur as the wood freezes and dries at different rates. Frostcracking is especially common in apple, ash, beech, some maples, willow, and linden. Lone trees, rather than those planted in groups, are most vulnerable. You can prevent frostcracks by wrapping the trunk with burlap, tree wrap, or a similar material, or by painting the trunk with white latex paint. Both narrow and broadleaved evergreens experience winter burn. On warm winter days, the plants lose water through the leaves but can not take water from the frozen ground. Broadleaved plants such as rhododendrons show scorched leaves, needle- leaved plants will have browned areas. Mulching and fall watering will reduce the chance of winter burn, but pruning is your only recourse once the damage is done. Advise Winter Driving Care When it comes to mixing alcohol and driving, more than enough is when your judgment and reactions begin to be affected. This is the warning from Norman Darwick, executive director of the International association of Chiefs of Police, who represents enforcement authorities throughout the nation. A person's tolerance for liquor depends upon many factors, Darwick said, weight, food intake, medication, even the sex of the driver since recent surveys indicate that women in general have a lower tolerance for alcohol than most men. Darwick's point is that each individual should know his own limits and adjust his behavior accordingly, when it comes to mixing-it-up in traffic - either as a driver or as a pedestrian. "You take chances and misjudge risks entirely differently when you're under the influence than you would stone-cold sober," Darwick said. "An officer observing your behavior in traffic has no way of knowing the factors I've just mentioned. He can only conclude that your actions are not normal and that he must take the necessary steps to get you off the road." This is especially critical at this time of year when adverse winter conditions require a clear head and sound thinking. Darwick, who in addition to his IACP duties is also a director of the Safe Winter Driving League, went on to review recommended driving techniques that require a motorist's un clouded attention during the winter months: When slowing or stopping on slippery pavements, "pump" your brakes. An intermittent on-off action helps maintain steering during those times when your brakes are released and your wheels are rolling. If you misjudge stopping or cornering ability and your "l may save you money on auto insurance." TONY CHUCK FlCK LEWANDOWSKI 1308 N. Park McHenry 385-2304 Call and compare! We're driving down the cost of Insurance. AMERICAN FAMILY I M S U H A N C r ' HCMTM Uff American Family Mutual Insuranc* Co "I have 17 reasons why H&R Block should prepare flP your taxes." igjg? w!SBE5BKtU ww REASON #3: H&R Block's fair prices. At H&R Block, our prices are based solely on the complexity of your return. So you can expect to pay less for the 1040A Short Form than for the more complicated 1040 Long Focm « _ -- What do you get when we prepare your taxes? A complete interview by a person specially trained in the new tax laws. And a return that's double-checked for accuracy. How much will your fee be? Call or visit a nearby H&R Block office and we'll be happy to give you an estimate. One thing is certain, H&R Block gives good value. That's why millions of our customers come back year after year. . aawsjnn H&FLBLĈ OKk THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 17 reasons. One smart decision. 302 W Di|gtnt HARVARD OPEN 9 6 WEEKDAYS. 9 5 SAT Phon<943MlC EVENINGS BT APPOINTMENT I 220 S. SUtt St. MARENGO. Phone 561 (3(3 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 9. SAT. 9-5 APPOINTMENTS ANYTIME Sl'Ol W Elm McHENRY Phone 31* 1(30 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9-1, SAT. 9-5 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE WE HAVE MOVED TO BCHEK SERVE YOU 145 MdlMl In. WOODSTOCK Phone 331-3330* OPEN WEEKDAYS 91. SAT. 9 5 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE WE HAVt OPENED A NEW OFFICE TO BETTER SERVE YOU 7508 H.nmk WONDER LAKE Phone (59-22? 1 OPEN MON THIS.. THURS FRI. 10 304. SAT. 9-4 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE MtsierCard VIM accepted it the above sua locations I Real Estate Facts | JOIN HOSPITAL BOARD--Joining the board of Memorial hospital at Woodstock as new directors are, from left, sitting, Nancy Langdon, Woodstock; Joanne Simes, Hebron; and Barbara Merritt, Woodstock; back row. Gay Remich, Woodstock; Terry Ellis, Crystal Lake; and Joseph Sullivan, Wonder Lake. Don Peasley Photography Winter Plant Damage car does go into a skid, steer into the skid - turn your wheel in the direction the rear of the car is skidding. When you feel the car start to recover, straighten your front wheels. Above all, don't hit the brakes when the rear end starts to slide. You can't steer a car when the wheels are locked. Get the "feel" of the road whenever there is any question about how slippery the pavement is. By gunning the engine or by jabbing the brake pedal gently and away from traffic, you can determine how much traction is available. Reduce your speed and increase following distances ac cordingly. Darwick concluded with one last caution, "With winter's added traction and visibility problems, it's obvious that you must keep your windshield, your vehicle's windows and your mit)|d clear, at all times!" (By YvOnne Beer, McHenry County Board of Realtors;. Two nationwide surveys have given real estate agents high marks on their performance and judged ethics and fair play as moat important qualities in the selection of an agent, ac cording to the National Association of Realtors. The first survey,! con ducted last spring showed that over 75 percent of those responding were very satisfied with the services provided by their real estate agent. Of the 5,200 persons responding to the survey, more than two-thirds said they would use the same agent again if they wanted to buy another home. The survey covered people who had purchased or sold homes in the late summer of 1980, a time when the real estate industry was experiencing a severe downturn in sales. According to the survey, the vast majority of sellers felt that the level of service was an important factor in the choice of a particular agent or firm. The time taken to sell the home and the price obtained, as well as the reputation of the agent or the firm also were of prime consideration. The commission or fee charged was seen as less important in the selection process. Over 50 percent of those responding said they found their homes through a real estate agent, while another 14 percent reported that newspaper ads were an importan. information source. The remainder bought homes through friends, signs, directly from the seller or from magazine ads. U Charlotte Dougherty says: I LOST 74 LBS. © *3} and 82 inches.. .15 pounds the very first week!" • No diet pills or injections • No starvation or hunger • Lose under a doctor's supervision • Choose delicious, satisfying iheals • No food decisions • Computerized "Wteightminder™" guarantee CALL TODAY FOR A FREE, NO-OBLIGATION WEIGHT ANALYSIS & ffl* SrtCIAL MO WINTUt SAVING ON YOUR NUT«I/SYSTEM WilGHT LOSS PROGRAM I rrtitnl thl« coupon at Cryttol lako Nutrl/Sytfom Woight lota Modlcol Center listed and wo'll Mud SCO.00 from your program. Ona coupon por program: valid for now cUanfB only, hplrai 2/IS/S2. CRYSTAL LAKEM911 Rte. 31, SUITE B COLLEGE HILL PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 815-459-9050 SI5-459-4400 BEFORE 9 AM OR AFTER 7 PM Iwr 4H WOT lid--MS nutri system ae® Excuse me Buddy. I'm for Top Deck!" it's holf woy down Green St. (1232)| right ocross from the St. Regis^ •L Thanks! Soy do you know if I'd find Patti Dittermon there? You sure can!N You'll know her right away. She's the real toll & sexy lody with reddish-brown hair b a great smile! / c iive her my regards. And, by| | the way, Buddy, tell her I said 'Happy , jirthdoy'V (OH *Uticinlz cHzcujen... <£6*4 dWcuU 37!" Please Join Us For Patti's Birthday Party! Saturday, February 6 TOP DECK The minority who were dissatisfied with the services of their agents cited concern about lack of follow-up and poor skills as the cause. A separate survey spon sored by the National Association of Realtors showed the value placed by the public in the selection of a real estate agent on a commitment to ethics and professional competence. The nationwide survey of 1,500 adults conducted by an outside public opinion firm queried respondents on factors they considered most PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER important in the selection of an agent. Ethics and fair play ranked highest on the list. Nearly 80 percent of those responding said they would select an agent who was fair in showing both the good and bad features of a property, while a nearly equal percentage felt it was important that an agent have a good knowledge of the community. A strong sense of professional ethics and a thorough knowledge of mortgage loan and creative financing techniques were • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1982 also ranked high. A majority of the *• respondents wanted an * agent who was supportive of * equal access to housing and who was a participant in a local multiple listing ser vice. Less concern was * expressed over the size of the agent's firm. Space Energy Earth gets only about one- billionth of the energy output of the sun, according to the Na tional Geographic Society. The rest streams out into space. FREE JANTZEN BEACH TOWEL WITH THE PURCHASE OF A JANTZEN SWIMSUIT ^ H O U R S : MON.-FRI. 9-5:30 SAT. 9-5 1216 N.GREEN McHENRY 385-2713 1232 N. GREEN ST.. McHENRY 305-9036 Banks and savings & loans are beginning a period of deregulation, much like the airlines did a number of years ago. The new 18 month Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is an example of this deregulation. What this means to you is that interest rates paid on this account will vary from institution to institution. We suggest you use our IRA plans (shown in the chart below) as a guide, and call your bank or savings & loan and compare. We think you'll be amazed at the difference. 1 Vi Year Vorioblo Roto CD 1 Va Yeor Fixed Rote CD 2Vi Year IRA CD 6 Month I-CD Min. 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