PAGE 18 • PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, MARCH 1M2 Rental 9 75 PER MO. 1980 rent wffi\ • NO installation charge • NEW fully automatic softeners • TWO year option to buy with • FULL rental fee deducted • ONE phone call can answer any questions 312-259-3393 FOX VALLEY DIVISION Pruning with a strong hand will insure a healthy hedge Sold «« iTRU TEST * v UJ Mm isKi ©Gardeners need a strong hand in training young hedges and must prune the "baby" plants back at least three or four times a year to create a luxurious, mature wall of green. If the new hedge is left un- pruned, it will have a loose, uneven texture with scanty leaves at the bottom, warns Ortho's book "All About Pruning." To start a beautiful new hedge, buy plants which are bare root or in gallon size cans. Space plants 24 to 30 inches apart and, when they are safely rooted, start your pruning. JhuZJ/alhui HARDWARE STORES SALE ENDS: APRIL 6th SprinH Soruce-Ups Your local independently owned True Value Hardware Store has national chain-buying power. LUMBER SPECIALS gradiITIHK PJ Htl WHILE SUPPLY LASTS 2HHCI S E L E C T WlOtft, ISWGTHS GREAT FtMCE SOAtDS pricisih LATEX KfMWI) HEAVY TUBULAR STEEL FRAME FURNITURE KITS Heavy duty kit* allow you to moke your own furniture out of your choice of wood. Ail kit* feature heavy duty steel frame, hardware and instructions for easy assembly. Baked block finish. iMQUMi WeatherM SELECT LATEX REDWOOD! STAIN! PknkToUe »*.*« : OWtl1 » • • M • JMr «;Pr 4 'n* 'i -t s-S?' Protects extenor unpainted or previously stained sur faces, while allowing natural wood textures to show through For siding, etc LRW ^xHousePs; Colors TVtUTEST vMntiwww" t* fftf\ \Sl) mxmvu Se mi-Transparent OIL STAINi AND WOOD! PRESERVATIVE SELECT 0NE-C0AT| CEILING LATEX vinyl-acrylic .latex FK \Vdll Fini^ ONE (VAT MUM; lath Economical paint gives ceil ngs a bright, velvety finish Leaves no streaks or lap marks. Usually covers in just one coat CBW Repels water, resists mil dew and decay to help pro tect and preserve wood Won't hide-grain. OST ©98 Gallon ( E-ZKARE) 44 Caters 4 WMt E-ZKARE® LATEX FLAT WALL FINISH SELECT LATEX FLAT WALL FINISH SAT-N-HUEI LATEX RAT| WALL HNISH ATEXFLAT **U I TRIM FINIS* USesFW iiiish Thick creamy formula goes on smoothly-usuallycovers in one coat. Dries fast to an elegant, velvet-flat no-sheen finish. Washable. P Get true wash h wear con veniertce with E-Z Kare's low- sheen. soil-resistant finish Ideal for walls It woodwork throughout the house. EZ Economical interior paint --good hiding properties & wash ability. Goes on smoothly; dries fast Easy soapy water cleanup. A jVJcj^ENRY " UMBER 4030 WCST MAIN ST. McncmDY.numCHS JhuzVoMA HARDWARE STORES */* t>* n First step in creating luxurious hedges is to buy plants which are bare root or in containers of at least one gallon size. Your nurseryman will help you select the best plants for your area. First thing you do is shear off about one-third at the top and on all sides of each plant. Trim the young plants so they are narrower at the top than at the sides--this technique will force thicker growth right down to the ground and allow the sun to reach the bottom foliage. But one good trimming is not enough for the young, hedge. THrn it back every two months during the growing season. Always prune one- half of the new growth each time you trim. Follow these pruning niles for the first two years. For the first year, don't worry about achieving the hedge height you want but prone properly to get a hedge which is thick with no gaps before you let it grow to the desired height. Don't be timid with prun ing--plants used as hedges ' flourish with heavy pruning. If you want advice on which plant to buy or how to care for them, your local nursery can give you sound advice. RAINBOW CLEANING SERVICE 344-2426 CLEAN UP COUPON1 FREE SCOTCHGIMRDMfi WITH ANY RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL CARPET CLEANING. (EXWRESj^1/M^ •FREE ESTIMATES •FULLY INSURED WE ALSO DO FLOOR STRIPPING & WAXING, WINDOW- WASHING & GENERAL SPRING CLEANING.