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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1982, p. 18

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mm *>M E is - PLA1NDBA1^» • WEDNESDAY. MAT l». MM MCCULLOM LAKE Dawn Miller 365-4901 Vandalize Area Beach Equipment The girls teked about e possible fund raieer on the 4th at July. Chris Leweon brought refreehmente, and Joan Seifert won the potted plant. Immediately after the short week go to Mae Aubin, who celahrotee May 19; Don Nelson on "May 30; Sherry Scarbrough's apodal day is May 22; Brook Elliot turns another year over May S and Ktonon tear- brough celebrates May ». We wish you all the beet and good tfanes In the year DovidJ. Unrafc, R. village vs Alfredo Ul, ae Lk.,no LAKEMOOR-LILYMOOR AREA Morgoret Koros M5-4934 MNV Ther« «u • board meeting Tuwday yettng. « ̂y ̂ oe tog, evening, Key 11 Ten new boet poets tUneyemert end P^ting were (mulled for the people who pay M*n-K>ld fnr iMfp rental and eiiht sneces have been rented out alrea^lf you desire a space, contact the clerk's office. Many destructive things hove been happening alreedy down at the beach, and summer is hardly here The flag pole was destroyed; the raft has been moved several times by youths; some playground equipment is broken. These things are all ours, so when someone is abusive to our equipment, it hurts us all. If you see someone being purposely destructive, try to stop them or call the notice or a village official. The only/Way to stop this is by us all lookiM out. I would like to reminp everyone that aw beach and park ail private, which means it is for villa# residents and their guests only. If* your guest is going to the besch Mh you, he will need a guest pass to dflplay in his car window, or he may be iteketed Just as our boat launching is private; every resident who intends to launch a boat, must display a boat sticker. Another issue brought up was dogs on the park and beach. It is clearly posted "No Dogs Allowed". All these rules and regulations help to make our beach and park a better place to enjoy ourselves. CLERK S HOURS My office hours for the next several months are on Wednesdays from 2 through 6:30 p.m. If I have to run my sons to baseball games or practices, I will leave a note. Then, please call me at 385-2211 to set up another day or time that is convenient to us both. BEACH GALS MEETING There was s short Besch Gsls meeting Wednesday evening, May 5. Fifteen people in all were on hand to listen to this very informative talk. The Beach Gals meet on the first 'aWednesday of every month at 7:10 at the beach houee. They are a hard working group of women, who do many wonderful things for the village and its children. Any ladles interested in finding out more are welcome to come to these meetings. . •... . - ' " . ' »" GET WELL WISHES We are extending get well wishes to Terry Levin who underwent surgery recently. We hope thet by the time she reeds thie, she is feeling much better. VACATION ABROAD Two of our men are going to take a trip abroad; they are Sergio and Tony Martini, father and son. They are going to Italy to visit Sergio's tether and Tony will be staying on with his grandfather for pert of the summer. We wish you both a bon voyege. COMPANY FOR MOTHER'S DAY Betty Murrey enioyed hevtng her daughter Judy and husband Ride and sons Brien end Erktfrom Minnesota here over Mother's day weekend. Rick's parents from Florida aleo drove up. It wes quite e lively end happy time at the Murrey household, plus such a nice Mother's day for Betty BIRTHDAYS Belated birthday wishes go to Theresa Fischer on May 12; and Mary Brand turned another yeer older May 14. We hope that both your birthdays were delightful and that you blew out all the candles. Happy birthday wishes for this BELATED ANNIVERSARY WISHES Belated anniversary wishee go to Ed end Helen Naeh, who celebrated S2 yearo together in wedded bUee on May 13; end to Brien end RoeaHe Hancock celebrating 14 happy years together. Mev you heve many more good years end times together. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Mey 33, Tueedey, Village Board meeting et 3 p.m. All village reefckmts welcome. APRIL TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS Judith A. Pendleton, McCuBora Lk.. no village veh. sticker. David G. Pendleton, McCullom Lk., no village veh. sticker. Jeffrey B. Hubbard, McCullom Lk., no village veh. eticker. Merk R. Jedzak, McCullom Lk., no village veh. eticker. Anthony Auguetyniak, McCullom Lk., no village veh. sticker. Don B. Lee, McCullom Lake, no village veh. sticker. Ray A. Osterby, McCullom Lk., no village veh. sticker. Arnold Jensen, McCullom Lk., no villege veh. sticker. Danny L. Shaner, McCullom Lk., no village veh. sticker. E. Lk., no JohnE. villege veh. Gregory village veh. Mark S. speed 34 in 3D Lk., no MeCMBom Lk., aa Gustafson, Grayalake, Saturday Night Produces Fright wifl he So we etart tUe 31 in, __ James F. Kennedy, McCullom Lk., violete Ord. No. 71, by keeping an millrrnoert vehicle not in e garage. Linda L. Bacon, McCullom Lk., apeed SO in 33 .aone. Roger A. Bates, McCullom Lk., no village veh. sticker. Tom Thomaa, Beneenvilie, apeed 34 in 40 tone. Kevin F. Russell. Ringwood, no village eticker. Scott J. DUI, Florida, apeed 31 in 40 At mkMgbt. May t, afl was peaceftd on Lqy Lake read Tfcare wee no sound ei can, no dogs barking a the night An sxplsstn noiee shelved the ettBneee at Cerl Stromley's home, at a -- filled with zone. lllMllAlatfll Thomaa O. Modjsebi, IJL, speed » In 30 zone. Linda M. Brandenburger, McHenry, speed 90 in 40 mm -a -« il £% J E«owaro PI. uaroooa, speed 90 in 40 tone. Tom M. Tranberg, Wonder Lk., 93 in 40 sone. S. Nits, McCullom Lk., •pood 90 in 40 sone. Timothy H. Router, Woodstock, speed 97 in 40 sone end driving on suspended driver's license. qnerti iKfUK ̂ was utrowii n IM breaking through two layers of hashing off g otiah- im«t (pg against the kitchen wall. Carl was sleeping on e couch in living room, wae all around him, miraculously wasn't hurt. Jackie by the but wae rehev am DtOOOy Neither Jackie nor Carl heard any footetene or car noiass immediately after the aoeault. Neighbors were not aware of any activity. The Sheriff's deputy took the bottle which had not broken, to examine for fliigsopi lets. Hie identification of the attacker and the reaeon for the attack are still those wht T. the might liw glass June 3 Ha • » wee jarred awake ' »k.l # I A I s wrnw> ingHicneG, to find Cart scared COMMUNITY CALENDAR May 10 - Beke and what-not eale at Moeee ledge; bring in Hens and buy after 10 a.m.; benefit senior dttssne. May 37 r- Lakemoor Village inseting, 3 p.m. May 37 - Opsn meeting; McHsery. Nunda PidMk Uhrnry District Bees# of Trustees; 7:30 at the library. May 30-31; Memorial day.' the promises made by! «S0TM Or (oW mi wy Uve the good HCe. - Free blood pneenw Moeee lodge. Route 130; 10:30 e.m. June 7 - LUymoor eeeedatiea meeting; 7:10 p.m.; 1000 N. Dale. June 10 - Lakemoor Village meeting, 3 p.m. rr June 11-13 - LUymoor aale; Lung Meeting In McHenry breathing and oxygen equipment in the home. Verioua typee of breathing machinee and oxygen equipment will The American Lung association of DuPage and McHenry counties, in cooperation with McHenry hospital, will hold its next "PAL" (Problems Affecting Lungs) breathing club meeting Tuesday, May 29, et 7:10 p.m. in the cafeteria of McHenry hospital. These meetings are open to a experiencing respiratory and their familiea. Mrs. Jo Allen, R.T., director of respiratory therepy et McHenry hoepital and Lung aasocietion board member, will discuss the use of be displeyed end pauUdpehte will be told how to safely handle and clean the machinee in the home. A short film will alao be presented on the topic of breothing exercises and postural drainage. This program is free-of-charge and made poaaible through support of the Lung aeeodetkm in McHenry county. For more information contact the Lung association at 309-3300. OUT THEY 601 SAVE MQWI I 10 - SAY CLEAN-UP SALE RCA XL-100 25 1 25" RCA CONSOLE 1 *498 :;X;: Traditional styling In ook coblnat features Automatic Color Control ond Slgno Lock alac- tronlc tuning. Automatic Fin* Tuning assures ijijij: your picture It right • vary time. , s399 Was 569.95 Push button tuning. 1 only. 19" COLOR TV by SONY $519 14 push button ; electronic tuning Regularly 599.99 jjivi Dig 21" picture M table model. M Was 959.95 SONY 21" COLOR TV $839 BLACK/WHITE TV~~ s79 12" compact from RCA. •ij Regularly 101.95 STEREO BARGAINS PANASONIC AM/FM RCVR Belt drive turntable. ADC cartridge Was 369.95 ckntrkxiuwVcasscttF Duilt-in equalizer, e •• Dolby. Speakers ^RRRR lnd.Wos629.9qJ ^WW IwSS k̂mifSSSSm 3 Way speokers WAPPV 0 Ind. LED sound level Ind. $200 PANASONIC AM/FM/ • TRACK Plus belt drive turntoble and Fisher speokers. Was 574.00 *400 • TRACK DICK Centrex by Pioneer. Record, ploy boch, V.U. meters. LED Indicator. Was 249.95 ITSNMInott ̂ AM/FM with mute. Subsonic filter. 30W per channel. • ••••••?• ~iilANK CASSETTE TAPES TDK AD-C 90 . TDK SA-C90 100 350 '11.00 Reg. 12.47 $13.00 Reg. 15.95 3-pock 49 :::v: • COUPON • TV 0AMES OFF the 4 regular price of ony cartridge • COVPON • 3-pock walkXromb stereo Reg. 59.95. Caprice dual volume controls. Light wt. ear phones. RSCSRSNM TAPS $1 Off regular I price • Maxell and TDK • C00P0N • RECORDS-TAPES 6 Track - Special Group ... Cassettes - Special Group... LP Records • Special Group 0 Tracks • Entire Stock Plus PKU Carrying Case with OCQ/ purchase of 2 Zd /O NEED HELP? m i OPNCCOPCN9-11AM AND PROM 7 - 9PM MOM. THRU PRI. U HOURS AMSWIR1NG SIRVICE 815-385-2999 We are thankful that neither of the rare hurt, but these le the thet there ie someone nearby who is quietly evil. FAMILY TOGETHERNESS The first weekend In May found all the rooms in the Don Leake home in LUymoor being uoed. Visitors from Indiana included Le Verne's daughter Carol and her hue band Frank, granddaughter Chrieand her huofcend Jack, and granddaughter Cynthie. Mr. and Mra. Eckert from Arlington Heighte, LeVerne's sister end brother-in-lew, joined in the festivities, es did Carol's sister Janice and her husband Butch Justen from McHenry. Neighbors Bud and Alma Hueckataedt eleo stopped in. The familiee could not get together for Easter or Mother's day, ao this weekend was the compromise date. Lots of laughter and memorieo were shared and much coffee consumed. Perhape next yeer LaVerne and Don will be able to do the visiting! k ' PRAYERS NEEDED Undo Pickett of FrHxeche Estetes is going through a difficult time with a heelth problem. Daughter Diane has been making her mother comfortable aa she aweite further inetructione from the doctor. Rodna Gainee of Parkside haa been hospitalised with a back problem. Anna Quk>m underwent aurgery and la convaleedng under the watchful care of husband Harry. GRADUATION AGAIN Not counting kiticksr^jirtcn, daughter Maribeth has graduated four timee. She eta tee unequivocally, that thie will be the laat time from an institution of education. On Saturday, May I, at the Duke Ellington ballroom, Northern IlUnoia university campus, Maribeth received her Mooter s degree in Library Science. Added to the uouel robe end mortar board was a hood, which made for e lot of fun trying to figure out whet went where. Meribeth'a aieter Mergeret r l the com-: the day at Frances, Bruno and 11 DeKelb, mencement eervice. As graduations are not really the moat exdting of spectator aporte, we found thie one the moot. Dave Edwards end Chris Goetechel, local friends, five up after one half hour of the main epesker'e chatter ebout nothing, went out for e aandwich, returned endMr .Klutxnick wee etill verbalizing Even the loomed people on stege hed to p*op up their chine. Finelly, the name calling started, diplome esses were given, end the meaning of two years of long hours of study and etreos became apperent. Education ia that pricfleaa com­ modity thet can never be taken awey, end bee given theee young people en important role in our woriu. Feeling ae many naronta of graduatee do, we say in honor of Meribeth'a achievement: "This is our beloved daughter in whom we are well GOD BLESS HAPPY BIRTHDAYS May 19 is the birthdate of Mike Dougleaa, one of the boy scouts who helped Eagle Scout aepirent, Brien Deeke, with hie project of pointing the exterior of the library on Lily Lake road. Shawna Dawdy of LUymoor, Patrick Heeld, and Petty Chambers, who will be 17, all celebrate on Mey SO. Larry Withrow's special day ie Mey 21. Little miss Samantha Perrotta of DIVORCES Paulette E. Geeke end LeRoy H. Geske; Frederick J. Schlack and Janice L. Waline Schlock. Cheryl Hume end Jemee R. Hume; Marie L. Retzlaff end Roger A. Retzlaff; A.B. Boiey and Lois M. Boley. Gale M. Brady and Chariee Brady; Arthur J.. Rothiguez end Anne L. Rodriguez; Jemee D. ArquUle and Elizabeth A. Arquilla. w M M East Math Students Earn High Rating In Contest PANASONIC AM/FM CASSETTf Nor./Met. to^e. a Locking FF 6 x 9 ^ 0UU>:| HEPPNER speokers Rej. 347.95 ^ ~ ~ | YmiriuHMTkssini Dolonee - Foder 179 go ij; controls6x9 _ a Tenno C "Power Wower" V speakers. riNSEN AM/FM CASSETTE ln-dosh mounting with ^ Jensen COAX • speokers. Re^234.90 ^ TRAioTriAckT' EM Was 1fi9.95 "as is" • Wx BACK DOOR „ TAVERN 1 ANNOUNCES Nun orast OF THE KERUHOI FEATURING ^ DAVE DALTQN ̂ SATURDAY, MAY 22 From 6:00 p.m. to ? ($1.00 Cover) 2912 W. Rte. 120, McHenry 385-9757 • CWR • IP RICORiS 5 Iff regular 1 price ony album 4-- • (IWR it vrntak I iff regular price. Beta or VHS blocks it CifiM it TOMES MUSIC | ELECTRONICS 3719 W. Elm St. • McHenry 385-4646 Quantity limited to stock* on hand. Many Itoms aro floor models and 1-of- a-klnd. No refunds on sale merchan­ dise. Hurry in for best selection I SALE BATES: MAY 19-29 ONLY I J McHENRY OPTICIANS 1901 fclVERSIDE DR. McHiNRY, ILLINOIS (Across from the Fox Hole) On Thureday, May f, 25 Eaet cempue math students participeted in the annual Fox Valley conference Mathematics contest. The locel entrants flniehed fourth, only two points ewey from e third piece flnieh, which showed e marked im­ provement over last yeer. The teem score of 222 points lift the Eeet campus contingent only SO points behind the winning Woodstock high school team which scored 221 points. T h e A d v e n c e d Algebra teem won e first piece overall among the six teams entered in this dtviekm. The teem members first in solving retlc equetione. let studente who participeted in the Advejcej^Al|ebre ̂ competition were Dewn Dcebiens, Joe Gettone, Greg Hejek, Deb Koerber, Lisa Mazsoni, and )im Wynveen. Aleo doing well in the contest wes the Algebra 1 team which pieced second among the teame entered m that competition end the Geometry teem which tied for second place. Algebra I teem mem­ bers included Anne Bruli, Renee Dowe, Steve Law, Mel Mc- Williams, Brian Smith, and Gery Strom. Perticipetlng in the Geometry conteet were Wilfred Aide, Cethy C u r r e n , C h e r l e n e Einwick, Jeff Geeiow, Jeni Hodges, end Deve Over one end women trained wider the GI Bill while still on active military duty. YM WAIT! (Single Vision Only) 0«er).eesrir«t •i ALL KIDS A VISIT «« % SECTION CltitOMS With Purchase O f t KRYSTAL KLEAR ten mm is too eooonogeu" oyiuiweoe 4lwstMpi ( 8 1 5 ) 3 8 5 3 2 < 4 0 era •0111 CirtHlcaln FULLY INSURED • BONDED tis-ses-ierr

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