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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Apr 1982, p. 27

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PAGI* CHIPS CHP Officer Frank Pon- cherello (Erik Estrada) is out to get the head of an illegal marijuana-growing operation who has just crashed his get­ away truck into an embank­ ment in the "Weed Wars" epi­ sode of "CHiPs," airing on NBC, 8UNDAY, APRIL 11 CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME ©1982 Com pu tog SUNDAY, APRIL 11 ABC Nsws Star Trek 1 Business Of Wisconsin Chicago Sunday Evsning Movie-(Comedy) *• * "1041" 1079 Dsn Aykroyd.Ned Bsstty. Story of war panic in Cslifornis following Pssrl Hsrbor K.(Rated PQ) (118 mint.) ogram Unannouncsd Solid Oold Hardy Boys-Nancy Draw Mvstertee SIS Bob 1 Bob Lewsndowski O <S> Amazing Or sea Bibla 01m 0 sti Studio Sas S Msat The Mayors ftMovte-(Droms)'*% "Wsbof Passion" 1061 Msdslsine Robinson, AntonallaLusldi. A non-conformist insinuates himself into a family's graces and delight s in breaking down their stsndsrds, with rm|r£rj£esu>ting (2 hrs.) NBC News Easter Fever Checking It Out Nelly Alverez looks st whst makes psrents 'throw away' their childrsn, snd st howthsrunawsys make it on their own. (Clossd- ~ iptionsd; U.S.A.) ABC News I Championship Fishing 18 D. Jamas Kennedy ' Spread Your Wings 5:35 ftla Written ft Nice People EVENING 6:00 ftftftft BOMInutesCBS News corraspondsnts Mike Wsllsos, Morlsy Ssfer. Herry Reaeoner, and Ed Bradley are the on-air editors of this weekly news magazine. (60 mine.) * ttli Father Murphy When Murphy realizea he lovee teacher Mee Woodward ho propoeea marriage, and after shs sccepte. they decide to keep the echool goingsnd glvetheorphsns s horns by adopting ell of them. (Conclu- >.) Inside America O McDonald's Prap Cage I Movie -(Musical) •••* "Easter Parade" 1048 Judy Qertend, Fred Asteire. A big star splits with hispsrtnsrsndtakesan unknown, making her a stsr. (2 rs.^jO mins.) $9 Informatlvo H Lawmakers I® Sonny And Cher )ft Twilight Zone > The Last Nazi > ft Angelo Uberatl Show SportsCenter Special Delivery 'WO Are All One People' ft NBA Basketball Detroit Pistons vs New York Knicks 6:05 (fffift ParaUsted ft Movie 'The Greatest Heroes of the Bible' 1978 David Blrney, Robert Vsughn. Two compelling stories from the bible. (2 hrs.) 6:30 ft The Shroud Of Turin ft Movie-(Drama) **H "Black Beauty" 1071 MerkLeeter, Wsltsr Slszsk. Rsmske of the clessic story of the King of horees whocouldn't be temed. (2 hrs.) (it) ft The Work! Tomorrow ft ® Movie •(Fantaay) *** "Bedknobs And Broomstlcke" 1071 Angels Lsnsbury, Dsvld Tomlinson. (Psld Subscription Tslevleion) Amstsur witch helps Britjsti cause in W W. II. (2 hrs.) ft ft Koresn Ught House KB) NHL Hockey New York Islsnders vs Pittsburgh Penguins. I Of The Bible 6 S) Today's Black 7:00 • • ft ® Archie Bunker'sPlacaStephenletrieeto capture the 'reel' Archis for s photo contest st school, but hsr picturss msy show mors thsn Archie is willing to hsve revealed iftiVk CHIPs Jon and Ponch befriend a 12 yeer old boy who providea off icera with information needed to halt the illegal operations of marijusns growsrs in ths Ssnts Monies mountsins. & © IeI Sunday Night Movie •My Feir Ledy' 1964 Stars: Rsx Hsrrison, Audrsy Hspburn. Multi-award winning mualcal based on Shew's plsy. 'Pygmslion,' sbout sn sustere Britsh phonetics teecher who tskes under his wing s London guttsrsnipe snd disciplines her to be s Isdy snd sccepted by high society. (3 hrs., 30 mins.) iff CD World At War ft Nova 'Notes of s Biology WstchsrAFilmbyLswisThomss' Liks it or not. your body In a sense is owned snd operated by legions of prehistoric organisms, hordes of them In eech cell of your body. (Closed-Ceptionod; U.S.A.) (60 mins.) ft Movie-(Drama) ** "Nighth- awks" 1061 Sylvester Stellone, Billy Dee Williams. A New York City detective Is csught up in s dsngsrous gsms of intemetionel terrorism. (Rsted R) (99 mine.) ftft 700Club o|ft It's Your Business ft Napoleon And Love ftft HaBewlc Theatre ftft in Touch ft Lhrewire ft VletonQfAaia-U8A 7:30 ftftftft One Day At A Time While Ann ie embroiled in wedding srrsngements for Bsrbsrs snd Msrk, ths hsppy coupls is off in Lss Veges fighting ths urgs to stop all ths wedding rigsmsrols end get merried right sway. (Psrt one of e two-pert episode.) Mi To People Jimmy Sweggart Iftftft Alice Mel's competitor, Freddy, aponaora a money-winning conteat at hia eetery, which attracts s lot of customsrs snd puts s big bite in Mat's business ft ft ft Sunday Night At The Movies 'Csssy's Shadow' 1978 Stars: Wsltsr Mstthsu, Alsxis Smith, Robert Webber. Story of s kindly horss trainer from a rundown Loulsisns fsrm snd his two sons ss thsy prspsrs for the big All-Americsn Futurity rscs in New Mexico. (Repeet; 2 hrs., 30 mins.) ft ^wrence Welk Show 35) ft Nova 'Notes of s Biology Wstchsr: AFilmbyLewisThomss Like it or not, your body in s sense Is owned snd operetsd by Isgions of prshistoric orgsnisms, hordes of them in eech cell of your body. (Oosed-Csptioned; U.S.A.) (60 mins.) ft National Geographic 'The Themes' Stetely castles, rowing recea, sailing bargea, Churchill's World Wsr II Csbinet rooms...ths Thames nurturss thsm ell This documentsrylooksstthemessive cleenupthethesreetored the river to s new vitslity snd follows ths Thsmssfrom itsbsginnings (Cloaed-Csptioned; U.S.A.) (60 mine.) ft Gospel According To St. Mark Complete Line Eureka Vacuum ^Cleaners Sales & Service Cleaning Repair Belts AT LEE ft RAY ELECTRIC 1005 H FRONT STREET UruruDV MvULnnI 385-0882 69 (24) Grecien Spotlight ft ft Old Time Gospel Hour ft A.R.T.S. 'Mozart In Jeruaalem' ft TeleFrence-U.S.A. 8:05 ftjnAWeek'sTlme 8:30 ftftftft The Jeff ersons Florence's choir singing hss attrscted ths ssrs of s smooth tslking rscord producsr who tsntslizsshsrwithvisionsoffsme, fortune, end s rscording session thstjtfis must psy for. ft® All In The Femlly ft Movie -(Comedy-Drome) ** "Network" 1076FsysDunswsy. Pstsr Finch. A fsding nstwork nswscsstsr is trsnsformsd into ths stsr of s successful TV show. thrs.) Sunday At St. Edwsrds Dr. Jeck Van Impe J M o v i e - ( D r a m e ) * * "Nlghthswks" 1081 Sylveater Stallone. Billy Dee Williema. A New York City detective ia caught u p i n a d a n g e r o u a g a m e o f intemetionel terrorism. (Rsted R) (Psid Subscription Television) (2 as.) I World'Tomorr MO ftftftft 1 rrow 0:00 •••81 Trspper John, M.D. LeVsr Burton guest stsrs ss s shsrp young smsteur boxer w h o m D r . J s c k p o t J s c k s o n , b s c o m i n g s n i n s t s n t f i g h t m s n s g s r , i s s t s s r i n g t o w s r d s profsssionsl ring csreer (60 is.) MVS rel Roberts I Mesterpiece Theetre 'Lovs in s Cold Climsts: Rings snd Things' Uncle Mstt refusss to let L l n d s m s r r y T o n y , s n d t h s Montsdorss become concsrnsd ovsr Polly's indifference to men. (SP mins.) ft Movie -{Drome) * "Ruckus" 1080 Dirk Benedict, LindsBlair. A shell-shocked Vietnsm vst ruffles

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