/ . CAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER • WEDNMDAY MAY II. ltd f j cA/(o±t[y <zboaLaC J » + v, j Smiths Celebrate Twenty-Fifth | Fair Features 250 Exhibitors Honor Mothers At Brunch MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE SMITH On Sunday, May 16, a Maac will be celebrated at 3 p.m. by the .Reverend Heaney, Pastor of St. Peter's Catholic church, Volo, commemorating the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Smith, 1205 N. Chapel Hill road, McHenry. Mr. Smith and the former Lucille Plantz of Chicago were united in marriage May 18,1957, in St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg. Included in the wedding party were the groom's brother-in-law, William Meyers of Johnsburg, who handled the duties of best man; maid of honor, Mrs. Nicholas (Geraidine "Gerry") Urhausen of Lincolnwood, 111, a friend of the bride; groomsman, Gregory Nowak of Sunnyside, a friend of the groom; and bridesmaid, Mrs. John (Charlotte) Sinclair of Arietta, Cel., the groom's niece. Another niece of the groom, Mrs. Jack (Sandra) Deubel of McHenry, served as flower girl. Mrs. Smith was born and raised near Dixon, 111. and she became acquainted with her husband through her place of employment in Chicago. Mr. Smith was born and raised in the Johnsburg-McHenry area and had farmed until 1934, when an accident resulted in the loss of his eyesight. Since that time, he has been self- employed in the lawn furniture business. All of the couple's friends and relatives are cordially invited to join them at an OpenHouse May 16, at the Johnsburg Coriwni Church street, froi lity club, 2315 W. 8 to 11 p.m. ALL BEDDING PLANTS AMI ALL VEGETABLE PLANTS We Alto Hove: •Rose Bushes •Geraniums •Fertilizer 4727 W. Crystal Lake Rood In McHenry Across From McH«nry West Campus 385-3074 Terry Plastina, Sharon Birk, Phyllis Doom, Debra Gust, Carol Holmes, Ben fvarofc, all of McHenry, and Christine Miller of Wonder Lake, have been selected ae exhibitors at the fourteenth amnal "Pair DkkBey", to be held Sunday, May 16, from noon until 5 p.m., on the Woodstock city square. The lair features the wait of over 290 craftsmen and fine artists. At the fair thsre will alao be refresh ments and nearly continuous fret from the bandstand in the canter of the square. For the children, there will be games, downs and balloons. A special feature this year Is "Show Diddey", a children's program at the historic Woodstock Opera Houae on the square. "Fair Diddley" is sponsored by the Health Resource 1 oagur for McHenry County. Thsre is no ad- miaaion charge. --- Showers Surprise Future Bride A surprise bridal shower was held Sunday, April 25, for Sandy Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller of McHenry, in the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Jim and Pat Miller of McHenry. In addition to the future bride's sister-in-law, the event was hosted by her aunt and god mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Knox. Seventeen relatives and Mends enjoyed games and a buffet luncheon featuring a decorated cake. As a memento of the happy oc casion, each guest received a crocheted cup and saucer, filled with nuts and mints, handmade by Pat Miller. A second shower was given Sunday, May 2, by the prospective bride's aunt, Mrs. Stanley (Dorothy) Diedrich, in her home, co-hosted by Mrs. Skip (Sue) Wirfs. Fifteen guests played games and a delicious luncheon, highlighted with an appropriately decorated cake. Miaa Miller will marry Tim Marvin June 5, in Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry. T.H.E.O.S. Sets MUiy Meeting The T.H.E.O.S. group will meet at 5:30 p.m. for dinner at the Circle R restaurant, 2214 W. Route 120, Mon day, May 17. Reaervations are to be made with Mrs. Wm. J. (Lyda) Radiach of McHenry. " At the last meeting, everyone en- Joyed a delicious Chinese dinner at a local restaurant and then went to the First United Methodist church for an evening of fun and fellowship. Another newcomer received s very warm welcome. The annual picnic waa discussed; it will be a catered dinner picnic; Monday, Aug. 16; at the home of Mae Stinespring. Further information regarding reservation will be available at the May meeting. T.H.E.O.S. (To Help Each Other Smile) ia a warm, caaual, friendly group for widows and widowers, meeting the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at some local restaurant for dinner together, and then going to the First United Methodist church for an evening of fun and fellowship. It is a non- denominational group with no age restrictions and no dues. For further information, one may contact Mrs. Harry P. (Mae) Stinespring, Jr., Bay View lane, Pistakee, or Mrs. Wm. J. (Lyda) Radiach of McHenry. Installation Dinner-Dance For Jewish Congregation The McHenry County Jewiah congregation is having its first annual installation dinner dance Sunday, May 16, at 6 p.m. at the Synagogue at 8617 Ridgefield road (the former Ridgefield school). Harvey Schneider, the outgoing congregation, will install the officers and board of president of the directors of the congregation and the officers and board of directors of the sisterhood. President of the congregation for the 1962-83 year will be Stewart Bailenaon, formerly vice- president and chairman of the religious school. The evening will consist of a six- course meal, a short installation and dancing to a live orchestra. Friends and gueeta are invited. Tickets may be obtained by calling Carol Bailenaon at 338-1418. Former Teachers Hear Cyclist The McHenry County Retired Teachers club enjoyed a delightful luncheon at the Crystal Woods Golf club Wednesday, April 27. Lon Haldeman, the record breaking croas country cyclist from Harvard, showed pictures with interesting comments from his 24-day round trip from New York city to California by bicycle. He waa accompanied by his brother, who drove a car, took pictures, and handed him food snacks every hour. His father was chief navigator and his mother, chief cook and housekeeper in the accompanying trailer. A nurse friend and bicycle mechanic were also important members of the crew. Friends from Harvard, as well ss Elgin, where he works, met him st Springfield and near the Indiana MARRIAGE LICENSES MR. AND MRS. STEVEN 8CHEY MARRIED IN HEBRON - Mr. and Mrs. Lorens Schey of McHenry announce the marriage of Uielr soa Steven, toPetrlna Slvertsen, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. John Slvertsen of McHenry, on April 24,1162, at St. John's Lathers* church la Hebron. HARMS FARM OPEN 9am - 7:30pm DAILY, SUN. 9-6 Applications for marriage licenses were recently made in McHenry County Clerk's office by: Thomas P. Blenner, McHenry, and Peggy M. DeWane, Woodstock; Hartley D. Pearson snd Linda L. Free, both Ialand Lake; David Roche, McHenry, and Kimberly A. Sandberg, Cary. Paul R. Waldoch, Marengo, and Peggy A. Rakeatraw, Wonder Lake; Roman L. Palahniuk, Chicago, and Cynthia L. Gohl, Wonder Lake; Ed ward L. Strauel III and Carol M. Verstege, both McHenry. border. Police escorts were helpful cycling through the large cities, and other cyclists met him in different towns, which provided some diver sion. Blisters, long hills, desert heat and little sleep on his summer trip took a lot of endurance. Haldeman is now training for a marathon race over the same route this summer. The next meeting of the teachers' group will be a luncheon Wednesday, May 26, at the Lakeside center in Crystal Lake. That building, which will be toured, was originally a mansion built by the well-known grain merchant, Charles S. Dole. Any retired teacher or retired person is invited to Join this club. DISCUSSION-DANCE The Aware Singles group will feature a discussion, "Suddenly Single" at 8 p.m. Friday, May 14, at the Lancer, 1450 E. Algonquin road, Schaumburg. A dance with live music will follow at 9 p.m." Aware is a not- for-profit organization concerned with the needs of singles, divorced and widowed people YOUNG SINGLE PARENTS North Shore chapter of Young Single Parents will have a "Wine and Rap" Friday evening, May 14. The subject for this discussion is "Why Remarry?" For more information and location, call 945-3860. YSP offers educational and social programs to meet the needs of divorced, separated or widowed parents, irrespective of custodv. between the ages of 211 E the •tody, between the ages of 21 and 45. ligible persons sre invited to attend e meetings. The Board of Directors, Medical Staff and Hospital Administration wish to thank all employees for a job well done in providing quality patient care throughout the year. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL for McHenry County S27 W South Street Woodstock. Illinois PAT BROWN ^4/ HAS JOINSO OUS STAFF IT ONLY MUITS TO LIAyilTON. At Carol Slock, a complimentary coo- one mini pro** tfcof pf monont hoir romovol. owr woy, I* toM. eontlo, Ovor 40 ynars of Ex- porionc* txlutiv* mothods advoncod •quipmont and troinod d*r mot toon* ottur* you ot tuporior r»*ulH Coil toon and ond tho Hurt ol looving it on QudRlack l VT I *f MOUAi CtYSTAl IAKI 46! Coventry lono SwHo ?5 (815)455-0990 14 Othsr Locations (312) *79-2133 Jsmes Marsh s member of Mrs. Guzzetts's fourth grsde clsss at Edgebrook school, is shown serving his mother, Msry Msrsh, st the brunch held by the clsss in honor of Mother's dsy. The children served their mothers breads and cakes, bakeo in Ux. uom, along with a fresh fruit salad. Hie nutritional aspect of these foods »*• emphasised during their preparation. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD BRET JOHNSON AND ANN MARIE SNYDER ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Richard and Harriet Snyder, 2S14 W. Lincoln road, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter Ann Marie, to Bret Johnson, son of Richard and Barbara Johnson, Denver, Cole. A 1978 graduate of McHenry Community high school, the future bride will graduste from Washington university. SL Louis, Msy 22.1962. The prospective bridegroom Is s 1961 graduate of the same university. A Msy 22.1162 wedding la St. Louis is plsnned. Help Available For New. Moms The New Mom's Discussion group will meet Tuesday, May 18, at 10 a.m. The group, which strives to help new moms deal with all of their new responsibilities, is open to all new moms, offering mothers and babies a time and place to come together and share positive and negative ex periences of parenting and discuss feelings that accompany motherhood during the baby's first year. One need not be a first time mother to attend. For more information and the location of the meeting, interested persons may contact the group's leader, Mrs. Karl (Debbie) Wright of Crystal Lake. The New Mom's Discussion group is a program offered by the Childbirth and Parenting association of McHenry county. C.fcP.A. offers its members support and information to help with their important rolea as parents. One need not be a member of C.fcP.A. to attend the New Mom's Discussion group. Other services offered by C.JtP.A. include a bimonthly newaletter, discussion groups for moms of tots and working moms, children's holiday parties, playgroupa for preschoolers and* meetings which feature authorities speaking on subjects of interest to perents. For more information about the Childbirth and Parenting aasociation, call Mrs. Rodger (Bobbie) Bechtold of Woodstock or Mrs. Kurt (Julie) Smith of McHenry. STARTS JUNE 14TH LIMITED •ENSOUMfNT fantasy farm Summer Day Camp 385-2499 SWIMMING ARTS & CRAFTS GAMES HIKES PICNICS, ETC.