PAGE 1S-PLAINDEALER - MAYOR bRAWS IN INTERIM POST AY.MAY I. M» the LMMMCUOO and trying to i_ the flow of traffic at Green and Elm fat lata would always be subject to override by the chief executive. "What are our powers (as alder men)?" Smith asked. "You are doing it by publicizing your displeasure," Narusis said. He also noted that the aldermen have the right to veto a mayoral appointment. • "Then there was no reason to restructure," Smith said. "Where doesn't he have the right?" Stanek said it was a "dangerous situation" when the employees "circumvented his directives and went to the aldermen." "Potentially, there are nine bosses," Stanek said. "When the aldermen become involved, it is clearly not their jurisdiction." "I think we should go into executive session," said Alderman Nolan (1st ward). Alderman Michael Wieser reiterated the position that the mayor, with a full-time job, did not have the time or the qualifications to act as superintendent. "I fed offended by statements that I'm not qualified to do anything^but cut hair," Stanek said. He commented that the superintendent was not just a foreman, but also an administrator and dealt with agencies, etc. "I feel I function quite well," Stanek said. The mayor said, "I have had to bridle some people and in doing so I may have offended them. It's easy to do favors and take the credit." "I feel that I have not been given an opportunity to do the job," Stanek said. "It's demeaning to me and a discredit to the city, some of the antics that have been going on." The council then voted to go into executive session. APPROVE GREEN- ELM ZONING (Continued from page 1) zealous in using the whole lot." Alderman Wieser argued, "The problem I have is that he wants six , stores or off ices... where do the em ployees park?" u "It's walking distance, Mike," sirtd Pepping. Offering *a compromise, Mayor. Joseph Stanek suggested going td a 93- foot structure. , Given an opportunity to address the council, Fuhler said much time and . study had been done on the plan. If a building had been built according to zoning ordinance requirements, with no vsriations, the result would hsve been a small structure with a parking ..arrangement he described as "terrible." - "That's why we went to the larger buiHling," Fuhler said.. "Your downtown doesn't have a parking promem, it doesn't have enough - retail." • Fuhler also pointed out the danger of having additional cars parking at The mm "|f the petition is denied, we'fl probably jostbutidae--•<» - * . A** . W.. a . ... M _ A . -- CORNING UI UIC cuuc AMI UM VRVU WTT back to council. If parking had been a problem, I would not have even considered asking for the variation." A motion by Wieser to deny the petition was defeated by a 7 to 1 vote. Aldermen Nolan, Pepping, Harker, Datz, Smith, Serriteue and Meurer voted in opposition. Alderman Wieser voted in favor. ' Alderman Pepping then moved to grant the petition, which passed by the same margin. * In other business, the council voted unanimously to waive the residency requirement for the Superintendent of Public Works position. The council suthorixed the hiring of 31 summer help people to fill positions including general labor, concession help, lifeguards, etc. . A unanimous vote of the council now requires door-to-door solicitors to have visible identification from the City Clerk's office and a per person fee of $5. The vote does not affect organizations that request Tag days. The council voted to authorize the bidding snd purchase of a gang mower for the Park department at an estimated cost Of $11,000. Alderman Elizabeth Nolan cast the only dissenting vote. The creation of the special service area for McHenry hospital was postponed at their request. The ser vice area is the vehicle used to fund the extension of sewer end water lines to the new hospital site on Bull Valley road at Route 31. McHenry Police Officers sssociation President William Stahlman presented sn sward to Chuck Gilium, a local businessman, for his contribution to the sssociation. Gillum donated his proceeds from the Trade Fair, plus an additional amount, to the association. The associstion sponsors youth sthletic teams and has set up a scholarship fund. With a unanimous vote, the council authorized the contribution of $500 to the McHenry Beautlfication com mittee MUSIN' AND MEANDERIN' (Continued from page 1) Cyclisi Islond lofc# Set FuntjsRalser For Legion Although some at oar pets ars the molt pampered in all the world this year of 1982, some of their kind suffer every day because thsre era people who don't care. KAF Dismiss Charges Against Sun Charges that Sun Electric corp oration failed to bargain hi feed faith with the United Auto Workers onion in connection with a 1900-1981 strike have been dismissed by a National Labor Relations board adminietrstive law judge. The decision, made public far the company Monday, backs Sun's contention that it barfained fairly with UAW Local 1712 and was therefore within its rifhts when it permanently replaced striking union members who had left production and maintenance lobs. Said the ruling Judge in dismissing 'After lengthy hearing and I f i f f tr a Aran jfjfjy|f at % Broad and Grsen afternoon. The driver of the car of 1808 N, McHenry iwUft iula get ifaai put bicycle traveled In front Riding the bike, Joyce Kota 1405 N. Green street, McHenry, said shs was ridtag north on the sidewalk and turned In front of the car. Joyce also said the car did net Map at the stop sign. ' . V ' . '* -v A witness to the accident said the car was stopped st the sign and the bicycle rode into the intersection without stopping. The girl was taken to WM hospital, where she was examined and treated for bruises. The accident occurred at !:M p.m. May 3. No citations were to raise ks buying Sculpture Of McHenry Woman Wins Attention Is a Master dsfim M of the Art ta le baps hsr shales at the to TfsiHsnfiii of 1978 aad In May of 1977 with a BF A to Drawing, Painting aad ef Mr. «d Mrs.JCsHsstfa Johnson of SIS 8. Crystal Lake rend, Mr 11 wry, has haiea exMbtt at the Art Institute of Cfcicagn a Bis ah The talented to day and Her work baa been shuwu at AxiaUrbergallerybothta ̂ ̂ i past March at the sclwJ show of* education and give her an opportunity & . • ... . »» • « .* a i - *• • A . m . Art institute, Morton wing. to travel tnrouguoui me umtea tastss, Mexico wd ~ the Amtrak to 1974 ee en A McHenry area men was injured to a one-vehicle accidsnt Sunday night that occtxTed on Silver Lake rood, near Cary. Her goal is to be able to < tne sensitivity hsr lifs > young lady, a 1*71 McHenry M0i 1977 da has basn working full time for the railroad and Is a student-at- at the Art Institute. She is a for hsr Master picked^jp enough trash to fill more than 80,WD garbage bap. Now that's enough trash to make news! In some communities, including McHenry, volunteer ' groups hsve made an effort to ssve tax money and besutify their sress by picking up litter from public property. While this is good citizenship, it's an action that shouldn't be necessary to cover for the slobs of our society. But as unconscionable as the set of littering is, it doesn't compsre with the dumping of puppies or kittens either in boxes or bags, or just left to wander. Almost any community the action, "i some 2,$00 pages of transcript; exhibits snd briefs, under the cir cumstances shown thsre is in my opinion no need or economic or other justification for litigating this case further." The union had charged on Dec. 11, 1980, that prior to the time the strike began Sun did not property respond to its pension plan proposals. This, the union claimed, caused the strike to be one involving unfair labor practices. As such, it would hsve precluded the company's permanent replacement of strikers. . The strike wss in effect from Nov. 17,1980 to July 27, 1981. Early in January, 1981 Sun ad vertised for replacement personnel in newspapers serving the communities around its Crystal Lake plant. The wages and benefits offered,in the ads matched the compensation package the union had rejected snd some 8,000 persons applied for the openings. By the time tne strike wss concluded, approximately 250 striker- replacements nad been hired, w There were 11 days of trial in Chicago on the unfair labor nractices charge between Sept. 2 and Nov. 14, 1981. Before Sun was required to present its case, the company moved to hsve the matter Mario M. Luck, of McHenry, told McHenry County Sheriff's police he could remember nothing about the The police report indicated that die Luck vehicle left the roadway and struck a tree. m Luck was to Good hospital, Barrington, far an bulance from the Cary Fire ment. . ' A McHenry man was ticketed following a four-vehicle collision involving two school busss on Crystal Lake road. t%mmt m •! depart- across the country counts on file and the judge agreed to accept briefs from all parties concerning wnethdV a violation of the Nstionsl Labor Relations set hsd been established. The charges were subsequently dismissed in s 25-page decision. Harold S. Boelter, Sr., of 1815 North ' ' avenue McH^ told po^ he was momentarily distracted by an open . fire hydrant as he was driving south on Crystal Lake road. Boelter said he looked beck and saw another auto stopped in the roadway, waiting to make a left turn. The driver of the other auto, Sandra Renee Roney, of 3111 Miller, McHenry, said she wss waiting to make a left turn when her car was hit in the rear. The driver of the leeding school bus, Sharon L. McNish, of 980$ Clover, McHenry, said that after the collision occurred, the Boelter auto swerved into the outside lane of travel. Ms. McNish said she immediately applied the brakes snd the hue she was driving was struck in the reer by another school bus. The driver of the other school bus was Sally A. Belzer, of 1718 Meedow, McHenry. Audrey Watosnbach of the McHenry County Bar association's Lftsrty Ben award at Law day tw--imdss last Friday. Ms. Walfynbaeh, the first female county treasurer to the northsrn area of the state, was piaised for hsr 4$ years of public ssrvice. She started working la the treasurer's office in 1888 sfter iron mgn scnooi, rose through the ranks and waa elected McHenry county treasurer after serving as chief deputy , under four M C C < . A T A I ; ( „ O l ' T L F T S T O R E M C C C A T A L O G O U T L E T S T O R E 301 W. Virginia Str««t CRYSTAL LAKE •15-455-0333 MERCHANDISE CUM JUKE CENTER Use Cash MC Mon. Tues. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Wed., Thurv.Fri., 9 a.m. • 8 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m.-3^p.m. Visa or our own Check Purchasing Cardl SALE DATES MAY 6 THRU - MAY 11 -While Quantities Lasi Were You Flatted Our Store In Weuconde? SPECIALS FOR MOTHER'S DAY % OFF WOMENS WEAR 60 OUR RED. STORE PRICE BONUS SPECIALS WOMENS PURSES & SHOES...70% OFF COSMETIC ORGANIZER REQ. *4.00 NOW 99 BIRD MUGS SET OF 4 REQ. $14.99 NOW »5»» COSMETIC ft JEWELRY TRAY » REG. *4.00 NOW 99 BIRD PLATES SET OF 4 REQ. 814.99 NOW $599 MEN'S SLACKS All Stock 1/2 PRIC HAIR CARE PRODUCTS CURLING BRUSH HAIR DRYER CURLING IRON AND MORE 40 % OH REQ. STORE PRICE MOTHERS DAY CANDLE REQ. $1.48 NOW 75* BIRD SUGAR ft CREAMER SET REQ.-811.99 NOW $479 Jaoi |m< UARE MOKER BARBECUE GRILL 28 x 18 x 37 Laroe cover, 4-poeHlon Are pan- botton tray. REQ. 8*3.99 $ WOODEN JEWELRY BOX REQ. *10.00 NOW $499 REQ. 818.79 NOW $6®9 REDWOOD WAGON WHEEL PLANT STAND Hang on wall pr sot on Housing Authority Moves The McHenry County Housing _ Authority s n n o u n c e s t h e relocation of Its offices to 1118 North Seminary avenue, ^Woodstock, effective May 5. The McHenry County Housing Authority to ite in come McHenry county residents through its rental sssistsncs, westherixation, fuel ftisistincf,snd com munity services programs Mail will continue to be received at P.O. Boa Woodstock, Illinois telephone inquiries may he snewered by calling 338-7752. Bar Liberty Bell Award • Goes To County Treasurer The purpooe of Law day is to ad vance equality and Justice undsr law ; to encourage dtiaan support of let tod IftW Add to foster respect for law and un- dsratawSng of its eseential plant in tne me of every dozen. Lew day was first , estahiishsd by prestrtsntlal proclamation Ih 1907 and in 1881, May 1 waa set aside by a joint resolution of Congrsss as a f**1*1 day of celebration by the Amsrican people in appreciation .of their libertiss and the reaffirmation of their loyalty to the United States of Ms. Walgsnbach, 81, rssidss with Amsrica. her husband, John, sn the rural 1 ̂Liberty Bell award isjrsssnted Woodstock fsmily farm which has by the bar sssociation in appreciation been in his mothsr's family since 1843. for dedicated services rendered to the The original homestead was a log community in connection with the lew cabin and die current hotne was built more than a century ago. Born in Hartland tesrnshin, Ms. Wslgenbach waa raised and edbofted in the area. She started as a dsrt In hsr office, first became chlsf dsputy undsr Curiy Stevens, and wis elected county treasurer aftsr ssrving aa deputy "*"*-* Harry Hsrenosen. Becsuse die state law did not allow tyasaurws to succeed thsmeshrss in • office, Mrs. Walgenbach aerved undsr Cal Skinnsr, Jr., for one term. The law ohaagsd she was. reelected will complete hsr fourth term aa treesursr In November, when she plans to retire. "Twenty-five years--A Generation of Progress," is this yeer's theme for Lew day, which la being obesrved in McHenry county. Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court Judge Leonard Brody presidsd over Lew day ceremonies In McHenry county courthouee. He explained improvements, during the p t̂ 35 years, in the court system. At the opening of Lew day ob servances, McHenry County Bar Association Presidsnt Tom Zenck noted the accompUshmsnts sf law In the bar sssociation chose Ms. Walgenbach for the award in recognition of hsr community ssrvice hsr contribution to sf- "wrodstock lswyer Mark Gum- merson was chairmen of the county's Law day activities. Kirk In Training of Kirk of complete* thie generation, rights and the citizens. 2 Pvt. Kenneth P. Kirk, William E. and M. 417 N. Front street, McHenry, has eted a wheeled-vehicle couree at the U.S. Training center. Fort Jackson, S. During ths course, students trained to perform MBist in im repair oc Butomoav^ vehiclts And (MutMMPt. Kirk la a 1881 graduate ofMcHenn West campus high school. THEHEW PffBTCECBW •MIST GREEN! UJOWB KAPI pTI OLI VE 8PR1- •FRISKYI [NEARL AWIL MM LIME TROPIC h/lNE FIREH SNOW FALL POOOONH TOUCHEH UME Lttigl ORIOLEHB OULL 5S NIOH SILVER ENGLISH ORAY VINEYARD CORNFLOWER BLUE BLAZER ARIEL (WTTERFLY BLUE BONTON COLORFUL LONDON GRAY SURF FORTUNA PALISADE ICECAP MIS CELESTIAL BLUE AZURE BLUE WATER MIST SARAB ULLIPUTIN PINK CREAM BEAUTY CANDY AURORA ARBUTUS SWIRL LADV PINK RUFF ORCHID PINK LEM WATERFALL CHINA SILK DEWBERRY LEMON SWIZZ1 GLOW FLASH MASCOT SAHARA NEWPORT YELLOW MAGELLAN SHERRY FIELD YELLOW RICH CREAM BONE IVORY CORN HUSK BOLD CANE PERFECT GOLD YELLOW OOLDENMANE PERRY GOLD K1NOSLAND ORCHID WHEATSTRAW PERFECT YELLOW LEMON YEL LEMON SPICE LONOHORN YELLOW SUNFLOWER LANE NEW WHEAT MOONRAKER GOSSAMER APPLE BL0S8C TINT PARFA1T PINK POAM HOPE CUTLASS SANDUNE OREEN TURQUOISE TOUCH CT BLUE BLUE FEATHER BLEU CBLESTfcnACtD SEA CRYSTAL BELL LYRIC PEP POINT LA BBLLE C MIST LOST REQ. 814.99 M C C C A T A L O G O U T L E T S T O R E M C C C A T A L O G O U T L E T S T O R E ^ Our nmc Sua*) Shuffle is cxj to change tfw w«y you 90 »<xnO by grrttng you Kcxn here 10 f*v«i txtat " , " ' F«V on. thcrr s no pe<*»t"S no Vnfunj *DU dont even hM to prcmtM jntyoiI •ut it* yodtev nwg *>ou« the Su/v*i Shuffle <s a* f»<e about wtx a 9cxx) ten speed bicvtie costs StopbyandwetheVuffletoday Wettcvcnffvowet a *»ee quality leather key holder just to* a lest shuffle' * QOM not include tax and licenee CYCLE CRHPT, INC. YAMAHA -- SUZUKI 1601 SOUTH ROUTE 47 WOODSTOCK Jit 338 6454 UMITCO TIMCONLY tnc^srtM ItMAtN PftHft t KCOMTIW. INC MI* W. MAIN W. akinnr mm