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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 May 1982, p. 10

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* " ' f ' ' " : • THOMAS ORGAN. 2 keyboards tfith rhythm section. condRisa RFDUCED F to 614.500. 5 Giant Oaks Estates JUST COUCH ft LOVESEAT. black naugahyde. excellent Ex FOR SALE OR TRADE, 1901 Yamaha MX 100; 1980 FT. AMANA Side de Refrigerator; 36 No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thonk J. In Memoriom. Situation Wanted. Wonted to Kent. Wan ted To Suy. and Garage Sale* MUST be paid in odvan ce The Ptaindealer it not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion. Check your od after the first insertion and call our attention to ony mistakes D I E N C E OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI.S:M A.M. to S:00 F.M SATURDAY 9-12 F.M Classified Copy Poodlino W E D N E S D A Y P A P E R - M O N D A Y 4 : 0 0 P M FRIDAY PAPER • WEDNESDAY 4:00 P.M. eiecmc beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00. Call after 5pm after 5pm Cash only, all prices firm. * 7- FOOSBALL TABLE $225 00 7-24-7-31 c with Magic Genie, dtrnlbe keyboard, 3 years okl. First FOR SALE SCREEN SHADES for Windows, many sixes 7-24-7-31C fttki CSTATC FORD 1977.:i»ton Super Cab Camper Special, power 5 HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes, Shocks ACRE High and mtrttcvcus CUSTOM PRINTED Tee S h i r t s , J a c k e t s , Uniforms, etc. Check our prices first! Blue Seas Enterprises. 815-344-1503. 5-5tfc R&S DECORATING. Custom Interior, Painting ft Wall papering. Free estimates. 815-459-4264. 5- 5tfc HELP ME HELP You Plan Your Financial Future. If You Don't, Who Will. Patrick J. Letizia, Financial Planner since 1968.815-728-0404 . 5-5tfc NOW IS THE TIME to do your concrete ,work. Call for a free estimate. C It E Concrete. 815-385-3506. 5- 5tfc J E N S E N W O O D RESTORATION. An­ tique, furniture repair and refinishing. Also Custom Woodworking. 815-385-4024. 5-5tfc R.T.ft R PAINTING CO. C o m m e r c i a l I t Residential. Interior ft Exterior. Low prices. Insured. Free estimates. Ron 815-728-0176. . 5-5tfc ROOF REPAIR DON'T BUY A NEW HOOF WHEN YOU CAN REPAIR SHINGLES HOT ROOF NEW OR REPAIR WHEN POSSIBLE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK CONST. - • 15-344-1020 ----------6 5Tf| LAWN MAMTDttNCE Lawn mowing, yard work. Free Istlmetes 815-385-3789 WONDER LAKE, H. 3HLUWL D & R LAWN MAINTENANCE t LANDSCAPING Lawn care, garden roto- tilling S fertilizing SPRING SPECIALS I 815-675-2191 Serving Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin 4 / J S / U EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR FREE ESTIMATES QUALITY WORK BM(l1f)«454M9 BM(312)3S4-S7U . Reasonable Rates for All Fainting 4 M } ; HKTHB8H SIPTIC SERVICE New Septic Installations, ond Repairs. BackHoe Work. Questions about your septic systems? Give us a call. Ask about our yearly check and maintenance plan 115-344-398Q MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW FM Spring ••totlllliig Reasonable rates, free estimates 815-385-0208 S5 4/I COMMUNITY nasmct •Tree Trimming •Tree Removal •Stump Removal •Firewood •Snow Removal ^Free istlmetes •Fully Insured {•15)385-6733 •Electrical 1 •fwily RIMS •MsMmucc Fm Dicks I Pirellis No Job Too Small Call Harry LWNZHS ECnstnctin g3 815-385-2874 » 5IF DRAPERY SERVICE, Take down, dry clean and re-hang, pickup and deliver. Call after 5pm, I15365S757. 3-28-5-7C GARDENS !D, rates. CaU after 3pm, 815365-6629. 4- 28-5-28c - BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE Professional Dog Grooming. All breeds. CaU 815-385-2018 for ap­ pointment. » 5-Stfc RICK'S ROTOTILLING, 14 hp Diesel Kubota Tractor, 42" tiller, I to |12" deep. No garden too big or too small. Very reasonable. 815-728-0181. 5-5tfc CUSTOM GARDEN Rototilling, With Troy Bilt. No garden too big or small. Call 815-385-4540. 4-21-514C GARDEN ROTOTILLING - SER­ VICE, available anytime, 815-385-1899. 4-23-5-28C SELLING YOUR CAR? Find out why more people are using the Auto sd system to sell their car. Call Auto Ad-Vantage, 815-344-3198. 4-23-5-28C NEED AN ESTIMATE For Your Concrete Work This Spring? Call Ken. Quality Work. All.Types Of Cement Work. 815-728- 1548. • 5-5tfc Q U I N N C O N ­ STRUCTION, Building since 1987. Fireplaces, Additions, Plumbing, Heating and Electrical. Bath and Kitchen Remodeling. Call for free estimate. 312-8394)700. 5 5tfc T Y P I N G F O R BUSINESS-CoUege. Fast, accurate, IBM equip­ ment. Call for rates. 815 385-8208. 5-5tfc S T E A M E X S T E A M C A R P E T c l e a n i n g "gentle but thorough", living room ii hall $45.00, additional rooms 120.00 each. Bauman Carpet Cleaning 815-943-4793. 5 5tfc C O N C R E T E C O N ­ TRACTOR, Foundations and all types of concrete work. Quality work, free estimates. 815-385-4390. 5 5-5-28C G A R D E N R O T O T I L L I N G . V e r y reasonable. Call after 4pm. 815-344-4943. 4-2-5 2fc INTERIOR * EX­ TERIOR Painting. CaU us tor a Free Estimate. We re very affordable! 115-216-7736 anytime or 815-244-1722 after 6:00pm. 5-5tfc PAINTING PLUS, all types painting, wall papering and carpentry. F r e e e s t i m a t e s , references ft insured. Best Price Around! CaU BlU 815-386-2843. 5-5tfc TOM HUBBARD, Award winning magician, is available for schools, auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-396-7186 or 312-396-6006. , 5-5tfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP, no job ia too smaU. From hanging a door to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. CaU Ken 815-344-2449. 5-5tfc INTERIOR ft EX­ TERIOR Painting and staining, fully insured, free estimates. CaU Jim 815-459-3677. 5-5tfc W A N T E D : L A W N Mbwing Jobe. CaU 815 385-1038. . * 4-30-5-5c ml k MeTQBS 14' ALUMINUM BOAT, 25 HP Evinrude and trailer, $700.00 or best. After 8pm 815-344-1761. 4- 30-5-7C HUFFY jagiav 67413-80 HIM MUTUAL BIRTHDAY ORGAN, PIANO, Ac- cordlan, Guitar In­ structions, in your home. In Popular GRANDPA'MUCKFT 18 FT STARCRAFT Runabout, brand new 85 hp rebuilt Johnson, Gator trailer, canvas, excellent ski boat, $1,500. 815344- 0180. .v 5-5-5-7C 15 FT. SHELL LAKE Boat with 40 hp Johnson motor with cover and trailer $900.00 . 815-728- 0857 after 5pm, 5-5-5-7C THUNDERBIRD 1978,18* open bow, 185 HP, I-O, OMC trailer, $8,700. 815 455̂ 2845 5-5-5-14C NOTICE ss ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EMMNMSKCUI Now Taking Orders •Parking Lots*New Drives i *U>ng Lanes^P^tcHing •Resurfacing*Seal Coating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaronteod Free Istlmetes •15-459-3960 Call Now SSav^6 4 RAKESTRAW LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE •Lawn Mowing •Roto^tllllng •Light Landscaping ' Coll 815-344-1971 (Free Estimates) * i' * * WHARTQN BLACKTOP PAVING, INC COMMERCIAL ' RESIDENTIAL Smriif your ira- 28 ynrs ixpriMci. Ninsrtf takiic iriirs. Dial iirect with owner I sm!! Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES (RAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVIL1E 312-367-0676 PLUMBING, New work, remodeling, repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. . Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815-853-9725 5-5tfc LOCAL MOVING and HAULING, reasonable rates. 815-385-9388. 5-5tfc S E W I N G M A C H I N E REPAIR, Domestic ft Industrial,In Home Service. We carry parts and supplies for sll sewing machines. Keener ft Son, Wonder Lake. 815 728-0672. 5-5tfc MARIAS ALTERATIONS, for fast service ft low prices. Open Tuesday thru Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. 815-365-3289. 4821 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 5-5tfc N O R T H E R N I L L . MECHANICAL. INC Plumbing, Hot water heat, Sewer ft Water, Septics, New work, S e r v i c e - w o r k , Remodeling. Residential ft Commercial. Licensed and Bonded. Fully in­ sured 312-546-1474. 5-5tfc S C H U E R R W A Y Builders. All phases of Carpentry, Electric, Plumbing, Heating, Tiling. No Job too small. Free advice, . no obligation. IS5-M-4I0I. 5- W • R A M L A W N S E R V I C E . Lawnmowing ft leaf service. Free catenates. 312-639-5872 or 115-459- 1383. - 5-5tfc JOIN IN OUR ClASSES OF PORCELAIN DOLL & CHINA PLATE PAINTING 815-385-5789 Check the quality of our program. Train full time or weekends. Finoncing, job placement assistance. Call free , 1-800-30-24* PAInSB 24B4S Stab H 23 s u n Child Care UNLICINSiO FACILITIKS CANT SI AOVIItTISH) According to the Child Care Act of 1969, it is a misdemeanor to care for another person's child in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is olso illegal to odver tise for such services in on unlicensed home. These licences are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety. • health 'end well- being of thelchi Id For information ond licen somen i Field Offk OS FAMILY tokeyVilla Field Office O. Sox 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. - Lake Villa, III. 60046 UlMfelSU HAPPY 19th COLEEN " : Love, Linda, Diane, Laurie & Barb HAPPY BIRTHDAY "SWRISIXTEEIT Joknsborg football Hi. 70 lm, MM, M, Cotton mi Dmiss HAPPY BIRTHDAY "NANC" Guess Who? » » (uric. 16.00 and up. 815- 344-1743,615 <66 8MB. 5-5 5-7C CAM <f TSAWM ETERNAL Thanks to St. Jade and the Sacred Heart of" Jesus for petitions answered. All things are possible. G. 5-5-5-7C THANK YOU ST. Jude for favors granted. D.P. 5-5-5-7C OUR THANKS TO all for the cards, kind thoughts and expressions of sympathy on the death of our father, Arthur Philip Simpson. Glenna House Trish Eiserman and families 5-5 A SPECIAL Thanks to all the Nurses on the Pedistric Floor ' at McHenry Hospital. Dr. Baxamusa,, Father Bartel, Rauen, Kilduff and Priests snd especially Father Fish. To my friends, classmates, relatives, thanks for the cards, visits, you will never know how much I ap­ preciate your kindness. To Ms. Bush snd the Johnsburg High School staff and students, thanks for helping me get caught up. , Paul Klein 5-5 is ata«ma IN LOVING Memory o( Our Mother, Shirley Jensen, Who passed away 9 years ago on May 8th. We miss you now, Our hearts are sore. As time goes by we miss you more, Your Loving smile, Your gentle face, No one can fill Your vacant place. Daughters, June It Patti and their families 5-5-5-7C 1161 RM 100, excellent condition 8750.00; 1979 KX 10, good condition 1350.00. Call Steve 815-456-0623. 5- 5-5-7C 1975 XR 75 HONDA, excellent condition. 1225.00.815-336-5141. 55 57c AUTOS 1 9 7 3 M U S T A N G , a u t o m a t i c , p o w e r steering, power brakes, 54,000 miles, am-fm stereo. Like new, 12,000 or offer. 815-338-3993. 4-30-5 7C 1968 BUICK SUPER, 4 door 11,200; 1973 Volkswagon, 412 , automatic $550. 815335 5-5-5-7C SITUATION WANTED CHILD CARE IN my home, license number 555146, Wonder Lake Area. 815-7260777. 5-5-5- 7c LICENSED CHILD Day Care, my Lakeland Park Home, McHenry. Call 815 344-3895. License No. 540660. 5-5-5-7C GIVEAWAY: 2 Year Old Registered Male Long Haired Dashound. Very lovable and well behaved. Prefer older couple 815- 344-3995 5-5 PCTS FOft SAL£ BASSET H O U N D Puppies. AKC Cham­ pion bloodlines, SVfc months old. 6164161714. 5557c Nifties wmnwif mit mm kmrnmrnm LICENSED DAY CARE. Excellent references. License number 1598704. 815-344-3309. 4-26-5-21C S P R I N G T I M E Cleaning. Will do cleaning in your home, call Laura 618 196 tm. 5-6-6-7C MOTORCYCLES 1978 HONDA 7S0K, full dress, Windjammer fairing, Bates bags with chrome rails, back rest snd luggage rack, 6,000 miles, very clean $1966.00 815-344-1876. 5-5 5-14C ' LATE MODEL 1978 Full Dress Hirkqr, 9,MO miles, am-fm cssssrts, 40 «*»«eiifie» CB, KJ50.00, ask for Ed, 8153051494. 5557c 1961 440 LTD Kawasaki Motorcycle, undsr 1,106 miks $1400.06. Call after 6pm and ask for Jim. 815-366-1717. 5-557C 1974 DODGE COLT, 46,000 miles, good con­ dition, $950.00. 815*85 9620 after 5pm. 5-5-5-7C LET US SHOP FOR your auto and cycle insurance. Preferred standard, sub standard, budget terms. For personal quote call Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815-338-3328. 55 5-7c 1974 PINTO STATION Wagon, 4 cylinder, 24 mpg, excellent shape, in running condition. New exhaust, good tires, am- fm, air, $1,125.00. 815-728- 1425 5-5-5-7C 1979 BUICK LeSabre Limited, 4 door, 350 engine, tilt wheel, cruise control, am-fm, power steering, power brakes, air, custom interior, excellent condition $5,800.00.815-344-3198. 5 5-5-7C 1 9 7 6 M E R C U R Y Monarch, well cared for. Some surface rust, 46,000 miles, 2 door, sutomstic, power steering, am radio, $2,250.00. Call after 6pm, 815-344-5949. , 5-5-5-7C 1947 GMC 4 ton pickup, $800.00.815-459-3106. 5-5- 5-7c 1975 PINTO 2 door, 4 c y l i n d e r e n g i n e , automatic transmission, good condition, $116.00. McHenry 815-344-1876. 5- 5-5-14C CONVERTIBLE 1973 Olds Delts 86, air conditioning, full power, low mileage, good condition, one family owned, $2,300.00. 815- 675-2823 ~ 54-6-7C 1971 IMP ALA 400, 4 door, good solid body, no holes. Engine in perfect condition. Doss'nt burn oil. Car needa new brakes, asking $460.00. 815-386-5663. 5-5-5-7C 1974 SAAB 99 LE, 4 door, automatic, air con­ ditioning, stereo, fog lights, luggage' rack, excellent condition. After 8pm, 815-316 8981. 5667c 1976 PINTO SQUIRE wagon, a.c., p.s., p.b., 38,000 mites. ItSM.OO. 8153864MB. 5557 1966 RAMBLER Am­ bassador, 332, V-8, automatic, p.s.f tran­ sportation special, $225.00.8157251171. 5-5 57 1969 FORD Fairiane, 4 door, stripping for parts, many good body k motor parts. All glass excellent. 8157251171. 566-7 tAMtt SAU GARAGE SALE, Little bit of everything; Chain link fence with gate lSO'xS'; Pool with sand filter; Snowmobile; Clothes; Plants; Plus more. Friday May 7th, 9am to 5pm, Saturday May 8th, 9am to 6pm. 1412 South Route 31, Mcjienry. 5557c 3 FAMILY Garage Sale, Good stuff! Children adults; Household; Thursday ft Friday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday 9:30 am to 1:00 pm, 912 Oakwood, Whispering Oaks. 5557c G A R A G E " S A L E , Friday only! 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, 3122 River- stream (by McHenry Country Club) 2 hp Evinrude; Couch; Singer zigxag; 8x10 orange rug; Queen bedspread; Drapes; Girls clothes; Toys; Slide. 5557c 2 FAMILY Garage Sale, 1901 North Sunset, ^ L a k e l a n d P a r k . Thursday, Friday k Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. No Early Birds. 56-57C GARAGE SALE, May 7th ft 8th. andcoata; Men's clothes; Small appliancea; Crib frame; Headboards; Child's bike seat; Dinette set; Many miac. items. 9604 N. Woodland Drive, Piatakee Highlands. Johnsburg Road to Broadway. Corner of B r o a d w a y a n d Woodland. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Cash only. 5-5 57c t Girls clothes i; Toys; Books; G A R A G E S A L K S , Lamps; Portable bar; Stamp Collecting; misceaaneous. Thur ' sday, . Friday ft Saturday, 4111 East Drive, Wonder Lake. 5 557c G A R A G E S A L E , Sidsboard; Coffee-book table; Clothing; Miac. Thursday thru Saturday, 1615 West Oakleaf Drive, Sunnyside Estates. 5-55 7c . (7 5 FAMILY GARAGE Sale, May 7, 8, ft 9th. Friday 10am to 5pm, Saturday ft Sunday 9am to 5pm. Rain date May 14, 15 ft 16th. 1307 Sunset Drive, Holiday Hills. 5-5 57c RUMMAGE SALE, St Johns BVM Sodslity, Friday May 7th, 9am to 5pm, Johnsburg Com­ munity Club, 2315 Church Street. >• 55-57c GARAGE SALE, 4613 West Spruce, Lakeland Park. Thursday, Friday ft Saturday May 6th thru 8th, 9am to 5pm. Sola; Chairs; Clothing (infant up); Bikea; Toys; Dishes; Humidifier; Sewing machine; Baby furniture; Bed Spreads; Drapes. Turn on Ramble (across from Burger King) follow signs. 5-55 7c GARAGE SALE, May 6th Thursday 9am to 5pm, 5615 North Ridgeway, Ringwood. Ping Pong table; 7 pc. drum aet; G u i t a r s ; L a r g e refrigerator; Freeser; Baby and adult clothes; Plus household items. Very Reaaonable. 5557c GARAGE SALE, Tools; Antiques; Lawn fur­ niture; Furs; Gifts; Typewriter; Much misc. Friday ft Saturday May 7th ft 8th, 9am, 3903 East Lake Shore Drive, ' Wonder Lake. - 5557c GARAGE SALE, 6 Families, lots of odds snd ends. Crib; Wssher; D r y e r ; S t o v e ; Refrigerator; Clothes from before Bsby to Great Grandma; Drapes; etc. 5812 Wonder Woods Drive, Wonder Lake. Thursday, Friday ft Saturday 10am to 6pm. 5 557c S U P E R G A R A G E - Moving Sale: Children clothee in excellent condition, boys-infant to 3 T, Girls 2 to6X; Playpen; Youth bed; Dishes; Dresser with mirror; Washer and dryer; Men 3 speed bike in excellent condition; Lots of household things. Thursday ft Friday, 9am to 6pm, Saturday, 9am to lpm, 1408 Suneet Drive, Holiday Hills 5557c 3 FAMlfS^YARD SALE. Outboard motors and parts; TV antennae; Old collection; Roll down desk and much more. May 7, 8 ft 9th, 9am to 8pm. 3710 Burton Trail, (one block west of river on Rte. 176 and 2 blocks south on Burton Trail. 5 1964 T-BIRD, Metallic Wc Midnight Blue, white GARAGE SALE, MayT top, silver blue 7, 8, 9am-7pm. Adult and 1973 PINTO, excellent mechanical condition, very good tires, some body runt. $400.00. 815365 53557c SALE Brown vinyl colonial love*eat rocker, misc. maple end table*, dark pine rocker, mite, yard S garden tool*, lawn mower, metal cabinet, 2 dr. olive refrigerator, tool ' bench, spreader, picnic Toro Snow blower, household Items . ond other, too much to men­ tion. tee el (Foxrldgo) \/v%n interior. 95 percent restored, $1,700.00. Serious - buyers only 57c s mi 1972 HONDA 176, electric start, low miks, excellent condition, 6196.00. 315745 5J557C 1976 YAMAHA 656 Special. Mack and chrome, under 1500 milea,' excellent condition $1,600.00.8153857975. 5 2557c 1959 CADDY SEDAN DeVille, for reeto or parts Best offer. 815365 7588 after 5pm. 56557c WE BUY CARS o n d TRUCKS i n a n y c o n d i t i o n 815 338 0270 F m n T o w i n q children's clothes, bis* 1 s_ , t-«--a * teds, Dtrd caftt; toys; eld cam area; storage cabinet for van; oak ft 4 chairs; camping ft f i s h i n g g e a r ; miscellaneous household. 2725 Hiawatha Trail (aaat on Bay Road, follow 1). - 5557c MOVING SALE, | ft 9th, 9am to 5pm Hids-a-bed; Twin bad; IAKIA mm! nhelr« iviicnen utDif ana cfuiirBg Large mirror;'Complete stereo; Dark room; Patio furniture; Books and much more. Cash only. No Early Btnk 116 W. Navajo Trail, Worthmore Eetatee, off Bay Road, m mile eeet of Chapel mil, north on Sequoia to Navajo. 5557e .j * SALE Colonial sofa 6 loveseat, smooth valour, off whMe background with multi print. and and table, be. cond. $790. Dork rocker with pads $79. Cx. cond. Country Colonial bdrm set. Dork ptne. dr- sr, with mirror hutch. chtWerobe w^h cabinets 6 drawers, mtchg. ntte connonboll hd. 6 ft. Wd. complete. Kx. $690. 5 ft. wood 6 dad bar with S $375. OH. cond. Teeee mi 1 BLACKTOP PAVIHG R e s i d e n t i a l C o m m e r c i a l I n d u s t r i a l B i j s a v i n g * o n R e s i d e n t i a l P r o v o n b y • h o u s o n d s o f s a t i s f i e d c g ^ f o m o r s SPRING DISCOUNT • M o t h i n o ( a i d # N » » v v H i v e s • K * » > u d a c i n q • P a r k i n g l o t s • S « » u ! C o a t i n g A l l w o < l > g u a f a n t i > « » d F r e e f s t » m a t i » s 312-546-5600 _ G r a y s l a U o I I I

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