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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 May 1982, p. 13

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WONDER LAKE Ann* Sowors 653-9549 Queen Candidate "ri* «• *Ktatod Civil Air Patrol Organizes In Area PAGE 13 - PLAINDKALER - WEDNESDAY, MAY ft. l«t T-m l . % * MARIJ ACOBSON Mart Jacobson, 17-year-old daughter of Charlie and Dottee Jacobaon of Sunrise Ridge, has been selected by the giris of her senior class at Woodstock high school to be one of the five candidates for queen of the annual May Tribute on May 7. Final voting will take place after an assembly of all Woodstock high girls on May 3, at which time the can­ didates are preaented and a spokesgirl for each will speak in behalf of her candidate. The final decision is never revealed until the time of the tribute, traditionally a program put on by the senior girls to honor all mothers. Mari has been an outstanding student her four years at Woodstock high school in many ways, both scholastically and with her in­ volvement in numerous school ac­ tivities and programs. A four-year honor roll student, she will be a fresh­ man at Carthage college in Kenosha, Wis., with a major in Science.* Good luck, Mari, you're already a winner in your home town! RUMMAGE SALE As you are taking on the task of Spring clesning and you come across some articles that might not be of use to you any longer, don't forget the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake Rummage sale. It will be held Saturday and Sunday^ May 22 and 23, at the Highland Shores Community building. ~ Any articles, other than adult clothing, you have to contribute would be willingly accepted. Any questions should be directed to Sara Hearity, chairperson, at 653-9650. ucgau vcuciuiig aitaaa of the congregation on to 10:36 a.m. the topic relationships within the iSALE fonder Lake Fire lent auxiliary Mothflrt *day ' \ will be held Sunday, May 6, at the Co. I firehouse. The hours are 6:36 a.m. to 1 p.m. In addition to bakery treats, there Will be featured silk corsages and last minute gifts for mothers. Proceeds will be used to buy equipment for the firemen. MISS W.L. CONTEST APPLICATIONS The Wonder Lake Jaycees are again sponsoring the Miss Wonder Lake contest, and applications are now available. An applicant must be between the ages of 16-21; single and never been married; and a resident of ' Wonder Lake for at least six months. Many interesting and worthwhile activities are being planned for the contestants as they are prepared far the contest which win be held Friday night, July 2. For information about how to receive an application, call 7S44M. • > NATIVITY NEWS Members of Nativity Lutheran church enjoyed a family Sunday, May 2, at 4 p.m. A "Where Luther Wi after the dinner. * There will be a congregational bowling party at the Johnsborg Bowl May 23, at 6 p.m. Included wul be a buffet dinner, bowling, and prizes for some of the lucky bowlers. For tickets, contact either Gail Anderson, Barbara Fornwall, Harriet Foamier, or Pastor Olson. ' Jsy Hansen began teaching aclass for the ladies of the May 4, from 9 will be about relationships family. The group will meet once a week for eight weeks. Nursery service is available. The LCW will be working at the Clothing Closet in Woodstock on June 16. Anyone wishing to help out for a couple of hours should contact Marian Laier. Also coming up in June is a salad luncheon on June 23. Tickets will be available the end of May. The next meeting of the Lutheran Church Women will be May 19. ' Nativity. wishes a "Happy Bir­ thday" to the following who will be having May birthdays: Maria Olaon, Karen O'DonneU, Sheila Bruce, Ed Mahder, Muss Hanson, Natalie Hay, Chsrlie Kuhns, Ken Schroeder, Tammie Michelson, Bernice Kutansky, Ivy O'DonneU, and Diane Olson. "Happy Anniversary" to Andrew and Wendy Fejedelem, who will be celebrating their anniversary May 16. SPECIAL DAYS A belated happy birthday to Brett Reinhardt, son of Gary and Pat Reinharot of White Oaks Bay, who blew out nine candles on top of his birthday cake April 25. Also, a belated greeting is sent in the direction of the Village of Wonder Lake to Michael Parquette - who celebrated his birthday April 26. "Happy Birthday" to Pat Sullivan of St. Francis Heights who will be celebrating her special day May 12. I'm sure the present she will enjoy the moat is the return home of Joe, Jr., from his first year at Marquette university. May 9 is a special dsy set sside for us to honor our moms. I always I an members of the Civil Air Pstrol have cone together and formed a com­ posite squadron to serve the fer north­ west sectors of the Group 22 com­ mand, Illinois Wfc* "Hank Zieger, manager operator of Gait Airport on Greenwood road, Wonder Lake, gave the go ahead to the squadron for its official meeting place and base of operations, hence the name Gait composite squadron came into being. The squadron is commanded by 2nd Lt Walter Bendsr of McHenry, a Navy veteran of World War II, private pilot and squa<htn liaison officer oa the staff of the McHenry Emergency Services Disaster agency headed by John Shay, director. Recently ap­ pointed officers serving the squadron are 2nd .Lt. Carol Bender, «§> minsitrstion officer; 2nd Lt. Gene Leffelbein, deputy commander for Seniora; 2nd Lt. Dave Stipnlck, deputy commander for Cadets; Warrant Officer Bob Franks, Jr., Communications officer; 2nd Lt. Art Neidner, Logistics officer; Wsrrant Officer Gary Meyers, trsiningofficer; and Tom Brannam, flight officer. 'i t • - ES Lt. Leffelbein comes to the squadron holding a radio-telephone first claas license, is an Army veteran during the Vietnam war and ia currently deputy director for Com­ munications with the McHenry Emergency Services Disaater agency. Lt. Stippick is a long time member of CAP and ia currently in Richmond Village Passes Budget studies at McHenry County and upper level management training courses through the U.S. Air Force. The Civil Air Pstrol came into being in 1941 as an official civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force flying search and rescue missions over the Atlantic ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean including anti-submarine reconnaissance petrols during World War II. Today the Civil Air Patrol par- ticipetee in air and ground sesrches for downed aircraft as well aa assisting state and local Civil Defense Emergency called upon when called upon. Assisting the squadron is Captain Bill Padget of the McHenry area, the CAP Group 22 liaiaon officer, veteran pilot retired from the U.S. Air Force and CAP miaaion pilot. Captain Padget ia also very active in cadet orientation flights throughout Group 22, taking CAP cadets through their first flying experiences. If anyone 13 years of age and older, male or female, are aviation-minded, enjoy flying and want to be part of the aerospace challenge of the future, call Lt. Bender at 344-2796 for more in­ formation or attend a meeting at Gait airport, Greenwood road. Wonder Lake, Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. ^ by Kurt Begalka Shaw News Media Service The Richmond village board of trustees passed their 198203 budget with few hassles and minimum fan­ fare laat week. "We've done some incredible things out here in the middle of nowhere," said board President Bruce Hunter. "I'm proud to be a part oI it" Revenues are projected at $123,175, $7,766 less than the 1961-82 estimated income. Expodituree are aMfed at $136,440 and the difference wUl be made out of reeervee. Estimated cash on hand by April 30, 1983 ia $32,735. The Richmond treasurer, collector and building officer will receive a 7- percent pay hike. The salaries of the superintendent of public works snd chief of police will reach parity; both stand to gain an 8-percent pay in­ crease following a six-month probation period. All Other employeee will be considered for a maximum 6- percent pay increase baaed on merit. The overall adminiatration budget ia about $5,200 more than this year, due in part to higher coats for legal and engineering services and supplies. crease - an at once. Woodstock residents are facing a 25 percent hike in their water and sewer rate. In an unrelated matter, see is needed on a section of Liberty sti in the village. Hunter said when the area was first developed, septic fields and wells were placed too doee together. The McHenry County Health department is concerned that sewage is affecting the water supply. Abo there ia evidence that the septic systems are draining into Nippersink creek. Hunter said The village board faces either implementing a special assessment on the entire village or a forming a special taxing district which would effect only the immediate property owners The questions of cost, the type of financing (assessed valuation or footage of the land) and whether it would have enough of an impact on the entire community to justify a blanket tax remain unanswered. "We don't know which way to go now, but we'll have imput from profeeaional people," Hunter said. Bicycle Maintenance Clinic A free bicycle maintenance clinic ia being offered by the McHenry County Bicycle club at 7:30 Friday, May 7, at McHenry County college in Room 243. The emphasis of the clinic will be on the proper adjustment and repair of hand brakes. Plan on attending and learn how to maintain your brakes for safe stops. This clinic is the second in a series sponsored by the McHenry County Bicycle club in sn effort to promote safe and sensible bicycling. The club, composed of riders from throughout the county, also organizes rides to points of interest in the area. Some upcoming rides include s trek along the Fox river, a trip to Volo Bog, and a ride to Chain of Lakes State park. Everyone interested is encouraged to participate. For more information call 344-1899, 385-6896, or 648-2642 Hunter voiced his concern/over the village's continued reliance on federal revenue sharing in its waterworka and sewage fund. With "Reagenomics" moving into high geer, odds are Rich­ mond will not continue receiving the $7,900 projected for 1962-63. Village Clerk Katie Hellman said that unless Congress enacta new legislation, funds will dry up by October next year. "We have to figure that we're not going to have that little cuahion coming in here much longer," Hunter said. "Odd! are very strong that we'll have an increase in water and sewer rates. It's going to coot everybody a little more money." He said he believes that a gradual increase, when necessary, is preferable to a "horrendous in- EVENING AT THEATRE An "Evening at the Theatre" will be presented by St Thomas church, Crystal Lake, May 13-15. Ticketa are on sale at St. Thomas Religious Education office in the St. Thomas Lake street school. NURSES WEEK As the nation observes National Nurses week May 2-8, the Veterans administration will step up its cam­ paign to recruit some 1,300 registered nurses to fill vacanciee at ita medical centers In addition to registered nurse vacancies, the VA has some 900 openings for licensed practical nurses at its 172 hospitals across the nation. Legal Notice »ss thought my mom waa super, butaince t have been Mtafted with chUMf I can appreciate all ahe did even more. COMMUNITY EVENTS May 6 - Woman's Club Board Meeting; 8 p.m. May 6 - P.E. Show at Greenwi school; 12:36 p.m. May 8,15,22 - Boating Certifica classes; 10 to noon; Christ the K hall; given by W.L Coast Guard Aux May 14 - Fine Aria program; Greenwood school; 7:30 p.m. May 15 - Scout-a-rama; McHenry County fairgrounds in Woodstock. May 16 - Eighth Grade Maas at Christ the King; 10 a.m. May 19 - Pack 456 meeting; 7 p.m.; Greenwood school. Rose Sale In Churches : : mm m k. " -j»v W STATE l)F ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McHENRY > IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOF McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS, FOR THE 1STH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT United Savings and l^ian Assn , - Plaintiff. Ku&m»1I Marnner. el al . > Defendants < ase No HI CH 434 NOTICE IS HKRICHY 4JIVEN that in pursuance «>! a Judgment heretofore entered d> said Court in the above entitled cause, I. MICHAEL J SULLIVAN. Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Friday the 4th day 61 June. I9B2. at the hour of 9 00 a tn in Room 309 of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in 'said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular the following described premises and real estate in said Judgment mentioned situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment, to- wit: * Lots t a 2 in Block 14 in Island Lake Estates, a Subdivision of part of the E 'i of the E 'j of Section 20. Township 44 N Range tt. E of the T h i r d P r i n c i p a l Meridian according to the Plat thereof recorded May 21. 1937 as Doc. No 126782 in Book 8 at Plats, page 156 in McHenry County IL ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY 117 Circle Dr.. Island Lake. IL., together with all buildings and improvements thereon. and _ the tenements hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto betonaina DATED. Woodstock, Illinois this 20th dav of April. 1962 VERNONW KAYSJR Clerk of the C ircuit Court of IViiiienry County, Illinois Exhibit A USHER AND FISHFK • Attorney for Plaintiff No %• (Pub Apr M. May 5,12, l»»2i Lentil Notice Lj» NOTttt Public notice is hereby given that on April M, AD I9S2, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County. ~ Illinois, setting forth the names and past-office ad­ dresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as I). J AUTO RENTAL, located at 4S10 W Rt 120, Mcb nry, tL .M080 Dated this SSth day of April. A D 1982 Rosemary Auaro, County Clerk Pub Apr 2a.Mays.a May 12. ISS2) No K20193 ' Longest Friendship April 1982 marks the 200th anniversary of U.S. diplo­ matic relations with the Neth­ erlands--the longest contin­ uously peaceful tics the Unit­ ed States has maintained with any country. A group known as the Frisians, whose des­ cendants still inhabit the Dutch province of Fries land, led the way to friendship with the colonies bsck in 1712. WAS YOUR PICTURE IN THE PAPER? - Reprjnts of any photo which appeared in the McHenry Plaindealer and taken by our staff are available at modest.prices J ( - All are block and white 4x5*2 .00 5x7- s 2 .75 8 x 10 - s4.00 I Order Yours Today! ALLOW 7 DAYS FOR PROCESSING McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 ck EVERY FRIDAY OCEAN PERCH (ALL YOU CAH EAT) JUS* FKATtMWK: LAKE PERCH HADDOCK WALIYEYE PIKE SEAFOOD COMBO 21 SHRIMP (Includes Solod Dor And Soup) PLUS AM8URGERS 8 BUTT STEAK • I I I I I ! • COCK T All 4i8t • rm MflHSNRY MOOSE LODGE NO. 691 2818 W. RTE. 120. McKINRY J8S-9778 Mrs. Florence Waller, a longtime Birthright volunteer, a while staffing the McHeary Birthright office. This weaken* the a day Rene sale win be held at tlx area charches. ENJOY RFST AllRANT Q U AI IT v A T HOME (815) 385 8300 SPENtEL meat pocking corp. Fodoroj^ttobhthmont No 5701 ISISW OLD SAY RD pistakci say MCHCNRY til. M»H^ r Birthright of McHenry County will hold ita annual Mother's day Roae sale in several area churchea Saturday. May 8, after 5 p.m. servicea. and Sunday, May 9, after each morning service. Over 4,5000 red roses are being readied for the following churchea: St. John the Baptist in Johmburg; St. Peter's in Spring Grove; St. Joseph's in Richmond; St. Misry's and St. Patrick's in McHenry; Resurrection in Woodstock; and, Christ the King in Wonder Lake. / While the Mother's day Rose sale is McHenry Birthright's largest fund raising event, the red rosea are symbolic of the unique beauty and gift of life that even the neweet mother holds wihin her body and continues to cheriah as her child progresses through each stage of development. Birthright's philosophy is that every mother has the right to bear her child and every child has the right to be born. By establishing a hot line and office hours so that volunteers can answer calls and questions of women with problem pregnancies, Birthright offers abortion altemativea. . Everyone is welcome this Mother's day to buy a roae for life. For further information about Birthright, call 38S- 2999 Graduate Of Disaster Course Charlene Svihlik, of the McHenry Emergency Services and Disaster agency, waa one of 52 who graduated from the initial seminar for Emergency Management coor­ dinators held in Springfield recently. The seminar, sponsored by the Illinois Emergency Services and Diaaater agency, examined in depth the many diverse roles and raapon- sibi lilies of local government management, including: sheltering and relocation, rdoua materials, radiological monitoring and communications equipment, weather systems, federal programs and public information. The reaulta of the seminar are ex­ pected to lead to more effective coordination of all involved govern­ mental and nongovernmental agenciea in timea of diaaater. for the benefit of the people in the local community. Jan Rucks gays: 1UKT40IBS. ... In a couple of moMhe. I went down 4 drees sisoe. loo, ... and had fun doing HI" • No Slot gSta. no MlKtlM • No etecveSon. no hunger pang* • Medicet Sitprvinon • VMt choice o* deMciou*. Nwtrl/Syetem mo»u • No eoneUMM colon* counting. nutri system 3 CRYSTAL LAKE ® 4911 RTE. 31, SUITE B COLLKOC HILL PROFESSIONAL BUILDING * (815)459-9050 (9om-7pm) (815)459-4400 SfFOftC 9 AM OR AFTER 7>M FREE Earrings with Ear Picrcing Orhy 4.99 12 Years Old & Under Only 3.99 Receive a FREE pair o( surgical steel starter earrings when you have your ears pierced by a Regis tered Nurse in our Jewelry Dept Consent form required. One day only in all three stores See our new selection of ]4kt gold ear rings from Golden Mist. Choose •from gold balls, hoops, pearl studs, opals and novelties Reg. 22.50 34 00 19.99. Jewelry, Elgin on 1, Crystal Lake and St. Charles * Saturday May 8 12:00-4:00 f N J Remember Mother's Day May 9 ,CHARGE IT! Your own Spiess Charge, Visa and MasterCard. We welcome them all! mmmm

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