PAGE 10 • PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24,1982 • Over 500,000 chances to win at Jewel's th cAnniversary Celebration! You might be a winner already! HOURS: MON. THRU FRI. 8AM-9PM Check this week's winning numbers at Jewel! SATURDAY . c, ^'6PM 3718 W. Elm St., McHenry SUNDAY 9AM-6PM ' WIN a Two Week . Thomson Vacation for Two to London England and Paris, France ScST"°n OR *5,0001.0^7, 1 Thomson \Axxrbonm \i&Vm°bE 'V \"&sr , .l-r&r WIN an Elgin & Waltham His or Hers Watch 200 chances to win! ji I receive oo» <^ Sio/e*®*p* 1 100 WIN a *50* Marshall Field's Gift Certificate ' V > 200 chances to win! WIN a $50°° Jewel Gift Certificate 600 chances to win! itZ Ch"k ««• 9« a card 3 Use the attached Bonus Coupon re Save vour card, it could be a posted winner •in the weeks ahead. 2 Scratch silver bar ^ an 'nstant winner n ^ , f Vou number matches th V°Ur number, posted J, W|nniny d af Vour Jeu/el Sale good 7 days! SI N M< >N It IS VU I) Illl N 1 HI SAT - MAR 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 * i y v̂ vy\_i ui iicjj umciwoi mun-aitu ai an w ci stores In Illinois counties Cook. Lake. Dupage and McHenry i Jewel Companies Inc . 1982. All rights reserved TEXAS Ruby Red Grapefruit 5 LB. BAG Green Beans Salad Tomatoes 59 49 C LB. C 12 OZ. PKG. Look! Super savings on busy-night suppers! HARDWOOD SMOKED Jewel Hot Dogs 99 1 LB. PKG. HAM, TURKEY. CHICKEN. CORNED BEEF OR BEEF Land 'O Frost 2w°z Thin Sliced Meats 39 How about a turkey -- club sandwich tonight? DELI SLICED NATURAL ALL WHITE MEAT Turkey $ Breast 1 79 $358 LB '/2 LB. « *' • y " | <%w * gr. _____ Tropicm^J TROPICANA -- FROZEN Orange Juice U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" FRESH ^Pi Whole Fryers CLR LIMIT 4. PLEASE SOME GIBLET PARTS MAY BE MISSING. 12 OZ. CAN Cut Up, Split or Quartered Fryers 49C LB U.S.D.A. CHOICE -- BEEF ROUND -- BONELESS Rump Roast $199 Mello Yello, Coke, Tab or Sprite + DEP 16 OZ. RET. BTLS. JEWEL MAID Sandwich Bread 24 OZ. LOAVES 2/$l LB. * GOV T INSP -- POliK LOIN Variety $^29 Pork Chops JL r PKG INCLUDES: • 2 BLADE CHOPS • 2 SIRLOIN CHOPS • 6 RIB & l OIN CHOPS GOVT INSP -- PORK LOIN . ^ _ Rib $159 Pork Chops A -• •U I'l.l'S 1(1 I'l.K LB ( OH IHIN SLICING OR RJRIHLR PROCLSSIM; Hamburger or O / $ 1 Hot Dog Buns A/™0 1 REGULAR OR IN JUICE -- BARTLETT PEAR HALVES FRUIT COCKTAIL OR SLICES OR HALVES PEACHES Cherry Valley Fruit 59 It's time to finish up your stoneware collection! Bluebrook $^75 Whole Milk A GAL C QUARTERED 1 " L,AI ' SALTED OR UNSA! i'!) Land O Lakes Butter | / - g t i i 6 o z GAL. CTN l"o MILK $r 1 6 OZ PKC OUAR I ERF J) SALT! Hillfarm Butter n6' 59 'QUART!".RED Land O Lakes ^1C Margarine Soft Margarine 2 s o / H J B S 79 Last call for refills on Baroque Stoneware Cups 59 WITH EA. $5 PURCHASE. EACH MARCH 25-31 week save 1QC more on Land O Lakes Margarine with Bonus Coupon AT THE CHECKOUT! Jewel ----^--* o