PERSONALS ATTENTION Daily Word Readers, meet people of like minds. Unity Center, 2 Chalet Drive, Crystal Lake, Illinois, 815-455-2479. 4-21-4- 23c Mkm mtTHPAv ' CAM Of THAHBS WE WISH TO EXTEND A Sincere "Thank You" to all our friends, relatives and neighbors, for their cards and other expressions of sympathy, at the time of our recent bereavement. We are truly grateful. A Special thank you to the McHenry Hospital Intensive care unit, Wonder Lake rescue squad and Father Edward Schott. The Family of Richard C.White 4-21 WANTED TO 6UV H SOLBUAIB JU Starter For 1982-18, 25 or 35 hp Evinrude motor. Call after8:30pm, 815-3854718. 4-2tfc PAGE 13 - PLA1NPEALER - WEDNESDAY. APRIL 21,1*4 HELP WANTED in our recem DwwVBnieni III* AMHAAMI iL& we round contort n too tbooehtfolioss of or Woods. Hie OMOiery of yoor kindness and prayers will always remain with ns. Albert J. Adams Family CMP Of THANKS THANKS TO St. Jude for favor granted. B.M.H. 4-21- 4-23c TRIBUTE TO St. Jude. Dorothy Polnow. 4-21-4-23C A SPECIAL THANKS to Father Bartel, Father Rauen and Deacon Tobin, for the Concelebrated Mass for Albert. And for all those floral pieces, Masses,' Spiritual Bouquets. The Organist Iola Ustes, Soloist Yvonne Matt, the Mass Servers and those Wonderful People for all the food and kitchen help, in the loss of Our Loved One. Thank you all The Albert Huff Family 4-21 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER CAPE COD in McHenry 4 bedrooms, full basement with huge family room, P/4 baths, formal living and dining room, gas hot water heat, new blacktop driveway, wood patio, vinyl siding, beautiful landscaped lot, 66x199, walk to schools and shopping. $76,900 815-385-4256 FOR SALE BY OWNER h&tT)lWfhV: i'I V] ̂ {• Brittany Park home, 3 bedrooms, 1 % baths, 2 car garage. Assumable mortgage at 12% fixed rate $73,000. Excellent condition. 815-344-1537 4/21-4/23 815-344-1537 4/21, MORTGAGE WITH NO INTEREST LIKE NEW hillside ranch, with garage under neath. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, hot water heat, full basement. Landscaped lot close to lake with rights * *'»'»•'* >•; $55,000. 30% down, five year mortgage 815-385-3685 RENT WITH BUY OPTION, $235.00 month (% on prin cipal), $900.00 starts you, $28,970 full price. $3,875 down, 9% percent interest, 20 percent on improvements material. Owner. 815-385- 0169. 4-21-4-23C BY OWNER, 2 bedroom house, McHenry area, needs some work, good in vestment, $31,500 terms, $28,500 cash. Call 815-385- 3490. 4-2tfc 2 BEDROOM North Fox Condo, lft baths, Ap pliances, Newly carpeted and Decorated, Pool. Low Interest rate $39,500.00. 815- 344-3861. 4-7-4-23C HOUSE FOR SALE by Owner. 3 bedroom, new kitchen, carpeting, and d e c o r a t i n g . S t o v e , refrigerator, washer, dryer. Mint condition. Walking distance of McHenry. $46,500. Phone 815-385-0965. 4-16tfc LOT FOR SALE by owner, 1912 Beach Avenue, Lakeland Park. Call after 4pm. 312-544-5414. 4-16-4-23c -LAKE SHORE DRH WOODED SHORES Rustic Cape Cod with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 story home with basement, sundeck and heated greenhouse. Corner location. Wide view of lake, fenced yard. $72,500. Financing available, seller will buy down to 12%. WONDER LAKE Log cabin, 2 bedrooms, full bath, modern kitchen, in wooded area near lake. Available on land contract with $3500 down, 12% annual interest. $33,900. 653-2061 I McHENRY COUNTY REALTY INC FOR SALE BY OWNER, modern 3 bedroom ranch, lMt- baths, 1 car attached garage, city sewer and water, special financing possible. $49,900. 497-4215. 4- 14-4-23C 7 ACRES VACANT, Near McHenry Shores, $45,900.00. Owner will finance at 7 percent. 312-965-6855. 4-21-4- 30c OPEN HOUSE Svnday, April 25 1:00-4:00 Raised ranch, 3 bedrooms with room for 4th, large family room, dining room, deck. Must see to appreciate. $63,900. Special financing available. Stop by at 1906 N. Highvlew (Lakeland Pdrk) McHenry and make an offer. 344-3283 4/21-4/23 4/21 DUTCH CREEK WOODLANDS On the water, 4 bedroom, 4 bath tri- level, . Vt acre mini estate, 2 fireplaces, all drapes, carpeting and appliances stay. In ground 17x35' pool. Drive by at 3308 Cove Court, Johnsburg or call 815-385-7150 OUR NEW-WAY CAMBREL DELUXE 2 STORY BARN All Channel Lap Cedar Siding Composition Shingles over 5/8" Plywood Roof,'/«" TtC Plywood Floor, 6x6 Treated Pole Construction--ALSO Pole Buildings SPECIAL SPRING PRICE MR 30x40 BARN Can Be Seen Sy Appointment J J MM Moxi 2 iHry Storof* 12x20. $3750 erected. This building can be designed for horses, sheep, goats, calves, etc. NEW-WAY BUILDERS Sharea, Wis. (414)7364639 SLOT MACHINES wanted. Paying over $600 cash. Any condition. Also 78 RPM Wurlitzer Juke Boxes. 414- 248-3796. 1-13-7-2C WANTED: AUTOS, All Makes and Models, Running or Not. Cash Paid. 24 Hour Pickup Service. 815-728-1171. 3-31-4-30C M O V I N G ? C L E A N I N G HOUSE? Buying Antique F u r n i t u r e , C h i n a , Glassware, Lamps, Xmas Ornaments, Etc. 815-678- 4141. 4-7-5-28C DENTAL HYGIENIST, Full or Part Time Days. 815-385- 4140. 4-21-4-23C PART TIME For Office Work. Must be a good typist, dependable. Must have own transportation. Apply in person, Window Well Protectors, 3607 Chapel Hill Road, McHenry. 4-21-4-23c HELMDMjTEO SECRETARY Experienced Part Time Fritzsche Industrial Park 815-385-1079 OFFICE WORK Permanent part time position open for Bookkeeper, Secretary, 20 to 25 hours per week. 9 am to 2 pm. Small manufacturing plant in McHenry, will handle payroll, payables, receivables, phone answering, light typing, some CRT experience helpful. Send resume to McHenry Plaindealer do Box No. AP4 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. 60050 WANTED WORKING FOREMAN Manufacturer of Industrial ovens and washers, needs in dividual with extensive ex perience in blueprint reading, welding and supervisory skills, to head small but growing welding and assem bly department Precisiea Qvincy Corp. 220 N. Madison St. Woodstock, II. 815-338-2675 4/21-4/23 NIGHT CUSTODIAN WANTED Johnsburg Junior High School Hours: 3 to 11:30 PM Contact Mr. James Van Bosch 815-385-6210 4/21-4/28 4/28G OMAN Must be self starter Challenging work in retail sales office. Must be able to answer phones in a pleasant controlled manner. Must be familiar with retail accounting also experienced with daily balancing and ledger work. References required, 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year, sick days and major holidays paid, major medical plan available. Salary open. Send resume to Box API c/o McHenry Plaindealer ^ 3812 W. Elm St. r • McHenry, II. 60050 4/7-4/30 SERVICE DEPARTMENT HELP We are in need of one op- prentice mechanic. Oppor tunity unlimited. Contact Ron Monday through Fridoy 9:00 am to 3>00 pm DADE* QUICK Fox Lake, II. 312-587-25^ NURSING ASSISTANT Positions available on all shif ts, certification preferred, will train. Excellent benefit package. For more information call Dora Lindeman, R.N., D.O.N. ROYAL TERRACE 803 Royal Driva McHanry.ll , 815-144-2600 An equal opportunity •mployer M/F 4/14-4/23 4/1414/21G GRAPHIC MIS TECHNICIAN Entry level to Graphic Arts Technician. Duties in clude: Camera, darkroom, plate making, flat ting and equipment maintenance. Good opportunity for young man to learn all levels of the newspaper business. The company benefits include: Major Medical, Profit Sharing, Paid Holidays, Paid Days Off, Life Insurance and more. Apply in person to The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 West Ein Street McHenry, Illinois R.N.'S L.P.N.'S NEEDED We care with love and love to care. ROYAL TERRACE is a growing, progressive, skilled care facility. WILL YOU COME GROW WITH US Excellent benefit package. Full time or part time positions available. For more information call DORA LINDEMAN, R.N., D.O.N. ROYAL TERRACE 803 Royal Drive McHenry, II. 815-344-2600 An equal opportunity employer M/F 4/14-4/23 4/I4A4/21C POSITION AVAILABLE PSYCHIATRIC NURSE Full time (40 hour/week) position available immediately for experienced, community-oriented psychiatric nurse to work in Center's Adult Day Treatment Program in McHenry. This program serves adult psychiatric patients in a milieu treat ment program. Responsibilities include direct clinical nursing with patients as primary therapist including group and in dividual therapy and chemotherapy in conjunction with the Center's psychiatric staff. Excellent opportunity for the autonomous nurse to work within a multi-disciplinary mental health team. Minimum pf RN Degree with at least one year experience in psychiatric nursing with adult population. Illinois Registered Nurse License required. The Center is a multi-program comprehensive community mental health center. Excellent fringe benefit package in expanding, progressive Center. Salary commensurate with training and experience. Send complete resume, references, and salary requirements to: J. Scott Compboll, ACSW Associate Director Family Service & Community Mental Health Center for McHenry County 4302 G-West Crystal Lake Road McHenry, II. 60050 (815)385-6400 Equal Opportunity Employer 4/16-4 BABYSITTER WANTED in my home. Mature .woman 35 or over. References. Must have own transportation. Call 815-338-6479. 4-16-4-23C WANTED ASSISTANT To Crystal Lake Eye Doctor. Must have General Office skills. Call evenings 7:00 pm to9:30pm. 312-381-4828. 4-21- 4-30c JEWELRY & T SHIRT Shop. Neat Mature adult, full time. 815-344-1119. 4-21-4-23c RESPONIBLE ADULT to babysit 4 to 5 days per week for 2 boys, ages 1 & 2, in my home only. 815-385-7655 after 6pm. 4-21-4-23c PART TIME PERSON to learn Chocolate dipping. Apply 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, Mellums Candies, 126 North Benton Street, Woodstock. 4- 21-4-23c BREAKFAST COOK On Sundays. Must be Jvell ex perienced, references required. Fox^ Lake Restaurant. 312-362-7179 or 312-587-8814. 4-21-4-23C PART TIME DELIVERY and Pickup Person. Apply 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, Mellums Candies, 126 N. Benton Street, Woodstock. 4-21-4-23c BABYSITTER WANTED in my home. Johnsburg- Sunnyside area, 5 days. 815- 344-1769 after 4pm. 4-21-4-23c NEED 5 DEALERS in Different areas. C.S. Klapperich. 815-728-0226. 4- 21-4-23c WE ARE NOW Hiring for temporary positions. We offer entry level pay and 40 to 50 hours per week. Call Mr. Dawson at 312-639-5658 or apply at Fox Valley Marking Systems, In Cary. 4-21-4-23c EXPERIENCED SALAD LADY Evenings Apply in person McHINRY COUNTRY CLUB 820 N. John St. McHenry, II, Avon ECONOMY GOT YOU DOWN? Avon offers good $$$, nice people, great prizes. $15.00 investment, over 18 call Nancy McClure 815-385-6105 BODY SHOP HELP We need a body shop appren tice to learn and grow with our. shop. Contact Ron Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Baber Buick Fox Lake, II 312-587-2555 CUSTOMER SERVICE Nation wide company has openings for (2) people to handle ac counts for T.V. Guide on phone. Good starting salary. Call 414-279-3469 INSURANCE CLERK For Orthopedic Doctors Office We hove o port time insuran ce clerk position available. 24 hours per week. Insurance ond typing experience necessary. Please coll for appointment 815-385-9092 4/21-4/30 WANTED SALES/PHONE ROOM MANAGER Only honest, hard working, enthusiastic, self starting individuals need apply. Call Dennis 312-547-0442 4/21-4/23 4/29G HtLP WANTED FIND OUT WHY, 2 Diamonds, 5 Emeralds, 15 Pearls' and 500 Directs Switched. 815-338-5435 . 3-24- 4-30C CAN YOU MAKE Our Team? We Need People That Would Like An Add On In come, Have some Free Time and Like dealing with People. For More In formation 815-385-3369. 3-31- 4-30C EARN EXTRA INCOME, in your spare time. Assistance p r o v i d e d . C a l l f o r a p pointment, between 5:00 & 7:00 pm. 815-344-1188 . 4-2tfc NOTICE NOTICE RUMMA6E BAKE SALE Thwrsiey, April 22ad A FrMey, April 23rd. 9:M i.e. HI 3:M p.m. el Mm Ptstek** MfMeed* Hilltop Avenue TK BAKE SALE will be on raeAY MELT Friday will be Bargain Day alto. This event is sponsored by the Pistakee Highlands Woman's Club. Proceeds will go to the Johnsburg High School Scholarship fund. 4/21 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE The City of McHenry is undertaking a fire hydrant flushing operation throughout the City for two weeks beginning Tuesday, April 20, 1982. Flushing will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thur sday of those two weeks. . The flushing of hydrants in being done to clean the City's water distribution system. The following schedule will be followed: On April 20, 21, and 22, hydrants will be flushed on the east side of the railroad tracks to the Fox River. On April 27, 28 and 29, flushing will take place on the west side of the railroad tracks to the C(ty limits. During periods of hydrant flushing, the water within the water mains can become discolored a red color due to the materials being removed from the water mains. While this discoloration does not effect human consumption, a possibility exists that the red water can stain clothes being laundered during periods of fire hydrant flushing. Your cooperation and patience during this period is requested and will be appreciated. 4/21 i ? TIMMERMANN'S 5TH ANNUAL BARN SALE All breeds, family and show horses, Pony mare due to foal, all kinds of saddles, bridles, halters, blankets and miscellaneous equipment, in cluding silver saddle outfits. 11' slide on camper, $1', 150., 2 horse trailer, good running tractor, $850. April 22 through April 25th. 312-526-8066 4 21-4 23 KANE COUNTY ~ GUN SHOW SUNDAY, APRIL 25th 8:00 A.M. Guns, Coins, Hobby and Antiques Admission $1.50 Tables $10.00 Phone 815-7564822 At Rout* 38 & Randall Rd. Kom Caeety Felrgrwmdt 3 »t. ClwrWs, II. 4/214.23 4 21 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Check the quality of our program. Train full time or weekends. Financing, job placement assistance. Call Free 18003482485 Commercial Drivers listitnte P.O. Box 2853,24645 State M. 23 SoHth to* lai 46680 Child Core UNLICENSED FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Core Act of 1969, it is a misdemeanor to care for another person's child in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to advertise for such services in on unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-being of the child. For information and Licensing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN « FAMILY SERVICES Ir1 e Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. LakeVilla, III. 60046 312-356-1011 FOR SALE SHORE STATION 21 ft canopy cover and steel frame work, 98" width, slightly damaged, ap proximately 5 years old, $400.00. Call days 815-385- 0170 or evenings 815-385-6494, ask for Tom. 4-21tfc FOR SALE WEDDING DRESSES, Small selection unclaimed. 815-385-1428 after 5pm. 4-21- 4-23c PULVERIZED TOP SOIL DELIVERED 7 yards 12 yards 20 yards $40. $90. $130. J. PEASE CONSTRUCTION CO. 815-675-2582 312-587-9367 4/14-5/26 4 14TF WAREHOUSE SALE 1980 Medallion OAK CABINETS Up To 60% OFF on slightly damaged and discontinued cabinets. Special prices on laminated counter tops and cultured marble vanity tops. Bring in this ad for extra savings. We can supply all your storage needs for the kit chen, bath, family room, bar, laundry room or office. Cash and Carry A" Sales Final Monday through Friday MO MM:30 PM Satirday MO AM 2:00 PM TOP FORM CO., INC. 7616 Haacack Drive Woader Lake, II. 815-T2MZH3 ' 5/JW " 2/3TFO