; r : • To Your Health , * STAMPS AND STORIES FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 17, 1982). McHenry Council Knights of Cohimbus have completed plans for an anniversary banquet to be held as part of the nationwide observance of thefiftieth anniversary of that order, which takes place March 29. The banquet is to be held at the Justen hotel. Jacob Stock, McHenry artist, is exhibiting some of his pictures locally, one of which is a large oil painting, in color, of Cardinal Mun- delein which he made about seven years ago and which was exhibited during the Eucharist Congress, at Mundelein. The work of harvesting ice was completed when the ice house owned by Math J. Baur was filled to capacity. The work came as a great boon to many who have been out of work for several weeks and who, doubtless, regret its short duration. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 19, 1942). Another spring has rolled around and the McHenry Choral club is once more busy in rehearsal for their second annual concert. Just a year and a half ago the organization had its beginning with 18 members. At the time of the first concert last March the group had grown to 28 and this year numbers 34 members. Highlights of the program this year will be a fifteen minute concertized version of the popular opera "Carmen". A near tragedy occurred when little Mary Lynn Murphy, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. Murphy of Riverside drive, fell into the Fox river across the street from her home. When her mother noticed she was missing, the child's pet dog lead her to the river, where Mary Lynn was found lying face down in the water. With the aid of James Perkins, Mrs. Murphy revived the child and brought her to a doctor. TWENTY-FIVE YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of March 21, 1957). umiu •» Readers of the Dick Tracy comic strip and the many friends of its creator, Chester Gould, who resides in Bull Valley, will be happy to know that he will be in terviewed on the Edward R. Morrow television program, March 22. Also popular with local folks on TV is Rudy Becker of McHenry, who was seen for the first time on Channel 11. The program features a segment on the care and training of dogs . with Mr. Becker demon strating with all breeds. Mark Zimmerman of the McHenry Cherry Valley 4-H club was awarded second place honors at the annual agricultural demonstration contest held in Woodstock. He was recognized for his safety demonstration in which he stressed tractor .safety. The following bids for construction of new sewer lift in Edgebrook Heights subdivision were received: Lakeland Const. Co., $20,672.25; George Sheflow, $21,906.00 and Inland Lakes Sewer and Water Co., $22,775.73. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 22, 1972). , One man received slight injuries and two business firms on Riverside drive were damaged when a gas in toe Riverside shattered windows. The injured man was Allen Crager, who wfts in the Plaque shop at the time. He told police he heard an ex plosion, followed by the cracking of the skylight in the shop. Nineteen people on a waiting list at Pioneer center will be accepted as clients as soon as the addition started last week is ready this summer. At present, the Pioneer center facility to assist handicapped adults with meaningful work and social development, has 46 people enrolled. B r u t e H a r b e c k e , McHenry County college's outstanding center, has been named to the Skyway Community college all- conference basketball team. College Honors Graduate Degree To Local Man A total of 1,713 students c o m p l e t e d d e g r e e requirements at Purdue university in December, according to an an nouncement from the school The December graduates, along with students who finished work for their degrees last August, will be eligible to participate in Purdue's 130th com mencement in May. The December graduates, listed by hometown address and degree received, in cluded Michael David Miller, 3510 W. Broad, McHenry, Graduate school, Master of Science. ON DEAN'S LIST Some 188 students from the College of Engineering at Marquette university have been named to the Dean's list for the fall semester 1981- 82, according to Raymond J. Kipp, dean of the College of Engineering. Mark E. Mass, 6. £25 Lake Shore ^rive,, McHenry, is included. . - ON DEAN'S LIST Some 188 students from the College of Engineering at Marquette university have been named to the Dean's list for the fall semester 1981- 82, according to Raymond J. Kipp. dean of the College of Engineering. The students from McHenry include Otto W. Dschida, 2808 IroqAois Trail, and Gerri L. Kocher, , 704 W. Broadway. Beginning today, we are adding a new feature called "Your Health". Dr. Jack Perlman, medical director for the nniwt« Medicare Part B carrier, will bring helpful hints about health. This feature is made possible as a public service. Health care issues are important for anyone requiring frequent access to health care delivery systems especially since health care costs are so high. "Your Health" willl provide helpful hints about maintaining good health. Although some of the advice will pertain to senior citizens, Dr. Perlman will cover general health topics as well. Using Medicine k Wisely by Jade Perlman, M.D. You've gone to the doctor, had your problem and now you've prescription filled for the medicine to treat the ailment. The doctor and phar macist have done their jobs. Now it's up to you to use the medicine wisely. The best way to is follow a few simple rules. N ...Take your medication as directed. Your physician always has a rearfon, sometimes more than one, for prescribing a particular medicipe. v ...Be sure that .you un derstand directions, such as the times during the day when the medication is to be taken. For example, "four times a day" may mean every four hours while you are awake or every six hours around the clock. If you're not sure, don't guess. Ask your physician or phar macist. ...If you miss a dose, don't try to catch «p by doubling the next dose. Call your physician or pharmacist to find out what to do. ..."Take with meals" means that the medicine should be consumed with or WHAT S NEW immediately after eating a scheduled meal. If it's not possible to eat a meal, the medicine should be taken with some food, even if it's only crackers or milk. This prevents stomach upset that could occur if the medicine is taken on an empty stomach. ...Take the entire prescription if the directions say to do so. Even if the symptoms are gone and you feel much better, continue taking the medication as directed until it is finished. ...Be sure the label stays on a prescription container until the memcation is used -tJT destroyed. Each prescription box or bottle label displays the name of the patient, physician, pharmacy, prescription number, date of purchase and the dosage directions. Remember to use caution when taking medicine and consuming alcohol. Alcohol acts on the brain as a depressant and may tem porarily decrease coor dination, response to pain, alertness, breathing and sight. Alcohol also interferes with the action of some medications. Take your medicine "as directed" so that the medicine can best help you. No weather's ill If the wind be still. -Thomas Fuller of American schools in laying the foundations for our future by issuing in 1979 a 30-cent stamp in the Americana Series. The stamp features Morris Town ship School Number 2, near Devil Lake, North Dakota. The school was in use from 1894-1960 and today serves as the Morris Township Hall. PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MARCH I*, Coathangers Can Be Used To Reinforce Concrete The thirst for education has always been present in the American spirit. Long before one-room school houses there were stories of fire-side learning in the home. All Americans today, however, can attend public schools because dedicated men and women had the foresight to know the social and economic well-being of our nation depends on edu cated people. • Schools have always been in the midst of preparing Americans for the future. Symbolic of this is the use of schoolhouses for community gstherings, two meetings and voting precincts, as well ss spelling bees, sporting events and dances. In times of emergency, school buildings have been used for Red Cross purposes. Selective Service functions, relief programs and similsr activities. The U.S. Postal Service recognized the contribution In spite of all the ada, we haven't found a way to lose ten pounds painlessly. I tm planning te nuke some octagon-shaped stepping stones for mj garden next spring sad a friend said I should reinforce them with coathangers when I pour the concrete. How do I do this? You can use coathangers or wire mesh cut to the design of the stones. With coathangers, bend and shape to the stone design and tie together with thin wire. Pour half of the cement into the form, insert mesh or coathangers and pour rest of concrete. What causes s "skin" to form on the surface of paint when it is stored for s period of time? Air inside the can oxidizes the oil in the paint. It's best to store paint in full cans. The problem will be decreased if you transfer paint to a proper size container. A tablespoon of paint thinner spread evenly over the surface of the paint is also helpful. mm INCOWElT/M CALL CREATIVE LAWN CARE !*< > £> V*. Creative Lawn Care will keep your lawn green and weed-free all season long for less than you can do it yourself. FOR A FREE NO-OBLIGATION LAWN MEASUREMENT AND COMPLIMENTARY LAWN CARE BOOK CAU: (312) 587-2141 WE LOOK FORWARD TO SERVING YOU "Let Us Weed Out Your Problems" P.O. BOX 3 FOX LAKE, ILLINOIS 60020 YEGGE ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SERVICE •EXPERIENCED •PROFESSIONAL •PERSONAL IZED *YEAR ROUND PHONE 385-7957 FOR APPOINTMENT x .. @ ' llllliltHimmtHHIHH lllll HIM ' BE READY Take your lawn mower into the shop now for a tune-up and avoid weeks of waiting for your mower during the late spring rush. Make a note to take any ex tra blades in to get them sharpened, too. Featuring fried Perch, Baked Haddock and fried Haddock. Including our huge salad bar, mim-loaf of rye bread and ibaked potato^ y 385-1475 JM niljuzg iJnnWm 3312 N. Chapel Hill Rd.-Johnsburg Gyro Sandwich .. *2.25 ON PITA MEAD. ONION, TOMATOES. AND GYRO SAUCE Gyro Plate .$2.95 SLICED PITA. ONION, TOMATOES, SAUCE. FETA CHEESE ANC GREEK OLIVES Gyro W/2 Eggs ...$2.45 TOAST AND AMERICAN FRIES Saganaki *2.45 WHAT WE NEED IS SOMEONE TO REPRESENT THE McHENRY AREA PEOPLE FLAMING AND FESTIVE 50% OFF PIZZA SPECIAL K You Dine With Us On Mondays PIZZA TO GO-25% OFF (No Doggy Bogs) ELECT X GARY W. VERDUNG McHENRY COUNTY TREASURER "A PROVEN ADMINISTRATOR' VOTE REPUBLICAN ON MARCH 16,1982 (ADV. PAID FOR BY AL QUERHAMMER, CHAIRMAN) OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TO 5 PATRICK'S DAY WEDNESDAY! CABBAGE LDNGHQRN Route 120 • V/i Miles •\ / 1 Psse poW0®L(es^j26\oS^a.AA ®a.20 • v**- d*eS 08 WE STOCK MATERNITY UNIFORMS ft LAB COATS For Men & Women h* l/lvonOlhfnrv See our selection of styles in sizes 5Vfe-10. Shown A Oxford with 4-eyeiet tie, fiddle shank wedge and cushioned insole; man-made materials ... 23.09 B Slip-on with genuine smooth leather upper, moc-toe and comfort-cushioned insole, ere available from $12 up. SOUPS, SALADS, & DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS ALL HOMEMADE! SATURDAY SPECIAL CENTER CUT BUTT STEAK (INCLUDES SALAD BAR* MINI-LOAF OF RYE BREAD B BAKED POTATO) ' BARBIE GIRLS FASHION SHOW WEDNESDAY 12:30-2:30PM STEAK HOUSE East of McHenry • 385-9869 IN THE PAST, JIM BISHOP: •Has fought for the people of McHenry. •Served as Vice President of the Board of Directors for McHenry Hospital. •Has put his expertise to work and his reputation on the line for approval of McHenry Hospital certificate of need. WE NEED AN INDEPENDENT WE NEED A FIGHTER WE NEED SOMEONE WHO'S SUCCESSFUL VOTE REPUBLICAN JAMES F. BISHOP State Representative 63rd District Paid for by: Committee To Elect jumes F. Bishop, 40 Brink Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, Ray Roberts, Treasurer.