Kane County Coroner Will l0*al Nctle0 Speak Before Area Nurses tag at 7:30 p.m. 1 NOTlCKeP SastHatfof of Section 5 The None meeting hold tta next p.m. May 12 at the •PUPa m COUNTYOF ^ McHENRY f:> IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE WTH JUDICIAL cncurr. McHENRY COUNTV, • for the wwiag wiH to! Lou Kearne, R.N. Ms. Kearm toi served aa coroner of Kane county for the last rfs years and win adkfccea the group on 4<Tte Duties of a Coroner". She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from Northern Illinois university, and a Master's degree in Public Health from the University of Ilttnois Medical center. MARY LOU KEARNS Also on the agenda tar the evening will be the election results for new officers and more information on the scholarships available for nurses who want te continue their education. For more information concerning the club and its activities contact the president, Jeslyn Brae, 4&-2230. Nurses ln^ Annual Meeting -The 16th district members of the Illinois Nurses association will hear Marge Novy, R.N., CPNA, present the program at the May 10 meeting. It will be held at the Sheraton Waukegan Inn, 200 N. Green Bay road, Waukegan, with a 6 p.m. dinner and 7 o'clock program. beginning of the business meeting. Dinner reservations must be made by Friday, May 7, by calling Sue Ellen Siatos at 526-5962. topic, I wi th Ms. Novy's talk will be on the' "The Nursing Role in Working Craniofacial Anomalies". Because this is the annual meeting, election of officers will be hekl at the, 5463 FOXY REFUNDER8 MEET The newly organized Foxy- Refunders club meets the second Friday of the month at 7 p.m. Anyone interested in refunding, whether new or experienced, is invited to call 344- 11 SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation of uw United States of America. Plaintiff. RENAISSANCE BUILDING CORPORATION, an Iliinou corporation; KEITH S. OLSEN and JUDITH D. OLSEN- JAMES ML " WE1LAND and • CAROL WEILAND, RICHARD D. KLUCK; NORTHERN ILL - MECHANICAL INC., and ) UNKNOWN OWNERS. ) Defendants ) IN CHANCERY I Genera) No. SI CH 435 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above entitled cause. MICHAEL J. SULLIVAN, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Friday the 21st day of May. A.D. lfas. at thfc hour of 9:00 o'clock A.M. (LOCAL) Time, in Room SOS of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and beat bidder for cash all and singular the following described premises and real estate in said decree men tioned. situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois.-or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to- wit: Lot 21 in Robert Bsr- tlett's Ringwood Acres St Half of Fia! 45 North, llange I East < the Third Principal orgMnf to f record 5, 1M1. as SMSS1, in strumeat recorded December II, 1M1 as Document No 3K5& in McHenry County, Illinois. ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Robert Bartiett'e Ringwood Acres Unit NO. 1, Ringwood, together with all buildings and im provement! thereon, and the tenements, and aopBrtenances thereunto belonging DATED, WoodStSdE Illinois, this 15>b day of April A D INK. VERNON W.KAYS, JR. Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHemy County, Illinois KELL, CONERTY 4 POEHLMANN P.O. Box m Woodstock, IL 6009S-06M (SIS) S9MS11 Attorney for Plaintiff Exhibit A No 820182 (Pub Apr. 23. SO * May 7. 19S2) Legal Notice corporation. Plaintiff. VI, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP WOODSTOCK, MTruateeundw Trust Agreement dated February 4, MO and known as Trust No lflM; LARRY K. LOFFELMACHER; MARY J. LOFFELMACHER; Unknown Owners andNonrecord Claimants, Gen. No. 82CH070 NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pur suance of a Judgment heretofore entered by the said Court in the above , entitled cause, a Judge for the 19th Judicial Orcuit Court of- McHenry County, Illinois will on Friday, the 4th day of June. AD/lMS, at the hour of 9:00 A.M. at the Courthouse in the City of Woodstock. Room 310, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash sll snd singulsr, the following described premises and real estate in ss id Judgment mentioned, situated In the County of McHenty and Mate of Illinois, or so much thereof ss shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment, to- wit: Lot SS in Oak Msnor Unit No. 1, being a Sub division of part of Lot 98 - of Uw Assessor's Plat of Section SB. Township M North, Range 5 East of ; the Third Principsl Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 23, 1M9 ss PAGE IS - Document No. McHenry taenty? commonly known ss Lot 35 Osk Msnor Subdivision, e n e m e n t s a f ! hereditaments and ap- rtenances thereunto purtenance DatedTzS-82 Clerk of I Court of I . County, (Pub. Apr. 30, May 7 A May 14,1M) No KMHW ...Annual deficits in earning power among persons with speech and language disorders are estimated at $750 million. •FRIDAY, MAY?, MB BIBLE VEBSE "Mrtrnm. yr MtiiW ing children, and I will html your backsliding." 1. Who uttered the shove reproof? 2. To whom was H direct- ed? * 3. By what nickname was this prophet known? 4. Where may this stste- ment be found? 1. God, through Jeremish the prophet. N 2. Israel. ) 3 . T h e " W e e p i n g Prophet." 4. Jeremiah 3:22a. STATE OF COUNTY McHENRY .INOIS > )SS ) IN THE CI I COURT FORI 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS 1ST FINANCIAL > SAVINGS k LOAN ) ASSOCIATION. ) sn Illinois ) American Legion Post 491 MfiVMUMMcKMY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY &N-MPJL) •PEKMI1YM CAN EA1 •mniKMAVAUiu PLUS GIANT SALAD BAR INCLUDED HALL FIR RENT PEKECT FO« WEDDINGS BANQUETS, PARTIES AND MORE "KST OF MIV11M6 FN TV NtKft". FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •OLYMPIC $TAIN •BRAMMER CABINETS •ANDERSEN WINDOWS •PRE-HUNG DOORS •NORD SPINDLES •ARMSTRONG CEILING SYSTEMS •LINCOLN WINOOWS •OAF SHINGLES •BUILDERS HARDWARE •PREFINISHED PANELING •STANLEY GARAGE DOOR OPERATORS Phon« 385-1424 909 N. Front St.# McHenry Legal Notice NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE STATE OF ILLINOIS h r >ss COUNTY OF / McHENRY / ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS MARENGO SERVICE ) CORPORATION, sn ) Illinois corporation, ) , Plaintiff, ) -VH- ) PAULA. DZ1ADUS, ) s bachelor snd ^ ) UNKNOWN OWNERS, ) Defendants ) IN CHANCERY General No. 82 CH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the shove entitled csuse, MICHAEL J. SULLIVAN, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court, will on Friday, the 2lat day of May A.D. 198* at the hour of t:00 o'clock A.M. (LOCAL) Time, in Room 309 of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest snd beat •KSLfT «s*«M described premises and real estste in ssid decree men- phoned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or no much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy ssid decree, to- wit: Thsl psrt of the Southesst Quarter of Section SI. Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence West along the South line 1080.77 feet: thence North parallel with the West line of said Southeast Quarter, 528.0 feet to the place df beginning; thence West parallel with said South line. Ml.08 feet; thence Northwest at an angle of 74 degrees 37 minutes 01 ^ secdhds with the prolongation of the last •" described line, 325.41 feet; thence Southeast st sn angle of 174 degrees 43 minutes 35 seconds with the prolongation, last described line. 180.0 feet; thence NortheasUat an inije of 102 degrees 06 31 seconds with line w i Quarter, 5 place of McHenry line of said Southeast , 554.82 feet to the IcHenry Township, * McHenry County, Illinois. ADDRESS AND LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Trey Road, McHenry, IL 80050 together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and ap- >urtenances thereunto rv DATED ̂ Woodstock, Illinois, this 15th dsy of April A.D. 1982. VERNON W. KAYS, JR . Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois KELL. CONERTY * POEHLMANN P.O. Box 588 Woodstock, IL 60088-0688 (815) 338-4511 n Attorney for Plaintiff Exhibit A No. 820181 (Pub. Apr. 23,30 4 May 7, 1982) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereto liven that on April 16, A.D. filed ongo Federal Office of, the County .A moT - "Tlialmj '*» <»?).!<.} V;J I f - 1 McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names snd pest-office ad dresses of 111 of the persons owning, conducting snd transecting the business known ss?CROWN GOLF SUPPLY, locsted at 1100 River Terrace Drive, McHenry, IL., 60060 Dated this 16th dsy of April, A.D. 1982. Rosemary Axsaro, CountyC"^ * (Pub.Anril2S.30* May 7,1982) No. the prolongation of the last described line, 50176 i feet; thence Northwest i at an angle of M degrees » minutes M seconds with the prolongation of the last described line, 229.0 feat; thence Nor thwest at an angle of SI degrees 37 minutes SS seconds to the right, with the prolongation of the last described line, 208 31 feet to the center line of a public road running Northwesterly to Southeasterly; thence Southeasterly slong said ~ " 42.94 feet; Legal Notla MEETING NOTICE The Nunda Towndhii Cemetery Trustees hold their meeting oil May 26th, 1962, at 7:~ P.M. at the Township Office, 3516 Bay Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois •" Anita Sherwood Executive Secretary Nunda Township Cemetery Fund No. 820194 (Pub. May7,14421, 1962) ...Communicative disorders constitute the nation's most prevalent handicaps. WHAT'S NEW rly at 144 degrees 19 minutss si ssconds to the right, with 'be^ prolongation of said centerline, 188.10 *ftet; ' thence Southeast at an sngie of SI dsgrees 37 minutes S3 secondi to the left, with the prolongation of the last described line, 515.17 fast; thence Southeast at sn sngle of 6 degrees 43 minutes M seconds, to • the right, with the proiongstion of the last described line,. 266 60 feet; thence v.W«t with the A new latex, high gfcm ensmel paint has the hardness and gloss of oil-base paints. They have the easy cleanup of water-base paints and can be used on exterior or interior surfaces. At paint stores, made by PPGlnd. Inc. JK Aln unbeatable combination awaits you at Marengo Federal Savings: insured high- earning savings plans and gifts worth saving for. These gifts can be yours FREE or at a ' substantially reduced price depending on the amount of your deposit. You can qualify by* it (including IRA's faccou o$r five locations. opening any savings account (including IRA's) or by adding to an existing account. EUREKR VRCUUM CLEANER ™^Your savings fully insured up to $100,000. by the FSLIC. ITEM Depoait $250 or more Depoait $1,000 or more Depoeit $5,000 or more Depoait $10,000 or more Lawn Chair $9.50 $8.00 , $6.00 $1.00 Golf Balls 9.00 7.50 5.50 1.00 . 7-Pioce Wooden Salad Bowl Sat v ji 7.50 6.00 4.00 TMME Solid Wood Framed Picture 6.00 ; 4.50 2.50 ruts 4-Piece Mug Set 5.60 3.50 1.50 rm Caged Bank 5.50 4.00 2.00 nxi Beach Towel 6.75 5.25 3.25 inns 7-Piece Screw Driver Set 8.25 6.75 4.75 mEE Barbecue Grill 7.50 6.00 4.00 nun Corning Ware in Basket 7.50 6.00 4.00 rm Dray & Canister 6.75 5.25 3.25 mEE Picnic Jug 5.50 4.00 2.06 nuke ifc. LIMIT; Ona gift par family. Supplies are limited and subject to availability. Prices subject to change without notice Deposits to checking accounts do not qualify for gifts. "1 t LEE& R R Y ELECTRIC I 0 5 N F R O N T ( S . R T . 3 V 3 0 S O 0 0 2 Member FSLlC Marengo Federal Savings arid loan association i!S MMIMOO: COO «. Grant 41S/S44-72S4 • McHlMBV: 4400 Mt Bout. 110.418/34+1400 . WOOOTPCK: 110 Cm ttrMt. HS/3M-M00 -- ariPQgTOCK DWim-m> RouU 47 MMl CrtMWl StPMt, 415/334-7440 • CHY4T41. LAKI: *50 ferix R4. on Rt. 414.418/484-4300 --