\t «• i S(i> uiyi i \ \ , v PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MARCH • • • ^ . • - • * Houses, School Spared MO RE PHOTOS AND STORY ON PAGE ONE Air Force officials stand by as a piece of equipment at right Is used to pull the cockpit apart in search for victims. Rescue personnel search cockpit for crew members of the C-135. &» -* m*. % I A i JM •*••• ,« S •• W •- : •• The Salvation earth It just missed hitting the houses at left and right in photo, as it plunged to STAFF PHOTOS-WAYNE GAYLORD i i ^ Road, Wonder Lake, no valid registration. v i Frank S. Iwanski, 8613 Riley Road, Wonder Lake, no valid registration. Kenneth Johnson, 312 S. Crystal Lake Road, im proper lane usage. Christine M. .Knox, 223 S. Barreville Road, speeding, 41 mph in a 25 zone, r Kenneth R. Kohl, 8618 Sunset Ave., speeding, 65 mph in a 40 zone. Lawrence J. Lindh, II, 3200 Pleasant, Wonder Lake, Army is at the scene to provide refreshments for the rescue workers. [i • • POLICE TICKETS The City of McHenry Police department has issued the following citations. Theresa M. Carey, 216 Canterbury, disobeyed a traffic control device. Edward T. Curran, 626 Curran Road, speeding, 37 mph in a 25 zone. Douglas P. Holleran, 4818 Willow, disobeyed a traffic control device. Robert R. Kelso, 4407 Hilltop, speeding, 42 mph in a 25 zone. Sharon L. Kuemmel, 616 Country % Club Drive, speeding, 38 mph in a 25 zone. Cherie L. LaTessa, 709 Broadway, speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone. Michael J. McCormack, 218 Windridge, speeding, 41 mph in a 25 zone and no valid registration. Michael C. Morreale, 1623 Riverside Drive, speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone. Ronald ^.Boorii; 4607 Home Ave., failure to yield the right-of-way. Kelly A. Kennedy, 408 Shepherd Hill, disobeyed a traffic control device and driving without a valid driver's license. John E. Passarelli, 5509 W. Shore Drive, speeding, 55 mph in a 40 zone. Chris Ann Conway, 1607 Riverside Drive, failure to yield the right-of-way. Edith I. Marinangel, 3802 Anne St., disobeyed a stop sign. Debra L. Massie, 2411 Lakeview, Wonder Lake, speeding, 43 mph in a 25 zone. Craig R. Nellis, 605-D Devonshire, speeding, 41 mph in a 25 zone. Judy L. Owens, 302 N. Bromley, avoiding a traffic control device. Paul J. Seeber, 3115 Shady Lane, Wonder Lake, speeding, 54 mph in a 40 zone. rt J. Zahn, 1209 Acre, disobeyed a traffic control device. Kathleen A. Davis, 301 Thornwootf, disobeyed a traffic control device. Ronald D. Coffman, 618 Country Club, disobeyed a traffic control device. Sandra I. Foster, 4606 Willow Lane, passing a school bus. Donald N. Shackleford, 2519 Ringwood Road, failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. Wayne S. Flebbe, 5221 Greenwood, failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. Donald J. Peterson, 3110 Bull Valley Road, driving under the influence, disobeyed a stop sign and speeding, 55 mph in a 25 zone. Kenneth R. Franklin, 1401 Sunset, speeding, 61 mph in a 40 zone. Daniel A. Graff, 8306 Howe speeding, 56 mph in a 40u zone. Brian E. Miller, 5219 Shorehill, disobeyed a stop sign. Michael J. Clearview, registration. Strentz, 4409 no valid Robert A. Schindler, 7408 Cuneo, Spring Grove, failure to yield the right-of-way. Fred J. Bole, 1704 North Ave., improper lane usage. Rf iOU fWO Mi*r>U£*s T M I f P t / f f U t A T l O M , P l f A S t C o H f i V t * t h a t f M f v r u e g f to*. A . yjf f o m * , A L W A Y S l O O * ' * 6 \ , f O t L ' ' • Vn TGO/NG OUT OF How To Subscribe To The I McHenry Plaindealer •#"« The McHenry . Plaindaolar 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, II. 60050 % 3 Years-$40.00 2 Years-$28.50 • 1 Year-$15.50 O 6Months-$8.50 • Payment Enclosed Name.. 6 Adress. Price* good in McHenry County When you buy from you get more than a dependable delivery! * METERED PETROLEUM TICKETS* All units are capable of producing a printed gaUonage quantity. If you prefer this, just ask. *D.O.T. APPROVED TRUCKS* All delivery units have been ». retro-fitted to comply with the safety amendments of the D.O. T. which does provide greater safety for all. •E.P.A. APPROVED BULK PLANT* Pollution control is important. Fuel vapors can pollute. Vapor recovery equipment mandated by the E.P.A. Is in place and is used. ( f sJ U<Tmc Marengo McHenry tlknorn Woodstock Zendo Huntley Chemung T & M SLEEP SHOP PLUS EVERYTHING REDUCED^ 50% .-// OPEN 7 DAYS MON-THURS 9-5 FRI 9-8 SAT 9-S SUN 9-4 344-5710 T & M SLEEP SHOP PLUS TWIN FULL FRAMES LUXURIOUS 00