HELP WANTED GENERAL BABYSITTING, High School Girl. After School or Weekends. McHenry. 815-385-3189. 3-24- 3-aic --^ WANTED EXPERIENCED Paint Chemist. Must Have At Least 3 Years Bench Work Experience, For mulating and Developing Bulk Paints. Stable Work Record a Must. Call Mr. Cotter at 412-639-9130 or Apply at Fox Valley Marking Systems, in Cary. 3-24-3-26C RESPONIBLE PERSON To * Babysit in My Home or ~ Yours, For 2 Boys ages 1 & 2, - Four Days a Week. Call 815^ r 385-7655 after 5pm. 3-24-3-26c ' it- i LADIES: 3 Days, 3 hours a day, $20.00 per day. Call 815- 653-9807. - 3-24-3-26C . SIDING HELPER, Ex perienced preferred, but not necessary. Call 815-385-4391. 3-24-3-26C ' 7 l» . , ' , , * • EARN EXTRA INCOME, in your spare time. Assistance provided. Call for ap pointment, between 5:00 & 7:00 pm. 815-344-1188. 3-3tfc CAN YOU MAKE OUR TEAM? We need people that would like an add on income, have some free time and like dealing with people. For more information. 815-385- t \ 2-26-3-26C HELP WANTED •WAITRESSES Part Tim* W**k*nds •Bus Persons •Cooks •Dishwashers JOHNSBURG INN 3312 N. Chapel Hill Rd. Johnsburg SALES REPRESENTATIVE POSITION AVAILABLE Career opportunity in Sales ft excellent .trainee program. Outstanding group ond retirement benefit. Guaran teed income. Call Mr. Kay between 9 ft 4 pm PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE GO 815-3334910 equal opportunity employer Avon ECONOMY COT YOU DOWN? Avon offers good $$$, nice people, great prizes. $15.00 investment, over 18 call Nancy McClare 815-385-6105 RESPONSIBLE PERSON Wanted for Landscape & Maintenance Must have valid drivers licen se. Call Dave Smith Landscape Enterprises 815-385-2834, PRODUCTION QUALITY CONTROLLER •Report directly to top management •See results of your findings implemented immediately •Excellent way to learn our business •Exposure on the job to top management means prime advancement opportunities. WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU IF YOU: •Have a good work history •Are analytical, detailed, organized and like to document •Are flexible, agreeable and trainable In addition to our fine pay and superb benefits, our rapid growth and strong financial position during these trying economic times makes us stand out. Call Mr. Cornwall at 312-639*5fcSi v* x --FOX VAtimKARKING SYSTEMS, INC. 172 So. Northwast Highway Cary, Illinois TECHNICIAN \ (Acoustics) This new position offers outstanding opportunity for in dividual with 1 or more years of experience measuring and analysing sound and or vibration. Familiarity with B&K equipment would be a plus. Must understand mechanics and be familiar with elec tronics equipment and theory. Must have a good moth background. Will work in the product reliability area. Will suggest im provements thru testing, analysis of test data and trial and error methodology. Excellent salary range and fringe package. Scholarship plan available. Please call for an appointment. 815-675-2321 NTERMATIC I N C O R P O R A T E D Intermatlc Plaxa Spring Grove. H. MOST Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 3 24-3/26 WANTED: CONVENIENCE STORE MANAGER We're looking for o mature, responsible manager for the McHenry Handy Pantry-a con venience store with self-serve gasoline operation located in the city of McHenry. Company benefits include: •Paid Vacation •Sick Pay •Holiday Pay •Health & Disability losoraace Previous retail experience would be helpful. Applicants must be willing to become a resident of the city of McHenry. Initial Interview may be arranged by calling Greg Hoffman 414-763-7606 C 3 24-3 26 HELP WANTED ______ RETIRED GENTLEMAN, Jack of all trades. To mow lawn; Trim; Do odds & ends in and around house, on a part time basis. Must be adaptable and dependable. 815-344-1211. 3-24-3-J6C LIVE IN FEMALE to assist h a n d i c a p p e d w o m a n . Private living quarters, near Burtons Bridge. Children O.K. May work days. References required. In terested Individuals, please call 815-385-5306. 3-19-3-26C I NEED 6 Ambitious Women, who are interested in earning $10.00 to $30.00 an hour, Teaching and Selling Creative Circle Needlecraft Kits and Accessories. No quotas or territories, set your own hours. 312-658-7196. 3-24-4-2C FIND OUT WHY, 2 Diamonds, 5 Emeralds, 15 Pearls and 500 Directs Switched. 815-338-5435. 3-24- 4-30c FULL TIME CAFETERIA worker for Baking and Salad Dept. Experience not necessary but basic cooking knowledge desirable. Apply in person only, Mr. Swinney, McHenry High School East Campus. 1012 N. Green Street. 3-19-3-26c ATTENTION MUSICIANS! Local Band needs versatile key board player. Must be willing to travel. For in formation call 815-344-4697 or 312-587-4060. 3-19-3-26C WANTED TO BUV WANTED SOLENOID And Starter For 1962-18, 25 or 35 hp Evinrude motor. Call after 6:30 pm, 815-385-4718. 3-17tfc WANTED TO BUY Mer cedes-Benz Cars, any con dition. Also have new and used parts. 815-399-9141. 3- 17-3-26C WANTED: AUTOS. All makes and models, running or not. Cash paid. 24 hour pickup service. 815-728-1171. 3-3-3-26C WANTED ANY OLD Oriental Rugs to Buy, Any Roberta 1- > Selling. S- 10-6-25C CASH PAID FOR Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal. 312-526-3116. 3-3tfc MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying Antique F u r n i t u r e , C h i n a , Glassware, Lamps, Old Advertising Items, Etc. 815- 678-4141. 1-27-4-2C SLOT MACHINES wanted. Paying over $600 cash. Any condition. Also 78 RPM Wurlitzer Juke Boxes. 414- 248-3796. l-13-7-2c WANTED GOLF CLUBS, Preferrably McGregors or Beckley Ralston, Also Putters and Wedges. After 4pm, 815-385-1135. 3-24-3-26C HELP! NEED 1 QUART and 2 Quart Guardian Service Glass Lids, purchased in 1950's. Have one glass lid for sale, 12" size, never used. 815-385-5613. 3-24-3-26c WANTED TO BUY: Piano. 815-385-2075. 3-19-3-26C REAL ESTATE HEARING AIDS. Sales, Rentals & Repairs. Free Testing. Call anytime 815- 385-1135. Whispering Point Hearing Aid Center, 4302 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 3-3 tfc INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality Water Sof tener for $3.00 a month for the first 3 months. Free installation. Call collect 815- 338-3344. Quality Water Conditioning. 3-3tfc SPRING LAMB For Sale, 815-653-4161 after5:00 pm. 3- 24-4-2C 1978 COACHMAN HARD TOP, Pop-Up Camper, Deluxe Model. Sleeps 8, excellent condition $1,996.00. 815-653-9717. 3-24-3-26C m SALE LICENSED HEJU. ESTATE BROKERS AND SALESPERSONS Wa hova openings for parsons interested in becoming o* socio ted with our very oc- tive notional franchise organization. As America's largest electronic realty system, we con offer all kinds of proven sales tools', ond benefits to moke listing ond selling eosier. With ERA you're never alone. All interviews confidential. Call Alan Moll wm ^7 Of IL,MC. 920 N. Front St. McHenry, III. 60050 2/»tf 3/3TFG 19" ZENITH CHROMO color II TV. 1 year old, perfect condition, cable box op tional, $300 or best offer. 815- 385-5471. 3-19-3-26C PROM DRESS, size 9, white & lavender. 815-344-5442 Lori. 3-19-3-24 1974 LARK CAMPER, 15 ft., sleeps 5. Call 312-526-8581. 3- 19-3-26C 10 HP. INTERNATIONAL Cub Cadet Tractor with 42" 3 blade mower, 42" snow plow and trailer. $700.00 firm. 815- 385-8688. 3-19-3-26C CB TRANSCEIVER System, 40 channel "Realistic" $75.00. 815-385-0270 after 6pm. All day Saturday & Sunday. 3-19-3-26c WANTED OLD ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Any size or Condition Call Toll Free 1-800-5*3-8003 3-24-4/16 3 24-4/14 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE WITH NO INTEREST LIKE NEW hillside ranch, with garage under- & n e a t h . 3 b e d r o o m s , 1 b a t h , h o t w a t e r h e a t , f u l l basement. Landscaped lot close to lake with rights $55,000.30% down, five year mortgage 815-385-3685 CHARMING CONDO for- sale. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, lovely iew of Bull Valley, quiet neighborhood. Low utility bills! $54,900. 815-344- 1184. 3-19-3-26c LOT FOR SALE, 60x125,1713 N. Meadow Lane, Lakeland Park Area. Sacrifice. Best offer. 312-678-6989. 3-19-3-26c PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. Brick 2 Apartment Unit plus extra bonus 2 bedroom home on large lot, $39,000. Call Chapel Realty, 312-897-1480. 3-19-3-26C McHENRY, BY OWNER Cedar Ranch Home, Wooded And River Lots, Close to Town. 2 Cedar decks, Oak Floor, Skylight, No Wax Floor. Land Contract and more. $79,900.00. 815-344-3076 or 815-385-7879. 3-24-3-26c ASSUMABLE 9*4 PER CENT Or Possible Contract. 3 Bedroom Ranch, fenced yard, fireplace, $46,500. Wonder Lake. 815-455-4843 after 5:30 pm. 3-24-3-26C BY OWNER, 2 bedroom house, McHenry area, needs some work, good in vestment, $31,500 terms, $28,500 cash. Call 815-385- 3490. 3-3tfc WANTED TO BUY, 10 to 20 Acres, Zoned Ag. in the McHenry area. 815-385-3785 daytime, 815-344-1068 after 6pm. 3-17-3-26C 3 BEDROOM, 2 Bath, Family Room, 2 Car Garage, Central air, Dishwasher. Super Sharp, with Super Financing! Refrigerator and Stove Stay. $71,500. 815-344- 3894. 3-17tfc SPECIAL FINANCING Plus $100.00 toward monthly payments for 1-2 years. Raised Ranch, 3 bedrooms, Room for 4th downstairs, Large Family Room, $63,900.815-344-3288. 3-17-3- 24c mm• 5 SNOWMOBILES; 2 Trailers; Truck Chains; 15" or 16" Tires $25.00; Free Standing Black Fireplace, Pipe & Screen, Used 3 months, Sells for Over L00, Asking $150.00; 2 iminum Combination Doors $20.00; Wood Com bination Storm Doors. Everything in Excellent Condition. 815-728-1563. 3-24- 3-26c GIRLS WHITE PROVIN CIAL Dresser, Mirror and Chest $100.00; 2 Shure Vocal Master Speakers, Half Columns $200.00 or Best Offer. 815-653-7661. 3-24-3-26C ATTENTION, Want To Be Alert, Sleep Less, Do More? Ionized Air is Your Answer. For Futher Information. 815- 344-3321. 3-24-3-26C MEDITERRANEAN LIVING ROOM Set $500.00. Call After 6pm. 815-385-8718. 3-24-3-26C 4 HP NOVO ON TRUCKS, 14 Fairbanks Morris, 14 John Deere. 815-385-4869 after 6pm. 3-24-3-26C NEW & USED RR TIES, Bulk Grass Seed. We Deliver. Woodstock Farm & Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, Woodstock. 815- 338-4200 . 3-3tfc COHO FISHING GEAR, 3 Complete Setups, Tackle, etc. Top of Line, Used Twice, $200.00 , Child J, Golf Set with Bag, $50.00; Call 312-526-3037 after 12:00, Friday, Satur day & Sunday. 3-24-3-26c GARAGE DOORS, Good Condition, 16'x7\ $170.00; 16x6', $170.00; 18'x7\ $275.00; 16'x8\ $300.00; 9'x7\ $125.00.815-385-4010. 3-24-3- 26c OAK FRAME Couch and Love Seat, $500.00. 815-653- 7951. 3-17-3-26C TRUCK CAMPER, Slide In, Sleeps 4; 2 Electrical Hospital Beds, Complete; 2 Office Desks. 815-653-7296. 3- "24-3-26C JACOBSEN SNOWBLOWER, Used 3 Times. Cost $249.00, Sell for $150.00; Remmington Chain Saw $50.00. Call 312-526-3037 after 12:00 Friday, Saturday & Sunday. 3-24-3-26c APPLIANCE, 21 Cubic Ft. Upright Frigidaire Freezer, 4 years old, $290.00; One Home made Utility Trailer $175.00 815-385-5114. 3-24-3- 26c GARDEN TRACTORS: 12 hp International Cub Cadet, Hydrostatic drive, 50" mower deck, $995.00; 10 hp Gear Drive 42" mower deck $650.00; Both Excellent. 815- 385-9014 evenings. 3-24-3-26c ANTIQUE 6 Drawer Sewing Machine $75.00; Circa 1915- 1920 Typewriter Stand $50.00; Collector plates 50 percent off Bradex Ex change, including Rock well's Toymaker Plate; Antique Standing Sewing Box $35.00; Cabinet Model Sewing Machine $50.00. Call 312-526-3037 after 12:00 Friday, Saturday & Sunday. 3-24-3-26C W I C K E R B A B Y BASINETTE with curtain $30.00; Baby Girls Clothes, size Newborn to 12 months, excellent condition; Maternity Clothes, size 3 to 9; Also Fender Stratocastor Guitar $225.00.815-385-5980. 3-24-3-26C fOU -J.LLL PAGE 15 - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24,1982 ttflT FOR ftCNT LIKE NEW 3 Bedroom, Full basement home in Spring Grove Countryside. Nice quiet location. $425.00 per month plus security. Call 815-385-3371. 3-24-3-26C READY NOW, Large 2 bedroom, 14 bath Apart ment. Very clean, Carpeted, Appliances, Big Closets. In Town, McHenry. Security Deposit. 815-344-4729. 3-24-3- 26c •" 3 BEDROOM, Fireplace, D i s h w a s h e r , S t o v e , Refrigerator. Lake Rights. Available April 1st, $375.00 month. 815-455-4843 after 5:30pm. ' • 3-24-3-26C FOR RENT OR LEASE, Approximately 1300 Sq. Ft. Shop. 14 Ft. Electric Overhead Door. Suitable For Auto Repairs, Body Shop Or Storage. 815-653-7296. 3-24-3- 26c m sua HEARING AID BAT TERIES, Buy at Wholesale. Mallory, Gould, Eveready, Ray-O-Vac, Activair II. 40 percent discount, Wed nesday only, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. McHenry Hearing Aid Discount Center, 3937 West Main Street, McHenry. 815- 385-7661. Sales and Repair, All Makes. Discount Prices. 3-3tfc REALIST SLIDE Projector; Movie Screen; Sears Stroller; Wrought Iron Aquarium Stand. 312-587- 3290. 3-24-3-26C 4x24 FT. ROUND Swimming Pool. All Aluminum with 6x22 ft. Deck and 1 ft. Walk Around, With Accessories, $1200.00 or best offer; 22" Self Propelled Lawnmower with Rear Bagger, 3l2 hp, $100.00 815-385-0891. 3-24-3- 26c 19" COLOR TV: 1975 650 Yamaha, with full farring; Professional Air Hockey Table 25 ft. Mini Motor Home, ' ntal. Call for Dates and Rates; 1956 thru 1980 Proof Sets. Call 815-344-2275. 3-24-3-26C PHONE MATE (Electronic Secretary with remote control) $250.00; Admiral Refrigerator and Freezer 12.2 cubic ft., Mint Condition, Value $325.00 asking $225.00; Electric Broom $15.00. 815- 675-2860 . 3-24-3-26C 18' G.E. REFRIGERATOR $150.00; 125 cc Lambretta Scooter $650.00, Both ex cellent condition; IBM Executive typewriter $50.00. 815-344-1984 . 3-24-3-26C LARGE DIAMOND, Ap p r a i s e d $ 7 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 . Reasonable. Write McHenry Plaindealer. Box MA 2, 3812 West Elm Street, McHenry, 1160050 . 3-24-3-26C AFFORDABLE AUTOMATIC Pipe Threader, Electric 1'4 horsepower, 110 volt, pipe sizes V to V, $200.00. Call after 5pm, 815-385-9655 . 3-24- 3-26c APPLIANCES: REFRIGERATORS, Freezers, Washers and Dryers, electric and gas ranges. Clean and like new at reasonable prices. All reconditioned and guaranteed. Wahl Used Appliances, 3421 B. Pearl. 815-385-1872 . 3-3tfc WAREHOUSE SALE 1980 Medallion OAK CABINETS Up To 60% OFF on slightly damaged and discontinued cabinets. Special prices on laminated counter tops and cultured marble vanity tops. Bring in this ad for extra savings. We can supply all your storage needs for the kit chen, bath, family room, bar, laundry room or office. Cash and Carry All Salas Final Ndtaj through Friday &00MM:30PM Sahriay 9d0 Mt-240 PM TOP FORM CO., INC. 7616 Haicock Drive Woadwiake, II. I15-72M203 iffppi i.*dr 2/3TF 2/3TFC 4 BEDROOM EXECUTIVE Home, located in prestigious area. Available on a 1 or 2 year lease. Call for details. ERA-RDG Realty. 815-385- 9394. 3-3tfc L I G H T I N D U S T R I A L SPACE new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq. ft. Im mediate occupancy. 815-678- 2861. 3-3tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm. 3-3tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, References and security deposit required. 815-385-1079. 3-3tfc LARGE ONE BEDROOM Apartments, $275.00 plus utilities. Security deposit required. No pets. 815-385- 0292 or 815-344-1035 . 3-3tfc DELUXE APARTMENTS in City of McHenry. Make reservations now. Limited openings. Featuring Security, Privacy, Luxury. 1 & 2 Bedroom units. Call for appointment, 815-385-3192 or 815-385-7632 . 3-3tfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche In dustrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft. 815-385- 1079. 3-3tfc OFFICE SPACE, For Lease, Whispering Point Center, McHenry. 1,200 sq. ft., $590.00 a month. Highly Suitable for Professional Office Space. Call 815-344- 3315 after 5pm. 3-24-3-26c 6 ROOM APARTMENT, No Pets. 815-385-7852 after 5pm 3-24-3-26c 2 BEDROOM, Full Basement, 1 Car Garage Johnsburg School, $375.00 per month plus Security Deposit. ERA Connerty Realty, 815-385-2028 . 3-24tfc McHENRY OFFICES, With Professional Atmosphere $59.00 to $149.00 month in cludes light, heat, air con ditioning. 815-344-1183 . 3-24- 3-26C RINGWOOD AREA, 2 Bedroom House, $350.00 Month, Plus Utilities, Security Deposit and References. No Pets. 815-338- 0745 3-24-3-26C LIKE NEW 3 Bedroom, 1>2 Bath. Refrigerator, Stove, Carpeting, 21* Car Garage, $450.00.815-728-0125. 3-24-3- 26c OPTION-RENT, $235.00 Month, 1 Bedroom, Large Enclosed Porch. $900.00 Puts you in. Owner. 815-344-1183 3-24-3-26C OWNER OF HOUSE, Willing to Rent Bedroom to Single Person $175.00 month and l/2 utilities. Everything Furnished except bedroom Call after 5pm, 815-385-6638. 3-24 tfc 3 BEDROOM, 2 Bath, Family Room. 2 Car Garage. Dishwasher, Central Air, Stove and Refrigerator. Sharp! $500.00 per month plus security deposit. 815- 344-3894 3-17tfc ROOMS FOR LIVING. Carpeted, Clean, Cable TV, Kitchen Privileges. Working People only. $40.00 week 815-385-6633. 3-17-3-26C 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, 2nd Floor. Main Street, $225.00 a month plus security deposit. Pay own utilities. No pets. Adults preferred. Call after 4pm, 815-344-4145. 3-17-3-26C FOR RENT IN Woodstock, 2 bedroom house, Living Room, Kitchen and Bath, Heat Furnished. No pets, Must have good references. One month security required," immediate oc cupancy. $350.00 per month. Phone 312-546-5211. 3-17-3- 26c LOVELY QUIET 1 bedroom apartment, second floor, Senior Citizens preferred. No pets or children. 815-344- 4231. 3-12tfc 2 BEDROOM RANCH, fireplace, attached one car garage, available im mediately, $345.00 per month. 815-728-0404 or 815- 653-9653 . 3-12tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT Marengo 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, wired for cable T.V., carpet, dishwashers, refrigerator, oven and range and air cond. Pheasant Roost Apt 815/568-6850 or 312/381-2082 CLEAN, FURNISHED Apartment, One bedroom 815-385-8905 or 815-385-0266. 3-19tfc RENT WITH OPTION to buy. Almost new, seven room ranch with three bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, appliances, attached garage. Rental $450.00 per month plus option money. Realty World-Durbin- Stovall, 815-385-8060 3-19-3- 26c LARGE 1 BEDROOM Apartment, air conditioned, includes heat, stove and refrigerator, $250 00. Call 815-385-3490. 3-3tfc 3 MONTHS FREE RENT, New modern building, with plenty of parking Next to Post office and 12 block from bank. 5 offices to choose from, rents range from $50.00 per month to $150.00, depending on office selected Call 815-728-0404 3-3tfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, in a Country Setting, overlooking a 110 Acre Corn Field and the Nippersink Creek. This large Apartment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove and garbage disposal and is within walking distance of shopping and medical center Mayline Apartments, Richmond 815- 678-2861. 3-3tfc READY NOW. 2 bedroom apartment, with stove and refrigerator, dishwasher, carpeted throughout, 2'2 baths. 815-385-2181 3-3tfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, ready now. fully carpeted, with stove and refrigerator 815-385-7830 3-3 tfc C L E A N S L E E P I N G ROOMS. Daily or Weekly rates. 815-385-8905 or 815-385- 0266 3-3tfc WONDER LAKE, 3 bedroom ranch. 21 •_> years old. $495 00 month, security deposit and 1 year lease. Available Mav 1st 312-537-7438 3-24-3-26C 2 BEAUTIFUL HOUSES On Wonder Lake Fireplaces, Central air conditioning and newly decorated Call after 6pm, 312-692-2381 or 312-637- 0454. 3-24-3-26C FOR RENT OR SALE. Ne* 2-3 Bedroom Tri-level, Located at 3501 West Vine. In McHenry Shores Looking for long term renter or op tion to buy $475 00 per month with security deposit Home will be open for in spection April 10th, 12 noon to 2pm 414-252-3712 3-24-4- 2c 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in McHenry at 3308 W 2nd Ave Call 815-385-5529 after 5pm Availabe April 1st 3-19-3-24 2 BEDROOM APART MENTS. James & Third Street, McHenry Call 312- 381-2059 or 312-381-6107 3- 19tfc CARY, NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath, family room. 2 car garage Near schools, transportation $525 312-381- 7046 . 3-19-3-26C 2 BEDROOM. 2 BATHS, Large Living Room. Dinette. Kitchen, Fireplace. 1 car garage Lake Front, Wonder Lake. 815-653-9826 3-24-3-26 SmUTMN IPANTtP DAY CARE IN My Home. McHenry - Johnsburg Area. Need Playmate for small child, 815-385-5839 after 3pm 3-24-3-26C GENERAL HOUSE & Office Cleaning. References available Also Dog Grooming in my home. 815- 385-4969 . 3-24-3-26C EXPERIENCED LICEN SED Day Care Operator, has openings. Warm meals, large fenced yard. Lakeland Park area License number 536287 Call 815-385-8993 3- 17-3-26C OUT MY TOOTH Sally: My dentist is going to take out my tooth Satur day. Sue: What some people won't do for a date! Pregnant, NEED HELP? Call MRIHRWHI OFFICE OTfNt toll AM. ANOHKMMTlOf MA. MON.TMNJHB. U HOURS A MS WIRING SCRVICI 815-385-: