/ PA CI 17 HAPPY DAYS Comedy great Phil Silvers makes a special guest appear ance on "Happy Days," play ing the father of Jenny Piccalo, who's played by his real-life daughter. Cathy. The ABC sitcom airs TUE80AY, MAY 11 CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME © 1M2 Compuiog TUESDAY.MAY 11. ' SB 39 AN In Mia Family 8) Carol ImiwW and Friandt §B Yaw Askad Far N SI (38 ©I 6:30 PM O B Family Feud OOymi Aakad Far H O (8) M*A*S*M 0 laveme A Shirley A Ca. QD 132) CD <39 Malar UayN OiUage White Sax at €D MOVIC: "Barbery Caatt' An undercover agent utet ditguitet and vorioui identitiet to expote crime. WiHiam Shatner, Dannit Cola, Lynda Day George. 1975 © MOVM: Tan Thautand O IB CD Hart *a Hart Tha Horti ora purtued by two man who ofa da farm mad to retrieve o voluobio Renoittonce coin. ID WHd WarM a# Antral* (33) 0D ® MacNalt LaKiai IB F.M. Magazine IB Flaihbatfc: Last Vaya tha Man a Caitto © 7:30PM O IB IB aaa*̂ €W 1J A u Qkirtau Jrai-. m . ti. n i ana jntrivy oniriey areams TTIOT LoVarna it trying kf her. (R) [Clotad Coptionad] (ID SI 39 Madia Probet 'TV Newt.' This epitode, hotted by John Comaron Swayza, ttudiet how tha driva for rating points hat lad to tome pretty amazing nawtroom 'pock oget. [Clotad Captionad] IB MOVIE: Tarrar Train' STVca: Balaxchlne't David- G) 3D €D © Ftaybawaa 'Opponheimor.' Firtt of 7 parti. Thit apitoda bagint in 1938 at tha Univertity of Cotfornio in Berke- lay whara Opponhotmer it a brUKont young thaoratical phywcijt. (60 min.) [Clotad Captionad] IB MOVM: -Fifth Fleer' ©(25) SI <39 © T i l l 9:1SPM^|B MOVM: -Tba 9:30PM IB (32) IB (39 69 03 ISTN Sport* Cantor OH® Accant an Living IB i © d9 €D Sawtord and San €0 Bntartainmont Tonight © Jim Hautton Ovtdaars 7:00 PM OQ 0(23) The Beak af list* Thit variety hour fea ture! intarviawt with people who form tha both on which teverol of tha Ktt« ora compilad. (60 min.) C9 IB IB Ha |̂»y Day* Tha Pic calo and Cunningham parent! meat in a Mariout showdown. [Clotad Cop O MOVM: -Cat tallav' A tchool taochar taomt up with a cattle ruitier and hit drunken uncle to rob a train. Jona Fonda, lee Marvin, Michael CaHan. 1965. © (19 Majar League SatabaH: Milwaukee at Kama* Citv 60 Hlkkl Hatkai 8.00 PM BOO@ MOVM: *Rula* af Marriage' Fart 2 O IB IB Thraa't Company Jock'I romance plant are thort- circuited whan a computer dating tar- vice thockt him with on unexpected match-up. [Clotad Captioned] ID 33) SI 99 Saudi Arabia 'OH, Money ond PoWtict.' The final epitode Invettigatet the Saudh at an emerging tuperpower -whot they in tend to do with their power, their ob- jectivet and how policy it thoped by oil. (60 min.) v r Q) (29 300 Millenet SD World Figure Skating SI (39 living Stenet © 10:00 PM 0O4ID O O (29 IB IB IB Maw. 0 Twilight Zane IB 92) M*A*S*H ID 3D SI 39' IB (39 latortaMmant ' © Quia KM* © (29 I m © SI <39 71 ID Tad Tomer At I © OH 3D SI 39 I Mat te la Fague 03 NHL Stanley Cap FlayaMe © 1971 Wimbled €D (39 Ut My People Oa SB Pretant Laughter fiB Teiefronce U.SJk. 8:30PM OIBIBTaaCtoM far Comfort Haniy -bai trouble get ting hit pragnoni wife, Muriel, to the hotpitol. ̂ © A Flay tor Lava: A Had af Iran 9:00PM OOlBKKkard 10:30 PM B phormocitt holdi Mel't. (R) I AHco A zeolout himteH hottoge at 0 IB Tonight Shaw O Intortahimant Tonight O (29 AN la Nw Family O© 39Satord IB <32) Benny HM Ul letbati Bap art WB'VB IfMMbvlMl mm + First in Quolity • First in Soloctton • First in Savings • Fir t in Servic* Firs* In Home^ Entertainment Including Zenith TV's Sony Radlojf Complete Home Entertainment Centers 4400 W. Rt«. 120 McH*nry Rt«. 47 ft Country Club Rd. Woodstock 3D SI 39 Tany Brawn'* Journal 'Struggle Within the Strug gte.' IB M'A'S'H ID Jim RockM- Nv«H IB MOVM: TKe Idelmakor' ID (39 MOVM: "Came Live With Ma' An alien, about to be deported, nocnet o young writer who it a com pi.̂ e ttranger in effort to ttoy in U.S. Hatiy Lamarr, Jamet Stewart, Ian Hunter. 1941 i*S I M Hogor qua ya lake w MOVM: IHre ever AMea' A beautiful ogent it ottigned tha job of gathering information about a dope wnuggkng ring. Moureen O'Mora, Macdonaid Carey. 1934 €B Maude 10:45 PM IB MOVM: 'Cardiac Anaat* 11 KM PM O MOVM: 'McOavdi Fife!' The nephew of Mcdowd't girHiiend it killed in o fire thot oppeort to hove been tat by o profetiiono! ortonitt. Dannit Weaver, Diana Muidour, Robert Read. 1975. o wontt to be the world't mott da tired tea tymboi it kidnapped by throe man and Paul WWiomt retcuet Dufcl- nao from dongar.(R) (60 min.) O <29 AHao IB <32) AN In tbo Family ID FBS Lata Nlfbt ̂ 3D SI 39 Wartd at War