I FOR RENT HKKIfK SI'At'K IN I'rune Mi-Honry location. 2 room suite, must be eonipatible with professional office. Call 81.V:!85-tiiM0. 4-16-4-23c MALE WANTED to share house. $250 plus security. HI.>344-0492 after 6pm. 4-16- 4-23c BEDROOM RANCH, 1'2 car garage, refrigerator, stove, carpeted, $435.00 month plu^curity. 815-344- :i894 before noon or after 6pm. - 4-16tfc OFFICE SPACE for rent, Whispering Point Center. 1.200 sq. ft., $600 per month. 815-344-3315. 4-16-4-23C ONE BEDROOM COT TAGE. refrigerator & stove, utilities, references and security deposit, $325 month. 815-344-0521. 4-16 JOHNSBURG, perfect year around 1st or 2nd home. 1 plus bedroom cottage, lovely setting $350.00 plus utilities. 312-871-6225. 4-16 KOOMS FOR KENT. Car peted, clean, colored cable TV. kitchen privileges, $40.00 per week. 815-385-9858 Ikm ween noon and 5pin. 4-16 3 BEDROOM RANCH, .lohnsburg area. Available May 1st. $375.00 per month. 815-385-7983 . 4-16-4-23c Drivers Arrested Woodstock police charged Barbara J. Brand, 2904 N. Hickory drive, McHenry, with open liquor in a motor vehicle after police discovered her parked in a lot on Washington Street in Woodstock. Police reported observing a northbound vehicle weaving on the roadway Wednesday on Chapel Hill Torrace, near River Terrace, McHenry, and arrested 78-year-old George Hiller of 3909 Spring Grove road, McHenry, on a charge of driving while intoxicated and improper lane usage. Bond was set at $3,050 for an April 20 court hearing. New in your neighborhood? And still searching for the grocery store ond more closet space? It's my job to help you feel at home fast. As your WELCOME WAGON Hostess I can supply answers to your new neighborhood questions and bring a basket of gifts to delight your family. Hundreds of people like you in McHenry have called me. I hope you will too. Nancy Lazar 344-3966 Legal Notice The Board of Education of M c H e n r y " C o m m u n i t y Consolidated School District 15 will receive sealed bids on Custodial Supplies and Cafeteria Supplies until 2:00 P.M. on Monday, May 3, 1982. Bid specifications may l>e secured at the District 15 Administration Office, 3926 W. Main Street, McHenry, lL 60050. • The Board reserves the right to reject any and-or all bids, waive any Did technicalities and award the bid in the best interest of the school district. Eileen Zurblis Secretary, Board of Education Mci Icnry ('ommuiiity Consolidated School District 15 No. 820179 (Pub. Apr. 16, 1982) Milk Some milk is needed by everyone everyday. Adults should have two or more fl ounce cups of milk every day; children need 2r3 cups or more; teenagers should have 4 or more cups. Preg nant women need 3 or more cups and nursing mothers need 4 or more cups. It isn't necessary to drink this much fluid milk every day if foods containing milk are eaten-- like cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream, puddings, cus tards, and cream soups. CONSUMER y/CHECKLIST »*A<iK ltlM.AINI>KAI.KRKKII>AY, APR1I. 16, IIMCJ Removing Odor Perspiration odor can cling to washable gar ments, soak them over night in warm water con taining three to four tab lespoons of salt per quart of water then rinse. If odor remains pre-treat with liquid detergent and /let stand for 30 minutes. REPORT OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDATING DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES OF THE The First National Bank of McHenry IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MARCH 31,1982 PUBLISHED IN RESPONSE TO CALL MADE BY COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY UNDER TITLE 12, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 161. CHARTER NUMBER 15765 NATIONAL BANK REGION NUMBER SEVENTH STATEMENT OF RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES Thousands of Dollars ASSETS Cash and due from depository institutions 2,225 U.S. TREASURY SECURITIES 2,681 Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations 8,237 Obligations of States and political subdivisions in the United States 534 All other securities 561 Federal funds sold ond securities purchased under agreements to resell 2,340 Loans, Total (excluding unearned income) 10,165 Less: Allowance for possible loan losses 106 Loans, Net 10,059 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures and other assets representing bank premises 266 All other assets .... . 539 TOTAL ASSETS 27,442 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations i 3,823 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 19,917 Deposits of United States Government 40 Deposits of States and political subdivisions in the United States 968 Certified and officers checks 324 Total Deposits 25,072 Total demand deposits * 4,188 Total time and savings deposits 20,884 All other liabilities 367 TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures) 25,439 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock No. Shares authorized 67,000. No, Shares outstanding 67,000 (par value) 670 Surplus 885 Undivided profits and reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves 448 TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL 2,003 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL 27,442 MEMORANDA Amounts outstanding as of report date: Standby letters of credit, total 56 j Time certificates of deposit in den6minations of $100,000 or more 1,195 Other time deposits in omounts of $100,000 or more 200 Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report date: Total deposits .... 24,683 I, William J. Busse, Executive Vice President, of the above named bonk do hereby declare that this Report of Condition is true and correct to the best ol my knowledge and belief. William J. Busse April 13, 1982 We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this statement of resources and liabilities. We declare that it has been '.••ominerJ by us, and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true on'i rorrert Moo M Stinosprinq Marian H Busse - M.J Marty, Jr. Publisher! April 16, 19H? No fi?0173 COMPLETE LINE OF TRAILERS OWENS-STIDHAM RUSTLER & WW TRAIL EZE WELLS CARGO HILISBORO SALES & SERVICE HITCHES SINCE 1 <956 WESTERN SNOW PLOWS Richard A. Adams President QUALITY TRAILERS SALES AND SEMVICE 3017 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, II. 60050 0= Maybe You Should Put Your Advertising Dollars Back Into Your Pocket If you're putting your home up for sale, you have two basic choices. One would be to run an ad in our classified section yourself. The second would be to call one of the Real Estate Brokers listed in our section. We suggest that you take the second choice, even though we do appreciate your business. After all, the Real Estate Professionals who do advertise in the Plaindealer are your neighbors. And they're using the most effective advertising media in this area, The McHenry Plaindealer. So when you do call them, please tell them you saw their ad in the McHenry Plaindealer. (815)385-0170 The McHenry Plaindealer