K/U ESTATE H£lf IDANTEO fit SUE H BEDROOM riktoed family more. I at 13 re-write at large Much 14-14% 616461- 54 FULL PRICE far old small heaaa. EZ larms to handyman's family. Gas hsat. 015- 4 54-5-7C CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 bedrooms. Assumable 8% percent, $42,900 with $30,000 down. 815-4504705. 5557c 98 x135' RESIDENTIAL lot High A dry. Trees sad nice view, city water. Oakwood Shores, Wooder Lake. 10,000.00. 5-5-5-7 DOWNTOWN CLEANING LADY McHENRY. Prime 2 weeks, approximately 3 Oaimsri Isl B-S, 00 ft hoars. Otto Meyer, X710 frontage on Rte. ISO, W. Kashmiri, McHenry. $10, W OO down, Owner 015-3055015 5557c financing. 1 story, 0 rooms, ptos basement, frame buildta* garage, permanent factory help to Lama, 3150054000, 0:00 shift Company am to4:00pm. 445511c benefits available. Hyoa WILL SELL OR 1HADE 10 bedroom house, par tially furnished on waterfront plus extra lot in rear for: 3 bedrjom house on waterfront only, on Chain of Lakes Only. 815305-0005 or, 315204- 7041. 5557c WANTED East Campus High School ghrl, class of *03, Interna ting, For CANOPY COYER Shore Station, 21 ft, frame wait, 00" width, slightly damaged. Ap proximately 0 years old, PH. mi _ 8400.00. Call Days sis-305- WANTED FULL TIME PA5T J11® ^ °®ce 0170 or evantafi 015305 -- Counter sates A 0404, ask for Tom 55tfc 5557c WONDER LAKE For Sole By Owner 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, front room, dining room, kitchen, enclosed porch, 2V4 cor garage, corner lot, full basement, low taxes. $45,000. with 10% down, 11% financing, owner will N After 4:00 P.M. 312-299-5160 S/S-S/7 S/S MORTGAGE LIKE NEW hillside ranch, with garage under neath. 3 bedrooms, ) bath, hot water hoot, full basement. Landscaped lot close to lake with rights. $56,000.90% down, five year mortgage 815-385-3685 L HELP WANTED ~~ R.N.'S L.P.N.'S NEEDED We care with love and love to care. ROYAL TERRACE is a growing, progressive, skilled care facility. * . WILL YOU COME GROW WITH US Excellent benefit package. FuH time or port time positions available.' For more infor mation call DORA LINDCMAN, R.N., D.O.N. ROYAL TERRACE 803 Royal Drivo McHenry, II. 815-344-2400 An »quol opportunity wwptoyy M/f 5/S-S/7 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT FULL TIME McHenry Location A/R, A/P, and payroll background. Good typing skills required. CRT experience a plus Will assist in all phases of accounting N, ^procedure. Some Personnel and insurance duties. Must be self starter and well organized. Good salary based perience. - Send resume to In MM on ex- 3112 W.Eli SI H. DRAFTSMAN SHEET METAL EXPERIENCED W« or* a loading monufocturor of industrial ovont of- faring an OMcallant opportunity to a qualifiad draf tsman. Tho solactad applicant mutt havo a minimum of S yaors Shoot Motol drafting oxparianca and damon- strata naatnoss and accuracy in thoir work. This is a parmonant position with top starting salary andbonofits. PISOM coil tor an appointment. • - D.V. GRIEVE <• (312)646-0226 THE GRIEVi CORP. RbUND LAKE, IL. 4 nam The ropidly growing dty of McHenry Is seeking applications for the position of Superintendent of Public Works. • Administrative sMN* required < Experience and personnel monogement necessary. Engineering bodtground desirable. Must be skilled' in publk relations. Dudes and responsibilities in-' dude< Supervision and or monogement of oN phases of o pubic works operation., In cluding maintenance of streets, sidewalks, water and Sewer lines; porks and equip ment) snow and ice control sweeping ond budget preparation, Salary S26.000. plus exceOent package. Moke application or send fesume tot Office of the Moyor 1111 N. Green St. McHenry, H. 60050 OWNER, 2 house, raducad to 920,000. Good investment, call 316- 305-3490 5-5tfc have a stable record, come in to aaa Mr. Donahue at Foot Vi Marking Systems, ITS Northwest Highway, Cary, D. (312-030-0000) 4- 30-5-5 HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED. Moat be boodable; part time, daytime hours. Mature persons preferred. 016- 905-1077. 4404-7C FUGHT ATTENDANT •siting mature woman to care for 2 children in my home 2 or 3 days a week. Guaranteed s a l a r y , l i g h t housekeeping and oc casional overnights. 315- 3060007. 5-S6-7C WANTED Weat Campus High School girl, Class of '03, intereating, congenial work. 013-043- 4701 _ 5-5-5-7C nght howskaeplng 016- IP IMP 5-5-5-7C WASHERS * DRYERS, DOKED1ATE OPENING reconditioned ft APPLIANCES: REFRIGERATORS, Freeaars, Washers and Dryers, electric and gas ranges. Clean new at raaaonable pricea. All reconditioned and guaranteed. Wahl Used Appliances, 3421B. Pearl. 015-306-1072. . 66tfc WEDNESDAY. MAY HI SENT for telephone salea in McHenry office. Working hours 6am4pn, Monday thru Friday. Call 414479- 544-7c GOAT MILK Call 3pm to 344-6137. for HEARING AIDS. Salea, Rentals 6 Repairs. Free 4434»7c Testing. Call anytime 015- 305-1135. Whispering Point Hearing Aid Center, 4302 Weat Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 5-5tfc sale. 015- 5-5-6-7C AV< )11 IK MOST OUT OF SPUR. Earn oxtra monoy soiling Avon. So your own boss and sot your own hours. $15.00 invostmont, ovor !,c°WylfcClvi EARN EXTRA INCOME, in your spare time. Assistance provided. Call for appointment, between 5:00 ft 7:00 pm 3134*4- 1100. 5-6tfc TEMPORARY OFFICE Assignment in your area. We need people to fill in for vacations and peak periods. Csll Working World. 0164564400. 56 RESPONSIBLE LOVING child care needed. dune 1002, 3 days per week, approximately 0 months out of the year for 10 month and 5 year old boys. Call after 0pm. Must reside Johnsburg and furnish references. 312-497-4030. 5-5-5-7C 75rar ROUTE SALES Maintain and onlorgo prosont routo. Solos and public rotations. Full Tim* Car nocossory, good op portunity for mature, porsonablo parson 815-338*1733 DEISEL TRACTOR, model 495, 3 point hitch, low hours, also extra attachments. 815-305-2933 5-5-5-7C VW HI-PERFORMANCE Type 1 engine lOOOcc; Hi- Performance engine parts 015-720-0000. 5-5-5- 7c WATERBET), KING sise, mirrored bookesse headboard. Full motion mattress, vibrstor and base, sheets, 2 pillows included. Excellent condition, *500.00 firm. 815-053-9434 call between • 7am it 9pm. 5-5-5-7C SPECIAL! ANTHONY Waterer Spirea, full grown, dig 10 and get one free, 32.00 each. Call after 6pm 815-338-0949. 4-30-5- 7c SINGER Sewing Machine with cabinet, Zig-sag stitch, good condition 6125.00 or offer. Call 615405-0000. 5-5-5-7 C M FT. WOOD Extemion ladder 325 06; Siae 6, seven bell wedding gown with vail and train $76.00.015405-0791. 56- 5-7C COLOR TV's. Sears Conaole $125.00; 19" Wards and Sylvsnia $100.00; Black k White Zenith 040.00. All just serviced. 0163054047 after 0pm. ' 544-7c 1012 TYPEWRITER Deck. 42" lenght, 32" width, 30" high, original typewriter, $05 00. 015- 3054206 54-5-7C 12" BLACK and White Television sat; Olympus camera; 1 pair ice skates sise 14; Air hockey table; BB pellet rifle; Sise 13 ski boots; wood stove. 015-3304097. 5-5-5-7C NEW ft USED RR TIES, Bulk Grass Seed. We Deliver. Woodstock Farm ft Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, Wood stock. 0154364300. 5-Stfc INTRODUCTORY OF FER: Rent s Quality Water Softener for $3.00 a month for the first 3 months. Free installation. Call collect 0154366344 Quality Water Con ditioning. 5-5tfc BUMPER POOL TABLE, regulation sise, slate top, lots of cues, excellent condition. Call 815-720- 1049 after 0pm. 5-5-5-7c 1977 CHAMPION 20 ft. Motorhome, self con tained, sleeps 64, 15.000 miles, regulsr gas, $13,000.015430-2177 5-5- 5-7c AMERICAN BEST, Illinois largest full ser vice pool distributors, must sell the big new 1902 31' family site swimming pool, complete with deck, fence, filter and warranty, completely ONION SETS, 32 lb. installed for only 3995 00 sacks, yellows $10.50 Financing svailable. Call each. Call anytime, ask Audrey 015-562-7027 for Don or Andy 015-500- collect, right now while 2075. We deliver, Also the supply lasts. 5-5-5-20C carry Seed Potatoes. 5-5- 5-7c MOVING SALE, household furnishings. 3054874. couches, dining room and bedroom set, much misc. Great condition 015-344- 1922 evenings. 5-5-5-7C 2 LAZY SUSANS $50 00; 1 - Formica Counter with All sink opening $10.00. 815- 5-5-5-7C MAN W ANTED to share comfortable, air coe- ditioned home la McHenry. $230.00 monthly Includea utilities, Available now. 615485-2233. 544-7C WANTED PERSON to share 3 bedroom air conditioned houae in Lakeland Park. $350.00 month indudee utilities. Available Immediately. 616444 0402. 544-14C OFFICE SPACE. Ideal location, ckee to bank. Post office and stores. Approximately 430 sq. ft Will dscorste to suit. $380.00 includes heat, electric, air con ditioning. 3433 Weat Elm Street. Call for ap pointment. 8154860811 or 815485-1364.' 56tfC 2 BEDROOM Apart ment with stove, refrigerator snd sir conditioner. No children, no pets. References, lease and deposit required. 8295.00 month plus utilities. Available July 1st. 815- 385-7065. 54tfc ROOM IN Lovely Iskefront - executive home, 850.00 week, utilities paid, long stay preferred. Fishing boat svailable. Kitchen privilegss. Csll Doris 815-385-1811 or 312-986- 4900. leave messsge, 5- 5tfc 3 BEDROOM Rsised ranch, 2 hatha, large living and dining ares, deck, fsmily room with fireplsce, garsge, central air, stove and refrigerator furnished, good sized back yard with garden, next td Peterson Park, close to new Jewel and shopping center, $510.00 month plus security deposit. Available June. 015-305- 6181 5-5-5-7C FOXRipGE, 3 Deoroom, split level, ih hatha, family room, all ap pliances, 2 car garage and deck, l year lease. $888.00 per month. Realty WorM»Durbta-Stovall. 8153864080. 5-56-7C WANTED: Roommate to share 3 bedroom home (bedroom upstairs) 3300.00 month, . utilities included. 815-728-1123 after 4:30pm. 5-5-5-7C 3 BEDROOM Houae, family room and garage, 2 BEDROOM HOME, fell Edgebrook, $390.00 plus basement, oversised utilities snd security. 815- garage, doee to town with 344-1982 evenings. 5-5-5-7c a country setting $375 month, deposit and references, stove snd refrigerator included. Call8154854437. 440-5-7C RENT WITH OPTION to buy. Almoat new seven room ranch with three bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, appliances, attached garage. Rental 8450.00 per month plus option money. Realty World-Durbin-Stovall. nirnr TO HINT 8154854080. 5-5-5-7c LARGE 1 Bedroom apartment, in heart of McHenry. Air con ditioned, stove and refrigerator. $250.00. Call 815-385-3490 5-5tfc LEASE WITH OPTION to buy, four bedroom home, family room, 2 car garage on half acre site. $450.00 plus additional $50 00 option money. Call for more details. Realty World-Durbin-Stovall, 815-3854000 5-5-5-7c NEWLY CARPETED and painted home with River rights. Stove and references included. Adults only, no pets, $250.00 per month plus c l e a n i n g d e p o s i t . Available now. Realty World-Durbin-Stovall415- 3854060 5-5-5-7T WANTED TO RENT. Reliable Family looking for house in McHenry. 2 or 3 bedrooms,' with basement, l or 2 car garage. Call after 4pm. 815-330-2616. 4-21-5-14C MIDDLE AGE Couple working in McHenry, need 2 bedroom apart ment 3124394804, call after 5:00pm. 440-5-7c Twurar TO BUY WANTED SOLENOID And Starter For 1962-18, 25 or 35 hp Evinrude motor Call after 6:30 pm, 815-385-4718. 5-5tfc S L O T M A C H I N E S wanted. Paying over $000 cash Any condition Also 78 RPM Wurlitzer Juke Boxes 414-248-3796 1-13- 7-2c MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE0 Buying Antique F u r n i t u r e , C h i n a . Glassware, Lamps, Xmas Ornaments, Etc. 815-678- 4141, • 4-7-5-28C WANTED To Buy. Old Amway Cassette tapes. 815-338 5435 5-5-5-7C CLEAN, FURNISHED A p a r t m e n t , O n e bedroom. 815-385-8905 or 815-3854266. 5-5tfc BHS/VM < DRIVER Split Shift Approximately 5 hours a day. Driving Bus/Von "3" liconso roquirod. Im modiato position. $5.00 •par hour. fwly Snicts 815-344-0030 4/)0-S/g Wonted for New Restaurant in Wander Lake Area Only experienced heed apply •15-344-5493 S/S-S/T PULVERIZED TOP SOIL DELIVERED 7 Yards $66.66 12 Yards 100.60 20 Yards $130.66 L PEASE CONSTRUCTION CO. 815-675-2582 312-587-8367 SHORE STATION, 2.000 lb. capacity 3900.00. Excellent condition. 015- 0534512. 440-5-7C 1070 SLBEKCRAFT Rebel Jet Boat, 454 Chevy, cam rocker-roller kit, Berkley F Pump. Needs repsir, make offer. 0154834612 440-5-7C BEDDING PLANTS Ooroniwms. Mums ondfottod Cactus and Housa Plants SCHLESSER'S GREENHOUSE 296ff W. Rte. 120 (1 Modi oast of Off II Sd) SECRETARY FIR11IME Immadiato opening for < motors, rosponslblo par son with ploosont disposition, to work in a small offtco. in McHonry Accuroto typing ot 50 wpm. 35 hour work wook good bonofits, $9.50 par hour. Call KISHWAUKB . TITLE CO. 115-315-7360 To SPRING SALE SCOTCH PINE EVERGREENS a Regular $24.95 Each ; Boiled end Burl oped tele Price *12 JB lach Shrubs $1.99 end up HCORN RIDOINURSBRY Dorrell id., McHenry (Vole) (Rio. 120 lost to DorroO Rd. thon South 1% milos to Rursory) Wo grow 6 propogoto oM tho plonts wo soil -f <**• u .$ I JO Work involves dovolop- mont. fabrication, modification. v ond machining of existing and prototype equipment for the manufacture of now products. Personal initiative and inven tiveness is importont. A minimym of 5 yaors work with lathes, drill presses. I end vortical mitling machines Excel lent company including profit For appointment, caff: 3tS40t-tS00 THE QUAKER OATS 117 V. Mi SI lew* X> f 4JOSS •lr I960 Medallion Hp Te 60% Off on slightly domogod ond discontinued cabinets. Spaciol prices on laminated counter tops ond culturad morbla vanity tops. Bring in this od for astro savings Wa con supply oil your storage need* for the kt«- chon, both, family room, bor, foundry room or offico. Cosh ond Carry All Soles FIROI . mm mmm m TOP FORM CO.,I 7m kmc! kin I15-72M203 t Wt t wo CONCRETE LAWN ornaments-deer, bird- bath, planters, lions, cows, dwarfs, etc. Perfect Mothers day present. Hwy. 50, 8 miles east of Lake Geneva. 414-537- 4529 5-5-5-7C WASHER 6 DRYER, Copper, Whirlpool, 2 speed super wash washer; G.E automatic control gas dryer, full Size, 3300 00 815-305-2052, 9am-5pm, ask for Dan 5 5-5-7C LAWN MOWER, Self propelled, 22" used twice $125.00 or best 815-344 3190 • * 5-5-5-7C AIR CONDITIONER $50.00; Tractor In ternational 340 utility $550 00 815-305-2933 5-5- 5-7C 7 7" • fc MEDITERRANEAN Sofa, 2 chairs, end tables, $350.00, Call after 6pm. 815-3854718 5-5-5-7c TWO 3 Speed folding bikes $20.00 each; 16" bike, $15.00; Electric Charbque $20 00 815-385- 5632 5-5-5-7C 2 TRAILERS 4 x6"x6 6" $75 00 each, 815-365-2933 • 5-5-5-7C 21" POWER Driven Toro Mulcher mower, one year old, $225 00 815-305-3752 5-5-5-7C SET OF Golf Clubs with bags, slso individual clubs, very reasonable Call anytime 815-385-4400 ' - 5-54-7C MANY ITEMS onaale. including Infsnts, childrens, Isdies snd mens clothing. Colonial House Thrift Shoppe, 5116 W Elm. 815-365- 1744, Hours Mon. Tues, Thurs A Fri. 104, Sat. 0-Noon, Closed on Wed. 544-7 1978 CITATION Phoenix, 20" ten speed bicycle, like new $75.00 815-733-1171. 5-5-5-7 NEW 2 BEDROOM Apartment, McHenry area, 14 car attached garage, dishwasher, central air, cable TV, washer, dryer hookup. Security deposit, no pets, $390.00 815-338-0600 week days or 815-653-9395 weekends. 5-5tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE iffld Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815- 385-9060 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm: 5- 5tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, References and security deposit required 815-365-1079 . 5-5tfc LARGE ONE BEDROOM Apartmenta, $275 00 plus utilities, Security deposit required. No pets. 815-385- 5-5tfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENTS, James and 0292or815-344 1035 Third Street, McHenry Call 312-381 2059 or 312- INDUSTRIAL SPACE, 3814107. . 5-5tfc Available, Fritzsche -- Industrial Park, Inc.* 2 BEDROOM AIR con- 5!000 sq ft to 15,000 sq ft ditioned, with garage, 815-385-1079 5-5tfc available immediately, -- Lakeland Park, $350 00 WONDER LAKE, 3 month plus security Bedroom Ranch Central deposit 815-385-4905 5-5- air, full appliances, at 5-7c tached garage $475 00 month, security deposit OFFICE SPACE, 236 sq and 1 year lease ft utilities included, Available June 1st 312- plenty of parking. 815485- 537-7438. 5-5tfc 8700 5-5tfc --• -- BUILDING SUITABLE FOR Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant, Beauty Shop or whatever 2906 West Route 120, $300 00 per month Open noon til 2pm daily. 4-28-5-5c WANTED Boat Lift. 1500 lb. minimum, under $300 00 81$344- 3346 . 5-5-5-7C WANTED ANY Old Oriental Kugs to Buy, ^ Any Condition Call Roberta 1-414 7284190. Also Selling i 10425c CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal 312- 526-3116. 5-5tfc WANTED AUTOS, all makes and models, running or not. Gaftb paid. 24 hour pickup service. 815-728 1171 5-54-28C % CASH PAID For Junk Johnson or Evinrude Outboard Motors 815-385- 4056 ^ 5-5tfc USED BABY CRIB in good condition, call 815- 653-9026 5-54-7C WANTED Baby Scale in (i<M)d Condition, call after fi :«)pm 815 385 4718 5 5tfc CONDO AT NORTH Fox. For sale, $39,700 or rent $375.00 2 bedrooms, 14 baths, all applisnces including washer and dryer plus swimming pool 8154534277 5-5tfc HOUSE IN Crystal Lske, 2 bedrooms, stove, refrigerstor, Isrge finished bssement, garage, fenced in. 312-025- 3497. 440-5-7C NEAT, SMALL 1 bedroom • house with basement. Ideal for Senior citizen, others need not csll. No pets, references and security deposit required. $220.00 month. Csll after 7pm 815- 385-2345 4-30-5-7C 1ST FLOOR 2 bedroom apartment, $265.00 per month. Heat, stove snd refrigerstor furnished. Security deposit snd lesse required 815^3064469 . 4- 30-5-7C 3 MONTHS FREE RENT. New modern building, with plenty of parking Next to Post office and 4 block from bank. 5 offices to choose from, rents range from $50 00 per month to $150 00, depending on office selected Call 815-728- Q404 . 5-5tfc SENIOR CITIZEN'S COR I -R MUPfUl IDi AS f OR SUCCISSIUI RfTIRtMtNl ' haling Kighl II you have ever participal- ed^ii a weight loss program on the group level, voti prob ably were (old again and again thai "you are whaloyou cal " Hat tats, he tat; eat too much, be obese .. - 1-be statement is true, of course Diet has much to do with our health, our weight "andjfRryhe, in a sense,'our READY NOW, 2 bedroom menial altitude, becauseover apartment, with stove and refrigerator, dish- w a s h e r , c a r p e t e d throughout, 24 baths 815-365-2181. 5-5tfc indulgence can affect the way we frcl about lite, and about our individual selves Proper eating habits be- come Jtt^r-easingI y import - ant as we grow older, l or many, the problem ceases to he overindulgence; it Jie- arid comr,ama,,cr^of eating only the loods that we like or be- 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, ready now, fully car peted, , with stove refrigerator. 815-305-7830 54tfc com,n8so ,rre8u'ar in eating 1 habits that we fail to give th<r --RUT-- 81S-653-9924 sr sis-aasssa 41B LNoar liki M IL We buy ond sell used furniture We buy scrop metals II » n 3,000 $Q. FI. of professional office space available in lower level at 3)0 W. Tom Cetta Ah Crystal Like Will remodel Cell •1S-3S5-10M Lllii C L E A N S L E E P I N G ROOMS Dsily or Weekly rstes. 815-3054905 or 015- 3064206 body the nourishment it needs I he problem can be acute lor persons who live a ... lone Mealv prepared and • c eaten in solitude fend to be- come dull and uninteresting and, sometimes, just too' W O N D E R L A K E , Wooded Shores Clean ">>'th trouble and nest, nicely decorated. AlmOst new home with finished up- f". We begin to dig ourselves t a hole when we lose interest getting up to prepare a meal to sec the end of a TV pro- (IVIAVAV F R E E H O R S E MANURE, U-haul. Call for directions, Monday thru Fridsy. 9am to 5pm. mwiw S-5-5-7r OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT U it tlm« for yov *• DOM your cvrrwil offk* •poc* r«pr«»*nl you woll to your clionH? Luxurious > spoc* ovoilobl* in modorn Richmond Sldfl on U S. St* 12. 125 «q. H to 1,000 tq ft. All utilities included Coll Sob Moy SI 5-678-2861 ^stairs and 2 baths, rsnge MM.OO month 8'5, 6" laic, M. vlllc (ot 1 acracker and aglassof milk. There are times when we just 4 BEDROOM, 24 bath w||e for thc cracker and milk home. • location, ,, secm, t0 be more Walking distance trouble than it's worthlo fix shopping snd school, anwal for one or I wo persons Fenced in ysrd, no pets. Whcn wc fa„ intothis pat- June 1st occupancy, 1 ,crn> we dig the hole deeper . year lesse, security anj deeper deposit snd references A >aCCXU£ required $450 00 per month. 615-306-2001 or 015- 365-1143 544-14C WONDER LAKE. 2 small 2 bedroom homes Rau^s 4 Refrigerator, $245 00 broke teenager, and 3300.00 month 015- «sy I'm *orth s million dol 5-54-7C lsr» to you, can I have, a dot Dowepaysaeal "Mother," pleaded the since yob