P AGE 10 - PLAINDRALER - WEDNESDAY. MAY IX, 1982 Summerfest- A Festival .Of Fun Country, ID- the traditional Marty Koleno, Bill Pkrtor and Steve Coda Central committee for St. Patrick's Town and nounced recently that the entertainment will not be held this year in favor of a Summerfest June 25 and 26. Summerfest will be a two-day festival of fun, food, games, shows, and dancing to live bands. The new concept will be an enlargement on the theme already chosen, while preserving the character of live en tertainment popular in Town and Country. The gates for Summerfest will open to the public at 7 p.m. Refreshments will carry a slight charge; however, all attractions are included in the price of admission. The main stage in St. Patrick's church hall will be the scene of A1 Smith's Bandstand in the Park Revisited, which will feature American songs from 1910 until the present. Don* Reinboidt's "Storm- warning" group will provide backup with Laura Huff at the electric keyboard. The cast of Bandstand was an nounced as Carol Snyder, Mike Taylor, Hedie FOBS, Don Reinboldt, Magdalene Dowe, Paul Snyder, Robin Irwin, Jim Hutchings, Brittany Cohn, Bud Uttich, Missy Dowe, Tim Harrison, Anne Kranz, Marie Hand, Chuck Dicher, Jim Marsh, Becky Marsh, Brad and Alan Bitterman. 0 Summerfest is intended to provide enjoyment and entertainment for the entire community. Proceeds will go to Montini school. MCHENRY SHORES Nir>q Keen 344-2665 Tell Program For Purchase Of New Vehicle Stickers Don Reinboldt, as Johnny Doaghboy, laments the lost of "My Baddy" In the World War 1 segment of Bandatand In the Park Revisited. The nostalgia piece is only one part of the evening's entertainment which Is reminiscent of a gentler time In America. Bandstand will be the big show at St. Patrick's Summerfest, June 2S-2S, at 7 p.m., on the grounds of the church and Montini Primary center. Piano Festival The National Guild of Piano Teachers' Piano featival will be held in Crystal Lake May 10 through 19. Co- chairpersons Dorothy Snook and Hazel Dunn have announced that it will be held at the First United Methodist church, with Reid Alexander as the adjudicator. Students from the McHenry county area will perform from one to 10 piano selections and will receive certificates and pins for participating in this event. The Guild Piano Festivals are held in many cities snd towns during the spring each year. The purpose of the guild is to encourage students to achieve a high level of piano playing by their performance for a judge who is s master pianist. Secretary of State Jim Edgar has announced a two part program Monday aimed at making it easier for automobile owners to purchsse' vehicle renewal stickers. Effective Msy 1, financial in stitutions (including banks, savings and loans and currency exchanges) are able to sell stickers for 30 days after a sticker's end-of-month ex piration date. Financial institutions ' currently sell stickers only five days after the expiration date. ij Starting Aug. 3, six Secretary of State drivers facilities located throughout Illinois will begin selling automobile registration stickers on an experimental basis to determine the practicality and affordability of ex panding sticker sales to all or some of the office's J03 full-time drivers facilities. By increasing the financial in stitution sticker sales period from 5 to 30 days, Edgar said the state will be able to deposit fees received from late registrants sooner, saving an estimated 25 to 50 percent of the"ap proximate $200,000 in interest income lost each year as a result of vehicle owners who register late. - There were approximately 925.000 late registrants in 1961. Edgar said about 40 percent of all late registrants purchase their stickers within five days of the deadline, and almost 72 percent renew their registration by the thirtieth day after the deadline. "I want to make it clear that we are not extending the legal deadlines to purchase stickers, and we are not attempting to make it easier for car owners to procrastinate in the pur chase of new stickers. What mve doing is making the stickers available immediately locally for three more weeks for those who register late, rather than forcing ftfem to mail their applications ,to Springfield for processing which takes more time and costs the state more money," Edgar said. The sticker sale feasibility test will be conducted at the Elgin, Chicago Heights, Galesburg, Mattoon, Bethalto and C 'xbondale facilities. They were chosen, Edgar said, because they represent a cross- section of drivers facilities in terms of volume of business, staff size, geographic location, and size of facility. No additional personnel will be added to conduct the test. The Elgin facility is at 595 S State, Elgin, 60120, phone 312-697-2100. Scout Show Planned May 15 ...An estimated three out of 100 school children are affected by hearing impsirments. The 1962 Scout show, Kishwaukee district, will be held at the McHenry county fairgrounds from 1 to 8 p.m. Saturday, May IS. Displays will be set up in Buildings C ana D, and outside as well, to show various Cub and Boy Scout activities. Some of the Cub exhibits will show Crafts, goodwill projects and games. Boy Scout exhibits will demonstrate such interests as camping, outdoor cooking, conservation, and more. This is the seventy-fifth anniversary of scouting. The theme of this year's show is "Footsteps of the Founder" in honor of the founder of scouting, Robert S.S. Baden-Powell, of England. Dick Gardner is Scout show chairman. ^ ...An estimated five million Americans suffer from both speech and hearing handicaps. ...Annual loss in earning power among the communicatively han dicapped is estimated at $1.75 billion. Please Respect Local Wildlife Now that warmer weather is here, and summer vacation for school age children is quickly approaching, it is most important that McHenry Stores parents are aware of where their children are playing, and with what. Along south Braodway from Pleasant View to Beach drive, that open field area (particularly from Sunrise to Vista Terrace) is a popular area for mini bikes, bicycles, and the gathering of school age children. • Parts of this area are designated as s county wildlife refuge, and it is becoming increasingly impossible for our wildlife to live and breed in peace when being pursued by mini Dikes, rocks, sticks, B-B guns and children on foot. This obvious disregard for small defenceless animals by anyone, let alone children, is totally uncalled for and sickening. What are we teaching our children when we permit them to stalk this private property with B-B gun^ looking for rabbits, ducks and birds, who only want to live peacefully, and are in no way harning us? Most of us moved out to this area because of our appreciation for the "country feeling", peace and quiet, and the beauty of untouched areas. Please parents, let us look out for our wildlife, and make sure our children respect that rare and precious area. This area was once designated by signs, posting it as a wildlife refuge. Unfortuantely, most of the signs were either torn down by vandals or children playing in the area. I will immediately contact the McHenry County Conservation District to see about getting signs re- posted, and also to investigate the fines and penalties that can be issued to individuals who disregard them, continue to harm wildlife, and who cross private property. Please take time to talk with your children if they piay with B-B guns, if they play in that area, or ride bikes through there. Let's remind our children of the beauty of these animals, and of this area. We should be feeding these beautiful ducks, birds and rabbits, instead of shooting them. FIRST COMMUNION Nicole LaFrancis will be celebrating her first Communion Sunday, May 16, at the Church of St. Mary of the Assumption here in Mc Henry. To help Nicole celebrate this most beautiful and special occasion, Saturday May 22, an open house will be held in her honor, with proud grandparents and family joining In. Nicole, age seven, who attends second grade, is the daughter of Ray and Jude LaFrancis here in McHenry ; Shores. Congratulations, and may God Mess you, and watch over you always, Nicole. BIRTHDAY WISHES With lots of birthdays being celebrated in the month of May, we would like to wish a belated greeting to Christine SchmkPin who celebrated number 16 on April 28; also to Andrea Schmidlin, who celebrated her special day May 4; Donna Heahl, turned thirteen May 2; and another May 4 birthday, with Allison Heald turning 11. And here at home, coming up on Friday, May 14, our family will be celebrating our little "cutie's" bir thday!. Our daughter Kristin Anne will be three years old. How quickly they grow up! ( GARAGE SALE REMINDER A reminder to all participate in the viBafffrwids •ales to be held Friday and Sasuraay, May 21 and 22. It is not toe late to sign up, and information en permits and itration can be obtained by ; the director of the sale, Johana CAR STICKERS STILL AVAILABLE Vehicle stickers for all of us new residents to the city of McIIearj are still available until Jane 1. The stickers are IS each, and are available at the city ctafs office during daily business hours. Don't forget this uppnniing deadline! MOTHERS DAY GREETINGS Much happiness and joy to all of our McHenry Shores mothers who celebrated Mothers day this past Sunday, May 9. We hope your day was filled with love, and lots of family, and maybe even a little peace and quiet! Bless us all! Mining Story By Teen 4 £.1 Featured In Magazine (The following article, written Mike Lermer of Harrison Wonder Lake, appears in the May issue of Illinois History magazine, a publication for teen-agers sponsored by the Illinois State Historical society). Mining In Illinois Surface mining was one of the most frequently used methods of extracting coal in Will and Grundy counties until 1975. Known also as "strip mining," the process began in Illinois after the Civil war ended. The towns of Braidwood, Braceville, Coal City, and Wilmington swarmed with miners and their families in the early 1900's because of the opportunities for work in the new surface mines. Before the advent of surface mining, most of the mines in the northeastern Illinois coalfields reached to 90 feet under the ground. Skilled miners were able to bring up two tons of coal daily through shallow tunnels. A new era of coal mining began for this area in the fall Of 1927. A huge scoop shovel was built that could dig through the ground to get to the coal veins of Will and Grundy counties. In 1928, just west of Wilmington," the shovel dug sixty to ninety-feet to hit a three-foot seam of coal. In Will and Grundy counties, the coal was closer to the surface, which made it easier and more economical to surface mine. By 1970 there were 29 underground mines and 351 in Illinois. The had 6,765 employees producing* 31,615,000 tons of coal, while 3,429. workers in the strip mines surfaced* 33,266,000 tons. In the fall of 1975, the last coal- shovel in Will county was turned off; I and the era of large scale surface: mining in the northeast section of; Illinois came to an end. > The general assembly enacted a! land reclamation law on Jan. 1, 1962.: - Mine operators were instructed to revitalize the mined land, which helped to halt damage to the soil; caused by surface mining. This: method of mining had affected 156,311 • acres, and 96,529 acres were! reclaimed by 1970 under the super-: vision of the Illinois Department of; Conservation. '» * Today, surface-mined areas in Will; and Grundy counties have 2tf» recreational clubs in them. The areM * once considered loot now have! trees, lakee, and ponds.4 ly industries have moved into the - surface-mined areas in these coun ties. One large company, Com-: monwealth Edison, is building a* power plant close to Wilmington. As an industry, surface mining î » profitable. As an environmental issue, Z however, the wisdom of surface; mining may be open to more critical' debate. * * +Z Full Accreditation For MCHS What does your banker do on Wednesdays? WHAT S NEW Just about every Financial Institution in the area takes a mid-week day off on Wednesday, but not the First! If you've been frustrated with your bank or savings & loan offering limited Wednesday service or no service at all, consider the First National Bank of McHenry. LOBBY HOURS DRIVE-UP HOURS I Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 9:00 AM to 3:00PM Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8:00AM to 5:30PM Friday 9:00AM to 7:30PM Friday 8:00AM to 7 30PM Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:30PM Saturday. 8:00 AM to 12 30PM M M Mai The All Day Wednesday Bank MEMBER FDIC NATIONAL BaiMK OF IVT HeiVRY 3814 WEST ELM STREET McHENRY 385-5400 Back-Saver A gooseneck-handled lawn rake reduces fa tigue The 48 inch-long, tubular-steel handle is connected to • 20-inch wide head with 32 spring steel teethT Found at most home and garden centers or The Rugg Mfg Co., Box 507, Green field, Mass 01302 Superintendent Robert Swartxloff of McHenry high school has announced that the school's accreditation has been extended through the 1981-82 school year following the review and approval of its annual report at the North Central association's annual meeting. Accreditation is for one year at a time and must be renewed an nually "Once every seven years each NCA school must undergo a comprehensive self-study followed by an NCA evaluation team review," Supt. Swartzloff explained. "This school was last evaluated in 1979. In the interim years, a school is accredited on the basis of its report on conditions existing in the school and on such supplementary information as the Commission on Schools requests. Our report for 1981-82 assures us of ongoing NCA membership and ac creditation. This continued ac creditation means that the conditions for effective education exist in the school." The North Central association is the largest of the country's regional accrediting agencies. It is a voluntary league of over 5,000 schools and 900 colleges and universities in 19 states, plus the Department of Defense Dependent Schools throughout the world. A total of 619 schools are ac credited in Illinois. The association works with individual schools to improve the quality of education through a continuous process of evaluation and accreditation. Dr. John S. Kemp, NCA State Director at the University of Illinois, congratulated McHenry high school on its continued accreditation for 1981- 82. He added, "The school has been a member of the North Central association since 1987, and in all those years it has been fully accredited. This should be a matter of satisfaction to the students and the parents of the school, since accreditation gives assurance that the school mOets those minimal yet rigorous preconditions for effective education established by, the Association. Through thia voluntary membership in the NCA, the school and the people in the district have committed themselves to the pursuit of quality in education." \W THE TRIP DUNKIN' DONUTS IT S WORTH THE TRIP DUNKIN Do THE PYREX CANISTER Filled With 20Munchkins® Donut Hole Treats 1 Dunkin' Donuts' Pyrcx® V/2 Quart Canister is a great addition to any kitchen. It's an attractive way to store coffee, flour, cereal or snacks. And the airtight top keeps things fresh. You'll want to collect an entire set. Bonus: With your purchase, you'll receive a special mail-order form good for savings of over $5 on additional canisters. 120 McHENRY, IU. v- Comparable $7.00 Retail Value ewNRiir OONUTS Itfc worth the trip. 4504 W. RTE. IENRV, Available at participating Dunkin' Donuts shops while supply OONUTS IT S WORTH THE TRIP DUNKIN OONUTS IT S WORTH"^ J ffPVunvraS