I hue 14 - PLA1NDEALER • FRIDAY. APRIL 30,1982 m RENT FOft RENT NEAT, SMALL 1 bedroom house with basement. Ideal for Senior citizen, others need not call. No pets, references and security deposit required. $220.00 month. Call after 7pm 815- 385-2345 . 4-30-5-7c 1ST FLOOR 2 bedroom apartment, $285.00 per month. Heat, stove and refrigerator furnished. Security deposit and lease required. 815-385-8489. 4-30- V7c WONDER LAKE, 3 bedroom ranch Central air, full appliances, attached garage $475 00 month, security g deposit and 1 year lease. Available June 1st. 312-537- 7438 4-30 CONDO AT NORTH Fox. For sale, $39,700 or rent $375.00. 2 bedrooms, l1^ baths, all appliances in cluding washer and dryer plus swimming pool. 815-653- 6277 . 4-30tfc HOUSE IN Crystal Lake, 2 b e d r o o m s , s t o v e , refrigerator, large finished basement, garage, fenced in. 312-825-3497 . 4-30-5-7C STRAIGHT FEMALE to share Custom home in Johnsburg $175.00 month plus half utilities. Call after 5pm, 815-344-0426 . 4-28-4-30C OFFICE SPACE, 236 sq. ft. utilities included, plenty of parking 815-385-8700. 4-2tfc 2 BEDROOM HOME, full basement, oversized garage, close to town with a country setting $375 month, deposit and references, stove and refrigerator included. Call 815-385-6437 . 4-30-5-7C 1 BEDROOM APART MENT, all utilities included. Convenient in town location. $260 per month. 815-385-1115. 4-30 Mae Whale The world's largest animal lives underwater--the 90- foot long blue whale. Believ ed to be the largest animals that ever lived, blue whales eat by straining small animals from the water through comb-shaped plates in their mouths, National Geograph ic World magazine says. Ringwood News Boosting Scout Show Doris Low Katy Christopher 653-9262 385-8037 Renaissance Festival-Drama Petruchio (Paul Metzger), Kate (Kathy Wester), Baptista (Gary Selof), Bianca (Darcy Kelly) and Lucento (Terry Boyer) are shown in a scene from "The Taming of the Shrew", which will be presented in the Johnsburg high school theater at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 30, and May 1, after an opening Thursday night. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD A n i n t e r n a t i o n a l Renaissance Festival was scheduled Thursday, April 29, and again May 1, in the Johnsburg high school cafeteria. The festival is at 6 p.m. on the two nights. Desserts from five European countries will be served along with live rt}usic and entertainment. Students in the International f club have been working on the festival for the past month along with students from the art classes, British literature classes and the Drama club Art students have been working on large murals that will line the walls in cluding one of Shakespeare's Globe theatre Other students have been preparing for performances of Shakespeare's comedy, "The Taming of the Shrew". The Renaissance Festival will be open from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. At 8, "The Taming of the Shrew" will be per formed in Johnsburg high school's theatre in-the- round. Tickets for "The Taming of the Shrew" can be reserved by calling 385-9233 or they can be purchased at the door. Admission to the Renaissance Festival is free of charge. Ends 37 Years With Morton It was truly a surprise for Doe Brennan last Wed nesday evening when the women employees of Morton Chemical of Ringwood honored her at a farewell dinner. Two women from the Chicago office and two from the Woodstock office were also present to join in the festivities and wish Doe a happy retirement after 37 years with Morton Chemical. Her retirement becomes effective May lT CORRECTION It was stated in last week's news column that the Brownies of Troop 461 completed a life saving for litte people course and CPR was instructed by Red Cross volunteers. This statement is incorrect. Brownie Troop 461 com pleted a Red Cross course titled, "First Aid- for Little People". They also received instruction and were able to s i m u l a t e a r t i f i c i a l respiration. Artificial respiration is a procedure for causing air to flow into and out of lungs of a person when his natural breathing is inadequate or ceases. This is done most frequently by mouth to mouth or mouth to nose method. Cardiopulmonary res uscitation (CPR) is a combination of artificial respiration and manual artificial circulation that is recommended for use in case of cardiac arrest. This takes special supplemental training. The Brownies were not introduced to CPR. HERE AND THERE John and Lorraine Black- man of Goodland, Fla. and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brennan of McHenry visited Muck and Doe Brennan last Sunday. Art and Katy Christopher were enjoying the beautiful spring weather in northern Wisconsin last weekend, visiting Art's folks. His Dad had just gotten home from the hospital and was con valescing from surgery. The Gary Linstads also visited the folks Make %ur House A Better Place lb Come Home To. You can do it with a home improvement loan from Marengo Federal Savings. We'll lend you the money for a new addition, insulation, a new heating system, landscaping or a new dnveway, to name just a few. And you'll be pleasantly surpnsed that every dollar you invest in your home will pay off in two ways. Your home will appreciate in value and you'll appreciate your home more while you're living in it. So why wait. Call or stop in at one of our convenient locations. Give us the opportunity to show how we can help. Marengo Federal Savings " and loan association " Have you noticed the beautiful row of tulips in Art Baker's yard? Spring is truly here. ABOUT TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bruce of Bolivar, Mo. spent a few days last week with his brother Clayton Bruce and wife, Virginia. A good visit was had by all\ On Friday, Ajpril 23 a niece, Mrs. Michael Hugg and chhildren of Belvidere visited in the Bruce home. Also visiting Virginia and Clayton on Friday was Alberta Whiston of Wood stock. Several ladies of the area attended the Dessert lun cheon, Style show and Card party held by the Women of the Moose at the McHenry Moose lodge on Monday of this week. HOSPITALIZED We are sorry to hear that Clayton Bruce was hospitalized Sunday, April 25. He is in the Woodstock Memorial hospital. Prayers, cards and visits would be greatly appreciated. BIRTHDAYS BIRTHDAYS Greetings go to Nancy Barker and Pamela Jean Barker on May 3; and to Jar Wendy Brennan, Sandra (Brennan) Coss, Susan Hogan and Danny Sellers May 4. May 5 will be a busy day, with Lori Rich, Dennis Rich, Jr., Charles Carr, Charles Brennan and Jack Pearson all celebrating their natal day. William Palermo will have his special day May 6,; and we find Jennifer Bauer and Nancy Gillespie celebrating on May 7; and on May 8, Ricky Mough will add another candle to his cake. "Happy Birthday" to all of you wonderful people. REMEMBER Remember folks, we cannot put your special date in'if we do not have it in our book. Also we don't have the married names of some of the gals, so we would ap preciate it if you would give Katie or Doris a call and bring them up-to-date on your dates. DATES TO REMEMBER May 1 - May day. May 2 - Worship services - - 9:15 a.m. - Ringwood church; Junior church - 9:30 a.m. - Ringwood church. May 6 - Choir practice - 7 p.m. - Ringwood church. May 7 -- No school -- Teacher Institute day. May 9 -- Mother's day; Worship service - 9:15 a.m. - - Ringwood church; Junior church - 9:30 a.m. - Ringwood church. May 15 - Johnsburg school Fun Fair. GOLD BLESS MARENGO: 200 E. Grant Highway • 815/555-7255 • MeMENRY:4400 W. Rauta 120 • SIS/344-1*00 • WOODSTOCK: 11SCaaa Straat • 515/335-S500 WOODSTOCK DRIVE-UP: Rauta 47 m4 Calhoun Straat • 215/338-7440 • CRYSTAL LAKE: 550 Sartay M. an Rt. 014 • 215/455-4300 & Simple Solution To remove burnt-on food from enamelware, boil two tablespoons of baking soda for each quart of water in the utensil. 4* The newest Tenderfoot in Boy Scout Troop 452, sponsored by McHenry Moose Lodge No. 691, is Bob Haze of 4803 N. Gregory, McHenry. He displays the official patch for the 1982 Kishwaukee district Scout show, which will be held in buildings C & D on the McHenry county fairgrounds May 15 from 1 to 8 p.m. The Kishwaukee district Scout show, one of eight such extravaganzas held in the various districts which make up Blackhawk Area council, provides each Scout, Cub and Explorer in Mchenry county (around 1,850 of them) with an opportunity to try his skill as a salesman. He can earn personal prizes for his salesmanship, to build a financial bonus for his troop, pack or post, and most important, to have fun working on and in his unit's booth at the show. The theme for this year, "In the Footsteps of the Founder", reflected in the patch Bob is holding, honors the seventhy-fifth an niversary of world-wide Scouting and its founder, Lord Robert Stephenson Baden-Powell of England. When a small Cub, a young Scout or an almost full- grown Explorer rings the doorbell or politely knocks, McHenry residents are encouraged to ask him to tell them more about the show, and buy a ticket for a nominal fee for each member of the family. Johnsburg High Honor Roll Johnsburg high school has released its third quarter honor roll. Seniors 4.0 - Clay Ames, Kelly Beitz, Larry Dix, Teri Jakubicek, Linda Lyons, Joe Meyers, Janice Schmitt, Debbie Sobiesk , Kathy Szumlas, Pamela Ullrich and Laura Wharton. 3.5 - Barb Anderson, Jodi Beutel, Terry Boyer, Debbie Caifano, Michelle Case, Diane Chyllo, Jeff Clary, Sue Dehn, Sue Freeland, Louis Koenigseder, Cheri Kofler, Kathy Lampi, Doug Lozynski, Jamie Moran, Karla Muse, Dan Nett, Peggy Nowak, Lydia Oakley, Kris Price, Linda Schmitt, Gary Selof, Robert Stanell. 3.0 -- Amy Ahlert, Chris Andersen, Pete Barroso, Mark Chernak, Mike Dalan, Dave Davis, Kurt Erickson, Tracy Esposito, Trina Evertsen, Kellie Fleming, Stacy Gast, Patricia Haag, Dawne Haynie, Mike Hogan, Eric Johnson, Karen Kalemba, Sylvia Kipping, Richard Klein, Kelly Kozicki and Rich Kretzschmar. Also Dawn Leeke, Mark Leslie, Mike Novak, Kathy O'Brien, Gina Pecucci, Rob Peisert, Tom Pieper, John Richard lien/.el as Mari^Twftin \iy Person a stunning |)ortra\ al. comic and serious, of America's greatest storyteller li Pierce, Karla Pollock, Tom Popovich, Dawn Poteracki, Darcy Relle, David Rich, Tracy Scanlon, Paul Smith, Jim Wajs, Tom Young, and Rick Ziolkowski. Juniors 4.0 -- Linda Davidson, Diane Heard, Paul Metzger, John Nett, Lorraine Nichols, p. Terri Olenick, Ruth Pflug and Patty Ullrich. 3.5 - Matthew Anderson, Randall Beck, Lisa Boyer, Sherri Bruce, Cheryl Burkhardt, Kim Jacques, Steve Kalsch, James Leon, Marie Mullen, Dave Ponte, Gina Rittorno, Debbie Swinford, Paula Wroblewski and Lawrence Zuley. 3.0 - Patti Bartmann, Michele Bartman, Dawn Birkhoff, John Borowski, Renee Eichhorn, Dan Gallagher, Theresa Gor man, Robin Grenell, Sherri Higgins, Michelle Horton, Dan Hovseth, Tom Huemann, Jay Jackson, Annette Johnson, Jeffrey Jurik, Deanna Kearns, Dan Kiernan, Steve Knight, Pam Knoll, Donna Kocher and Jerry Kuznicki. Also Fred McClellan, Scott McClory, Catherine Mc Millan, Karen Mincks, Kathy Moe, Anne Nowicki, Jane Pecucci, Joan Pierce, Toni Rendo, Laura Schratt, Stacy Schroeder, Tom Selof, Chris Wegner, John Wharton and Wendy Wright. Sophomores 4.0 - Laura Carlson, Terri Cluff, Joe Majercik, Michelle Patterson and Rick Schaller. 3.5 - Michele Arnolde, Kathy Butler, Jane Gasiorowski, Michele Hancock, Kelly Hart, Gail Jakubicek, Richard Michels, Shelly Miedzianowski, Kim Pieper, Janette Ready, Norman Rokosz, Ken Schoenig, Brian Siudak, Rhonda Thayer and Scott Tvaroh. 3.0 - Tim Adams, Jason Anderson, Julie Anderson, Cindy Axell, Renee Brauer, Alicia Evertsen, Rich Hahndorf, Jerry Harker, Trisha Herigodt, Margie Kanter, Loreen Klein, Dawn Lameka, Patti McKay, James Olekszy, Maria Schroeder, Jane Smid, Lars Swanson, Michelle Swart- zloff, Lisa Thoren, Anthony Trevithick, Kathy Wester and Gail Wroblewski. Freshmen 4.0 - Tim Koeller and Debbie Tvaroh. 3.5 - Edward Foster, Lisa Kelly, John Miskovic, Jeff NoctlOls, " Jimmy Owen, Sheryl Scavo, Steven Sch mitt, Ralph Stark, Mike Steffens, Cindy Swinford, Ray Tantillo and Bernard Wharton. 3.0 - John Carden, Mark Durei, Mary Dvorak, Lisa H a r t i g a n , D e n i s e Kadlubowski, Bill Kilcoyne, Laura Long, Mark Majercik, Lisa Matulka, Cris May, Tom Meehan, Mike Nederhouser, Maureen O ' D o n n e H , M a r k Schoenherr, Bill Wade and Tom Ziebel. Murray To Fort Gordon Army Reserve Pvt. Michael D. Murray, son of John W. Murray of Island Lake, and Mavis D. Whitaker of Evanston, has completed basic training at Fort Knox, Ky. During the training, students received in struction in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid, and Army history and traditions. Murray will now serve at Fort Gordon, Ga. IN MP BATTALION Marine PFC. William N. Freeman, son of George N. and Dorothy R. Freeman of 8514 Shady lane, Wonder Lake, has reported for duty with the Military Police battalion, Camp Pendleton, Calif. He joined the Marine Corps in January, 1981. "Ilis Mark Twain is a down-to-earth sort of follow, a crusty old eodqer you'd as likeh meet in a saloon as in a literary den .. . il Mark Twain wasn't quite like lleu/cls vision ot him. lie should have been. -hmmhikii chicago tribune the Woodstock Opera House Mat T N.n.r, N:l "» p,|M. SI> 00 S'k.OO May '• IWHI p.m. Reserved seating Reservation* <HI.»I UH-VIOO EUREKR VRCUUM CLERNER cm PV LEE&RRY ELECTRIC 1005 N FRONT (S. R T . 31) l 385 0882 A