CIOEAVAV PAGE a - PLAiNDKALER - FRIDAY. MAY 7, IMS ORGAN, PIANO, Ac- cordian, Guitar In structions, in your home. Specializing in Popular Music. $6.00 and up. 815- 344-1748,815-450-5548. 5-5- F H E E H O R S E MANURE, U-haul. Call for directions, Monday thru Friday, 9am & 5pm 815-385-2062. 5-5-5-7C • ' AIT"*' mm MOTOftcvcus COLUMN LATE MODEL 1S78 Full Dress parley, 9,000 mil«, am-fm cassette, 40 channel CB, $5,250.00, -ask for Ed, 815-385-1484. 5-5-5-7C 1981 440 LTD Kawasaki Motorcycle, under 1,000 miles $1400.00. Call after 6pm and ask for Jfim. 815-385-1717. 5-5-5-7C 1978 HONDA 750K, full dress, Windjammer fairing. Bates bags with chrome rails, back |»st and luggage rack, 6,000 miles, very clean $1995.00.815-344-1876. 5-5- 5-14c 1978 KAWASAKI KZ 400, under 1600 miles, electric start, $1,050.00. Days 815-385-8180 or evenings 815-344-2948. 5- 7tfc GIVE AWAY to good home, cat one year old, declawed and neutered. 815-3850922. 5-7 GIVE AWAY puppies to good homes. Call 815- 728452* 5-7 X ~KA\ 1979 -KAWASAKI 1000 LTD, mint condition, one owner, under 2500 miles, must see to ap preciate $2,900.00. Call - after 5pm 815-385-5709. „ 5-7-5-14C 1981 RM' 100, excellent condition $750.00; 1979 KX 80, good condition $350.00. Call Steve 815-459-0623 5- 5-5-7c 1975 XR 75 HONDA, excellent condition. $225.00.815-338-5146. 5-5- 5-7c 1978 SUZUKI RM 125, great shape, never raced, air shocks, very fast, $575.00 or best offer; Honda 125 Elfonor SL, with Suzuki forks, very quick, $450.00 or best $925.00 for both. Call 815-385- 7859 after 4pm. 5-7-5-14c 1972 HONDA 175, electric start, low miles, excellent condition, $400.00. 312-740- 0299 after 6pm. 4-28-5-7C 1979 YAMAHA 650 Special, black and chrome, under 1500 miles, excellent condition $1,600.00.815-385-7975. 4- 28-5-7C UkU k MtTMS 15f FT. SHELL LAKE Boat with 40 hp Johnson motor with cover and trailer $900.00. 815-728- 0657 after 5pm. 5-5-5-7C THUNDERBIRD 1978,18' open bow, 185 HP, I-O, OMC trailer, $8,700. 815- 455-2645. 5-5-5-14C 16 FT. STARCRAFT i Runabout, brand new 85 hp rebuilt Johnson, Gator trailer, canvas, excellent ski boat, $1,500. 815-344- 0160. 5-5-5-7C 14' ALUMINUM BOAT, 25 HP Evinrude and trailer, $700.00 or beat. Afte^ 6pm 815-344-1769. 4- 30-5-7C 1976 FIBERGLASS Boat, 18 ft. full cabin, 115 hp Evinrude and Gator trailer $5,300.00. Leave message 815-385- 7577. 5-7-5-14C 1979 CENTURY 19 ft. Mercury I.O., excellent ski or coho boat. Many extras, mint condition. $10,500.00.815-344-1042. 5-7-5-14C GIVE AWAY, Free puppies, Lab k Husky, 6 weeks old. 815-728-0797. 5-7 PtTS fWt SAL£ TOY POODLE pups, cream beauties, A.K.C. champion sired, home raised, paper trained, $200 cash. 815-653-9281. 5-7 BASSET HOUND Puppies, AKC Cham pion bloodlines, 34 months old. 815-455-3764. 5-5-5-7C NOTICE LOSE WEIGHT with Dex-a-Diet, original formula helps curb appe t i te , Gent le Diure t ic e f fec t ive stimulant at Bolger's Drug. 5-7 SOFTBALL PLAYERS Wanted. 5 or 6 players wanted to play in 12 inch Recreation Lea que on Sundays k every other Wednesday k possibly tournaments. Cost - $20.00 If interested call Dave at 815-385-5232. (Deadline Saturday may8that5:00pm). 5-7 RHUBARB READY! ASPARAGUS READY SLOON! Now Taking Orders. Heider's Berry Farm 815-338-0287 HOME CARE FOR EMMly *1 4 Hmts ti 24 Nnrs 7 Days A Wink Meal Preparation Shopping Light Housekeeping Laundry * Personal Care ALSO AVAILABLE: Nursing Care Registered Nurses Licensed Practical Nurses . Home Care Assistants 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICES: 815-568-5488 TRULY CARING SERVICES, INC. Rm. 206 100 W. Washington St Marengo, IL Ltcens/d $ Bonded Employment Agency * S 7 7 30TH NOTICE NEW CONSIGNMENT and resale co-op opening soon. Wanted all types of handicraft, household items, tools, small furniture, toys, most anything you would like to turn into cash. Call for full in formation and opening 4 date. 815-385-3384. 5-7-5- 14c ' Child Cor* UNLICENSED FACILITIES CANT 8E ADVERTISED According to th* Child Coro Act of 1969. it it o misd*m*onor to coro for another perton't child in your homo ur^lett that homo it liconsod by tho Stat* of Illinois. It it alto illegal lo odv*r tit* for tuch services in on unlic*nt*d horn*. Th*t* lirtnitm^jri fr** to hom*t m**ting minimum ttandordt for tho tofety, health and w*ll being of tho child. For information and Lic*n ting contact: ILLINOIS DEPAtTMENT OF CHILOMN 8 FAMILY SEKVICtS Lok* Villa Fi*ld Office P.O. Sox 269 215 North Milwowh** Av*. Lok* Villa. Ill 60046 IMl ESTATE VEGETABLES 8 CHILDREN or* *aty to rait* with this four bodroom horn* located on almott an acre of land with on in town location. Theret a full batemont, o two cor garage, a largo ttorago thed end o perfect ipot for a large gord*n. Contract t*rm» too at 10% int*r*tt. $67,500. EXPECT EVERYTHING ond you'll tint be turpritedl Water's Edg* Condo, A Unit, hat boon upgraded in every way with all top notch oppliancet. beautiful car peting and draperiet. 2 cerarttic tiled baths, boomed cathedral ceiling in lorge living room. Central air con ditioning. garage with eloctric opener ond best of all ^55.000 with owner finonci HCAL ESTATE IIEAl ESTATE 4 BEDROOM.RANCH, a t tached garage , basement and adjoining lot. $85,000. 815-385-0208 5-7 $29,000 FULL PRICB, for old small house terms to handyman's family. Gas heat. 81 385-0189. 5-5-5-7 BY OWNER, 2 bedroom house, reduced to $29,800 Good investment, call 815- 385-3490. 5-5tfc CARE REAL ESTATE, INC. 3717 W. Elm, McH»nry, II. 60050 •15-344-1033 e u 11 $0 MUCH FOft $o LITTLE-Reol Shorp 3 bedroom ranch with a sup*r floor plan. Good tii* rooms throughout in elude on •at-in kitchen and two batht. 2% car garage Owner offors financing with 115.000 down at a low in t*r*tt rat*. You'll like thit one! $58.000 SPECIAL FINANCING H13 bedroom raited ranch with formal dining room lower level family room, bar room, of fice and foundry. 2 cor garage, twim ming pool with deck and new filter. All ?rvnlrH?i999 WHY PAY RENT? Buy this 2 or 3 bedroom chalet. Totally remodeled AND lender it ering o lower than market interest ro YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS-But it't true-2000 tq. ft. all brick ranch with 3 fireplocet. a full botement, a sunken family room on th* moin floor with cathedral ceilingt, hardwood floort. plotter.wallt and on and on and on. Only $64,900 with owner finoncing at 11% in- terest. Thit home was mony $1000't higher before but the ownert are very onxiout to be on their woy. Now it to take odvontage. $64,900. A NATURE PRESERVE in your own yard when you latch on to thit almott 1400 tq. ft. Cape Cod home that it looded with charm ond practically maintenance fro*. Th*r* are four bedroomt and a formal dining room. JThltJtraoll]j_o_tuper buy at only $49,000. AN UMBRELLA OF TREES on a landscaped wooded ocre in a quiet tubdivition you'll find thit fine 2500 tq. ft. contemporary home with 4 bedroomt ond 2% batht. You'll love the vaulted and beamed ceilingt. the balcony off »he matter bedrqom and two fireplocet. A very unique and exciting home for SI 17,500. Attractive mortgage rewrite available NIFTY-THRIFTY-Nice two bedroom home with new kit chen ond bath. Hardwood floort. Convenient to thop- ping. 2 car garage. Good value at $43,900 __ HHP i m «> CHOOSE IT-OR LOSE IT-Here't on excellent new6r 3 bedroom home with 2 full batht. Located on a knoll lest than a block from Pittakee Lake. Johntburg school district. Ownert ore mott onxiout and looking for of- f*rt and th*r* t a vary good mortgage rewrite at Marengo Federal. $46,900 KEEP YER BOOTS ON COWBOYS 8 acres zoned far ming with 1800 tq. ft. contemporary ronch with 3 bedrooms You will love thit property. Pond offers great duck hunting and ice tkating There are many tre*t and some good open areat too The houte is ob solutely lovely with o large family room ond a 15x24 foot master bedroom. There s a large screened porch Thit price is very affordable at $88,000 is/it rvt«r n pBBPX-rastpllo real pstatr ru. "Wh«r« S*rvic« Com»$ First4'-^ 385-7050 ,,"N McHENRY YOU'RE IN LUCK- You con assume the low interest" rote loon on this cute 2 bedroom home located close to town with a garage and f*nced backyard Atking $47 900 1 WONDER LAKE For Sole By Owner 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, front room, dining room, kitchen, enclosed porch, 2'/» car garage, corner lot, full basement, low taxes. $45,000. with 10% down, 11% financing, owner will finance. After 6:00 P.M. 312-299-5168 S 5-5/7 5 5 it* MORTGAGE LIKE NEW hillside ranch, with garage under neath. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath hot water heat, full basement. Landscapea ibt close to lake with rights. $55,000. 30% down, five year mortgage 815-385-3685 The City of McHenry is toking proposals from bonds who wish to perform during Fiesto Doys for Teen Nite on Wednesday, July 2d, from 7i30 to 10*30 p.m. î PeoH Street Park. Submit written proposals ond in formation to« . Bond Commit tee City of McHenry 1111 North Green Street McHeniy. II. 60050 DyMoy 14 5 7 5'D ERA-RDO REALTY ffiummfi 4507W.EUMST., McHENRY WITH • •• 815-385-9394 financing "for You. COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS PWf£$f Custom built, nicely decorated pl*t*ly moint*ndnc* fr**. Atphalt driveway. large family room with fireploce ond cathedral ceilingt. Cen tral intercom syttem, patio. 2% cor garage All tor $99 300* $20,000 DOWN -GOOD TERMS Buildert cut torn home on \ plut acres with 3 brt, 7W batht, full botoment and om*niti*t too numerout to rpention. Quality ond crof ttmonthip throughout. ONl YIAR BUYER WARRANTY. $127 900 LOW DOWN PAYMENT With SI3 WO flown you yeort, on thit odor able brick ond aluminum ranch. Sac lit up to GoM Course property Walk to river and country club. A tteal ot $62,900 GIT A GREAT START In thit cozy flttl* cottage. Situated on a private we lot. Plenty of room for ex pant ion Homeincludet river rightt ond provides tpociout 7 car garage Call offic* for financing information. $45 000 k\ S » / Mmjjji WHISPERING OAKS AREA. 3 bedroom Cape Cod with full batement it jutt! beautiful and immoculote throughout. All the extrot included such at tprinkler system appliances central air. quality construction and superb decoroting. Ex cellent fine CAN'T BE BEAT. Aluminum bedroom home, large garage, central air, Johnsburg schools and special finoncing. $53.9QQ. HORSEMAN AND HOME If your* at concerned about your horses as you ore obout yourself or vice-versa thit it your property' A large heated, intulated hor se born with o cedar shake roof, large loft and attached paddocks plut o beautifully designed. sprawling, luxurious, multi-purpose use hom* on 5 6 picture perlect acret. One af a I sSSWOFFY! Financing f ee * * MWOFFY! EXECUTIVE LIVING Lovely two ttory Colomol on } plus' acre lot in an' orea of comparable homet. All th* comforts you wont in a well executed floor plan 4 bdrmt, master bdrm has private bath, separate dining room 2'^ baths eot-in kitchen fireplace, family room, full bosement, screened in porch, 2 car attached heated garage And the owner will sell on contract with $30 000 down. Asking $129 000 Th*r* really IS a W«y Qf financing for You! WATERFRONT 153' of wot*rfront on Pittakee Lake in the Chain O'Laket. Thit unutual property includet 4 acret which could pottibly be separated for a n*w home on the water if detired. Older home of 2500 tq ft witn many char ming features 2 c« //detached garage Atking $I69.0CV[ Will con sider holding a land cOntrlJ COUNTRY LIVING Two bdrm ranch on 2.7 acret zo| farm. 1,000 tq. ft. of living tpace.( eludes family room with Ben ^ranh fireploce. New 2Vt car detached garage. Wall to Wall Protection Plan. Atking $72,500. WATERFRONT 116 ft. of waterfront on the Fox Rive/. Older cedar sided ranch has 2 bdrms built ins, large living room with lovely view of water & heatilator fireplace, portial basement Contract X nWin i RED CARPET' sale possible Atking $52,900 IORTHERN ILLINOIS REALT' 3815 W. ELM ST. (Rt*i. 120 and 31) McHENRY 815-385-2340 Q £BW0FFY! *J> Attention Newlyweds retired couple or Investment potential. Neat. 2 bedroom house needs some T L.C.' Owner financing, 12% interest. Sold it. $25,000 SPECIAL FINANCING financing for You. Attention City Form*rt! Need tpoce? Try thit fpr tile. Welt kept 2 ttory, 4 bedroom home with newly remodeled kitchen Lorge country dining room, fireplace in the great room Extrot in clude horse born, riding arena, fenced patture and nearby riding trailt. $107 900. . • T Priced for the young family who it tired of waiting. 3 bedroom ranch, nice tize kitchen with large dining area Convenient location to thop- ping, schools, churches, plus beach and loke rights $47,900 ONLY 200>FEET AWAY FROM BOATING AND MMNHHM - This will Wit 2 Mm* tram CRdar home off if s ploRty of rTICS laCIIIMS M M)iC8Ri DU11030IS IX for the iivutr. We'll Cover • It All...For You hwOKkMi Crystal Lok« (t1S)4$f*3liS Cory ($12)439-6627 lit, „ J.i. . L W WVOiVvVK Durbln-Stovall Assoc., Inc. ' 4213 W. ilm St. (Rt«. 120) McHfmry, Illinois (111)39^711 REALTY WORLD* . (•«)W-W40 twh oH.<« ornn»4 *>41