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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1982, p. 8

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PAGEI * pt AIJER. WEDNESDAY, MAY WONDER LAKE Anne Sowers 653-9549 Baseball Season S Officially Opens "Play Ball" will be echoing In everyone's ears Monday, May 31, as the Wonder Lake Boys' baseball season officially begins. ^-- Thto year the opsang ceremony will be held at 2 p.m., with the balls being thrown in fay various sponsors of the Wonder Lake teams. Following the ceremony, one game will be played on the large field, one on the small field, and one on the new 12-13-year-old field. I. ' •, .»*>'. V 0 ' - " o.""" i '• VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Marlene Parquette, Vacation Bible school coordinstor for Nativity Lutheran church, asks that as you make your summer plans, you include Nativity's all new Vacation Bible school program to be held the week of Aug. 9-13. "Living In God's Love" will bring children and adults together in joyous accomplishment to sing, play, share, create, celebrate, learn, pray, and praise. Pre-registration will be held on two Sundays, May 30 and June 6. Marlene and her staff of teachers are excited to share this year's theme with you. Everyone is invited to preview the display that will be in the Narthex of the church those two Sundays. WOMAN'S CLUB FINAL MEETING May 20 will be the last meeting of the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake until the fall. Mrs. Grant Ernst, a past president of the club, will install new officers for the 1962-83 club year. The main topics of discussion will be the club's rummage sale, set for May 22 and 23, along with final piano being made for the Red Cross Swimming lessons to be held July 19-30, an annual event sponsored by the Woman's club. ' After the business meeting, a guest speaker will be giving a talk on the "History of McHenry County". Hostesses for the meeting will be Rita Graff, Joann Firnback, Pam Mueller, Joann Heinly, Libby John­ son, and Jeanne Kusiel. Dues for the 1382-93 year are payable at this meeting, which begins at 3 p.m. in the Nativity Luthersn church hall. * PINOCHLE CLUB Anyone interested in playing Pinochle is welcome to Join the Pinochle club which meets once s month on the first Thursday at 7 p.m. in Christ the King hall. At the present time there are 12 tables, but new members or subs are always needed. Chairmen of the group are Harold and Ruth Zapel, who would enjoy hearing from anyone interested. FIRST COMMUNICANTS May 9 was a special day for 22 members of Christ the King parish and their families ss they received their First Holy Communion during the noon Mass. John Peters received communion along with his two children, Rebecca and Scott, for the first time. Other first communicants were Joshua Benson, John Eichberger, John Klasen, Michael LaMarche, Chad Marke, Heather Martinec, Jennifer Marconi, Bobbie Miller Jason Pankow, James Richter, Laura Rodenkirch, Krlstian Romano, Christopher Schmidt, Ann Marie Sindler, Anna Sokolski, Andrew Stilling, Katheryn Vanderwiei, Dawn Westergard, and Tony Zktak. SAD NEWS TUs past week our community was saddened by 'the deaths of Bud Mc- Mahon and Catherine Omerao. Both of them will be missed. Condolences are sent to their familiss on their recent loss. SPECIAL DAYS "Happy Anniversary" to Rich and Sue Bounds on May 20, as they celebrate their fifth anniversary. "Happy Birthday" to Gladi McGibbon, who will be celebrating her special day May 21. COMMUNITY EVENTS May 19 - Harrison school - Pack 484 8:13 and regular meeting Greenwood school. Woman's club meeting; 8 p.m. Nativity Lutheran church hall. May 22 A 23 - Woman's Club Rummage Sale; 10-3 p.m.; Highland Shores Community building. May 29 <i 39 - Registration for Swimming lessons; 10-2 p.m. May 31 - Boy's Baseball Opener; 2 p.m. Christ the King church fields. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, an Illinois Corporation, Plaintiff, -vs- ARNOLDN. MAY; etsl., Defendants. Legal Notice VILLAGE OF SUNNYSIDE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE An Ordinance making appropriation for the corporate purposes of the Village commencing on tne 1983. TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF SUNNYSIDE, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. SECTION 1: That the following sums, or so much thereof as may be authorized by law be and the same are hereby appropriated for the corporate puiposes of the Village of Sunnvside, Illinois, to deiray all necessary expenses and liabilities of said Village of Sunnyside, as hereinafter specified for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 1982 and ending on the thirtieth day of April, 1983, to-wit: GENERAL FUND: CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT: 1-50-400 Salaries 1 -50-422 Insurance (General) 1-50-423,. Communication 1-50-429 Travel Expense 1-50-430 Auto Allowance 1-50-431 Training 1-50-432 Postage 1-50-433 Publications 1-50-434 Printing 1-50-435 -- Audit 1-50-436 Engineering 1-50-437 Legal 1-50-443 Dues I -50-465 Office Supplies 1-50-480 Miscellaneous 1-50-493 Vehicle II POLICE DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION $ 9,600.00 2,900.00 350.00 280.00 , - - 175.00 350.00 80.00 325.00 400.00 • * 2,200.00 350.00 2,700.00 325.00 365.00 800.00 500.00 1-51-400 1-51-404 1-51-411 1-51-423 1-51-429 1-51-431 1-51-432 1-51-433 1-51-437 1-51-465 1-51-466 1-51-468 1-51-469 1-51-480 1-51-493 1-51-494 Equipment III STREET DEPARTMENT Salaries Insurance (Comprehensive) Maintenance (Vehicles) Communication Travel Expense Training Postage Dues Legal Office Supplies Gas and On « Operating Supplies Uniforms Miscellaneous Vehicle Salaries Maintenance (Streets) Maintenance (Grnd) Snow Removal Street Lighting Engineering Gas and Oil Maintenance (Supplies) Vehicle Equipment 1-53-400 1-53-413 1-53-415 1-53-419 1-53-427 1-53-436 1-53-466 1-53-467 1-53-493 1-53-494 Equipment IV MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS 1-55-400 Salaries 1-55-426 utilities 1-55-480 Miscellaneous V. SANITATION: 1-76-420 Garbage Disposal VI EMERGENCY SERVICES: 4-50-480 Civil Defense TOTALGENERALFUND SPECIAL REVENUE FUND GARBAGE COLLECTION AND REMOVAL: 3-00-420 Garbage Disposal I TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUND I GARBAGE COLLECTION k REMOVAL PARKS FUND 5-00-418 Maintenance Miscellaneous I 5-00-467 Maintenance Supplies 5-00-480 Miscellaneous MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND: TOTAL PARKS FUND 3 1,200 00 NO. 82 CH117 NOTICE The requiaite af­ fidavit for nublication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, NONRECORD CLAI- M A N T S A N D UNKNOWN OWNERS. Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said suit has been com­ menced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County. Illinois, bv the aforesiad Plaintiff against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain' mortgage made by McHenry State Bank, as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agreement dated April 10, 1978 and known as Trust No.. 1476, to McHenry Savings k Loan Association, Mortgagee, - conveying the following described premises to wit: The North 15'* acres of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, (except Lot 15 of Nottingham Woods 2nd Addition, being a Subdivision of pan of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 46 * North, Bangs I East of the Third Prin­ cipal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded December 15, 1978, as Document No. 755672), all in Township 46 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal M e r i d i a n i n McHenry County, Illinois Said property is vacant and unimproved real estate in rural Solorn^Mills, Illinois, that the aforesaid mortgage was filed tor record Tn the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County, Illinois as Document Number 741852, on August 4, 1978; that summons was duly issued out of the court against you as provided by law, and said suit is still pending. NOW, THEREFORE unless you. the said above named Defen­ dants. file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in tne office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, tftwmnn McHenry County, invKffi County Building. 2200 10,500 00 ~Nort'h seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 21st day of June, A.D 1982, default may be entered against you at any time thereafter and a Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said com- DATED: Woodstock, Illinois, May 13, 1982. Vernon W.Kays, Jr., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FREDERICK C. CAPPETTA Attorney for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn AhMM * Chicago, Illinois 80803 (312) 726-9600 (Pub May 19,28 ft June 2,1982) No 820213 Legal Notiee STATE OF ) ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF ) McHENRY ) SS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS D. K. WATSON, as Successor Trustee, etc.,etal., Plaintiffs, RICHARD L HEWITT, etaL. Defendants ST. PAUL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO, Counter-plaintiff, v. RICHARD HEWITT a-k-a RICHARD L. HEWITT, etaL, * Counter- Defendants. NO 82 CH 089 13,600.00 200.00 1,200.00 4,500.00 150.00 680.00 20.00 85.00 1,200 00 100.00 2,700.00 1,100.00 500.00 200.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,150.00 250.00 500.00 950.00 4,500.00 600.00 360.00 550.00 190.00 5,200.00 500.00 373,665 00 200 00 250.00 750.00 20-00-413 20-00-415 20-00-419 20-00-436 20-00-480 VEHICLE TAX FUND: 21-00-427 21-00-434 21-00-437 Maintenance (Streets) Maintenance (Grounds) Snow Removal Engineering Miscellaneous 5,100.00 1,500.00 9.600.00 1,000.000 6,500.00 TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 3 23,700.00 "NO# THEREFORE. UNLESS YOU. the said defendants, file your answer to the counter- complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance {herein, in the Office of the Clerk of the 19th Judicial Circuit, at the Courthouse, in the City of Woodstock. McHenry County, Illinois on or before the 25th day of June, 1982. default may be entered against vou at any time after that day and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said counter-complaint. Dated: . May 14 at Woodstock, Illinois. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., Clerk of the 19th Judicial Circuit RIGHEIMER RIGHEIMER 4 MARTIN P C. 135 South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 80803 726-58% (Pub May 19.26& June 2,1982)) No. 820217 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FREDERICK C. CAPPETTA Attorney for Plafaitiff Seven South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois (312) 728-9800 (Pub. May 19,29* June 2,1992) No. 820214 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL COURT McHENRY COUNTY- WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS TheLotnasand ) Nettleton > Company, ) PLAINTIFF, ) -vs- y. ' " •) ) Raymond W. >, Woodall, Jr.. > Larraine S. Woodall, ) AND UNKNOWN ) OWNERS ) . DEFENDANTS. ) •'-*No. 82CH134 NOTICE OF * PUBLICATION The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you: "UNKNOWN OWNERS", defendants in tie above entitled suit, A hat the said suit has been commenced in the 19th Judicial Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, by the counter-plaintiff against you and other defen­ dants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the firemises described as ollows. to-wit: The West 218 feet of the South 1000 feet of - the East half of the 1 North East quarter of Section 22, Township 46 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal M e r i d i a n , i n McHenry County, Illinois, commonly known as 4112 Kuhn Road, Richmond, Illinois. and which said Mor­ tgage was made by RICHARD HEWEITT a n d P A M E L A H F.WITT, his wife, (Moryiagors) to ST. PAUL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO, as Mor­ tgagee. and recorded in tne Office of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, Illinois, as Document No 690158. And for such other relief prayed; that summons was duly, issued out of the said 19th Judicial Circuit Court against you as Firovidea by law, and hat the said suit is now PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Raymond W. Woodall, Jr., Larraine S. W o o d a l l , a n d UNKNOWN OWNERS. Defendants in the above entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of McHenry Countv, Chancery Division, 6y the said Plaintiff against you and other defendants, praying for the 1 foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to- wit: Lot 6 in Block 13 in Lakeland Park Unit 3, being a Sub­ division of part of the East half of the East Half of Section 28, Township 45 North, Range 8. East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the P l a t t h e r e o f recorded September 8,1953, as Document No 269384, in Book 11 of Plats, page 90, in McHenry County, Illinois. Common Address: 1916 Sunset McHenrv. Illinois 60050 and' which said Mor- McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, an Illinois Corporation, Plaintiff, s -vs- ARNOLD N. MAY; et al., Defendants. NO 82 CH 118 Street Lighting Printing Legal 2,500.00 560.00 500.00 Legal Notice MAY 1982 VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR COLLECTOR'S ANNUAL REPORT MAY 1,1981 TO APR1L30,1982 TOTAL VEHICLE TAX FUND 3 3,580.00 r REVENUE SHARING FUND: 45-00-418 Maintenance 45-51-480 Miscellaneous 45-53-493 Vehicle 45-53-494 Equipment TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND SPECIAL REVENUE FUND LAND AND BUILDING ACQUISITION: \ 47-00-490 Land 47-00-491 Building 47-00-494 Equipment 24 - Business Licenses ' Copies 4 - Election Rentals 1 - F r a n c h i s e F e e ( C a b l e T V ) 4 • Garage Sales 4 • Insurance Refunds 6-Liquor Licenses 1 • Liquor License Application 32 - Permits, Building 3 5,500.00 3-Permits.Sign 1 - Permit. Well 1-Police Fine 213 • Vehicle Stickers 12 - Water Meters 2 - Zoning Board Hearings 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 6,500.00 3,600.00 2,000.00 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR LAND 4 BUILDING ACQUISITION 3 12,100.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION $130,225.00 SECTION 2: The said several sums of money are hereby appropriated from m25.iSUTSS?lvel??dft* received by the Village of Sunnyside from all sources. Sims Copy Machine SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall take effectand be in full force and effect Police School Telephone REFUNDS: Clarke Outdoor Spraying Convention Reservations Municipal Dinners from and after its passage a ndappi roval, and publication as required by law. PASSED by the President andTrustees of tne Village of Sunnyside, Illinois this 4th day of May. 1982 (CORPORATE SEAL) ATTEST: -S-Betty Messer Village Clerk APPROVED: -S- William J. Mitchell Village President TOTAL TOTAL DEPOSITED WITH VILLAGE TREASURER- NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, hereby NONREC CLAIMANTS AND UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said suit has been com­ menced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County. Illinois, by the aforesaid Plaintiff against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage made by McHenry State Bank, as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agreement, dated January 16, 1978, and known as Trust No. 1406, to McHenry Savings & Loan Association, Mortgagee, conveying the following described premises to wit: The North 766 feet of the West 398.07 feet of the East 2123.07 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 48 North, Range 9 East of the Third Princpal Meridian, (except that part conveyed f r o m T h o m a s Graham Walsh and . Dianne E., his wife, to the State of Illinois by Warranty Deed dated July 21. 1971 and recorded December 13, 1971, as Document No. 557174), in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is vacant and unimproved real estate in rural Solon Mills. Illinois - that the aforesaid mortgage was filed for record In the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County, Illinois as Document Number 723125, on February 10, 1978; that summons ,..was„. duly issued out of the court 140.5) against you as provided 391 90 by law, and said suit is still pending. ' NOW, THEREFORE, unless you, the said above named Defen- danta, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk fo the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, County Building, 2200 N o r t n S e m i n a r y ^ Avenue, Woodstock. <2 °0 Illinois, on or before the 8 40 21st day of June, A.D. default 570.00 23 95 20.00 5,235.31 4,300.00 100.00 1,082.00 75.00 23.00 5.00 1,088.50 673.21 200.00 181.94 120.00 894.90 390.00 $13,494.72 $15,494.72 No ay 19, I IMV17 Lola Narcaroti, CLERK, Village of Lakemoor (Pub. May 19,1992) No (00216 1392, default may be entered against you at any time thereafter and a judgement entered in accordance with the prayer of said com- DATED: Woodstock, Illinois, May 13. 1992. Vernon WKavs. Jr.. to the Plat thereof recorded 9-12-50 as DoHSl8, in Book 11 of Plata, page 12, in McHenry County, Illinois. c-k-a 1422 Snowbeny ital Lake, IL., Cryst 83039 ORDER THIS MATTER coming to be heard on the motion of the Plaintiff for an Order directing the Defendants, CHARLES E KEE JR., RUTHANNE E. KEE< and Unknown Owners to appear and file their Answer or otherwise plead to the Complaint to Foreclose Mortgage heretofore filed in this matter and it appearing that an Affidavit of Non- Residence and Petition for Order of Publication having been filed herein, and the Court being fully advised in the premises; If IS HEREBY O R D E R E D t h a t Defendants herein, CHARLES E. KEE JR., RUTHANNE E. KEE a n d U N K N O W N OWNERS, file their ans­ wers or otherwise plead to the • Complaint to Foreclose Mortgage heretofore filed by Plaintiff on or before June 30, 1982. IT fs FURTHER ORDERED that notice of this order bte published in tie McHenry Plaindeapr, once a week for six?<6) consecutive weeks. ENTER: Judge Mar­ shall Dated: May 6, 1982 FISHER AND FISHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PC. Attorneys for Plaintiff 30 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 312-372-4784 (Pub. May 12,19,26, June 2,9 k 16,1982) No. 820208 Notice Legal STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Southeasterly on the center line of said Route 25, to a point on the Westerly line of Block 2 of. Scheid s First Subdivision according to the Plat' thereof recorded July 2. 1927 as Document No. 78799 in Book 5 of Plats, page 93, as e x t e n d e d N o r ­ theasterly; Thence South, 25 degrees 30 minutes West, alone the Westerly line of said Scheid's First Subdivision, and said line extended 443 feet; thence South 64 degrees, 30 minutes East, 100 feet, thence South 25 degrees 30 minutes West. 195 3 feet to the South line of said Northwest Quarter and thence West. 396.42 feet to the Sace of beginning, in cHenry County. Illinois, commonly' known as 2439 River Road. Griswald Lake Illinois. and for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is now pending NOW THEREFORE unless you, the said above named defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of The 19th J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t , McHenry County, State of IUinois, The Court House Woodstock. Illinois, on or before the 7th day of June, 1982. default mav be entered against you at any time after that date and a Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint Dated. W o o d s t o c k Illinois. April 29, 1982 Vernon W. Kays, Jr Clerk of the Court Publication Dates: Mav 5, 12 & 19, 1982 E r w i n G r o m b a c h e r Esquire 180 North LaSalle Street Suite 2001 Chicago, Illinois 60601 726-3925 (Pub. May5,12& 19. 1982) No. 820203 Legal Notice Woodall, Mortgagors, to The Lomas And Net­ tleton Company as Mortgagee, and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, Illinois, as document number 792927. And for other relief: that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the suit is now pending. N o w , t h e r e f o r e , unless you, the said above named defen­ dants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry C o u n t y , C h a n c e r y Division, in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 14th day of June, 1982. default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a decree en­ tered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. Dated, Woodstock, Illinois, May 4, 1982. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk SHAPIRO k KREISMAN, P C Attorneys for Plaintiff 1535 Lake'Cook Road Northbrook, Illinois 60062 . 312-584-9000 Mail To: Raymond W. Woodall, Jr.. 1916 Sunset, McHenry, Illinois 60060, Larraine S. Woodall, 1916 Sunaet, McHenry, I l l i n o i s 6 0 0 5 0 , UNKNOWN OWNERS, 1916 Sunset, McHenry, Illinois 60050. 82-6000 (Pub May 12,19* May 28,1992) No 820206 Legal Notice IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, for the Nor­ thern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. Union National Bank ot Little Rock Plaintiff, -vs- Charles E. Kee Jr., et al. Case No. 93 C 3097 Involving a mortgage foreclosure concerning the following described property: L o t S i n t h e R e - Subdivision of Block 44 of R A. Cepek's Crystal Vista, a Subdivision of part of Section 1, Township 43 N., Range 7, E. of the 3rd p M . FIRST FEDERAL ) SAVINGS AND ) LOAN •> ) ASSOCIATION ) OFWILMETTE, ) a corporation ) under the laws ) of the ) United States, ) ) * Plaintiff ) ) -vs- ) ) ARVID R. OLSON, ) MARILYN A. ) OLSON, -- ) THE BANK & ) TRUST COMPANY ) OF ARLINGTON ) HEIGHTS ) as Trustee under ) Trust. No. 1557 ) dated September - ) 13,1977, ) NON-RECORD ) CLAIMANTS and ) "UNKNOWN OWNERS". ) ) Defendants. ) No 82CH128 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) )SS ) ) Esq. PUBLICATION Erwin Grombacher, '180 North LaSalle St. Suite 2001 Chicago, Illinois 60601 (312 ) 728-3925 State of Illinois, County of McHenry SS - In the Circuit Court of the l<wh Judicial Circuit. First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Wilmette, a corporation under the laws of the United States, Plaintiff, vs. Arvid R. Olson, Marilyn A. Olson, the Bank and Trust Company of Arlington Heights as Trustee under Trust No. 1557 dated September 13. 1 9 7 7 , N o n - R e c o r d Claimants and "Unknown Owners", Defendants, No. 82CH128. The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is »much thereof as shall hereby given you. "Uninown Owners" Non-Record Claimants, defendants in the above- entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of The N i n e t e e n t h J u d i c i a l Circuit, McHenry County, State of IUinois, by the said plaintiff against you and other defendants. praying for foreclosure of a certain mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to wit: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY ILLINOIS 1ST FINANCIAL ') SAVINGS li LOAN > -ASSOCIATION, ) an Illinois > corporation, ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ' ) DESSIE E. » STICKLES; > PATRICIA A. > STICKLES; > Unknown Owners > and Nonrecord > Claimants, > ) Defendants. > Gen. No. 82 CH 048 NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pur suance of a Judgment heretofore entered by the said Court in the above entitled cause, a Judge for the 19th Judicial Circuit of M c H e n r y C o u n t y . Illinois wul on Friday, the 2nd day of July, A D 1982, at the hour of 9:00 a.m., at the Courthouse in the City of Wood stock, Room 309, M c H e n r y C o u n t y . Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular, the following ^described premises, and real estate in said Judgment 'mentioned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or All that part of the Northwest Quarter ot Section 17, Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point *sn the South line of s a i d N o r t h w e s t Quarter, 387.18 feet East of the Southwest c o r n e r t h e r e o f : thence North parallel with the West line of s a i d N o r t h w e s t Quarter to the center line of State Aid Route «• f hence be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment, to-wit: Lot 2 in Block 2 in Pistakee Highlands Unit No. 5, a SuB- division of part of t h e S o u t h w e s t Quarter of Section 5, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the T h i r d P r i n c i p a l Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded May 2,1955 as Document No. 289020, in Book 12 of Plats, page 20, in McHenry County. Illinois commonly known as 715 W . B r o a d w a y . McHenry. Illinois 60050. t o g e t h e r w i t h a l l buildings and "im­ provements thereon and the tenements and h e r e d i t a m e n t s a n d appurtenances . there­ unto belonging. Dated 5-14-82 Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois (Pub May 19,28* June 2,1392) No *20218

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