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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Apr 1982, p. 31

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• DAYTIME What On Earth? (Hon.) Movla (Mon., Frt.) 'Americen ' (MON.), 'Man Of La Mancha' Papaya (Exc. Wad.) I(WED.) Tom And Jerry And RNaahvMa On Tha Road Mrture: Interview (Exc. Mon.)Baoh'aToccata And Fugue i Chicago Today l tyaek And FtoM (Wad.) Auto Racing (PfB.) ® THE Advanturaa Of Black IB Mawla(Tiie.l Wad.)' Villaoa Of ThaDamned' (TUE.), 'Die , Marianne' (WED.) iMifeumlt' 1 . ® Bemaby Jonaa • jokefaWKd B Mery Tyler INinB Bl̂ sd HMk(Frl.) Jarry itfSW.--,. ® MMOer Rogers Happy Days Aeaki Andy Griffith Show (Exc. IrtlRxod Nuts (Hon.) Andraw'a Raldara Part I. (WED ). Movis CmUR.) 'Hot Load And Cold Sflle»h (Tuo.) 'Smokay Bitea Pi BaoobyDoo £aH«^(Mon.) Mon. EXC. I Vertoua MCwaaPolngloeBaBlco L) Dtaco Connection C. MON., WED.) C*8pen Programming Pha tv* Contact Karata •jiaiRiiM îMawiOT^Brina (Ryan Show 4M V Brady Bunch 1 0 Pacpla'a Court IS Mtetar Rogers Wateoma Back, Kottar Hara'aLucy TheRemarkeble Rockot (Tua.) ' Movta (FRI.) 'Mr. Sycamore • Movta (Wad.) 'Second Hand II PRntatonee QMgen'e laland BhaNa Na (Exc. Mon.) 'a View Of Tha y* BSPN'a SportaWoman ffuaj "VSLrtyHMMaa Partta Of Tha World Raldara Part I. Bl Lova Lucy WhafaMaw Movie 'Akplene' (MON.), 'LionoForBreekfeat' (TUE), 'Tha Black Marble' (WED.), 'Badknoba AndBraomatloka' (THUR.), 'Tales Ol̂ atrU Potter" (FRI) I |"h O N [F*A. Soccar (T ua.) ® Roaa Baglay Show Matt And Jenny (Mon., HawaHFhro-0 SiOS ® Andy Qrtfftth Show (Exc. 1 p®® ®® CBSNowa • 0 NBCNawa I® ABCNawa I aaa-- a ^ »- |f „H,. P WflCOiliw BACK) ̂ OXi#f P® VINa Alagra j Chocking K Out I I Movie (Exc. Wed., Frl.) 'Nlghthawka' (MON.), 'Eyewit- naaa' (TUE.), 'Tha Laat Matro' flHUR.) OS Dick Van Dyka Show (tfj® Berney Miller • 8 Elldolo • What Will Thay Think Of NoxtTfMon., Thur.) 6:35 • Oomor I Wad.) Pyla (Exc. ((mondoyj) APR.12,1SS2 EVENING 1 Eolffttlnwiffit Tonight AM In Tha Family Movta (Continuee From Daytlma)' Airplana' Robart §|a£k, Robart Hayoa. i Elldolo (Continuaa From ») Daytlma) • SportoCheHenge ®0 LovaSpaclal • The Tomorrow People • You Aakad For It • Pjctura Of Haatth 6:OS 0 Carol Bumatt And Family Faud S QYouAakad For It 0 O (23 32 MJk.8.H. 0 Lavarna And Shlriay And any MacNall Lahrar Baport i Wild WHd World Of Anlmala I PMMagaxIna >®0 MuppatShow I <0 Movla -(No Information avaUabta)"ChaanolZoro" (No othor Information available.) (60 mina.) flB Signature: Interview • ® In form ac Ion 26 • Sport aCantar • Tha Advanturaa Of Black Beauty B EntartainmantTonight • Ozarka Country Jubilee 6:36 • Sanford And Son 6:55 0 WBBM Editorial 0WLS Editorial _ 7:00 0 0 0 ® Prtvata SSlUllB Llttla Houaa On Tha Pralrta Mr. Otaaon aata out to got ravanga on hia wife when ha la taken prlaonar by two bumbling kidnapperaandaherefuaeatopay tha email ranaom. (Rapaat; 60 VUi That'a Incredible An extraordinary new iifeaa ving parachute aafaty device for motorcycllataiateatedat 150 mph; and a 12 year-old atar of the IceCapadeajuggleaaaheekatea )mina.) PM Magazine ' Great Parformancaa 'pence in America: Paul Taylor, Two Landmark Dancea' Tha Paul Taylor Company la featured In a performance at the ig81 Americen Dance Featival, held laat aummer in Durham, N.C. (60 ina.) All Creaturee Greet And ) Movie-(Martial Arte)" "KM And Kill Again" 1SS1 Jamee Ryan. Annellne Kriel. A mad billionaire c^-niveatorulethe world with a i ettalion of brainwaehed karate choppera. IPG) (100 mine.) Jl Movla -(Romance) **H "Man in Tha Iron Meek" 1539 Louie Haywerd, Joan Bennett. To take over the throne of France, a brother throwa hie twin in prteon and pets on an Iron meak over hia hjad, (2 hrej ft BowMngGame B mad Bag; A Place Of The jjffipioaBeLoPegue V Motorcycl# Ricwc 0® Chicago • Uvawtre ® Hollywood: Swanaon And Valentino 0 Quarter Horea Show TKM 0 Movla -(Drama) ••• "Written an tha Wind" 1B56 Rock Hudeon, Lauren Beoeil. The etory of e apolled heireaa who almoet deatroya her brother end the men ahe aeta out to get. (2 hra.) ^ 7:30 00SO Report To Murphy The cempue queen whom Murphy worehlppedfrom afar during their high echool daya,* tumeupeeoneofhteperoleoeend delivere whet looka Nke a kayo Bunch to hie career. B® You Asked For It 0 Movie-(Soapenee) ** "Tha Vlaltor" MelFerrer.JohnHueton. An eight year old girt, with the power of Satan, has a miaalon to become the mother of a now and powerful race that will one dey teke control of aNhumana. (Rated RHMmina.) 0 ® Movie-(Horror)* "Fun Houee" 1881 Elisabeth Barridge, Cooper Huokabee. (Paid Subacription Televiaion) Homicidal horror reeuita when two teenege couplee on e double dete experience en evening of terror fi e traveling cemivel. (2 hra.) HaniSt Ibeen'a Ghoata Legendary Pocket BIMard fttsrs IP MoHfywonci 7:67 O® Newacene 8:00 00O® M.A.S.H. Hawkeye la emotionally Jolted when e young nurae ia killed In en eccident aoon after he hea a romantic flino with her. 00® Monday MgM At The Movloa'Thou Shalt Not KW 1052 Stara: Laa Grant, GeryGreham, Robert Cutp.Atewyerlafacedwith the uphill battle of trying to prove thet her client, en euto mechanic, ia innooent of the two eeperete murder chergee egainst him, despHeoverwhalmingevidenca tothe,contrary. (2 hra.) 00 0 ABC Theatre Of The Month My Body, My Child' Veneeaa Redgreve etere in thia drame about a middle-aged woman who facea en egonizing dilemma, doee ahe go through with an abortion ageinet her deep-aeeted convictione or give birth to a^rob îblydeformed PAOi IS child? Alao at arring Joseph Campanelle, Jack Albert son (2 Ik > Movla -(Myatary) ••• "Wrong Man" 1857 Henry Fonda, Vara MMea. The etory of a New York muaiclan falaely accuMd of murder. (116 mina.) ® 0 Bernateln-Beethoven Maxfmllllan Schell deecribee Beethoven'a funeral and raada from Franz Grillparzer'e funerel oration forthecompoaer. Leonard Bernetein then leede the Concertgebouw Orcheatr# of Amaterdem and the Chorus of Radio Hilversum in 'Mieea Solemnia In D Major, Opus 123'. iff! i.) Groat Parformancaa'Dane* In Americe: Paul Taylor, Two Landmark Dancea' ThaPeoi Taylor Company ia feetured In a pe r fo rmencee t the i sa t Americen Dance Feetivel, held leet aummer in Durhem, N.C. (60 S^Movte^Drema)*** "Truth About Spring" 1885 Haytay Milia, John Milla. An eccentric but ehrewd fiehermen reallzeahie daughter at eighteen, ie pot meeting eny eiegible melee an he welcomee eboerd e young lawver-fiahermen. (2 hra.) • ® LuchaUbre 9 ProfeealonolTennto (Joined In Progroaa) Monte Cerlo Open fromMoneco (Men'a Finale) tt® Now BIMa Baffle ® A.R.T.8. 'Pierrot Lunalra' ® Movie -(Adventure) •• H "The V lk lnga" 1868 K i r k Douglaa, Tony Curtia. A Viking King end hia aon kidnap a Welah prinoeee and hold her for ranaom (2 hra., 30 mina.) • TetoFranca-UJI.A. -- 8:30 0 ® • ® Making The Grade Dave'e womanizingweya lend him on Herry'a doorstep, but the welcome met begina fa wear FuN Contact KaiHa thin. in 8:00 WW Lou Grant legal watera become e whirlpool when Lou rune In to home repe i r p rob lema end a w i l y c i t y councilmen uees one of Anknels os in a revenge lewauH. fitoain Newe Borne I Bernetein Beethoven 'String Quertet in C-Sherp Minor, Opue 11' S tand ing Room On ly ; tin The Park Mov ie - (Comedy) , , "1841" 1878 Den Aykroyd. Ned Beetly. Story of wer penlc in Celifomie following Pearl Harbor attack.(Rated PG) (2 hra.) 0® IndependentNowa ® Cabaret ®® Ouieri ®® Thteh • A-B ThteteThe'lIwe'11'* Soft Self ZZBUrn mmim CADILLAC PONTIAC • »ON?IAC WITH ANYONE" SALES 385-6000 RT120 S RT 31 Mchenry SERVICE 385-3700 PARTS: 3894201

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